/// <summary> /// ��ü�¼��Ϣ�� /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static selfgaoEntity getcusnoteInfo(string id) { selfgaoEntity note = new selfgaoEntity(); string sql = "select * from self_gao where id=" + id; using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(DataBll.conString.constr, CommandType.Text, sql)) { if (dr.Read()) { note.Gdate = dr["gdate"].ToString(); note.Gwhys = dr["gwhys"].ToString(); note.Gtitle = dr["gtitle"].ToString(); note.Gpalne = dr["gpalne"].ToString(); note.Gcname = dr["gcname"].ToString(); note.Glinkuser = dr["glinkuser"].ToString(); note.Glinktel = dr["glinktel"].ToString(); note.Goper = dr["goper"].ToString(); note.Gscetion = dr["gscetion"].ToString(); note.Goperdate = dr["goperdate"].ToString(); note.Gcontent = dr["gcontent"].ToString(); note.Gsqi = dr["gsqi"].ToString(); note.Gsqisection = dr["gsqisection"].ToString(); note.Gsqidate = dr["gsqidate"].ToString(); note.Gsqistuta = dr["gsqistuta"].ToString(); note.Gstyle = dr["gstyle"].ToString(); note.Gclike = dr["gclike"].ToString(); note.Gthing = dr["gthing"].ToString(); note.Gmark = dr["gmark"].ToString(); note.Sreader = dr["sreader"].ToString(); note.Sreaddate = dr["sreaddate"].ToString(); } } return note; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"])) { this.txtcid.Text = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); oper = selfgaoBll.getcusnoteInfo(Request.QueryString["id"]); } } }
public static int getCommcount(string mark, selfgaoEntity custinfo) { string strWhere = ""; if (mark == "begin") { strWhere = ""; } else { strWhere = " gcname like '" + custinfo.Gcname + "%' and convert(datetime,gdate) >= convert(datetime, '" + custinfo.Btime + "') and convert(datetime,gdate) <= convert(datetime,'" + custinfo.Etime + "') and gtitle like '" + custinfo.Gtitle + "%'"; } return conString.Getcommentcount("self_gao", "id", strWhere); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selfgaoEntity self = new selfgaoEntity(); self.Gdate = this.txtgdate.Text; self.Gwhys = this.dropgwhys.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gtitle = this.txtgtitle.Text; self.Gpalne = this.dropgpalne.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gcname = this.txtgcname.Text; self.Glinkuser = this.txtglinkuser.Text; self.Glinktel = this.txtglinktel.Text; self.Goper = this.txtgoper.Text; self.Gscetion = this.dropgsqisection.SelectedItem.Text; self.Goperdate = this.txtgoperdate.Text; self.Gcontent = this.txtgcontent.Text; self.Gsqi = this.txtgsqi.Text; self.Gsqisection = this.dropgsqisection.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gsqidate = this.txtgsqidate.Text; self.Gsqistuta = this.dropgsqistuta.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gstyle = this.dropgstyle.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gclike = this.dropgclike.SelectedItem.Text; self.Gthing = this.txtgthing.Text; self.Gmark = this.txtgmark.Text; self.Sreader = Session["username"].ToString();//"honey";//session self.Sreaddate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (Request.QueryString["action"] == "update") { self.Id = cid; int i = selfgaoBll.updateCusnote(self); if (i > 0) { js("更新成功!"); action = ""; } } else { int i = selfgaoBll.insertCusnote(self); if (i > 0) { js("录入成功!"); } } Response.Redirect("selfgaoList.aspx"); }
void bindlikedata(int pi, int ps, selfgaoEntity custinfo) { this.Repeater1.DataSource = selfgaoBll.getCusnoteinfo("", pi, ps, custinfo); this.Repeater1.DataBind(); int pagecount = selfgaoBll.getCommcount("", custinfo); this.AspNetPager1.PageSize = pageSize; this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = pagecount; this.AspNetPager1.CustomInfoHTML = "总:" + AspNetPager1.RecordCount.ToString() + "条,每页:%PageSize%条,当前:%CurrentPageIndex%/%PageCount%"; }
public static DataSet getCusnoteinfo(string mark, int pi, int ps, selfgaoEntity custinfo) { string tablename = " self_gao "; string sortfld = " id "; string selecfld = " *"; string PrimaryKey = "id"; int pageindex = pi; int pagesize = ps; int sortType = 1; string strWhere = ""; if (mark == "begin") { strWhere = ""; } else { strWhere = " gcname like '" + custinfo.Gcname + "%' and convert(datetime,gdate) >= convert(datetime, '" + custinfo.Btime + "') and convert(datetime,gdate) <= convert(datetime,'" + custinfo.Etime + "') and gtitle like '" + custinfo.Gtitle + "%'"; } string strM = "id"; return conString.GetcommdataSource(tablename, PrimaryKey, sortfld, pagesize, pageindex, sortType, strWhere, strM, selecfld); }
/// <summary> /// �������� /// </summary> /// <param name="note"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int updateCusnote(selfgaoEntity note) { string sql = "update self_gao set gdate='" + note.Gdate + "',gwhys='" + note.Gwhys + "',gtitle='" + note.Gtitle + "',gpalne='" + note.Gpalne + "',gcname='" + note.Gcname + "',glinkuser='******',glinktel='" + note.Glinktel + "',goper='" + note.Goper + "',gscetion='" + note.Gscetion + "',goperdate='" + note.Goperdate + "',gcontent='" + note.Gcontent + "',gsqi='" + note.Gsqi + "',gsqisection='" + note.Gsqisection + "',gsqidate='" + note.Gsqidate + "',gsqistuta='" + note.Gsqistuta + "',gstyle='" + note.Gstyle + "',gclike='" + note.Gclike + "',gthing='" + note.Gthing + "',gmark='" + note.Gmark + "',sreader='" + note.Sreader + "',sreaddate='" + note.Sreaddate + "' where id=" + note.Id.ToString(); return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DataBll.conString.constr, CommandType.Text, sql); }
/// <summary> ///�����¼��Ϣ /// </summary> /// <param name="note"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int insertCusnote(selfgaoEntity note) { string sql = "insert into self_gao ( gdate,gwhys,gtitle,gpalne,gcname,glinkuser,glinktel,goper,gscetion,goperdate,gcontent,gsqi,gsqisection,gsqidate,gsqistuta,gstyle,gclike,gthing,gmark,sreader,sreaddate) values"; sql += "('" + note.Gdate + "','" + note.Gwhys + "','" + note.Gtitle + "','" + note.Gpalne + "','" + note.Gcname + "','" + note.Glinkuser + "','" + note.Glinktel + "','" + note.Goper + "','" + note.Gscetion + "','" + note.Goperdate + "','" + note.Gcontent + "','" + note.Gsqi + "','" + note.Gsqisection + "','" + note.Gsqidate + "','" + note.Gsqistuta + "','" + note.Gstyle + "','" + note.Gclike + "','" + note.Gthing + "','" + note.Gmark + "','" + note.Sreader + "','" + note.Sreaddate + "')"; return SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DataBll.conString.constr, CommandType.Text, sql); }