Esempio n. 1
        //SECRET STUFF!
        public static List <string> ReadTranslatedRawText(string FileName)
            List <string> TRText = null;

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine("Ext\\EngText", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".rawtext")) == true)
                return(TRText = CommonTextStuff.TextExtractor(Path.Combine("Ext\\EngText", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".rawtext")));

Esempio n. 2
        public static List <string> ReadJAPText(string FileName)
            List <string> JAPText = null;

            string JapanseTextFolder = null;

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DR1 (PSP)") || DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DR1 (PSVITA)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DR1PSVITA";

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DR1 (PC)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DR1PC";

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DR2 (PSVITA)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DR2PSVITA";

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DR2 (PC)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DR2PC";

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DRAE (PSVITA)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DRAEPSVITA";

            if (DRAT.tabControl1.SelectedTab.Text.Contains("DRAE (PC)"))
                JapanseTextFolder = "DRAEPC";

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine("Ext\\JapText", JapanseTextFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".rawtext")) == true)
                return(JAPText = CommonTextStuff.TextExtractor(Path.Combine("Ext\\JapText", JapanseTextFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + ".rawtext")));

Esempio n. 3
        public static void ExtractLIN(string LINAddress, string DestinationDir)
            // Open file.LIN in FileStream.
            using (FileStream LIN = new FileStream(LINAddress, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using (BinaryReader BinReaderLIN = new BinaryReader(LIN))
                    uint Nparti = BinReaderLIN.ReadUInt32(); // Number of parts that make up the LIN.

                    // If the LIN has of 1 or 2 parts, continue.
                    // If the LIN has just 1 file that means that there is not text, just bytecode.
                    if (Nparti == 0x02 || Nparti == 0x01)
                        uint HeaderSize       = BinReaderLIN.ReadUInt32(),
                             SecondFileOffset = BinReaderLIN.ReadUInt32(), // The second file contains the text, the first file contains the bytecode.
                             LINSize          = (uint)LIN.Length,          // Calculate directly the size of the LIN instead of reading it from the file, this way the tool can work with LINs from PSP (PZ) as they are "incorrect".
                             NSentences       = 0;                         // Senteces within the file.

                        // If the beginning of the second file corresponds to the size of the file or equal to 0, than there are no sentences.
                        if (SecondFileOffset != LINSize && SecondFileOffset > 0)
                            LIN.Seek(SecondFileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            NSentences = BinReaderLIN.ReadUInt32();

                        // If the file contains text or the user has nevertheless chosen to process files with no text, then continue.
                        if (NSentences > 0 || (NSentences <= 0 && DRAT.ignoreLINWoTextToolStripMenuItem.Checked == false))
                            if (Directory.Exists(DestinationDir) == false)

                            LIN.Seek(HeaderSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);                         // Moves at the beginning of the first file, the bytecode, which is located immediately after the header.
                            byte[] FirstFileBody = new byte[SecondFileOffset - HeaderSize]; // Will contains the bytecode.

                            LIN.Read(FirstFileBody, 0, FirstFileBody.Length);               // Insert the bytecode inside "FirstFileBody".

                            // File.bytecode's address.
                            string BytecodeAddress = Path.Combine(DestinationDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LINAddress) + ".bytecode");

                            // Makes a file called "FileName.bytecode" e saves the "FirstFileBody" in it.
                            using (FileStream bytecode = new FileStream(BytecodeAddress, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                                bytecode.Write(FirstFileBody, 0, FirstFileBody.Length);

                            if (NSentences > 0)                                               // If there is text to extract, extract it.
                                byte[] SecondFileBody = new byte[LINSize - SecondFileOffset]; // Will contains all the text.

                                LIN.Read(SecondFileBody, 0, SecondFileBody.Length);           // Insert the text inside "SecondFileBody".

                                string RawTexAddress = Path.Combine(DestinationDir, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(LINAddress) + ".rawtext");

                                // Create a file called "TextRaw.bin" and inserts all the contents of "SecondFileBody" in it.
                                using (FileStream TextRaw = new FileStream(RawTexAddress, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                                    TextRaw.Write(SecondFileBody, 0, SecondFileBody.Length);

                                /* If the user has checked the "HIDE SPEAKERS box", then pass "null".
                                 * Null = don't store and don't print the speakers. */
                                if (DRAT.hIDESPEAKERSToolStripMenuItem.Checked == true)
                                    CommonTextStuff.MakePO(CommonTextStuff.TextExtractor(RawTexAddress), null, DestinationDir);
                                    CommonTextStuff.MakePO(CommonTextStuff.TextExtractor(RawTexAddress), BytecodeAddress, DestinationDir);

                                // Deletes FileName.rawtext.
                                while (File.Exists(RawTexAddress))