private PolarCorrectedAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, AlignStar[] stars, double altOffset, Rotation3 rotationToStand, double equAngleFactor, Rotation3 correction)
            equAxis_ = equAxis;

            if (stars != null && stars.Length > 0)
                stars_ = new AlignStar[stars.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; ++i)
                    if (stars[i] != null)
                        stars_[i] = (AlignStar)stars[i].Clone();

            altOffset_       = altOffset;
            rotationToStand_ = rotationToStand;
            equAngleFactor_  = equAngleFactor;
            correction_      = correction;
        // deep cloning
        private FourStarsAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, AlignStar[] stars, Rotation3 rotationToStand, double altOffset, double equHorzDiff, double quality, Precisions precesions, int iterationCnt, bool alignmentDone)
            if (stars.Length < 4 || stars.Length > stars_.Length)
                throw new ApplicationException("too few alignment stars");

            // check equatorial angles: 1) should be within limits for stars 0,1, 2) should be within limits for stars 2,3, and 3) should be different for (0,1) and (2,3) star pairs
            if (Math.Abs(stars[0].EquAngle - stars[1].EquAngle) > precesions.iterEquAngleDiff_ ||
                Math.Abs(stars[2].EquAngle - stars[3].EquAngle) > precesions.iterEquAngleDiff_ ||
                stars[0].EquAngle == stars[2].EquAngle)
                throw new ApplicationException("bad data for 4-stars alignment");

            // check equatorial angles: 1) should be same for stars 0 and 1, 2) should be same for stars 2 and 3, and 3) should be different for (0,1) and (2,3) star pairs
            //if (stars[0].EquAngle != stars[1].EquAngle || stars[2].EquAngle != stars[3].EquAngle || stars[0].EquAngle == stars[2].EquAngle)
            //    throw new ApplicationException("bad data for 4-stars alignment");

            equAxis_ = equAxis;

            for (int i = 0; i < stars.Length; ++i)
                if (stars[i] != null)
                    stars_[i] = (AlignStar)stars[i].Clone();

            rotationToStand_ = rotationToStand;
            altOffset_       = altOffset;
            equScopeDiff_    = stars_[2].EquAngle - stars_[0].EquAngle;
            equHorzDiff_     = equHorzDiff;
            quality_         = quality;
            precesions_      = precesions;
            iterationCnt_    = iterationCnt;
            alignmentDone_   = alignmentDone;
        private void AlignDynamic()
            double equAngleFactor = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < precesions_.iterCnt_; ++i)
                Vect3 star1horz_corrected = new Rotation3((stars_[1].EquAngle - stars_[0].EquAngle) * equAngleFactor, equAxis_).Apply(stars_[1].Horz);
                Vect3 star3horz_corrected = new Rotation3((stars_[3].EquAngle - stars_[2].EquAngle) * equAngleFactor, equAxis_).Apply(stars_[3].Horz);

                double    altOffset0;
                Rotation3 rotationToStand0;
                double    quality0;
                TwoStarsAlignment.Align(stars_[0].Horz, stars_[0].Scope, star1horz_corrected, stars_[1].Scope, precesions_, out altOffset0, out rotationToStand0, out quality0);

                double    altOffset1;
                Rotation3 rotationToStand1;
                double    quality1;
                TwoStarsAlignment.Align(stars_[2].Horz, stars_[2].Scope, star3horz_corrected, stars_[3].Scope, precesions_, out altOffset1, out rotationToStand1, out quality1);

                Rotation3 eqRotation = rotationToStand0.Conj * rotationToStand1;    // actual equatorial rotation
                Vect3     equAxisNew = eqRotation.Axis;
                double    diff       = Vect3.VMul(equAxis_, equAxisNew).Abs;
                equAxis_ = equAxisNew;
                if (diff < precesions_.iterEquAxisDiff_)
                    equHorzDiff_     = eqRotation.Angle;                            // Generally, it isn't equal to equScopeDiff_. It depends on platform accuracy.
                    rotationToStand_ = rotationToStand0;
                    altOffset_       = (altOffset0 + altOffset1) / 2;               // average offset
                    quality_         = (quality0 > quality1) ? quality0 : quality1; // maximal quality
                    iterationCnt_    = i + 1;
                equAngleFactor = eqRotation.Angle / equScopeDiff_;
            throw new ApplicationException("too many iterations");
Esempio n. 4
 // deep cloning
 private DSCAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, Alignment currAlignment, Precisions precesions)
     equAxis_       = equAxis;
     currAlignment_ = (Alignment)currAlignment.Clone();
     precesions_    = precesions;
Esempio n. 5
 public override Alignment CorrectEquAxis(Vect3 newEquAxis)
     currAlignment_ = currAlignment_.CorrectEquAxis(newEquAxis);
Esempio n. 6
 public DSCAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, Precisions precesions)
     equAxis_       = equAxis;
     precesions_    = precesions;
     currAlignment_ = new OneStarAlignment(equAxis_, precesions_);
Esempio n. 7
 public abstract Alignment CorrectEquAxis(Vect3 newEquAxis);
Esempio n. 8
 public Vect3 Apply(Vect3 v)
     return((this * v * Conj).Vect);
Esempio n. 9
 public static Vect3 VMul(Vect3 v0, Vect3 v1)
     return(new Vect3(v0.y_ * v1.z_ - v0.z_ * v1.y_,
                      v0.z_ * v1.x_ - v0.x_ * v1.z_,
                      v0.x_ * v1.y_ - v0.y_ * v1.x_));
Esempio n. 10
 public static double SMul(Vect3 v0, Vect3 v1)
     return(v0.x_ * v1.x_ + v0.y_ * v1.y_ + v0.z_ * v1.z_);
Esempio n. 11
 public OneStarAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, Precisions precesions, AlignStar star)
     equAxis_    = equAxis;
     precesions_ = precesions;
Esempio n. 12
 public OneStarAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, Precisions precesions)
     equAxis_    = equAxis;
     precesions_ = precesions;
Esempio n. 13
 public override Alignment CorrectEquAxis(Vect3 newEquAxis)
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Align(Vect3 horz0, PairA scope0, Vect3 horz1, PairA scope1, Precisions precesions,
                                 out double altOffset, out Rotation3 rotationToStand, out double quality)
            altOffset = CalcAltOffset(horz0, scope0, horz1, scope1);
            Vect3 s0 = new Vect3(scope0.Offset(0, -altOffset));
            Vect3 s1 = new Vect3(scope1.Offset(0, -altOffset));

            double abs;

            Vect3 n0 = horz0 - s0;

            abs = n0.Abs;
            if (abs < precesions.rotation_)
                double angle = CalcRotationAngle(s0, horz1, s1);
                if (angle == 0 || angle == Math.PI)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error7");

                quality         = -1;
                rotationToStand = new Rotation3(angle, s0);
            n0 /= abs;

            Vect3 n1 = horz1 - s1;

            abs = n1.Abs;
            if (abs < precesions.rotation_)
                double angle = CalcRotationAngle(s1, horz0, s0);
                if (angle == 0 || angle == Math.PI)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Error8");

                quality         = -2;
                rotationToStand = new Rotation3(angle, s1);
            n1 /= abs;

            // axis
            Vect3 axis = Vect3.VMul(n0, n1);

            abs = axis.Abs;
            if (abs < precesions.axis_)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error4");
            axis /= abs;

            double angle0 = CalcRotationAngle(axis, horz0, s0);

            if (angle0 == 0 || angle0 == Math.PI)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error5");

            double angle1 = CalcRotationAngle(axis, horz1, s1);

            if (angle1 == 0 || angle1 == Math.PI)
                throw new ApplicationException("Error6");

            quality         = Math.Abs(angle0 - angle1);
            rotationToStand = new Rotation3((angle0 + angle1) / 2, axis);
Esempio n. 15
        private static double CalcRotationAngle(Vect3 n, Vect3 a0, Vect3 a1)
            double an = Vect3.SMul(a0, n);

            return(Math.Atan2(Vect3.SMul(n, Vect3.VMul(a0, a1)), Vect3.SMul(a0, a1) - an * an));
Esempio n. 16
 public TwoStarsAlignment(Vect3 equAxis, Precisions precesions)
     equAxis_       = equAxis;
     precesions_    = precesions;
     alignmentDone_ = false;