Esempio n. 1
        //draws stuff
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!Game1.GAMEOVER)
                //stuff drawn in this spritebatch doesnt move with camera
                spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise, null, camera.transform);
                //drawing the dungeon itself
                float x    = player.Location.X;
                float y    = player.Location.Y;
                float xMax = x + 3;
                float yMax = y + 3;
                if (x - 3 <= 0)
                    x = 0;
                    x = x - 3;
                if (y - 3 <= 0)
                    y = 0;
                    y = y - 3;
                if (xMax > 26)
                    xMax = 26;
                if (yMax > 26)
                    yMax = 26;
                for (int i = (int)x; i <= (int)xMax; i++)
                    for (int j = (int)y; j <= (int)yMax; j++)
                        floor[i, j].Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);

                for (int i = (int)x; i <= (int)xMax; i++)
                    for (int j = (int)y; j <= (int)yMax; j++)
                        floor[i, j].DrawContents(gameTime, spriteBatch);
                //drawing the enemies
                //foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                //    e.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
                //drawing events


                //this stuff moves with the camera
                spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise);
                //draw the player

                player.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
                //drawing UI stuff
                spriteBatch.DrawString(rotFont, "HP:    " + player.Health + "/" + player.HealthMax, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(rotFont, "Energy:" + player.RotationEnergy + "/" + player.RotationEnergyMax, new Vector2(0, 15), Color.White);
                if (!player.Turn)
                    spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Processing Enemy Turns", new Vector2(1000 - 300, 800 - 50), Color.White);

                //Battle Code to be used later
                //if (player.CurrentRoom.Battle != null)
                //    spriteBatch.Draw(battleBG, new Vector2(80,400), new Rectangle(0, 0, battleBG.Width, battleBG.Height), Color.White,0f,Vector2.Zero,2f,SpriteEffects.None,0);
                UI.Draw(gameTime, spriteBatch);
                //Window.DrawContent(gameTime, spriteBatch);

                spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise);
                spriteBatch.DrawString(gameOver, "GAME OVER", new Vector2(300, 350), Color.White);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void LoadContent()
            audioEngine = new AudioEngine(@"Content\Audio\GameAudio.xgs");
            waveBank    = new WaveBank(audioEngine, @"Content\Audio\Wave Bank.xwb");
            soundBank   = new SoundBank(audioEngine, @"Content\Audio\Sound Bank.xsb");
            wFont       = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Images/font");
            UI.SetupUI(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/windowbg"), Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/windowfg"), Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/selection"), wFont);
            #region ITEMS
            Item item;
            item             = new Item(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/chest"));
            item.Name        = "Potion";
            item.Value       = 10;
            item.Effect      = 5;
            item.Uses        = 3;
            item.Description = "Restores 5 health";
            ItemList.Add(item.Name, item);
            item             = new Item(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/chest"));
            item.Name        = "Energy Potion";
            item.Description = "Restores 5 Rotation Energy";
            item.Value       = 20;
            item.Effect      = 5;
            item.Uses        = 2;
            ItemList.Add(item.Name, item);
            item             = new Item(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/chest"));
            item.Name        = "Elixir of Strength";
            item.Description = "Increase Strength for 5 turns";
            item.Value       = 50;
            item.Effect      = 5;
            item.Buff        = new Buff("strength", 5, 5);
            item.Uses        = 1;
            ItemList.Add(item.Name, item);
            item             = new Item(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/chest"));
            item.Name        = "Stoneskin Potion";
            item.Description = "Increase Defense for 5 turns";
            item.Value       = 50;
            item.Effect      = 5;
            item.Buff        = new Buff("defense", 5, 5);
            item.Uses        = 1;
            ItemList.Add(item.Name, item);
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(Game.GraphicsDevice);
            camera      = new Camera(Game.Window.ClientBounds);
            battleBG    = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/battleBG");

            font     = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Images/font");
            rotFont  = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Images/font");
            gameOver = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(@"Images/gameover");
            floor    = new Floor();
            int     itemCheck;
            Vector2 enemyStart;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 26; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= 26; j++)
                    floor[i, j] = new Room(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/dungeonrooms"),
                                           new Point(400, 400), .75f, new Vector2(i * 300, j * 300), rand, i, j);
                    if ((i != 0 && j != 0) || (i != 26 && j != 26))
                        itemCheck = rand.Next(15);
                        if (itemCheck == 1)
                            floor[i, j].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Energy Potion"));
                        if (itemCheck == 2)
                            floor[i, j].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Potion"));
                        itemCheck = rand.Next(100);
                        if (i > 8 || j > 8)
                            if (itemCheck == 1)
                                floor[i, j].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Stoneskin Potion"));
                            if (itemCheck == 2)
                                floor[i, j].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Elixir of Strength"));

            player = new UserControlledSprite(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/herowalk"), Vector2.Zero);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("idle", 0, 140, 23, 35, 1, 0.3f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("walkleft", 0, 0, 23, 35, 6, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("walkright", 0, 35, 23, 35, 6, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("walkdown", 0, 70, 23, 35, 6, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("walkup", 0, 105, 23, 35, 6, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("fight", 0, 180, 68, 36, 3, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.AddAnimation("victory", 0, 217, 26, 35, 7, 0.15f);
            player.Animations.Scale = 2f;
            floor[0, 0].AddContent(player);
            player.CurrentRoom = floor[0, 0];

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                enemyStart = new Vector2(rand.Next(1, 27), rand.Next(1, 27));
                enemies.Add(new ChaserSprite(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/player"), enemyStart));
                if (floor[enemyStart.X, enemyStart.Y].AddContent(enemies[i]))
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("idle", 60, 0, 20, 33, 3, 0.3f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.Scale = 2f;
                    enemies[i].index            = i;
            for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++)
                enemyStart = new Vector2(rand.Next(1, 27), rand.Next(1, 27));
                enemies.Add(new AutomatedSprite(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/rabite"), enemyStart));
                if (floor[enemyStart.X, enemyStart.Y].AddContent(enemies[i]))
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("idle", 0, 0, 30, 41, 11, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.Scale = 2f;
            for (int i = 200; i < 300; i++)
                enemyStart = new Vector2(rand.Next(1, 27), rand.Next(1, 27));
                enemies.Add(new WraithChaserSprite(Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Images/ghost"), enemyStart));
                if (floor[enemyStart.X, enemyStart.Y].AddContent(enemies[i]))
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("idle", 0, 0, 16, 30, 7, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("walkup", 0, 120, 16, 30, 5, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("walkright", 0, 60, 16, 30, 5, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("walkdown", 0, 30, 16, 30, 5, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.AddAnimation("walkleft", 0, 90, 16, 30, 5, 0.1f);
                    enemies[i].Animations.Scale = 2f;

            floor[1, 0].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Energy Potion"));
            floor[1, 0].AddContent(ItemList.Get("Potion"));

            //enemyStart = new Point(3, 3);
            //enemies.Add(new WraithChaserSprite(Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/player"), enemyStart));
            //enemies[0].Animations.AddAnimation("idle", 60, 0, 20, 33, 3, 0.3f);
            //enemies[0].Animations.Scale = 2f;
            //floor[enemyStart.X, enemyStart.Y].AddContent(enemies[0]);
            Game1.Volume   = .3f;
            Game1.SEVolume = 1f;
            String content = "Welcome to Dank.  Actually, it's not really a very welcoming place." + Environment.NewLine +
                             "It's full of monsters that get more difficult the deeper you delve," + Environment.NewLine +
                             "but delve deep you must!  For your salvation lies in the bottom-" + Environment.NewLine +
                             "right room.  You may rotate your own room or those adjacent to it." + Environment.NewLine +
                             "Press H for a list of the game's controls.";
            UI.ShowDialogue(content, 5, 70);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game component to update itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (Game1.GAMEOVER)
            #region bgm
            //control the bgm
            MediaPlayer.Volume = Game1.Volume;
            if (MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped)
                int randSongNum = rand.Next(1, 2); //pick value 1..6
                song = Game.Content.Load <Song>(@"Audio\dungeon" + randSongNum);

            UI.Update(gameTime, player);
            // TODO: Add your update code here

            if (Game1.BATTLE)
                List <Sprite> enemies = new List <Sprite>(player.CurrentRoom.Enemies);
                /**DEBUG - No Battles**/
                //foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                //    player.CurrentRoom.Enemies.Remove(e);
                //    this.enemies.Remove(e);
                //Game1.BATTLE = false;
                player.Animations.CurrentAnimation = "fight";
                int exp         = 0;
                int health      = 0;
                int eHealth     = 0;
                int eMaxHealth  = 0;
                int eStrength   = 0;
                int eDefense    = 0;
                int eSpeed      = 0;
                int eCount      = player.CurrentRoom.Enemies.Count;
                int eDifficulty = 0;
                foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                    eHealth     += e.Health;
                    eSpeed      += e.Speed;
                    eStrength   += e.Strength;
                    eDefense    += e.Defense;
                    eDifficulty += e.Difficulty;
                eDifficulty += eCount;
                //bonus exp for fighting groups
                if (eCount > 1)
                    eDifficulty += eCount;
                eSpeed     = eSpeed - eCount + 1;
                eDefense   = eDefense - eCount + 1;
                eStrength  = eStrength - eCount + 1;
                eMaxHealth = eHealth;
                    //Player deals damage first
                    if (player.Speed > eSpeed)
                        if (player.Strength >= eDefense)
                            eHealth -= player.Strength - eDefense;
                            if (eHealth <= 0)
                                exp += eDifficulty;
                                player.GainExp(eDifficulty, rand);
                                foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                            else if (eHealth <= eMaxHealth / eCount)
                                eStrength  /= eCount;
                                eDefense   /= eCount;
                                eSpeed     /= eCount;
                                eMaxHealth /= eCount;
                        if (eStrength >= player.Defense)
                            player.SubtractHealth(eStrength - player.Defense);
                            health += eStrength - player.Defense;
                        if (eStrength >= player.Defense)
                            player.SubtractHealth(eStrength - player.Defense);
                            health += eStrength - player.Defense;
                        if (player.Strength >= eDefense)
                            eHealth -= player.Strength - eDefense;
                            if (eHealth <= 0)
                                exp += eDifficulty;
                                player.GainExp(eDifficulty, rand);
                                foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                            else if (eHealth <= eMaxHealth / eCount)
                                eStrength  /= eCount;
                                eDefense   /= eCount;
                                eSpeed     /= eCount;
                                eMaxHealth /= eCount;
                    enemies = new List <Sprite>(player.CurrentRoom.Enemies);
                } while (player.CurrentRoom.Enemies.Count > 0 && !Game1.GAMEOVER);
                UI.ShowMessage("You cleared the room!");
                UI.ShowMessage("Lost " + health.ToString() + " health!");
                UI.ShowMessage("Gained " + exp.ToString() + " experience!");

                Game1.BATTLE = BattleChecker();
                if (!enemyTurn)
                    player.Turn = true;
                    eTurnSet    = false;
                    //Game1.BATTLE = BattleChecker(player);

                //player turn

                player.Update(gameTime, Game.Window.ClientBounds, floor, this);

                if (!player.Turn && !eTurnSet)
                    //setting the enemy turns

                    if (!SpriteManager.SkipTurn)
                        foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                            e.Turn = true;
                        eTurnSet = true;
                    //before players turn taken for battle

                eTurnCount = 0;
                foreach (Sprite e in enemies)
                    //enemies take their turns
                    e.Update(gameTime, Game.Window.ClientBounds, floor, player, rand);
                    if (e.Turn)
                        eTurnCount += 1;

                if (eTurnCount > 0)
                    enemyTurn = true;
                    enemyTurn = false;

                float x    = player.Location.X;
                float y    = player.Location.Y;
                float xMax = x + 1;
                float yMax = y + 1;
                if (x - 1 <= 0)
                    x = 0;
                    x = x - 1;
                if (y - 1 <= 0)
                    y = 0;
                    y = y - 1;
                if (xMax > 26)
                    xMax = 26;
                if (yMax > 26)
                    yMax = 26;
                for (int i = (int)x; i <= xMax; i++)
                    for (int j = (int)y; j <= yMax; j++)
                        floor[i, j].Update(gameTime);

                camera.Update(gameTime, player);
