Esempio n. 1
        static int SecondA(string inputFile)
            var parser   = new TicketParser();
            var info     = parser.ParseFile(inputFile);
            var allRules = info.Properties.Select(p => p.ValidationRule());

            var invalidTicketsRemoved = info.NearbyTickets.RemoveAll(t => t.Values.Any(value => !allRules.Any(rule => rule(value))));

Esempio n. 2
        static int First(string inputFile)
            var parser             = new TicketParser();
            var info               = parser.ParseFile(inputFile);
            var allRules           = info.Properties.Select(p => p.ValidationRule());
            var allValues          = info.NearbyTickets.SelectMany(t => t.Values);
            var invalidValues      = allValues.Where(value => !allRules.Any(rule => rule(value)));
            var sumOfInvalidValues = invalidValues.Sum();

Esempio n. 3
        static long Second(string inputFile)
            var parser   = new TicketParser();
            var info     = parser.ParseFile(inputFile);
            var allRules = info.Properties.Select(p => p.ValidationRule());

            var invalidTicketsRemoved = info.NearbyTickets.RemoveAll(t => t.Values.Any(value => !allRules.Any(rule => rule(value))));

            var ticketIndexes = info.MyTicket.Values.Select((_, i) => i).ToList();

            var indexValues = ticketIndexes.Select(i => new { Index = i, Values = info.NearbyTickets.Select(t => t.Values.ElementAt(i)) });

            var foundPropsWithIndexes = info.Properties.Select(
                prop => new
                Index    = indexValues.Where(iv => iv.Values.All(r => prop.ValidationRule()(r))).Select(s => s.Index).ToList(),
                Property = prop
                ).ToDictionary(x => x.Property, y => y.Index);

            foreach (var result in foundPropsWithIndexes)
                Console.WriteLine(result.Key.Name + " found with indexes " + string.Join(",", foundPropsWithIndexes[result.Key]));

            //now reduce the options
            while (foundPropsWithIndexes.Values.Any(list => list.Count() > 1))
                var propertiesWithOneIndex = foundPropsWithIndexes.Where(item => foundPropsWithIndexes[item.Key].Count() == 1);
                foreach (var item in propertiesWithOneIndex)
                    item.Key.TicketIndex = foundPropsWithIndexes[item.Key].Single();
                    foreach (var indexList in foundPropsWithIndexes.Values)
                Console.WriteLine("New iteration:");
                foreach (var result in foundPropsWithIndexes)
                    Console.WriteLine(result.Key.Name + " found with indexes " + string.Join(",", foundPropsWithIndexes[result.Key]));

            var departureIndexes   = info.Properties.Where(prop => prop.Name.StartsWith("departure")).Select(p => p.TicketIndex.Value);
            var myDepartureValues  = departureIndexes.Select(i => info.MyTicket.Values.ElementAt(i));
            var myDepartureProduct = myDepartureValues.Aggregate(1L, (acc, el) => acc * el);
