public void TestCreateCatalog() { // Sample needs updating when used against new deployment var newCat = new DT2.Models.Catalog() { ComputeOffering = "f7dbb80c-f7a1-4fe4-b86a-9004360ac1e3", Count = 1, Description = "Unit Test Catalog", DesktopType = "Random", // Id = not availabe until after the catalog is created Name = "SamplePool", Network = "55bfaeb5-bbca-bf83-99e0-5a985c2ecfa5", // change to inventory item // ProvisioningSchemeId = not available until after the catalog is created Template = "902b218e-6281-cab3-accb-66a84a44309d", // change to inventory item Users = new string[] { "Administrator" } }; // Sample needs updating when used against new deployment var xenCat = new DT2.Models.Catalog() { // ComputeOffering not used, for XenServer XD sets the CPU and RAM Count = 1, Description = "Unit Test Xen Catalog", DesktopType = "Random", // Id is available after the catalog is created Name = "SmplXenPool", Network = "XDHyp:\\Connections\\CC-SVR09\\", // ProvisioningSchemeId is available after the catalog is created Template = "XDHyp:\\HostingUnits\\XenServerSample\\Windows8.1VDA.vm", Users = new string[] { "Administrator" } }; var csCat = new DT2.Models.Catalog() { ComputeOffering = "XDHyp:\\HostingUnits\\CloudPlatformHost\\Power User.serviceoffering", Count = 1, CountInUse = 0, Description = "Test Delete me", DesktopType = "Permanent", Name = "UTFeb05E", Network = "XDHyp:\\HostingUnits\\CloudPlatformHost\\Zone1.availabilityzone\\GuestSharedNetwork(`/24).network", Template = "XDHyp:\\HostingUnits\\CloudPlatformHost\\Zone1.availabilityzone\\CloudDesktopVDA.template", Users = new string[] { "donall" } }; DT2.Models.Catalog.CreateCatalog(csCat); }
public ActionResult DesktopGroupsAdd(Catalog newItem) { using (log4net.NDC.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())) { var dbgMsg = "Request to Create Desktop group " + newItem.Name + " data: " + newItem; logger.Debug(dbgMsg); try { var networks = XenDesktopInventoryItem.GetNetworkList(); newItem.Network = networks[networks.Count -1].Id; logger.Debug("Using network " + newItem.Network); if (XenDesktopInventoryItem.ZoneSupportsSecurityGroups()) { var securityGroups = XenDesktopInventoryItem.GetSecurityGroupList(); newItem.SecurityGroup = securityGroups[0].Id; logger.Debug("Using security group " + newItem.SecurityGroup); } Catalog.CreateCatalog(newItem); newItem.Status = CreateStatus; // Network names can include an apostrophe, which triggers code that screens for an SQL injection attack, // so we null out the network newItem.Network = null; return RedirectToAction("DesktopGroups", newItem); } catch (System.Exception ex) { var errMsg = "Exception when starting create for " + newItem + " Message: " + ex.Message; logger.Error(errMsg, ex); return View(); } } }
public ActionResult DesktopGroups(Catalog newItem) { using (log4net.NDC.Push(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())) { logger.Debug("Listing DesktopGroups page"); ViewBag.StoreFront = DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopStoreFrontUrl; var catalogList = Catalog.GetCatalogs(); if (newItem.Name != null) { var dbgMsg = "Adding preview of Desktop Group " + newItem.Name + " which getting state change of: " + newItem.Status; logger.Debug(dbgMsg); var existingItem = catalogList.Find(x => x.Name == newItem.Name); if (existingItem == null) { catalogList.Add(newItem); catalogList = catalogList.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); } // Items being deleted need to have status update if they were not already marked as deleted // TODO: is there a cleaner way to do this? else if (!existingItem.Status.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("delet")) { existingItem.Status = newItem.Status; } } return View(catalogList); } }
public static void CreateCatalog(Catalog newCat) { try { var jsonEquiv = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newCat); logger.Info("Creating Catalog corresponding to " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(jsonEquiv)); Dictionary <string, object> psargs = new Dictionary <string, object>(); psargs.Add("ddcAddress", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopAdminAddress); psargs.Add("catalogName", newCat.Name); psargs.Add("catalogDesc", newCat.Description); psargs.Add("catalogSessionSupport", GetXenDesktopDesktopSessionSupport(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopAllocationType", GetXenDesktopDesktopAllocationType(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("persistUserChanges", GetXenDesktopDesktopPersistUserChanges(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopCleanOnBoot", GetXenDesktopDesktopCleanOnBoot(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopDomain", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopDomain); psargs.Add("templatePath", newCat.Template); psargs.Add("networkPath", newCat.Network); psargs.Add("hostingUnitName", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopHostingUnitName); psargs.Add("controllerAddress", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopDDC); logger.Info("Catalog has " + newCat.Users.Length + " AD accounts and " + newCat.Count + " machines."); psargs.Add("desktopCount", newCat.Count); psargs.Add("computerOffering", newCat.ComputeOffering); // Naming scheme: Remove spaces and other special characters from the pool name, truncate at 12 characters string desktopNamingScheme = newCat.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty); desktopNamingScheme = desktopNamingScheme.Length > 12 ? desktopNamingScheme.Substring(0, 12) : desktopNamingScheme; desktopNamingScheme += "###"; psargs.Add("desktopNamingScheme", desktopNamingScheme); // Parameters required to setup the corresponding desktopgroup psargs.Add("userNames", newCat.Users); psargs.Add("desktopGrpName", newCat.Name + ScriptNames.DesktopGroupSuffix); psargs.Add("machineCount", newCat.Count); string secGrps = DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.SecurityGroups; secGrps = secGrps ?? String.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((newCat.SecurityGroup))) { secGrps = newCat.SecurityGroup; } psargs.Add("securityGroups", secGrps); var poshScript = new PsWrapper(Path.Combine(DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.PowerShellScriptsFolder, ScriptNames.CreateDesktopGroupScript)); var jsonEquiv2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(psargs); logger.Info("Calling " + ScriptNames.CreateDesktopGroupScript + " with args: " + jsonEquiv2); var exToIgnore = "Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SdkOperationException"; poshScript.IgnoreExceptions.Add(exToIgnore); logger.Info("Ignoring exceptions of type " + exToIgnore + " because the SDK generates them for Get-BrokerUser calls as part of normal operation."); // Assert if (newCat.DesktopType == PublishedDesktops) { if ("Random" != (string)psargs["desktopAllocationType"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong desktopAllocationType for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if ("MultiSession" != (string)psargs["catalogSessionSupport"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong catalogSessionSupport for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if ("Discard" != (string)psargs["persistUserChanges"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong persistUserChanges for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if (psargs["desktopCleanOnBoot"] == null) { var errMsg = "Wrong desktopCleanOnBoot for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } } if (DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.TestDisableCatalogCreate) { logger.Warn("Skipping Catalog create, as TestDisableCatalogCreate is set true"); } else { // Enable Windows Authentication in ASP.NET *and* IIS to ensure User.Identity is a FormsIdentity LoginViewModel clientId = LoginViewModel.JsonDeserialize(((FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Ticket); // add the ndc context string ndcContext = log4net.NDC.Pop(); log4net.NDC.Push(ndcContext); Task.Run(() => RunLongScript(poshScript, psargs, clientId, ndcContext, () => { EmailAdmin(newCat, clientId); })); } } catch (Exception e) { var errMsg = e.Message; logger.Error(errMsg); } }
public static void EmailAdmin(Catalog newCat, LoginViewModel clientId) { try { // Send an email to each of the users from the signed on admin var adminEmail = GetActiveDirectoryUserEmail(clientId.UserName, clientId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminEmail)) { logger.Error("No email for admin " + clientId.UserName); return; } logger.Info("Email " + clientId.UserName + " to say that " + newCat.Name + " is done. "); var userAddr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(adminEmail); var mailMsg = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); mailMsg.Subject = "Desktop Catalog " + newCat.Name + " is ready!"; mailMsg.Body = "Finished creating " + newCat.Name + ". You access it from " + DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopStoreFrontUrl.ToString(); mailMsg.From = userAddr; mailMsg.CC.Add(adminEmail); // Build list of users to send email to. foreach (var user in newCat.Users) { var userEmail = GetActiveDirectoryUserEmail(user, clientId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminEmail)) { logger.Error("No email for desktop group user " + user); continue; } logger.Debug("Alert to be sent to " + userEmail + " for " + user); mailMsg.To.Add(userEmail); } logger.Debug("Sending alert for catalog " + newCat.Name); Utils.Utils.SendEmail(mailMsg); } catch (Exception e) { var errMsg = "Could not email desktop group creation alert"; logger.Error(errMsg, e); } }
public static void AddMachineToCatalog(Catalog newCat) { try { var jsonEquiv = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newCat); logger.Info("Adding Machine to Catalog corresponding to " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(jsonEquiv)); Dictionary<string, object> psargs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); psargs.Add("ddcAddress", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopAdminAddress); psargs.Add("catalogName", newCat.Name); psargs.Add("newDesktopCount", newCat.Count); // Parameters required to setup the corresponding desktopgroup psargs.Add("desktopGrpName", newCat.Name + ScriptNames.DesktopGroupSuffix); var poshScript = new PsWrapper(Path.Combine(DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.PowerShellScriptsFolder, ScriptNames.AddToDesktopGroupScript)); var jsonEquiv2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(psargs); logger.Info("Calling " + ScriptNames.AddToDesktopGroupScript + " with args: " + jsonEquiv2); var exToIgnore = "Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SdkOperationException"; poshScript.IgnoreExceptions.Add(exToIgnore); logger.Info("Ignoring exceptions of type " + exToIgnore + " because the SDK generates them for Get-BrokerUser calls as part of normal operation."); // Enable Windows Authentication in ASP.NET *and* IIS to ensure User.Identity is a FormsIdentity LoginViewModel clientId = LoginViewModel.JsonDeserialize(((FormsIdentity) HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Ticket); // add the ndc context string ndcContext = log4net.NDC.Pop(); log4net.NDC.Push(ndcContext); Task.Run(() => RunLongScript(poshScript, psargs, clientId, ndcContext, () => { EmailAdmin(newCat, clientId); })); } catch (Exception e) { var errMsg = e.Message; logger.Error(errMsg); } }
public static void CreateCatalog(Catalog newCat) { try { var jsonEquiv = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newCat); logger.Info("Creating Catalog corresponding to " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(jsonEquiv)); Dictionary<string, object> psargs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); psargs.Add("ddcAddress", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopAdminAddress); psargs.Add("catalogName", newCat.Name); psargs.Add("catalogDesc", newCat.Description); psargs.Add("catalogSessionSupport", GetXenDesktopDesktopSessionSupport(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopAllocationType", GetXenDesktopDesktopAllocationType(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("persistUserChanges", GetXenDesktopDesktopPersistUserChanges(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopCleanOnBoot", GetXenDesktopDesktopCleanOnBoot(newCat.DesktopType)); psargs.Add("desktopDomain", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopDomain); psargs.Add("templatePath", newCat.Template); psargs.Add("networkPath", newCat.Network); psargs.Add("hostingUnitName", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopHostingUnitName); psargs.Add("controllerAddress", DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.XenDesktopDDC); logger.Info("Catalog has " + newCat.Users.Length + " AD accounts and " + newCat.Count + " machines."); psargs.Add("desktopCount", newCat.Count); psargs.Add("computerOffering", newCat.ComputeOffering); // Naming scheme: Remove spaces and other special characters from the pool name, truncate at 12 characters string desktopNamingScheme = newCat.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty); desktopNamingScheme = desktopNamingScheme.Length > 12 ? desktopNamingScheme.Substring(0, 12) : desktopNamingScheme; desktopNamingScheme += "###"; psargs.Add("desktopNamingScheme", desktopNamingScheme); // Parameters required to setup the corresponding desktopgroup psargs.Add("userNames", newCat.Users); psargs.Add("desktopGrpName", newCat.Name + ScriptNames.DesktopGroupSuffix); psargs.Add("machineCount", newCat.Count); string secGrps = DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.SecurityGroups; secGrps = secGrps ?? String.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty((newCat.SecurityGroup))) { secGrps = newCat.SecurityGroup; } psargs.Add("securityGroups", secGrps); var poshScript = new PsWrapper(Path.Combine(DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.PowerShellScriptsFolder, ScriptNames.CreateDesktopGroupScript)); var jsonEquiv2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(psargs); logger.Info("Calling " + ScriptNames.CreateDesktopGroupScript + " with args: " + jsonEquiv2); var exToIgnore = "Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.SdkOperationException"; poshScript.IgnoreExceptions.Add(exToIgnore); logger.Info("Ignoring exceptions of type " + exToIgnore + " because the SDK generates them for Get-BrokerUser calls as part of normal operation."); // Assert if (newCat.DesktopType == PublishedDesktops) { if ("Random" != (string) psargs["desktopAllocationType"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong desktopAllocationType for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if ("MultiSession" != (string) psargs["catalogSessionSupport"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong catalogSessionSupport for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if ("Discard" != (string) psargs["persistUserChanges"]) { var errMsg = "Wrong persistUserChanges for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } if (psargs["desktopCleanOnBoot"] == null) { var errMsg = "Wrong desktopCleanOnBoot for " + newCat.Name + " of type " + newCat.DesktopType; throw new ArgumentException(errMsg); } } if (DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.TestDisableCatalogCreate) { logger.Warn("Skipping Catalog create, as TestDisableCatalogCreate is set true"); } else { // Enable Windows Authentication in ASP.NET *and* IIS to ensure User.Identity is a FormsIdentity LoginViewModel clientId = LoginViewModel.JsonDeserialize(((FormsIdentity) HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Ticket); // add the ndc context string ndcContext = log4net.NDC.Pop(); log4net.NDC.Push(ndcContext); Task.Run(() => RunLongScript(poshScript, psargs, clientId, ndcContext,() => { EmailAdmin(newCat, clientId); })); } } catch (Exception e) { var errMsg = e.Message; logger.Error(errMsg); } }
private static void GetBrokerCatalogInfo(string catalogName, List<Catalog> result) { Dictionary<string, object> psargs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); psargs.Add("catalogName", catalogName); // Catalog query provides user-defined descriptions such as Name and Description var listCatScript = new PsWrapper(Path.Combine(DT2.Properties.Settings.Default.PowerShellScriptsFolder, ScriptNames.GetCatalogsDetailsScript)); LoginViewModel clientId = LoginViewModel.JsonDeserialize(((FormsIdentity) HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Ticket); var psCats = listCatScript.RunPowerShell(psargs, clientId); foreach (PSObject item in psCats) { string name = (string) item.Members["Name"].Value; int id = (int) item.Members["Uid"].Value; string description = (string) (item.Members["Description"].Value ?? String.Empty); string provid = (item.Members["ProvisioningSchemeId"].Value ?? String.Empty).ToString(); string sessionSupport = item.Members["SessionSupport"].Value.ToString(); string allocationType = item.Members["AllocationType"].Value.ToString(); string desktopType = GetXenDesktopDesktopType(allocationType, sessionSupport); var metadata = (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>) item.Members["MetadataMap"].Value; string diaasStatus = "Undetermined"; if (metadata.ContainsKey("DIaaS_Status")) { diaasStatus = metadata["DIaaS_Status"]; } var newCat = new Catalog() { Name = name, Description = description, Id = id.ToString(), // TODO: verify that count is correct. Count = (int) item.Members["UnassignedCount"].Value + (int) item.Members["AssignedCount"].Value, ProvisioningSchemeId = provid, DesktopType = desktopType, Status = diaasStatus }; result.Add(newCat); } // End foreach. }