Esempio n. 1
			public DNode GenerateRepresentativeNode(AbstractType t)
				if (NodeGetter != null)
					return NodeGetter(t);

				return new DVariable()
					Attributes = !RequireThis ? StaticAttributeList : null,
					Name = Name,
					Description = Description,
					Type = GetPropertyType(t)
Esempio n. 2
            public DNode GenerateRepresentativeNode(AbstractType t)
                if (NodeGetter != null)

                return(new DVariable()
                    Attributes = !RequireThis ? StaticAttributeList : null,
                    Name = Name,
                    Description = Description,
                    Type = GetPropertyType(t)
Esempio n. 3
        public DSymbol(DNode Node, AbstractType BaseType, IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes, ISyntaxRegion td)
            : base(BaseType, td)
            if (deducedTypes != null)
                this.DeducedTypes = new ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol>(deducedTypes.ToArray());

            if (Node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Node");

            this.definition = new WeakReference(Node);
            NameHash        = Node.NameHash;
Esempio n. 4
        public static IEnumerable <DNode> ListProperties(AbstractType t, bool staticOnly = false)
            if (t is PointerType)
                t = (t as PointerType).Base;

            t = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(t);

            if (t is PointerType)
                t = (t as PointerType).Base;

            if (t == null)
                yield break;

            var props = Properties[PropOwnerType.Generic];

            foreach (var kv in props)
                if (!staticOnly || !kv.Value.RequireThis)
                    yield return(kv.Value.GenerateRepresentativeNode(t));

            if (Properties.TryGetValue(GetOwnerType(t), out props))
                foreach (var kv in props)
                    if (!staticOnly || !kv.Value.RequireThis)
                        yield return(kv.Value.GenerateRepresentativeNode(t));
Esempio n. 5
 static PropOwnerType GetOwnerType(AbstractType t)
     if (t is ArrayType)
     else if (t is AssocArrayType)
     else if (t is DelegateType)
     else if (t is PrimitiveType)
         var tk = (t as PrimitiveType).TypeToken;
         if (DTokens.BasicTypes_Integral[tk])
         if (DTokens.BasicTypes_FloatingPoint[tk])
     else if (t is ClassType || t is InterfaceType || t is TemplateType || t is StructType)
     else if (t is DTuple)
Esempio n. 6
 public ArrayAccessSymbol(PostfixExpression_Index indexExpr, AbstractType arrayValueType) :
     base(arrayValueType, indexExpr)
Esempio n. 7
 public MemberSymbol(DNode member, AbstractType memberType, ISyntaxRegion td,
                     IEnumerable <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes)
     : base(member, memberType, deducedTypes, td)
Esempio n. 8
 public StaticProperty(DNode n, AbstractType bt, StaticProperties.ValueGetterHandler valueGetter) : base(n, bt, null)
     this.n           = n;
     this.ValueGetter = valueGetter;
Esempio n. 9
 public AliasedType(DVariable AliasDefinition, AbstractType Type, ISyntaxRegion td, ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null)
     : base(AliasDefinition, Type, td, deducedTypes)
Esempio n. 10
 static ITypeDeclaration help_ReflectType(AbstractType t)
Esempio n. 11
 public ITypeDeclaration GetPropertyType(AbstractType t)
     return(OverrideType ?? (TypeGetter != null && t != null ? TypeGetter(t) : null));
Esempio n. 12
		public DelegateType(AbstractType ReturnType,DelegateDeclaration Declaration, IEnumerable<AbstractType> Parameters = null) : base(ReturnType, Declaration)
			this.IsFunction = Declaration.IsFunction;

			if (Parameters is AbstractType[])
				this.Parameters = (AbstractType[])Parameters;
			else if(Parameters!=null)
				this.Parameters = Parameters.ToArray();
Esempio n. 13
			public ITypeDeclaration GetPropertyType(AbstractType t)
				return OverrideType ?? (TypeGetter != null && t != null ? TypeGetter(t) : null);
Esempio n. 14
		public static StaticProperty TryEvalPropertyType(ResolutionContext ctxt, AbstractType t, int propName, bool staticOnly = false)
			if (t is PointerType)
				t = (t as PointerType).Base;

			t = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(t);

			if (t is PointerType)
				t = (t as PointerType).Base;

			if (t == null)
				return null;

			var props = Properties[PropOwnerType.Generic];
			StaticPropertyInfo prop;

			if (props.TryGetValue(propName, out prop) || (Properties.TryGetValue(GetOwnerType(t), out props) && props.TryGetValue(propName, out prop)))
				var n = prop.GenerateRepresentativeNode(t);
				return new StaticProperty(n, n.Type != null ? TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveSingle(n.Type, ctxt) : null, prop.ValueGetter);

			return null;
Esempio n. 15
		public static IEnumerable<DNode> ListProperties(AbstractType t, bool staticOnly = false)
			if (t is PointerType)
				t = (t as PointerType).Base;

			t = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(t);

			if (t is PointerType)
				t = (t as PointerType).Base;

			if (t == null)
				yield break;

			var props = Properties[PropOwnerType.Generic];

			foreach (var kv in props)
				if(!staticOnly || !kv.Value.RequireThis)
				yield return kv.Value.GenerateRepresentativeNode(t);

			if (Properties.TryGetValue(GetOwnerType(t), out props))
				foreach (var kv in props)
					if (!staticOnly || !kv.Value.RequireThis)
						yield return kv.Value.GenerateRepresentativeNode(t);
Esempio n. 16
		public static void ListProperties(ICompletionDataGenerator gen, MemberFilter vis, AbstractType t, bool isVariableInstance)
			foreach (var n in ListProperties(t, !isVariableInstance))
				if (AbstractVisitor.CanAddMemberOfType(vis, n))
Esempio n. 17
		public PointerType(AbstractType Base, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Base, td) { }
Esempio n. 18
		public AliasedType(DVariable AliasDefinition, AbstractType Type, ISyntaxRegion td, ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes=null)
			: base(AliasDefinition,Type, td, deducedTypes) {}
Esempio n. 19
		public ArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, int ArrayLength, ISyntaxRegion td)
			: this(ValueType, td)
			FixedLength = ArrayLength;
			IsStaticArray = true;
Esempio n. 20
		public StaticProperty(DNode n, AbstractType bt, StaticProperties.ValueGetterHandler valueGetter) : base(n, bt, null)
			this.n = n;
			this.ValueGetter = valueGetter;
Esempio n. 21
		public DSymbol(DNode Node, AbstractType BaseType, IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes, ISyntaxRegion td)
			: base(BaseType, td)
				this.DeducedTypes = new ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol>(deducedTypes.ToArray());

			if (Node == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("Node");

			this.definition = new WeakReference(Node);
			NameHash = Node.NameHash;
Esempio n. 22
 public static void ListProperties(ICompletionDataGenerator gen, MemberFilter vis, AbstractType t, bool isVariableInstance)
     foreach (var n in ListProperties(t, !isVariableInstance))
         if (AbstractVisitor.CanAddMemberOfType(vis, n))
Esempio n. 23
		public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, 
			AbstractType baseType = null, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces = null,
			ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null)
			: base(dc, baseType, deducedTypes, td)
			this.BaseInterfaces = baseInterfaces;
Esempio n. 24
		public DelegateValue(AbstractType Definition, AbstractType ReturnType, bool IsFunction = false)
			: base(ReturnType)
			this.IsFunction = IsFunction;
			this.Definition = Definition;
Esempio n. 25
		public MemberSymbol(DNode member, AbstractType memberType, ISyntaxRegion td,
			IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes)
			: base(member, memberType, deducedTypes, td) { }
Esempio n. 26
		public InstanceValue(DClassLike Class, AbstractType ClassType)
			: base(Class, ClassType)

Esempio n. 27
 public UserDefinedType(DNode Node, AbstractType baseType, ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Node, baseType, deducedTypes, td)
Esempio n. 28
		public TypeValue(AbstractType r) : base(r) { }
Esempio n. 29
 public EnumType(DEnum Enum, AbstractType BaseType, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Enum, BaseType, null, td)
Esempio n. 30
		public ReferenceValue(INode Node, AbstractType type) : base(type)
Esempio n. 31
 public MemberSymbol(DNode member, AbstractType memberType, ISyntaxRegion td,
                     ReadOnlyCollection <TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null)
     : base(member, memberType, deducedTypes, td)
Esempio n. 32
		public InternalOverloadValue(AbstractType[] overloads) : base(null)
			this.Overloads = overloads;
Esempio n. 33
 public TemplateParameterSymbol(TemplateParameter tpn, ISemantic typeOrValue, ISyntaxRegion paramIdentifier = null)
     : base(tpn != null ? tpn.Representation : null, AbstractType.Get(typeOrValue), paramIdentifier)
     this.Parameter      = tpn;
     this.ParameterValue = typeOrValue as ISymbolValue;
Esempio n. 34
        public bool TryGetCachedResult(INode n, out AbstractType type, params IExpression[] templateArguments)
            type = null;

Esempio n. 35
		public DerivedDataType(AbstractType Base, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(td)
			this.Base = Base;
Esempio n. 36
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks results for implicit type convertability 
		/// </summary>
		public static bool IsImplicitlyConvertible(ISemantic resultToCheck, AbstractType targetType, ResolutionContext ctxt=null)
			var resToCheck = AbstractType.Get(resultToCheck);
			bool isVariable = resToCheck is MemberSymbol;

			// Initially remove aliases from results
			var _r=DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(resToCheck);
				return IsEqual(resToCheck,targetType);
			resToCheck = _r;
			targetType = DResolver.StripAliasSymbol(targetType);

			if (targetType is DSymbol)
				var tpn = ((DSymbol)targetType).Definition as TemplateParameter.Node;

				if (tpn!=null)
					var par = tpn.Parent as DNode;

					if (par != null && par.TemplateParameters != null)
						var dedParam = new DeducedTypeDictionary(par);

						return new TemplateParameterDeduction(dedParam, ctxt).Handle(tpn.TemplateParameter, resToCheck);

			_r = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(targetType);
			if (_r == null)
				return false;
			targetType = _r;

			if (resToCheck is PrimitiveType && targetType is PrimitiveType)
				var sr1 = (PrimitiveType)resToCheck;
				var sr2 = (PrimitiveType)targetType;

				if (sr1.TypeToken == sr2.TypeToken /*&& sr1.Modifier == sr2.Modifier*/)
					return true;

				switch (sr2.TypeToken)
					case DTokens.Int:
						return sr1.TypeToken == DTokens.Uint;
					case DTokens.Uint:
						return sr1.TypeToken == DTokens.Int;
					//TODO: Further types that can be converted into each other implicitly
			else if (resToCheck is UserDefinedType && targetType is UserDefinedType)
				return IsImplicitlyConvertible((UserDefinedType)resToCheck, (UserDefinedType)targetType);
			else if (resToCheck is DelegateType && targetType is DelegateType)
				return IsEqual(resToCheck, targetType); //TODO: Can non-equal delegates be converted into each other?
			else if (resToCheck is ArrayType && targetType is ArrayType)
				var ar1 = (ArrayType)resToCheck;
				var ar2 = (ArrayType)targetType;

				// Key as well as value types must be matching!
				var ar1_n= ar1.KeyType==null;
				var ar2_n=ar2.KeyType==null;

				if (ar1_n != ar2_n)
					return false;

				if(ar1_n || IsImplicitlyConvertible(ar1.KeyType, ar2.KeyType, ctxt))
					return IsImplicitlyConvertible(ar1.Base, ar2.Base, ctxt);

			else if (resToCheck is DTuple && targetType is DTuple)
				var tup1 = resToCheck as DTuple;
				var tup2 = resToCheck as DTuple;

				return true;
			/*else if (resultToCheck is ExpressionValueResult && targetType is ExpressionValue)
				return ((ExpressionValueResult)resultToCheck).Value.Equals(((ExpressionValueResult)targetType).Value);

			//TODO: Pointer to non-pointer / vice-versa checkability? -- Can it really be done implicitly?
			else if(!isVariable && 
				resToCheck is ArrayType && 
				targetType is PointerType && ((targetType = (targetType as PointerType).Base) is PrimitiveType) &&
				DTokens.CharTypes[(targetType as PrimitiveType).TypeToken])
				return (resultToCheck as ArrayType).IsString;

			return false;
Esempio n. 37
		public ArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, ISyntaxRegion td)
			: base(ValueType, new PrimitiveType(DTokens.Int, 0), td) { FixedLength = -1; }
		void BuildCompletionData(
			AbstractType rr,
			IBlockNode currentlyScopedBlock,
			bool isVariableInstance = false,
			AbstractType resultParent = null)
			if (rr == null)

			if(rr.DeclarationOrExpressionBase is ITypeDeclaration)
				isVariableInstance |= (rr.DeclarationOrExpressionBase as ITypeDeclaration).ExpressesVariableAccess;

			if (rr is ArrayAccessSymbol)
				isVariableInstance = true;
				rr = (rr as ArrayAccessSymbol).Base;

			if (rr is MemberSymbol)
				BuildCompletionData((MemberSymbol)rr, currentlyScopedBlock, isVariableInstance);

			// A module path has been typed
			else if (!isVariableInstance && rr is ModuleSymbol)

			else if (rr is PackageSymbol)

			#region A type was referenced directly
			else if (rr is EnumType)
				var en = (EnumType)rr;

				foreach (var e in en.Definition)

			else if (rr is TemplateIntermediateType)
				var tr = (TemplateIntermediateType)rr;

				if (tr.DeclarationOrExpressionBase is TokenExpression)
					int token = ((TokenExpression)tr.DeclarationOrExpressionBase).Token;

					isVariableInstance = token == DTokens.This || token == DTokens.Super;

				// Cases:

				// myVar. (located in basetype definition)		<-- Show everything
				// this. 										<-- Show everything
				// myVar. (not located in basetype definition) 	<-- Show public and public static members
				// super. 										<-- Show all base type members
				// myClass. (not located in myClass)			<-- Show all static members
				// myClass. (located in myClass)				<-- Show all static members

				BuildCompletionData(tr, isVariableInstance);

			else if (rr is PointerType)
				var pt = (PointerType)rr;
				if (!(pt.Base is PrimitiveType && pt.Base.DeclarationOrExpressionBase is PointerDecl))
					BuildCompletionData(pt.Base, currentlyScopedBlock, true, pt);

				StaticProperties.ListProperties(CompletionDataGenerator, MemberFilter, rr, isVariableInstance);
Esempio n. 39
		public AssocArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, AbstractType KeyType, ISyntaxRegion td)
			: base(ValueType, td)
			this.KeyType = KeyType;
		void HandleResult(ISyntaxRegion sr, AbstractType t)
			if (t is UserDefinedType)
Esempio n. 41
		public DelegateType(AbstractType ReturnType, FunctionLiteral Literal, IEnumerable<AbstractType> Parameters)
			: base(ReturnType, Literal)
			this.IsFunction = Literal.LiteralToken == DTokens.Function;
			if (Parameters is AbstractType[])
				this.Parameters = (AbstractType[])Parameters;
			else if (Parameters != null)
				this.Parameters = Parameters.ToArray();
Esempio n. 42
 public DerivedDataType(AbstractType Base, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(td)
     this.Base = Base;
Esempio n. 43
		public UserDefinedType(DNode Node, AbstractType baseType, ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Node, baseType, deducedTypes, td) { }
Esempio n. 44
 public PointerType(AbstractType Base, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Base, td)
Esempio n. 45
		public EnumType(DEnum Enum, AbstractType BaseType, ISyntaxRegion td) : base(Enum, BaseType, null, td) { }
Esempio n. 46
 public ArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, ISyntaxRegion td)
     : base(ValueType, new PrimitiveType(DTokens.Int, 0), td)
     FixedLength = -1;
Esempio n. 47
		public TemplateIntermediateType(DClassLike dc, ISyntaxRegion td, 
			AbstractType baseType, InterfaceType[] baseInterfaces,
			IEnumerable<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes)
			: this(dc,td, baseType,baseInterfaces,
			deducedTypes != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol>(deducedTypes.ToArray()) : null)
		{ }
Esempio n. 48
 public ArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, int ArrayLength, ISyntaxRegion td)
     : this(ValueType, td)
     FixedLength   = ArrayLength;
     IsStaticArray = true;
Esempio n. 49
		public MemberSymbol(DNode member, AbstractType memberType, ISyntaxRegion td,
			ReadOnlyCollection<TemplateParameterSymbol> deducedTypes = null)
			: base(member, memberType, deducedTypes, td) { }
Esempio n. 50
 public AssocArrayType(AbstractType ValueType, AbstractType KeyType, ISyntaxRegion td)
     : base(ValueType, td)
     this.KeyType = KeyType;
Esempio n. 51
		public ArrayAccessSymbol(PostfixExpression_Index indexExpr, AbstractType arrayValueType):
			base(arrayValueType,indexExpr)	{ }
Esempio n. 52
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks results for implicit type convertability
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsImplicitlyConvertible(ISemantic resultToCheck, AbstractType targetType, ResolutionContext ctxt = null)
            var  resToCheck = AbstractType.Get(resultToCheck);
            bool isVariable = resToCheck is MemberSymbol;

            // Initially remove aliases from results
            var _r = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(resToCheck);

            if (_r == null)
                return(IsEqual(resToCheck, targetType));
            resToCheck = _r;

            targetType = DResolver.StripAliasSymbol(targetType);

            if (targetType is DSymbol)
                var tpn = ((DSymbol)targetType).Definition as TemplateParameter.Node;

                if (tpn != null)
                    var par = tpn.Parent as DNode;

                    if (par != null && par.TemplateParameters != null)
                        var dedParam = new DeducedTypeDictionary(par);

                        return(new TemplateParameterDeduction(dedParam, ctxt).Handle(tpn.TemplateParameter, resToCheck));

            _r = DResolver.StripMemberSymbols(targetType);
            if (_r == null)
            targetType = _r;

            if (resToCheck is PrimitiveType && targetType is PrimitiveType)
                var sr1 = (PrimitiveType)resToCheck;
                var sr2 = (PrimitiveType)targetType;

                if (sr1.TypeToken == sr2.TypeToken /*&& sr1.Modifier == sr2.Modifier*/)

                switch (sr2.TypeToken)
                case DTokens.Int:
                    return(sr1.TypeToken == DTokens.Uint);

                case DTokens.Uint:
                    return(sr1.TypeToken == DTokens.Int);
                    //TODO: Further types that can be converted into each other implicitly
            else if (resToCheck is UserDefinedType && targetType is UserDefinedType)
                return(IsImplicitlyConvertible((UserDefinedType)resToCheck, (UserDefinedType)targetType));
            else if (resToCheck is DelegateType && targetType is DelegateType)
                return(IsEqual(resToCheck, targetType));                //TODO: Can non-equal delegates be converted into each other?
            else if (resToCheck is ArrayType && targetType is ArrayType)
                var ar1 = (ArrayType)resToCheck;
                var ar2 = (ArrayType)targetType;

                // Key as well as value types must be matching!
                var ar1_n = ar1.KeyType == null;
                var ar2_n = ar2.KeyType == null;

                if (ar1_n != ar2_n)

                if (ar1_n || IsImplicitlyConvertible(ar1.KeyType, ar2.KeyType, ctxt))
                    return(IsImplicitlyConvertible(ar1.Base, ar2.Base, ctxt));

            else if (resToCheck is DTuple && targetType is DTuple)
                var tup1 = resToCheck as DTuple;
                var tup2 = resToCheck as DTuple;


            /*else if (resultToCheck is ExpressionValueResult && targetType is ExpressionValue)
             * {
             *      return ((ExpressionValueResult)resultToCheck).Value.Equals(((ExpressionValueResult)targetType).Value);
             * }*/

            //TODO: Pointer to non-pointer / vice-versa checkability? -- Can it really be done implicitly?
            else if (!isVariable &&
                     resToCheck is ArrayType &&
                     targetType is PointerType && ((targetType = (targetType as PointerType).Base) is PrimitiveType) &&
                     DTokens.CharTypes[(targetType as PrimitiveType).TypeToken])
                return((resultToCheck as ArrayType).IsString);
