public int SellGoodsUpdate(getMaihuo tbChGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update SellGoods set "; str_Update += "KcID='" + tbChGood.getKcID + "',GoodsID='" + tbChGood.getGoodsID + "',"; str_Update += "EmpId='" + tbChGood.getEmpId + "',GoodsName='" + tbChGood.getGoodsName + "',SellGoodsNum=" + tbChGood.getSellGoodsNum + ","; str_Update += "SellGoodsTime='" + tbChGood.getSellGoodsTime + "',SellPrice=" + tbChGood.getSellPrice + ","; str_Update += "SellFalg=" + tbChGood.getSellFalg + ""; str_Update += " where SellID= '" + tbChGood.getSellID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int SellGoodsAdd(getMaihuo tbChGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into SellGoods values( "; str_Add += "'" + tbChGood.getSellID + "','" + tbChGood.getKcID + "','" + tbChGood.getGoodsID + "',"; str_Add += "'" + tbChGood.getEmpId + "','" + tbChGood.getGoodsName + "'," + tbChGood.getSellGoodsNum + ","; str_Add += "'" + tbChGood.getSellGoodsTime + "'," + tbChGood.getSellPrice + ","; str_Add += tbChGood.getSellFalg + ")"; str_Add += "update KcGoods set KcNum=KcNum-" + tbChGood.getSellGoodsNum + "where KcGoodsName='" + tbChGood.getGoodsName + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int JhGoodsAdd(getJinhuo tbGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into test values( "; str_Add += "'" + tbGood.getGoodsID + "','" + tbGood.getEmpId + "','" + tbGood.getJhCompName + "',"; str_Add += "'" + tbGood.getDepotName + "','" + tbGood.getGoodsName + "','" + tbGood.getGoodsNum + "',"; str_Add += "'" + tbGood.getGoodsJhPrice + "',"; str_Add += "'" + tbGood.getGoodTime + "','" + tbGood.getFalg + "')"; str_Add += "insert into KcGoods(KcID,KcGoodsName,KcNum,KcDeptName) values( "; str_Add += "'" + tbGood.getGoodsID + "','" + tbGood.getGoodsName + "',"; str_Add += tbGood.getGoodsNum + ",'" + tbGood.getDepotName + "')"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public SqlDataReader JhGoodsFind(string strObject, int intFalg) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from test where GoodsID = '" + strObject + "'"; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from test"; break; } getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return(hs); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(hs); } }
public int CompanyUpDate(getGongsi Company) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update Company set "; str_Update += "CompanyName='" + Company.getCompanyName + "',CompanyDirector='" + Company.getCompanyDirector + "',"; str_Update += "CompanyPhone='" + Company.getCompanyPhone + "',CompanyAddress='" + Company.getCompanyAddress + "',"; str_Update += "Falg='" + Company.getEmpFalg + "' where CompanyID ='" + Company.getCompanyID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public void filltProd(object objTreeView, object obimage) { try { getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); string strSecar = "select * from tb_SellGoods "; cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (objTreeView.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Forms.TreeView") { System.Windows.Forms.ImageList imlist = (System.Windows.Forms.ImageList)obimage; System.Windows.Forms.TreeView TV = (System.Windows.Forms.TreeView)objTreeView; TV.Nodes.Clear(); TV.ImageList = imlist; System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode TN = TV.Nodes.Add("A", "商品销售信息", 0, 1); while (hs.Read()) { TreeNode newNode12 = new TreeNode(hs[0].ToString(), 0, 1); newNode12.Nodes.Add("A", hs[4].ToString(), 0, 1); TN.Nodes.Add(newNode12); } hs.Close(); TV.ExpandAll(); } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }
public int ThGoodsUpdate(getTuihuo tbChGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update tb_ThGoodsInfo set "; str_Update += "KcID='" + tbChGood.strKcID + "',GoodsID='" + tbChGood.strGoodsID + "',"; str_Update += "SellID='" + tbChGood.strSellID + "',EmpId='" + tbChGood.intEmpId + "',ThGoodsName='" + tbChGood.strThGoodsName + "',"; str_Update += "ThGoodsNum=" + tbChGood.intThGoodsNum + ",ThGoodsTime='" + tbChGood.daThGoodsTime + "',ThGoodsPrice=" + tbChGood.deThGoodsPrice + ","; str_Update += "ThHasPay=" + tbChGood.deThHasPay + ",ThNeedPay=" + tbChGood.deThNeedPay + ",ThGoodsResult='" + tbChGood.deThGoodsResult + "' where ThGoodsID='" + tbChGood.strThGoodsID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public SqlDataReader EmpInfoFind(string strObject, int intFalg) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpId= '" + strObject + "' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpFalg=0"; break; } strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpId= '" + strObject + "' and EmpFalg=0"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return(hs); } catch (Exception ee) { return(hs); } }
public void KcGoodsFind(object DataObject) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { strSecar = "select * from KcGoods"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); int ii = 0; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { ii++; } hs.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dv = (DataGridView)DataObject; if (ii != 0) { int i = 0; dv.RowCount = ii; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { dv[0, i].Value = hs[0].ToString(); dv[1, i].Value = hs[1].ToString(); dv[2, i].Value = hs[2].ToString(); dv[3, i].Value = hs[3].ToString(); i++; } hs.Close(); } else { if (dv.RowCount != 0) { int i = 0; do { dv[0, i].Value = ""; dv[1, i].Value = ""; dv[2, i].Value = ""; dv[3, i].Value = ""; i++; } while (i < dv.RowCount); } } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }
public int KcGoodsDelete(getKucun KcGoods) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "delete from KcGoods where KcID='" + KcGoods.getKcID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int EmpInfoDelete(getZhigong Empinfo) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "update EmpIoy set "; str_Del += "EmpFalg='" + Empinfo.getEmpFalg + "' where EmpId='" + Empinfo.getEmpId + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { return(intFalg); } }
}// end if #endregion #region 除 public int ThGoodsDelete(string striThid) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "delete from tb_thgoodsinfo where ThGoodsID='" + striThid + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public SqlDataReader SellGoodsFind(string DataObject) { string strSecar = null; try { strSecar = "select * from SellGoods where SellID='" + DataObject + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return(hs); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(hs); } }
public int JhGoodsDelete(getJinhuo tbGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "delete from test where GoodsID ='" + tbGood.getGoodsID + "'"; str_Del += "delete from KcGoods where KcGoodsName = '" + tbGood.getGoodsName + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int CompanyAdd(getGongsi Company) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into Company values( "; str_Add += "'" + Company.getCompanyID + "','" + Company.getCompanyName + "','" + Company.getCompanyDirector + "',"; str_Add += "'" + Company.getCompanyPhone + "','" + Company.getCompanyAddress + "',"; str_Add += "'" + Company.getEmpFalg + "')"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { return(intFalg); } }
public int KcGoodsAdd(getKucun kcGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into KcGoods(KcID,KcGoodsName,KcNum,KcDeptName) values( "; str_Add += "'" + kcGood.getKcID + "','" + kcGood.getKcGoodsName + "',"; str_Add += "'" + kcGood.getKcNum + "','" + kcGood.getKcDeptName + "')"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int KcGoodsUpdate(string kcGood, int striID) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update KcGoods set "; str_Update += "KcAlarmNum=" + striID + " "; str_Update += " where GoodsID ='" + kcGood + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public SqlDataReader JhGoodsInfoFind(string strObject) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { strSecar = "select * from tb_thgoodsinfo where thGoodsid= '" + strObject + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return(hs); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(hs); } }
public int KcGoodsUpdate(getKucun kcGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update KcGoods set "; str_Update += "KcID='" + kcGood.getKcID + "',KcGoodsName='" + kcGood.getKcGoodsName + "',"; str_Update += "KcNum='" + kcGood.getKcNum + "',KcDeptName='" + kcGood.getKcDeptName + "' where KcID='" + kcGood.getKcID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public SqlDataReader CompanyFind(string strObject) { string strSecar = null; try { strSecar = "select * from Company where CompanyID = '" + strObject + "' and Falg= 0"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); int ii = 0; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return(hs); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(hs); } }
public int CompanyDelete(getGongsi Company) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "update Company set "; str_Del += "Falg='" + Company.getEmpFalg + "' where CompanyID ='" + Company.getCompanyID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int EmpInfoFind(string strObject, string pwwd, int intFalg) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpLoginName= '" + strObject + "' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpLoginName= '" + strObject + "' and EmpFalg=0 and EmpLoginPwd='" + pwwd + "'"; break; } getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); hs.Read(); if (hs.HasRows) { intCount = 1; } return(intCount); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message.ToString()); return(intCount = 2); } }
public int EmpInfoAdd(getZhigong Empinfo) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into EmpIoy values( "; str_Add += " '" + Empinfo.getEmpId + "','" + Empinfo.getEmpName + "','" + Empinfo.getEmpLoginName + "',"; str_Add += " '" + Empinfo.getEmpLoginPwd + "','" + Empinfo.getEmpSex + "','" + Empinfo.getEmpBirthday + "',"; str_Add += " '" + Empinfo.getEmpPhone + "',"; str_Add += Empinfo.getEmpFalg + ")"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int EmpInfoUpdate(getZhigong Empinfo) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update EmpIoy set "; str_Update += "EmpName='" + Empinfo.getEmpName + "',EmpLoginName='" + Empinfo.getEmpLoginName + "',"; str_Update += "EmpLoginPwd='" + Empinfo.getEmpLoginPwd + "',EmpSex='" + Empinfo.getEmpSex + "',EmpBirthday='" + Empinfo.getEmpBirthday + "',"; str_Update += "EmpPhone='" + Empinfo.getEmpPhone + "',"; str_Update += "EmpFalg=" + Empinfo.getEmpFalg + " where EmpId='" + Empinfo.getEmpId + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int ThGoodsAdd(getTuihuo tbChGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Add = "insert into tb_ThGoodsInfo values( "; str_Add += "'" + tbChGood.strThGoodsID + "','" + tbChGood.strKcID + "','" + tbChGood.strGoodsID + "',"; str_Add += "'" + tbChGood.strSellID + "','" + tbChGood.intEmpId + "','" + tbChGood.strThGoodsName + "',"; str_Add += "" + tbChGood.intThGoodsNum + ",'" + tbChGood.daThGoodsTime + "'," + tbChGood.deThGoodsPrice + ","; str_Add += "" + tbChGood.deThHasPay + "," + tbChGood.deThNeedPay + ",'" + tbChGood.deThGoodsResult + "')"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Add, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int JhGoodsUpdate(getJinhuo tbGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Update = "update test set "; str_Update += "EmpId='" + tbGood.getEmpId + "',JhCompName='" + tbGood.getJhCompName + "',"; str_Update += "DepotName='" + tbGood.getDepotName + "',GoodsName='" + tbGood.getGoodsName + "',GoodsNum='" + tbGood.getGoodsNum + "',"; str_Update += "GoodsJhPrice=" + tbGood.getGoodsJhPrice + ","; str_Update += "GoodTime='" + tbGood.getGoodTime + "',Falg='" + tbGood.getFalg + "' where GoodsID ='" + tbGood.getGoodsID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Update, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public int SellGoodsDelete(getMaihuo tbChGood) { int intFalg = 0; try { string str_Del = "update SellGoods set "; str_Del += "SellFalg=" + tbChGood.getSellFalg + ""; str_Del += " where SellID= '" + tbChGood.getSellID + "'"; getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(str_Del, conn); intFalg = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); return(intFalg); } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); return(intFalg); } }
public void JhGoodsFind(string strObject, int intFalg, Object DataObject) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from test where GoodsID like '%" + strObject + "%' "; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from test where GoodsName like '%" + strObject + "%'"; break; case 5: strSecar = "select * from test"; break; } getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); int ii = 0; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { ii++; } hs.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dv = (DataGridView)DataObject; if (ii != 0) { int i = 0; dv.RowCount = ii; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { dv[0, i].Value = hs[0].ToString(); dv[1, i].Value = hs[4].ToString(); dv[2, i].Value = hs[2].ToString(); dv[3, i].Value = hs[3].ToString(); dv[4, i].Value = hs[5].ToString(); dv[5, i].Value = hs[6].ToString(); i++; } hs.Close(); } else { if (dv.RowCount != 0) { int i = 0; do { dv[0, i].Value = ""; dv[1, i].Value = ""; dv[2, i].Value = ""; dv[3, i].Value = ""; dv[4, i].Value = ""; dv[5, i].Value = ""; i++; } while (i < dv.RowCount); } } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }
public void EmpInfoFind(string strObject, int intFalg, Object DataObject) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpName like '%" + strObject + "%' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpSex = '" + strObject + "' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 3: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpDept like '%" + strObject + "%' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 4: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpPost like '%" + strObject + "%' and EmpFalg=0"; break; case 5: strSecar = "select * from EmpIoy where EmpFalg=0"; break; } getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); int ii = 0; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { ii++; } hs.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dv = (DataGridView)DataObject; if (ii != 0) { int i = 0; dv.RowCount = ii; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { dv[0, i].Value = hs[0].ToString(); dv[1, i].Value = hs[1].ToString(); dv[2, i].Value = hs[4].ToString(); dv[3, i].Value = hs[6].ToString(); dv[4, i].Value = hs[5].ToString(); i++; } hs.Close(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dv.RowCount; i++) { dv[0, i].Value = ""; dv[1, i].Value = ""; dv[2, i].Value = ""; dv[3, i].Value = ""; dv[4, i].Value = ""; } } } catch (Exception ee) { } }
public void CompanyFind(string strObject, int intFalg, Object DataObject) { int intCount = 0; string strSecar = null; try { switch (intFalg) { case 1: strSecar = "select * from Company where CompanyName like '%" + strObject + "%' and Falg= 0"; break; case 2: strSecar = "select * from Company where CompanyDirector like '%" + strObject + "%' and Falg= 0"; break; case 3: strSecar = "select * from Company where Falg= 0"; break; } getSqlConnection getConnection = new getSqlConnection(); conn = getConnection.GetCon(); cmd = new SqlCommand(strSecar, conn); int ii = 0; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { ii++; } hs.Close(); System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView dv = (DataGridView)DataObject; if (ii != 0) { int i = 0; dv.RowCount = ii; hs = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (hs.Read()) { dv[0, i].Value = hs[0].ToString(); dv[1, i].Value = hs[1].ToString(); dv[2, i].Value = hs[2].ToString(); dv[3, i].Value = hs[3].ToString(); dv[4, i].Value = hs[4].ToString(); i++; } hs.Close(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dv.RowCount; i++) { dv[0, i].Value = ""; dv[1, i].Value = ""; dv[2, i].Value = ""; dv[3, i].Value = ""; dv[4, i].Value = ""; } } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString()); } }