Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns a list of Files
        /// </summary>
        public static List <string> AddFiles(List <string> sourceFiles, List <string> filesToAdd)
            // initial value
            List <string> files = null;

            // If the sourceFiles object exists
            if (NullHelper.Exists(sourceFiles))
                // Set the return value to the sourceFiles so far
                files = sourceFiles;
                // Create the return value
                files = new List <string>();

            // At this point the files return value has to exist

            // If the filesToAdd collection exists and has one or more items
            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(filesToAdd))
                // Iterate the collection of string objects
                foreach (string file in filesToAdd)
                    // Add this file

            // return value
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns an enumeration value for the enumValueString given
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="enumValueAsString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T GetEnumValue <T>(string enumValueAsString, object notFoundValue)
            // set the return value
            T enumValue = (T)notFoundValue;

            // Get the enumValues
            List <T> enumValues = GetEnumValues <T>();

            // If the enumValues collection exists and has one or more items
            if ((ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(enumValues)) && (TextHelper.Exists(enumValueAsString)))
                // itereate the enumValues
                foreach (T tempEnumValue in enumValues)
                    // if this is the enum being sought
                    if (tempEnumValue.ToString().ToLower() == enumValueAsString.ToLower())
                        // set the return value

            // return value
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to check if a List of numbers is greater than or equal to the min
        /// and less than or equal to the max.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="number"></param>
        /// <param name="min"></param>
        /// <param name="max"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsInRange(List <Decimal> numbers, Decimal min, Decimal max)
            // set the return value
            bool isInRange = false;

            // If the numbers collection exists and has one or more items
            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(numbers))
                // set to true now
                isInRange = true;

                // Iterate the collection of Decimal objects
                foreach (Decimal number in numbers)
                    // if NOT in range
                    if (!IsInRange(number, min, max))
                        // set to false
                        isInRange = false;

                        // break out of loop

            // return value
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the Text Lines, with Environment.NewLine appended after each line.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lines">A collection of TextLines to rebuild into a file or block'</param>
        /// <param name="mustContainText">If present, a line must have this to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="mustNotContainText">If present, a line with will not be added</param>
        public static string ExportTextLines(List <TextLine> lines, string mustContainText = "", string mustNotContainText = "")
            // initial value
            string result = "";

            // locals
            bool mustContain    = TextHelper.Exists(mustContainText);
            bool mustNotContain = TextHelper.Exists(mustNotContainText);
            bool addLine        = false;

            // If the lines collection exists and has one or more items
            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(lines))
                // Create a new instance of a 'StringBuilder' object.
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                // Iterate the collection of TextLine objects
                foreach (TextLine line in lines)
                    // reset, default to true
                    addLine = true;

                    // if the value for mustContain is true
                    if (mustContain)
                        // add line is true if this string contains the mustContainText
                        addLine = line.Text.Contains(mustContainText);

                    // if addLine is true,a nd the mustNotContain is true
                    if (addLine && mustNotContain)
                        // if the line contains the mustNotContainText
                        if (line.Text.Contains(mustNotContainText))
                            // do not add this line
                            addLine = false;

                    // if addLine is true
                    if (addLine)
                        // Add this line

                        // Add a NewLine char

                // Set the result
                result = sb.ToString();

            // return value
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns a list of file names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files">The files must be passed in by reference because this method calls itself over and over and over and over, so use caution on where you call this.</param>
        /// <param name="directoryPath">The path to the Directory containing the files</param>
        /// <param name="filterExtensions">This override accepts a list of filters instead of just one so that mutliple types can be found</param>
        /// will be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="removeExtension">If true, the extension is removed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <string> GetFilesRecursively(string directoryPath, ref List <string> files, List <string> filterExtensions = null, bool removeExtension = false)
            // locals
            List <string> tempFiles   = null;
            List <string> directories = null;

            // If the filePath string exists
            if ((TextHelper.Exists(directoryPath)) && (Directory.Exists(directoryPath)))
                // get the files
                tempFiles = GetFiles(directoryPath, filterExtensions, removeExtension);

                // Add the files that were found (if the source files do not exist, they will be created)
                files = AddFiles(files, tempFiles);

                // get a list of directories
                directories = Directory.GetDirectories(directoryPath).ToList();

                // If the directories collection exists and has one or more items
                if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(directories))
                    // Iterate the collection of string objects
                    foreach (string directory in directories)
                        // get the files
                        tempFiles = GetFilesRecursively(directory, ref files, filterExtensions, removeExtension);

                        //// if any files were found
                        //if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(tempFiles))
                        //    // Add the files that were found (if the source files do not exist, they will be created)
                        //    files = AddFiles(files, tempFiles);

            // return value
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a new list, and ensure the members are In Range from the source values
        /// </summary>
        public static List <Decimal> EnsureInRange(List <Decimal> values, Decimal minValue, Decimal maxValue)
            // initial value
            List <Decimal> newList = null;

            // If the values collection exists and has one or more items
            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(values))
                // create a new list
                newList = new List <Decimal>();

                // iterate the list
                foreach (Decimal value in values)
                    // Add this value
                    newList.Add(EnsureInRange(value, minValue, maxValue));

            // return value
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns a list of file names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directoryPath">The path to the Directory containing the files</param>
        /// <param name="filterExtensions">This override accepts a list of filters instead of just one so that mutliple types can be found</param>
        /// will be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="removeExtension">If true, the extension is removed</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <string> GetFiles(string directoryPath, List <string> filterExtensions = null, bool removeExtension = false)
            // initial value
            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            // local
            string extension = "";

            // If the filePath string exists
            if ((TextHelper.Exists(directoryPath)) && (Directory.Exists(directoryPath)))
                // get the fileNames
                string[] fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(directoryPath);

                // if the fileNames exist
                if ((fileNames != null) && (fileNames.Length > 0))
                    // if the value for removeExtension is true
                    if (removeExtension)
                        // get a tempList
                        List <string> tempNames = fileNames.ToList();

                        // Iterate the collection of string objects
                        foreach (string tempName in fileNames)
                            // get the name without the extension
                            string name = GetFileNameWithoutExtensionEx(tempName, ref extension);

                            // If the filterExtension string exists
                            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(filterExtensions))
                                // Iterate the collection of string objects
                                foreach (string filterExtension in filterExtensions)
                                    // if the extension exists
                                    if (TextHelper.IsEqual(filterExtension, extension))
                                        // Add this file
                                // Add this file
                    // if the filterExtension exists
                    else if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(filterExtensions))
                        // get a tempList
                        List <string> tempNames = fileNames.ToList();

                        // Iterate the collection of string objects
                        foreach (string tempName in fileNames)
                            // The name is not needed here, just getting the extension
                            GetFileNameWithoutExtensionEx(tempName, ref extension);

                            // Iterate the collection of string objects
                            foreach (string filterExtension in filterExtensions)
                                // if the extension exists
                                if (TextHelper.IsEqual(filterExtension, extension))
                                    // Add this file
                        // get a tempList
                        List <string> tempNames = fileNames.ToList();

                        // Iterate the collection of string objects
                        foreach (string tempName in fileNames)
                            // Add this file

            // return value