internal double DistanceAlongRay2(DmtxRay2 ray) { if (Math.Abs(1.0 - ray.V.Mag()) > DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { throw new ArgumentException("DistanceAlongRay2: The ray's V vector must be a unit vector"); } return((this - ray.P).Dot(ray.V)); }
internal bool PointAlongRay2(DmtxRay2 ray, double t) { if (Math.Abs(1.0 - ray.V.Mag()) > DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { throw new ArgumentException("PointAlongRay: The ray's V vector must be a unit vector"); } DmtxVector2 tmp = new DmtxVector2(ray.V._x * t, ray.V._y * t); this._x = ray.P._x + tmp._x; this._y = ray.P._y + tmp._y; return(true); }
internal bool Intersect(DmtxRay2 p0, DmtxRay2 p1) { double denominator = p1.V.Cross(p0.V); if (Math.Abs(denominator) < DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { return(false); } double numerator = p1.V.Cross(p1.P - p0.P); return(PointAlongRay2(p0, numerator / denominator)); }
internal double DistanceFromRay2(DmtxRay2 ray) { if (Math.Abs(1.0 - ray.V.Mag()) > DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { throw new ArgumentException("DistanceFromRay2: The ray's V vector must be a unit vector"); } return ray.V.Cross(this - ray.P); }
internal bool PointAlongRay2(DmtxRay2 ray, double t) { if (Math.Abs(1.0 - ray.V.Mag()) > DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { throw new ArgumentException("PointAlongRay: The ray's V vector must be a unit vector"); } DmtxVector2 tmp = new DmtxVector2(ray.V._x * t, ray.V._y * t); this._x = ray.P._x + tmp._x; this._y = ray.P._y + tmp._y; return true; }
internal bool Intersect(DmtxRay2 p0, DmtxRay2 p1) { double denominator = p1.V.Cross(p0.V); if (Math.Abs(denominator) < DmtxConstants.DmtxAlmostZero) { return false; } double numerator = p1.V.Cross(p1.P - p0.P); return PointAlongRay2(p0, numerator / denominator); }