public static string GetAutoRelyInfoString() { string str = "select distinct a.userId from GpsUser_Online a"; SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); DataTable table = null; try { table = access.getDataBySql(str); } catch { } if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count <= 0)) { return string.Empty; } string str2 = string.Empty; string key = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { key = row["userid"] as string; if (_userIDCarList.ContainsKey(key)) { string str4 = str2; str2 = str4 + _userIDCarList[key].ToString() + "|" + key + " "; } } return str2; }
public static int UpdateDriverInfor(int int_0, int int_1, DateTime dateTime_0, int int_2, string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, DateTime dateTime_1) { SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); SqlParameter[] parameterArray = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@carid", int_0), new SqlParameter("@Status", int_1), new SqlParameter("@ReportTime", dateTime_0), new SqlParameter("@ReadResult", int_2), new SqlParameter("@DriverName", string_0), new SqlParameter("@LaborQualificationNo", string_1), new SqlParameter("@releaseName", string_2), new SqlParameter("@validity", dateTime_1), new SqlParameter("@ErrMsg", SqlDbType.Int) }; object obj2 = 1; access.updateBySp("WebGpsClient_UpdateDriverInforEx", parameterArray, "@ErrMsg", out obj2); return Convert.ToInt32(obj2); }
public static int UpdateDriverInfor(int int_0, string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, string string_3) { SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); SqlParameter[] parameterArray = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@carid", int_0), new SqlParameter("@IdentityCard", string_0), new SqlParameter("@LaborQualificationNo", string_1), new SqlParameter("@DriverName", string_2), new SqlParameter("@releaseName", string_3), new SqlParameter("@ErrMsg", SqlDbType.Int) }; object obj2 = 1; access.updateBySp("WebGpsClient_UpdateDriverInfor", parameterArray, "@ErrMsg", out obj2); return Convert.ToInt32(obj2); }
public static string GetMenuName(string string_0) { string str = "select MsgName from GpsJTBMsgParam where id=" + string_0 + " and MsgType=2"; DataTable table = new SqlDataAccess().getDataBySql(str); if (((table != null) && (table.Rows.Count != 0)) && (table.Rows[0][0] != DBNull.Value)) { return table.Rows[0][0].ToString(); } return "未知信息类型"; }
public static void UpdateMenuInfor(string string_0, string string_1, string string_2, bool bool_0) { string str = ""; SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); str = "delete from GpsJTBMsgHistory where SimNum='" + string_0 + "' and MsgType=" + string_1 + " and MsgID=" + string_2; access.DeleteBySql(str); if (bool_0) { str = " insert into GpsJTBMsgHistory(SimNum,MsgType,MsgID,CreateDate) values('" + string_0 + "'," + string_1 + "," + string_2 + ",getdate())"; access.insertBySql(str); } }
public static int InsertCommandParameterToDB(string string_0, int int_0, int int_1, string string_1) { string format = "insert into GPSJTBSysSndCmd(SimNum,CmdCode,CmdContent,OrderId,AddTime,bSend) values('{0}', {1}, '{2}',{3}, getdate(),-1)"; string str2 = string.Format(format, new object[] { string_0, int_1, string_1, int_0 }); SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); return access.insertBySql(str2); }
public static string GetWorkIdByUserId(string string_0) { string format = "select top 1 a.Id from GpsUser_Online a where a.userId = '{0}' order by logintime desc"; format = string.Format(format, string_0); SqlDataAccess access = new SqlDataAccess(); DataTable table = null; try { table = access.getDataBySql(format); } catch { } if ((table != null) && (table.Rows.Count > 0)) { return table.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString(); } return string.Empty; }