public DOEgbXMLReportingObj Copy()
            DOEgbXMLReportingObj report = new DOEgbXMLReportingObj();

            report.standResult    = new List <string>(this.standResult);
            report.testResult     = new List <string>(this.testResult);
            report.idList         = new List <string>(this.idList);
            report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary <string, bool>(this.TestPassedDict);
            report.OutputTypeDict = new Dictionary <string, OutPutEnum>(this.OutputTypeDict);
            report.MessageDict    = new Dictionary <string, string>(this.MessageDict);
            report.MessageList    = new List <string>(this.MessageList);
            //  if (this.MatchedSurfaceIds != null)
            //      report.MatchedSurfaceIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(this.MatchedSurfaceIds);

            report.tolerance    = this.tolerance;
            report.testType     = this.testType;
            report.outputType   = this.outputType;
            report.subTestIndex = this.subTestIndex;
            report.unit         = this.unit;
            report.passOrFail   = this.passOrFail;
            report.longMsg      = this.longMsg;

            report.testSummary = this.testSummary;

 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj SurfaceCCTest(List<SurfaceDefinitions> surfaces, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
     //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
     //added Feb 17 2014
     report.testSummary = "This test ensures that each Surface has coordinate descriptions that wind in a counter clockwise order.";
     report.MessageList = new List<string>();
     report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
         report.MessageList.Add("Starting counter-clockwise winding test for Surface elements");
         foreach (SurfaceDefinitions s in surfaces)
             report.MessageList.Add("Testing Surface id: " + s.SurfaceId);
             var wd = Vector.isCounterClockwise(s.PlCoords);
             if (wd == Vector.WalkDirection.Clockwise)
                 report.MessageList.Add("CLOCKWISE WINDING DETECTED: Surface id: " + s.SurfaceId + " is wound in a clockwise order.");
                 report.TestPassedDict.Add(s.SurfaceId, false);
                 report.MessageList.Add("PASS: Surface id: " + s.SurfaceId + " is wound in a counter-clockwise order.");
                 report.TestPassedDict.Add(s.SurfaceId, true);
     catch (Exception e)
         report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
         report.passOrFail = false;
         return report;
         report.longMsg = "TEST FAILED: Surfaces have been detected with clockwise winding orders.";
         report.passOrFail = false;
         return report;
         report.longMsg = "TEST PASSED: All Surfaces have counter-clockwise winding orders.";
         report.passOrFail = true;
         return report;
        public DOEgbXMLReportingObj Copy()
            DOEgbXMLReportingObj report = new DOEgbXMLReportingObj();
            report.standResult = new List<string>(this.standResult);
            report.testResult = new List<string>(this.testResult);
            report.idList = new List<string>(this.idList);
            report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>(this.TestPassedDict);
            report.MessageList = new List<string>(this.MessageList);
          //  if (this.MatchedSurfaceIds != null)
          //      report.MatchedSurfaceIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(this.MatchedSurfaceIds);

            report.tolerance = this.tolerance;
            report.testType = this.testType;
            report.subTestIndex = this.subTestIndex;
            report.unit = this.unit;
            report.passOrFail = this.passOrFail;
            report.longMsg = this.longMsg;

            report.testSummary = this.testSummary;

            return report;
        public void StartTest(XmlReader xmldoc, string testToRun, ref gbXMLReport gbr, string username = "******")

            TestToRun = testToRun;
            globalMatchObject = new gbXMLMatches();

            //first create a list of lists that is indexed identically to the drop down list the user selects
            TestDetail = new DOEgbXMLTestDetail();
            //then populate the list of lists.  All indexing is done "by hand" in InitializeTestResultStrings()

            //create report list reportlist will store all the test result
            ReportList = new List<DOEgbXMLReportingObj>();

            //Load an XML File for the test at hand
            gbXMLTestFile = new XmlDocument();

            gbXMLStandardFile = new XmlDocument();
            if (!TestFileIsAvailable())
                //TODO:  update browser json with something to indicate there is a problem

            //Define the namespace
            XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns1 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLTestFile.NameTable);
            gbXMLns1.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", "");
            XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(gbXMLStandardFile.NameTable);
            gbXMLns2.AddNamespace("gbXMLv5", "");

            List<XmlDocument> gbXMLdocs = new List<XmlDocument>();
            List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm = new List<XmlNamespaceManager>();
            //standardizing all tests on US-IP
            Conversions c = new Conversions();
            Conversions.volumeUnitEnum testVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet;
            Conversions.volumeUnitEnum validatorVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet;
            Conversions.areaUnitEnum testArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet;
            Conversions.areaUnitEnum validatorArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet;
            Conversions.lengthUnitEnum testLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet;
            Conversions.lengthUnitEnum validatorLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet;

            Conversions.lengthUnitEnum standardLength = Conversions.lengthUnitEnum.Feet;
            Conversions.areaUnitEnum standardArea = Conversions.areaUnitEnum.SquareFeet;
            Conversions.volumeUnitEnum standardVol = Conversions.volumeUnitEnum.CubicFeet;

            //standardize all units to feet, square feet, and cubic feet
            double testlengthConversion = 1;
            double testareaConversion = 1;
            double testvolumeConversion = 1;
            double standardlengthConversion = 1;
            double standardareaConversion = 1;
            double standardvolConversion = 1;

            bool mustBePlanar = false;

            for(int ns=0; ns< gbXMLnsm.Count; ns++)
                if (ns == 0)
                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLdocs[ns].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML", gbXMLnsm[ns]);
                    StandardizeToUSIP(nodes, c, ref testlengthConversion, ref testareaConversion, ref testvolumeConversion, ref testLength, ref testArea, ref testVol);
                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLdocs[ns].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML", gbXMLnsm[ns]);
                    StandardizeToUSIP(nodes, c, ref standardlengthConversion, ref standardareaConversion, ref standardvolConversion, ref standardLength, ref standardArea, ref standardVol);
           //TODO:  Add a summary of the Unit of Measures stuff above to the final result

            //Create a Log file that logs the success or failure of each test.
            //Eventually maybe I want to create a little HTML factory

            output = "";
            log = "";
            table += "<div class='container'>" +
                    "<h3>" + "Test Sections" + "</h3>";
            table += "<table class='table table-bordered'>";
            table += "<tr class='info'>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Standard Result" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test File Result" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Tolerances" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" +

            string units;
            DOEgbXMLReportingObj report = new DOEgbXMLReportingObj();
            CampusReport camprep = new CampusReport();

            //this string I can manipulate to produce the final test output
            string menujson = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(gbXMLStandardFile);
            //prepare json for view
            menujson = MakeViewJson(menujson);

   = menujson;
            gbr.CampusReport = camprep;

            report.standResult = new List<string>();
            report.testResult = new List<string>();
            report.idList = new List<string>();
            report.MessageList = new List<string>();
            report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>();

            //Set up the Global Pass/Fail criteria for the test case file
            TestCriteria = new DOEgbXMLTestCriteriaObject();
            //needed specially for area and volume tests
            DOEgbXMLTestDetail afile = TestDetail.TestDetailList.Find(x => x.testName == TestToRun);

            BuildingSummary bs = new BuildingSummary();
            bs.FileType = "Standard";
            BuildingSummary bst = new BuildingSummary();
            bst.FileType = "Test";
            //Test 2 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AreaTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Building_Area;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString();
            //report = GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion);
            logger.Info("START: BUILDING AREA TEST");
            var baresult = GetBuildingArea(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AreaPercentageTolerance, afile );
                camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
            logger.Info("END: BUILDING AREA TEST");

            //AddToOutPut("Building Area Test Passed: ", report, true);

            //Test 3 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Space_Count;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.spaces.ToString();
            //report = GetBuildingSpaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: BUILDING SPACE COUNT TEST");
            SpacesSummary ssm = new SpacesSummary();
            ssm.FileType = "Standard";
            SpacesSummary ssmt = new SpacesSummary();
            ssmt.FileType = "Test";
            var spctResult = GetBuildingSpaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, "", DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceCountTolerance, ref camprep);
                camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
            logger.Info("END: BUILDING SPACE COUNT TEST");
            //AddToOutPut("Building Space Quantity Count Test Passed: ", report, true);

            // Building Stories Tests....
            ////Test 4 execute
            report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Count;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.levels.ToString();
            //report = GetBuildingStoryCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: Building Storey Count Test");
            var blstctresult = GetBuildingStoryCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelCountTolerance);
                camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field
            logger.Info("END: Building Storey Count Test");
            //AddToOutPut("Building Story Count Test Passed: ", report, true);

            //Test 5 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelHeightTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_Z_Height;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.ft.ToString();
            report = GetStoryHeights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion);
            logger.Info("START: Building Storey Height Test");
            var storyHeightsres = GetStoryHeights(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.LevelHeightTolerance);
            if (!storyHeightsres)
                camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field
            logger.Info("END: Building Storey Height Test");
            //AddToOutPut("Building Story Z-Height Test: ", report, true);

            //Test 6 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Building_Story_PolyLoop_RHR;
            //units = "degrees";
            //report = TestBuildingStoryRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: Building Story Right Hand Rule Test.");
            var blstRHResult = TestBuildingStoryRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
                //this method has no bearing on the overall pass or fail tests.
                //camprep.BuildingSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //TODO: Need a Building Story Summary Field
            logger.Info("END: Building Story Right Hand Rule Test.");
            //AddToOutPut("Building Story PolyLoop Right Hand Rule Test Result:", report, true);

            //String spShellGeometrySurfaceNum = TestShellGeomSurfaceNum(gbXMLTestFile, gbXMLns);

            //Space Tests .............................................................
            //Test 7 execute
            //only needs to test the test file
            //report.testType = TestType.SpaceId_Match_Test;
            logger.Info("START: UNIQUE SPACE ID TEST");
            var spaceIDresults = UniqueSpaceIdTest(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
                camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
            logger.Info("END: UNIQUE SPACE ID TEST");
            //AddToOutPut("SpaceId Match Test: ", report, true);

            //Test 8 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceAreaTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Space_Area;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.sqft.ToString();
            logger.Info("START: SPACE AREAS TEST");
            //report = TestSpaceAreas(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion,standardareaConversion,afile);
            var result = TestSpaceAreas(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion, afile, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SpaceAreaTolerance);
                camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: SPACE AREAS TEST");
            //AddToOutPut("Space Areas Test: ", report, true);

            //Test 9 execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VolumeTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Space_Volume;
            //units = DOEgbXMLBasics.MeasurementUnits.cubicft.ToString();
            logger.Info("START: SPACE VOLUMES TEST");
            //report = TestSpaceVolumes(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, validatorVol, testVol, testvolumeConversion,standardvolConversion,afile);
            var volresult = TestSpaceVolumes(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep, validatorVol, testVol, testvolumeConversion, standardvolConversion, afile, DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VolumePercentageTolerance);
            logger.Info("END: SPACE VOLUMES TEST");
            if (!volresult)
                camprep.SpacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            //AddToOutPut("Space Volumes Test: ", report, true);

            //Test 10 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.VectorAngleTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Shell_Geom_RHR;
            //units = "degrees";
            //report = TestShellGeomPLRHR(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            //AddToOutPut("Shell Geometry RHR Test: ",report);

            //Surface Element tests
            //deprecating all counts tests as criteria for passing and failing.  Use this now only to indicate counts in the surfaces summary
            ////Test 11 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Total_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            //AddToOutPut("Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            ////Surface Element tests
            ////Test 12 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.ExteriorWallCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Exterior_Wall_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            SurfaceSummary ss = new SurfaceSummary();
            ss.FileType = "Standard";
            SurfaceSummary sst = new SurfaceSummary();
            sst.FileType = "Test";
            camprep.SurfacesSummary.Add(sst); //initialization of summaries complete
            logger.Info("START: EXTERIOR WALL COUNT");
            //report = GetEWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            var ewctresult = GetEWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            logger.Info("END: EXTERIOR WALL COUNT");
            if (!ewctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            //AddToOutPut("Exterior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Underground_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetUGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: UNDERGROUND WALL COUNT");
            var ugwctresult = GetUGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!ugwctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: UNDERGROUND WALL COUNT");
            //AddToOutPut("Underground Wall Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            logger.Info("START: SLABONGRADE COUNT");
            var sogctresult = GetSOGSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!sogctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: SLABONGRADE WALL COUNT");

            ////Surface Element tests
            ////Test 13 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Interior_Wall_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            logger.Info("START: INTERIOR WALL COUNT");
            //report = GetIWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            var iwctresult = GetIWSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!iwctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: INTERIOR WALL COUNT");
            //AddToOutPut("Interior Wall Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            ////Surface Element tests
            ////Test 13 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorFloorCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Interior_Floor_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetIFSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: INTERIOR FLOOR/CEILING COUNT");
            var ifctresult = GetIFSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!ifctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: INTERIOR FLOOR/CEILING COUNT");

            //AddToOutPut("Interior Floor Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            ////Surface Element tests
            ////Test 14 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Roof_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetRoofSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: ROOF COUNT");
            var irctresult = GetRoofSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!irctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: ROOF COUNT");
            //AddToOutPut("Roof Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            ////Surface Element tests
            ////Test 15 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.InteriorWallCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Shading_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetShadeSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: SHADING DEVICE COUNT");
            var shadectresult = GetShadeSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!shadectresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            //AddToOutPut("Shading Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);
            logger.Info("END: SHADING DEVICE COUNT");

            ////Test 16 Execute
            //report.tolerance = DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.AirWallCountTolerance;
            //report.testType = TestType.Air_Surface_Count;
            //units = "";
            //report = GetAirSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, report, units);
            logger.Info("START: AIR SURFACE COUNT");
            var asctresult = GetAirSurfaceCount(gbXMLdocs, gbXMLnsm, ref camprep);
            if (!asctresult)
                //do nothing, it has no consequence for now
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: AIR SURFACE COUNT");
            //AddToOutPut("Air Surface Count Test Result: ", report, true);

            #region surface detailed test
            //Jan 31-2012:  We may not want to perform these if the surface counts fail, but for now, we will include these tests
            //Detailed Surface Checks
            //Store Surface Element Information
            List<SurfaceDefinitions> TestSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>();
            XmlDocument TestFile = gbXMLdocs[0];
            XmlNamespaceManager TestNSM = gbXMLnsm[0];
            List<SurfaceDefinitions> StandardSurfaces = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>();
            XmlDocument StandardFile = gbXMLdocs[1];
            XmlNamespaceManager StandardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1];
            TestSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(TestFile, TestNSM);
            StandardSurfaces = GetFileSurfaceDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM);
            string TestSurfaceTable = " <div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>";
            TestSurfaceTable += "<tr class='info'>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Stand Surface ID" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Surface ID" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Stand Surface Tilt" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Surface Tilt" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Stand Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Surface Azimuth" + "</td>" +
                                    "<td>" + "Stand Surface Height" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Surface Height" + "</td>" +
                                    "<td>" + "Stand Surface Width" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Test Surface Width" + "</td>" +
                                   "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" +
            //Test Surfaces Planar Test
            //all polyloops must be such that the surface defined by the coordinates is planar
            //report.testType = TestType.Surface_Planar_Test;
            logger.Info("START: SURFACE PLANARITY TEST");
            //report = TestSurfacePlanarTest(TestSurfaces, report);
            var planarityResult = TestSurfacePlanarTest(TestSurfaces,ref camprep);
            if (!planarityResult)
                camprep.SurfacesSummary.Find(x => x.FileType == "Standard").PassedAllTests = false;
                //gbxml detailed compliance results?
            logger.Info("END: SURFACE PLANARITY TEST");

            //if (!report.passOrFail && mustBePlanar)
            //    AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Surface Check: ", report, true);
            //    report.Clear();

            //only run detailed surface checks if the surfaces are planar
                //<For each surface in the Standard File, try to find a match for this surface in the test file>
                //Written Jan 31, 2013 by Chien Si Harriman, Senior Product Manager, Carmel Software Corporation
                //Execute Tests

                //  globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                int i = 1;

                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surface in StandardSurfaces)
                    DetailedSurfaceSummary ssSummary = new DetailedSurfaceSummary();
                    //multiple tolerances used
                    report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Surface_Checks;
                    report.subTestIndex = i;
                    if (surface.SurfaceId == "su-zone_5_Srf_7" || surface.SurfaceId == "su-zone_0_Srf_0")
                        var d = 1;
                    logger.Info("START: DETAILED SURFACE TEST");
                    GetSurfaceMatches(surface, TestSurfaces, ref ssSummary, validatorLength, testLength, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion, validatorArea, testArea, testareaConversion, standardareaConversion);
                    logger.Info("END: DETAILED SURFACE TEST");


                #region opending detailed test
                //openings detailed tests
                List<OpeningDefinitions> TestOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>();
                XmlDocument testFile = gbXMLdocs[0];
                XmlNamespaceManager testNSM = gbXMLnsm[0];
                List<OpeningDefinitions> StandardOpenings = new List<OpeningDefinitions>();
                XmlDocument standardFile = gbXMLdocs[1];
                XmlNamespaceManager standardNSM = gbXMLnsm[1];
                TestOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(TestFile, TestNSM);
                StandardOpenings = GetFileOpeningDefs(StandardFile, StandardNSM);

                string TestOpeningTable = "";
                report.testType = TestType.Opening_Planar_Test;
                report = TestOpeningPlanarTest(TestOpenings, report);

                if (!report.passOrFail)
                    AddToOutPut("Test File Planar Opening Check: ", report, true);
                //only run detailed opening checks if the opening are planar
                    TestOpeningTable = "<div class='container'><table class='table table-bordered'>";
                    TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='info'>" +
                                           "<td>" + "Test Section Name" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Standard Opening Id" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Test Opening Id" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Standard Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Test Parent Surface Id" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Standard Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Test Parent Azimuth" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Standard Parent Tilt" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Test Parent Tilt" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Standard Surface Area" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Test Surface Area" + "</td>" +
                                            "<td>" + "Pass/Fail" + "</td>" +

                    globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
                    int j = 1;
                    //if no openings remove the table.
                    if (StandardOpenings.Count < 1)
                        TestOpeningTable = "";
                    //compare the openings
                    foreach (OpeningDefinitions opening in StandardOpenings)

                        report.testType = TestType.Detailed_Opening_Checks;
                        report.subTestIndex = j;

                        report = GetPossibleOpeningMatches(opening, TestOpenings, report);

                        AddToOutPut("Test 17 for Opening number " + j + " Result: ", report, false);

                        foreach (OpeningDefinitions to in TestOpenings)
                            if (globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds.ContainsKey(opening.OpeningId))
                                foreach (string id in globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds[opening.OpeningId])
                                    if (to.OpeningId == id)
                                        if (report.passOrFail)
                                            TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='success'>" +
                                                "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" +
                                                "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" +
                                               "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + to.OpeningId + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + to.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.ParentTilt) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", to.surfaceArea) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + "Pass" + "</td>" +


                        //if didn't find match means it failed the test
                        if (!report.passOrFail)
                            TestOpeningTable += "<tr class='error'>" +
                                              "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" +
                                              "Detailed Opening Checks " + report.subTestIndex + "</a>" + "</td>" +
                                              "<td>" + opening.OpeningId + "</td>" +
                                              "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + opening.ParentSurfaceId + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentAzimuth) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" +
                                                 "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.ParentTilt) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" +
                                                 "<td>" + String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", opening.surfaceArea) + "</td>" +
                                                "<td>" + "---" + "</td>" +
                                              "<td>" + "Fail" + "</td>" +
                        j += 1;

                TestOpeningTable += "</table></div><br/>";

                //close table
                table += "</table></div><br/>";
                //add TestSurfaceTable
                table += TestSurfaceTable + TestOpeningTable;


        private void AddToOutPut(string title, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, bool createTable)
            //add report to report list
            //have to deep copy the report before put report in the list
            DOEgbXMLReportingObj tmpreport = report.Copy();

            output += "<h3>" + title + "</h3>";
            log += title + System.Environment.NewLine;

            var passTest = report.TestPassedDict.Values;
            bool individualTestBool = true;
            foreach (bool testResult in passTest)
                if (testResult == false)
                    individualTestBool = false;
            if (report.passOrFail && individualTestBool)
                output += "<h4 class='text-success'>" + report.longMsg + "</h4>";
                output += "<h4 class='text-error'>" + report.longMsg + "</h4>";
                overallPassTest = false;

            log += report.longMsg + System.Environment.NewLine;

            //message list, print out each message in the list if there are any
            if (report.MessageList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < report.MessageList.Count; i++)
                    output += "<p  class='text-info'>" + report.MessageList[i] + "</p>";
                    log += report.MessageList[i] + System.Environment.NewLine;

            output += "<br/>";
            log += System.Environment.NewLine;

            //create table row
            if (createTable)

                if (report.standResult.Count == 0)

                //for eachout put
                for (int i = 0; i < report.standResult.Count; i++)
                    bool sameString = false;
                    if (report.standResult[i] == report.testResult[i])
                        sameString = true;

                    //check if test pass or fail
                    if ((report.passOrFail && individualTestBool) || sameString)
                        table += "<tr class='success'>";
                        table += "<tr class='error'>";
                        overallPassTest = false;

                    table += "<td>" + "<a href='TestDetailPage.aspx?type=" + (int)report.testType + "&subtype=" + report.subTestIndex + "' target='_blank'>" + title + " " + report.idList[i] + "</a>" + "</td>";

                    if ((report.passOrFail && individualTestBool) || sameString)
                        table += "<td>" + report.standResult[i] + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                 "<td>" + report.testResult[i] + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                "<td>" + "&plusmn" + report.tolerance + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                "<td>Pass</td>" +
                        table += "<td>" + report.standResult[i] + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                 "<td>" + report.testResult[i] + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                "<td>" + "&plusmn" + report.tolerance + " " + report.unit + "</td>" +
                                "<td>Fail</td>" +


        //<Get Air Surface Count>
        //Written Jan 31, 2013 by Chien Si Harriman, Senior Product Manager, Carmel Software Corporation
        //A simple method that reports the number of surface elements whose surfaceType attribute = "Air" in a test file and standard file
        //If the number of surface elements is not the same, the method returns false and displays the difference in the number of surfaces.
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetAirSurfaceCount(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Mar 14 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test compares the total number of Surface elements with the SurfaceType=\"Air\" in the test";
            report.testSummary += " and standard files.  It does this by";
            report.testSummary += " simply counting up the total number of times that a \"<Surface>\" tag appears with this Surface Type in both files.";
            report.testSummary += "  If the quantities are the same, this test passes, if different, it will fail.  ";
            report.testSummary += "The tolerance is zero for this test.  In other words, the surface counts are the same, or the test fails.";
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary += "  You may notice that this test has failed, but overall your file has passed.  This is because the surface";
            report.testSummary += " count may not be a perfect indicator of accuracy.  So overall, the test summary may show \"Pass\" even though this test failed.";
            report.testSummary += "  Refer to the pass/fail summary sheet for more information.";

            report.unit = Units;

            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            string[] resultsArray = new string[50];
            int nodecount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                nodecount = 0;
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface", gbXMLns);
                    foreach (XmlNode surfaceNode in nodes)
                        XmlAttributeCollection spaceAtts = surfaceNode.Attributes;
                        foreach (XmlAttribute at in spaceAtts)
                            if (at.Name == "surfaceType")
                                string type = at.Value;
                                if (type == "Air")

                    //need to test for accuracy of result if accurate then pass, if not, how much inaccuracy and return this result 
                    resultsArray[i] = nodecount.ToString();
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        //setup standard result and test result
                        report.testResult.Add(resultsArray[i - 1]);

                        double difference = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[(i - 1)]));
                        if (difference == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "The Test File's" + report.testType + " matches the Standard File exactly, the difference is zero.";
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                        else if (difference <= report.tolerance)
                            report.longMsg = "The Test File's " + report.testType + " matches Standard File within the allowable tolerance, the difference between the two files is " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units;
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                            report.longMsg = "The Test File's " + report.testType + " does not match Standard File, the difference was not within tolerance = " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units + ".  Difference of: " + difference
                                + ".  " + resultsArray[i] + " air surfaces in the standard file and " + resultsArray[i - 1] + " air surfaces in the test file.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                    else { continue; }

                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg = " Failed to locate " + report.testType + " in the XML file.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
        //Tolerance checks depend upon percentage tolerances
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestSpaceVolumes(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, Conversions.volumeUnitEnum standardUnits, Conversions.volumeUnitEnum testUnits, double testvolConversion, double standardvolConversion,DOEgbXMLTestDetail testDetails)
            report.passOrFail = true;
            string spaceId = "";
            report.unit = standardUnits.ToString();
            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            Dictionary<string, double> standardFileVolumeDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            Dictionary<string, double> testFileVolumeDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            bool thinWalled = false;
                //check to see if the test file comes from OpenStudio or Bentley (non-thick wall, or non-centerline geometry)
                XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnstw = gbXMLnsm[0];
                XmlNode productName = gbXMLDocs[0].SelectSingleNode("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:DocumentHistory/gbXMLv5:ProgramInfo/gbXMLv5:ProductName", gbXMLnstw);
                if (productName.InnerText.ToLower().Replace(" ", String.Empty).Trim() == "openstudio") //TODO: consider a different test.
                    thinWalled = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList spaceNodes = gbXMLDocs[i].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space/gbXMLv5:Volume", gbXMLnsm[i]);
                    //make lists of the areas in each project
                    foreach (XmlNode spaceNode in spaceNodes)
                        string volume = spaceNode.InnerText;
                        if (i % 2 != 0)
                            spaceId = spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[0].Value;
                                //no conversion necessary
                                standardFileVolumeDict.Add(spaceId, (Convert.ToDouble(volume) * standardvolConversion));
                                if(testDetails.ThinWalledSpecs.Count > 0)
                                    var twSpec = testDetails.ThinWalledSpecs.Find(x => x.SpaceName == spaceId);
                                    standardFileVolumeDict.Add(spaceId, twSpec.Volume);
                                    //no conversion necessary
                                    standardFileVolumeDict.Add(spaceId, (Convert.ToDouble(volume) * standardvolConversion));
                            spaceId = spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[0].Value;
                            double convertedValue = Convert.ToDouble(volume) * testvolConversion;
                            testFileVolumeDict.Add(spaceId, convertedValue);
                var standardKeys = standardFileVolumeDict.Keys;
                foreach (string key in standardKeys)
                    if (testFileVolumeDict.ContainsKey(key))
                        double standardFileVolume = standardFileVolumeDict[key];
                        double testFileVolume = testFileVolumeDict[key];


                        double pctdifference = Math.Abs(testFileVolume - standardFileVolume)/standardFileVolume;
                        if (pctdifference == 0)
                            report.MessageList.Add("For Space Id: " + key + ".  Success finding matching space volume.  The Standard and Test Files both have identical volumes: " + testFileVolume.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + "for Space Id: " + key);
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, true);
                        else if (pctdifference <= report.tolerance)
                            report.MessageList.Add("For Space Id: " + key + ".  Success finding matching space volume.  The Standard Files space volume of " + standardFileVolume.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + "and the Test File space volume: " + testFileVolume.ToString("#.000") + " are within the allowed tolerance of" + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + report.unit + ".");
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, true);
                            //at the point of failure, the test will return with details about which volume failed.
                            report.MessageList.Add("For Space Id: " + key + ".  Failure to find a volume match.  The Volume in the Test File equal to: " + testFileVolume.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + " was not within the allowed tolerance.  SpaceId: " + key + " in the Standard file has a volume: " + standardFileVolume.ToString("#.000") + " .");
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, false);
                        report.standResult.Add("Space Id: " + key);
                        report.testResult.Add("Could not be matched");

                        //at the point of failure, the test will return with details about which volume failed.
                        report.MessageList.Add("Test File and Standard File space names could not be matched.  SpaceId: " + key + " could not be found in the test file.");
                        report.passOrFail = false;
                        return report;
                return report;

            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = " Failed to complete the " + report.testType + ".  See exceptions noted.";
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;

            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
        //this test was originally invented for the case where the proposed and test cases did not have to be identical
        //it was designed simply to ensure that only the TEST file had unique SpaceId values.
        //Created by CHarriman Senior Product Manager Carmel Software 
        //Nov 2012
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj UniqueSpaceIdTest(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test reviews the test file's Space id values, and ensures that they are all unique.  If there are any duplicate Space id values, then this test will fail.  If there are duplicates, the remainder of the tests in the testbed are not executed and the test will end here until the test file is properly updated.  Each Space id must be unique for the test bed to successfully execute.  If you have failed this test, please review the documents for this test and resubmit the test.";

            report.MessageList = new List<string>();
            report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
            List<string> standardIdList = new List<string>();
            List<string> testIDList = new List<string>();
            report.standResult = new List<string>();
            report.testResult = new List<string>();
            report.idList = new List<string>();
            // report.testType = "UniqueId";
                for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space", gbXMLns);
                    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                        //looks to see if the spaceId is already included in the list of space IDs being generated
                        string spaceId;
                        if (i % 2 != 0)
                            for(int n=0; n < node.Attributes.Count; n++)
                                if (node.Attributes[n].Name == "id")
                                    spaceId = node.Attributes[n].Value.ToString();
                            for (int n = 0; n < node.Attributes.Count; n++)
                                if (node.Attributes[n].Name == "id")
                                    spaceId = node.Attributes[n].Value.ToString();
                //now that I have all of the spaceIds, I will loop through and make sure I have perfect matches
                //the order of the spaces is not enforced
                //create a list that holds the index of the standardIdList when a match is found
                //the list should be the same length as standardIdlist and each value should be unique
                List<int> indexFound = new List<int>();
                for (int j = 0; j < standardIdList.Count; j++)
                    string standardId = standardIdList[j];
                    foreach (string testspaceId in testIDList)
                        if (testspaceId == standardId)
                            report.MessageList.Add("The standard file space id: " + standardId + "has found a spaceId match in the test file.");
                //search the list to make sure that it is unique and has the proper count
                if (indexFound.Count == standardIdList.Count)
                    report.MessageList.Add("The standard file has found a match only once in the test file.  All spaceIds have been matched.");
                    report.passOrFail = true;
                    report.longMsg = "SpaceId Match test has passed.";
                    return report;
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    string index = "";
                    foreach (int p in indexFound)
                        index += p.ToString() + ", ";
                    report.longMsg = "SpaceId Match test has failed.";
                    return report;

                //if (standardIdList.Contains(spaceId))
                //    report.testResult.Add("Not Unique");

                //    report.longMsg = "Unique SpaceID Test Failed.  " + spaceId + " is already included once in the test file.";
                //    report.passOrFail = false;
                //    report.TestPassedDict[spaceId] = false;
                //    return report;
                //    report.testResult.Add("Is Unique");

                //    spaceId = node.Attributes[0].Value.ToString();
                //    standardIdList.Add(spaceId);
                //    report.passOrFail = true;
                //    report.TestPassedDict.Add(spaceId, true);
                //    report.MessageList.Add(spaceId + " is unique.");
            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = e.ToString();
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            return report;
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetStoryHeights(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, Conversions.lengthUnitEnum standardLength, Conversions.lengthUnitEnum testLength, double testlengthConversion, double standardlengthConversion)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added March 14 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test compares Z-coordinates in each one of the levels of the standard and test file.  It does so by";
            report.testSummary += " gathering the Z-coordinate of a Building Storey element's PolyLoop in the gbXML files.";
            report.testSummary += "  The z-heights should match exactly.  If this test has failed, then one of the z-heights in your file does";
            report.testSummary += " not match the standard file.  There is no tolerance for error in this test.  If any of the z-heights do not match, ";
            report.testSummary += " most likely, the test file has not been constructed as per the instructions provided by the";
            report.testSummary += " gbXML Test Case Manual.";
            report.testSummary += "  In some instances, it is not required that the z-heights match.  If you notice that this test has failed";
            report.testSummary += "  but your file overall has still passed, then this is as designed.  Refer to the pass/fail";
            report.testSummary += " summary sheet for more information.";

            report.unit = standardLength.ToString();
            string testUOM = testLength.ToString();
            //small dictionaries I make to keep track of the story level names and heights
            //standard file
            Dictionary<string, double> standardStoryHeight = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            //Test File
            Dictionary<string, double> testStoryHeight = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            string key = null;
            string val = null;
            string standLevel = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];
                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:BuildingStorey", gbXMLns);
                    int nodecount = nodes.Count;
                    foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                        XmlNodeList childNodes = node.ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodes)
                            if (childNode.Name.ToString() == "Level") { key = childNode.InnerText; }
                            else if (childNode.Name.ToString() == "Name") { val = childNode.InnerText; }
                            else { continue; }
                            if (i % 2 != 0)
                                if (key != null && val != null)
                                    double testlevelvalue = Convert.ToDouble(val) * testlengthConversion;
                                    testStoryHeight.Add(key, testlevelvalue);
                                    key = null;
                                    val = null;

                                if (key != null && val != null)
                                    double standardlevelvalue = Convert.ToDouble(val);
                                    standardStoryHeight.Add(key, standardlevelvalue);
                                    key = null;
                                    val = null;


                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        if (standardStoryHeight.Count == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "Test cannot be completed.  Standard File Level Count returns Zero.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                        else if (testStoryHeight.Count == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "Test cannot be completed.  Test File Level Count returns Zero.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                            //set pass to true
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            int count = 0;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> standardPair2 in standardStoryHeight)
                                double difference;
                                StoryHeightMin = 10000;
                                string equivLevel = "";
                                if (testStoryHeight.ContainsKey(standardPair2.Key))
                                    double matchkeydiff = Math.Abs(standardPair2.Value - testStoryHeight[standardPair2.Key]);
                                    if (matchkeydiff == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Matched Standard File's " + standardPair2.Value + " with Test File's " + testStoryHeight[standardPair2.Key] + " @ " + standardPair2.Key + report.unit + " Exactly");
                                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(standardPair2.Value.ToString(), true);
                                    else if (matchkeydiff < report.tolerance)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Matched Standard File's " + standardPair2.Value + " with Test File's " + testStoryHeight[standardPair2.Key] + " @ " + standardPair2.Key + report.unit + " within allowable tolerance.");
                                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(standardPair2.Value.ToString(), true);
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Did NOT Match Standard File's " + standardPair2.Value + " with Test File's " + testStoryHeight[standardPair2.Key] + " @ " + standardPair2.Key + report.unit + " within allowable tolerance.");
                                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(standardPair2.Value.ToString(), true);

                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> testPair in testStoryHeight)
                                    //setup standard result and test result


                                    difference = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDouble(standardPair2.Key)*standardlengthConversion - Convert.ToDouble(testPair.Key) * testlengthConversion);
                                    //store all levels and the difference between them
                                    if (StoryHeightMin > difference)
                                        StoryHeightMin = difference;
                                        standLevel = standardPair2.Value.ToString();
                                if (StoryHeightMin < report.tolerance)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Matched Standard File's " + standardPair2.Value + " @ " + standardPair2.Key + report.unit + " within the Tolerance allowed");
                                    report.TestPassedDict.Add(standLevel, true);
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard File's " + standardPair2.Value + " equivalent was not found in the test file.  The closest level in the test file was found at " + equivLevel + " in the test file.  The difference in heights was " + StoryHeightMin.ToString() + report.unit);
                                    report.TestPassedDict.Add(standLevel, false);

                            return report;

                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg = e.ToString();
                    report.MessageList.Add(" Failed to locate Building " + report.testType + " in the XML file.");
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;

            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
Esempio n. 10
        //this method relies on an absolute difference for tolerance tests.
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetBuildingArea(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, Conversions.areaUnitEnum standardUnits, Conversions.areaUnitEnum testUnits, double testareaConversion, double standardareaConversion)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test compares the values stored in the Building Area node of the standard and test gbXML files.";
            report.testSummary += "  This Building area is the sum total of the areas of all spaces created in gbXML.";
            report.testSummary += "  For example, if a small building has five spaces of area = 100 square feet each, then the sum of that area is";
            report.testSummary += "  5 x 100 = 500 square feet.  The building area value would be 500 square feet.";
            report.testSummary += "  We have built a tolerance in this test, meaning the building areas do not need to match perfectly in the";
            report.testSummary += " standard file and test file.  As long as your test file's value for Building Area is +/- this tolerance, the";
            report.testSummary += " test will pass.  Using the previous example, if the allowable tolerance is 1% (1% of 500 is 5 sf), then the test file may have a building area ranging from 495 to 505 square feet, and will still be declared to pass this test.";

            report.unit = standardUnits.ToString();
            string testUOM = testUnits.ToString();
            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            string[] resultsArray = new string[50];
            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    var node = gbXMLDocs[i].SelectSingleNode("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Area", gbXMLnsm[i]);
                    string area = node.InnerText;
                    //need to test for accuracy of result if accurate then pass, if not, how much inaccuracy and return this result 
                    resultsArray[i] = area;
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        //setup standard result and test result
                        if (testareaConversion != 1) { report.MessageList.Add("Converted the test file from " + testUOM + " to " + report.unit + "."); }
                        //apply the conversion factor on the test file always, regardless.
                        double standardArea = Convert.ToDouble(resultsArray[i]) * standardareaConversion;
                        double testArea = Convert.ToDouble(resultsArray[(i - 1)]) * testareaConversion;
                        report.standResult.Add(String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", standardArea.ToString()));
                        report.testResult.Add(String.Format("{0:#,0.00}", testArea.ToString()));

                        double difference = standardArea - testArea;
                        if (Math.Abs(difference) == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "The test file's " + report.testType + "matches the standard file Building Area exactly.";
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;

                        else if (Math.Abs(difference) <= report.tolerance)
                            report.longMsg = "The test file's " + report.testType + " is within the allowable tolerance of = " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + report.unit;
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                            report.longMsg = "The test file's " + report.testType + "  is not within the allowable tolerance of " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + report.unit + "The difference between the standard and test file is " + difference.ToString() + ".";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                    else { continue; }
                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg = " Failed to locate " + report.testType + " in the XML file.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
Esempio n. 11
        private DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetPossibleOpeningMatches(OpeningDefinitions standardOpening, List<OpeningDefinitions> TestOpenings, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            report.testSummary = "This test checks the geometric accuracy of each opening in your test file against the standard file.";
            report.testSummary += "  For each opening (window, door, skylight) this validator seeks out a similar opening in your test file and";
            //match surfaces at this stage so we know which surface is associated with the window
            report.testSummary += "  The validator first seeks to find all openings that have a parent surface (roof, external wall, etc.) with";
            report.testSummary += " the same azimuth and tilt.  If it finds more than one opening candidate that matches the parent surface tilt and azimuth,";
            report.testSummary += " the validator will make all of these openings possible candidates.";
            report.testSummary += "  The validator then takes these candidates and looks at their polyloop coordinates. ";
            report.testSummary += " and will keep only those openings that have similar polyLoop coordinates";
            report.testSummary += " Next it matches the area, then the width and height, if applicable, and finally checks the insertion";
            report.testSummary += " point coordinates.  If all of these come back within tolerance, the opening has found a match.";
            report.testSummary += "  Otherwise, the test will fail.";
            report.testSummary += "  The summary at the bottom of the page will show the logic of how the test arrived at its conclusion.";

            bool matchedParentAz = false;
            bool matchedParentTilt = false;
            bool matchedPolyLoopCoords = false;

            List<OpeningDefinitions> possibleMatches = new List<OpeningDefinitions>();
            List<OpeningDefinitions> possibleMatches2 = new List<OpeningDefinitions>();
                //find match of parent surface 
                //try matching based on the surface matches
                //if that does not work, then just try to match the parent tilt and parent azimuth to one another
                int i = 0;
                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Parent Azimuth and Tilt Match test....");
                while (true)
                    matchedParentAz = false;
                    matchedParentTilt = false;
                    OpeningDefinitions testOpening = TestOpenings[i];
                    if (testOpening.ParentAzimuth == standardOpening.ParentAzimuth && testOpening.ParentTilt == standardOpening.ParentTilt)
                        report.MessageList.Add("Candidate Found.  Test file opening has EXACTLY matched its parent surface azimuth and tilt with the standard opening parent surface azimuth and tilt.");
                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + testOpening.ParentSurfaceId + ", " + testOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + testOpening.ParentTilt + "]");
                        report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening " + standardOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId + "," + standardOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + standardOpening.ParentTilt + "]");

                        matchedParentAz = true;
                        matchedParentTilt = true;
                        double azDifference = Math.Abs(testOpening.ParentAzimuth - standardOpening.ParentAzimuth);
                        double tiltDifference = Math.Abs(testOpening.ParentTilt - standardOpening.ParentTilt);
                        if (azDifference < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance && tiltDifference < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance)
                            report.MessageList.Add("Candidate found.  Test file opening HAS matched WITHIN ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE its parent surface azimuth and tilt with the standard opening parent surface azimuth and tilt.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + testOpening.ParentSurfaceId + ", " + testOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + testOpening.ParentTilt + "]");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening " + standardOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId + "," + standardOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + standardOpening.ParentTilt + "]");

                            matchedParentAz = true;
                            matchedParentTilt = true;
                            report.MessageList.Add("Candidate rejected.  Test file opening HAS NOT matched WITHIN ALLOWABLE TOLERANCE its parent surface azimuth and tilt with the standard opening parent surface azimuth and tilt.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + testOpening.ParentSurfaceId + ", " + testOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + testOpening.ParentTilt + "]");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening " + standardOpening.OpeningId + "'s [parent, azimuth, tilt]: [" + standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId + "," + standardOpening.ParentAzimuth + ", " + standardOpening.ParentTilt + "]");

                    if (matchedParentAz && matchedParentTilt)
                        report.MessageList.Add("Successful Match Candidate Identified.");

                    if (i == TestOpenings.Count)
                        if (possibleMatches.Count == 0)
                            //no candidates found
                            report.MessageList.Add("No candidates found in the test file to match standard file opening " + standardOpening.OpeningId);
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            report.longMsg = "Test to find suitable opening candidate in the test file has failed.  Parent Tilt and Azimuth matches could not be established.";
                            //no need to go further
                            return report;

                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Opening PolyLoop Coordinate Match test.........");
                i = 0;
                while (true)
                    OpeningDefinitions testOpening = possibleMatches[i];
                    //continue to next test

                    //continue the next batch of tests
                    //polyloop absolute coordinates
                    //check the polyLoop coordinates
                    foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord standardPolyLoopCoord in standardOpening.PlCoords)
                        report = GetOpeningPolyLoopCoordMatch(standardPolyLoopCoord, testOpening, report, standardOpening.OpeningId);
                        if (report.passOrFail)
                            matchedPolyLoopCoords = true;
                            report.MessageList.Add("Could not find a coordinate match in the test opening polyloop.");
                            matchedPolyLoopCoords = false;
                    //if matchePolyLoopCoords comes back true, then a candidate has been found that matches all polyloop coords within tolerance
                    if (matchedPolyLoopCoords == true)

                    if (i == possibleMatches.Count)
                        if (possibleMatches2.Count == 0)
                            report.MessageList.Add("No candidates found in the test file to match standard file opening " + standardOpening.OpeningId);
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            report.longMsg = "Test to find suitable opening candidate in the test file has failed.  Parent Tilt and Azimuth matches were established, but these candidates did not produce good polyLoop coordinate matches.";
                            //no need to go further
                            return report;
                //next set of tests 
                //polyloop area tests
                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Opening Surface Area Match test.........");
                i = 0;
                while (true)
                    OpeningDefinitions testOpening = possibleMatches2[i];

                    if (Math.Abs(standardOpening.PlRHRVector.X) == 1 && standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 && standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in standardOpening.PlCoords)
                            //only take the Y and Z coordinates and throw out the X because we can assume that they are all the same
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0, coord.Y, coord.Z);

                        double area = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList));
                        standardOpening.surfaceArea = area;
                        if (area == -999)
                            //these messages should never occur and are a sign of some sort of serious, as of yet unknown error
                            //March 20 2013
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");
                            report.longMsg = "Fatal error.  Please contact gbXML administrator";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;

                        double testOpeningArea = 0;

                        if (Math.Abs(testOpening.PlRHRVector.X) == 1 && testOpening.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 &&
                                testOpening.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                            List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                            foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testOpening.PlCoords)
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord o2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0, coord.Y, coord.Z);
                            testOpeningArea = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList));
                            testOpening.surfaceArea = testOpeningArea;
                            if (testOpeningArea == -999)
                                //these messages should never occur and are a sign of some sort of serious, as of yet unknown error
                                //March 20 2013
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                report.longMsg = "Fatal error.  Please contact gbXML administrator";
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;
                            double difference = Math.Abs(area) - Math.Abs(testOpeningArea);
                            if (difference < Math.Abs(area) * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningAreaPercentageTolerance)

                                if (difference == 0)
                                    //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                    //then check the insertion point
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The standard file opening cannot find a match for its surface area of opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " through a comparison of its polyloop coordinates with test opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                //don't return here, it will be returned below
                            //by definition, the Window opening should always use coordinates that create a normal vector that points in the 
                            //positive or negative X direction.  If the test file does not do this, then this is in violation of the 
                            //gbXML spec
                            report.longMsg = ("This test has failed because the test opening" + testOpening.OpeningId + "has polyloop coordinates ");
                            report.longMsg += (" that do not have the same normal vector as the standard opening.");
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                    else if (standardOpening.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && Math.Abs(standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Y) == 1 && standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in standardOpening.PlCoords)
                            //only take the Y and Z coordinates and throw out the X because we can assume that they are all the same
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, 0, coord.Z);

                        double area = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList));
                        standardOpening.surfaceArea = area;
                        if (area == -999)
                            //these messages should never occur and are a sign of some sort of serious, as of yet unknown error
                            //March 20 2013
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");
                            report.longMsg = "Fatal error.  Please contact gbXML administrator";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;

                        double testOpeningArea = 0;

                        if (testOpening.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && Math.Abs(testOpening.PlRHRVector.Y) == 1 &&
                                testOpening.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                            List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                            foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testOpening.PlCoords)
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord o2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, 0, coord.Z);
                            testOpeningArea = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList));
                            testOpening.surfaceArea = testOpeningArea;
                            if (testOpeningArea == -999)
                                //these messages should never occur and are a sign of some sort of serious, as of yet unknown error
                                //March 20 2013
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                report.longMsg = "Fatal error.  Please contact gbXML administrator";
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;
                            double difference = Math.Abs(area) - Math.Abs(testOpeningArea);
                            if (difference < Math.Abs(area) * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningAreaPercentageTolerance)

                                if (difference == 0)
                                    //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                    //then check the insertion point
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The standard file opening cannot find a match for its surface area of Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " through a comparison of its polyloop coordinates with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                //don't return here, it will be returned below
                            //by definition, the Window opening should always use coordinates that create a normal vector that points in the 
                            //positive or negative X direction.  If the test file does not do this, then this is in violation of the 
                            //gbXML spec
                            report.longMsg = ("This test has failed because the test opening" + testOpening.OpeningId + "has polyloop coordinates ");
                            report.longMsg += (" that do not have the same normal vector as the standard opening.");
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                    else if (standardOpening.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 && Math.Abs(standardOpening.PlRHRVector.Z) == 1)
                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in standardOpening.PlCoords)
                            //only take the X and Y coordinates and throw out the Z because we can assume that they are all the same
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, coord.Y, 0);

                        double area = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList));
                        standardOpening.surfaceArea = area;
                        if (area == -999)
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                        double testOpeningArea = 0;

                        if (testOpening.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && testOpening.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 &&
                                                        Math.Abs(testOpening.PlRHRVector.Z) == 1)
                            List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                            foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testOpening.PlCoords)
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c02 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, coord.Y, 0);
                            testOpeningArea = Math.Abs(GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList));
                            testOpening.surfaceArea = testOpeningArea;
                            if (testOpeningArea == -999)
                                //these messages should never occur and are a sign of some sort of serious, as of yet unknown error
                                //March 20 2013
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                report.longMsg = "Fatal error.  Please contact gbXML administrator";
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;
                            double difference = Math.Abs(area) - Math.Abs(testOpeningArea);
                            if (difference < Math.Abs(area) * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningAreaPercentageTolerance)

                                if (difference == 0)
                                    //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                    //then check the insertion point
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The standard file opening cannot find a match for its surface area of Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " through a comparison of its polyloop coordinates with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                //don't return here, it will be returned below
                            //by definition, the Window opening should always use coordinates that create a normal vector that points in the 
                            //positive or negative X direction.  If the test file does not do this, then this is in violation of the 
                            //gbXML spec
                            report.longMsg = ("This test has failed because the test opening" + testOpening.OpeningId + "has polyloop coordinates ");
                            report.longMsg += (" that do not have the same normal vector as the standard opening.");
                            report.passOrFail = false;

                    //the opening is not aligned along a reference frame axis
                        report.MessageList.Add("This standard Opening is not aligned along a reference plane axis, and will be rotated into a new coordinate frame.");
                        report.MessageList.Add("Commencing rotation to 2-D.");
                        //New Z Axis for this plane is the normal vector, does not need to be created
                        //Get New Y Axis which is the surface Normal Vector cross the original global reference X unit vector (all unit vectors please
                        Vector.CartVect globalReferenceX = new Vector.CartVect();
                        globalReferenceX.X = 1;
                        globalReferenceX.Y = 0;
                        globalReferenceX.Z = 0;
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect localY = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProductMSRetMSNV(standardOpening.PlRHRVector, globalReferenceX));
                        localY = Vector.UnitVector(localY);

                        //new X axis is the localY cross the surface normal vector
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect localX = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProduct(localY, standardOpening.PlRHRVector));

                        //convert the polyloop coordinates to a local 2-D reference frame
                        //using a trick employed by video game programmers found here
                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> translatedCoordinates = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord newOrigin = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0,0,0);
                        for (int j = 1; j < standardOpening.PlCoords.Count; j++)
                            //randomly assigns the first polyLoop coordinate as the origin
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord origin = standardOpening.PlCoords[0];
                            //captures the components of a vector drawn from the new origin to the 
                            Vector.CartVect distance = new Vector.CartVect();
                            distance.X = standardOpening.PlCoords[j].X - origin.X;
                            distance.Y = standardOpening.PlCoords[j].Y - origin.Y;
                            distance.Z = standardOpening.PlCoords[j].Z - origin.Z;
                            //x coordinate is distance vector dot the new local X axis
                            double tX = distance.X * localX.X + distance.Y * localX.Y + distance.Z * localX.Z;
                            //y coordinate is distance vector dot the new local Y axis
                            double tY = distance.X * localY.X + distance.Y * localY.Y + distance.Z * localY.Z;
                            double tZ = 0;
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord translatedPt = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(tX,tY,tZ);

                        double area = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(translatedCoordinates);
                        standardOpening.surfaceArea = area;
                        if (area == -999)
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                        //get the area of the test candidates using the polyloop coordinates
                        Vector.CartVect testglobalReferenceX = new Vector.CartVect();
                        globalReferenceX.X = 1;
                        globalReferenceX.Y = 0;
                        globalReferenceX.Z = 0;
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect testlocalY = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProductMSRetMSNV(testOpening.PlRHRVector, testglobalReferenceX));

                        //new X axis is the localY cross the surface normal vector
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect testlocalX = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProduct(testlocalY, testOpening.PlRHRVector));

                        //convert the polyloop coordinates to a local 2-D reference frame
                        //using a trick employed by video game programmers found here
                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testtranslatedCoordinates = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord newOriginTest = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0,0,0);
                        for (int j = 1; j < testOpening.PlCoords.Count; j++)
                            //randomly assigns the first polyLoop coordinate as the origin
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord origin = testOpening.PlCoords[0];
                            //captures the components of a vector drawn from the new origin to the 
                            Vector.CartVect distance = new Vector.CartVect();
                            distance.X = testOpening.PlCoords[j].X - origin.X;
                            distance.Y = testOpening.PlCoords[j].Y - origin.Y;
                            distance.Z = testOpening.PlCoords[j].Z - origin.Z;
                            //x coordinate is distance vector dot the new local X axis
                            double tX = distance.X * localX.X + distance.Y * localX.Y + distance.Z * localX.Z;
                            //y coordinate is distance vector dot the new local Y axis
                            double tY = distance.X * localY.X + distance.Y * localY.Y + distance.Z * localY.Z;
                            double tZ = 0;
                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord translatedPt = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(tX,tY,tZ);

                        double testOpeningArea = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(translatedCoordinates);
                        testOpening.surfaceArea = testOpeningArea;
                        if (testOpeningArea == -999)
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                        double difference = Math.Abs(area) - Math.Abs(testOpeningArea);
                        if (difference < Math.Abs(area) * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningAreaPercentageTolerance)

                            if (difference == 0)
                                //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                //then check the insertion point
                                report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("The standard file opening cannot find a match for its surface area of Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " through a comparison of its polyloop coordinates with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                            //don't return here, it will be returned below

                    if (i == possibleMatches2.Count)
                        if (possibleMatches.Count == 0)
                            report.MessageList.Add("No area match could be found for standard opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + ".");
                            report.longMsg = "The search routine has ended and could not find a match for opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId +
                                ".  Attempt to match the area of the standard file with test file openings failed.";
                            return report;

                            //you are good to go with some more matches
                            report.MessageList.Add("Area matching SUCCESS for standard file Opening id: " + standardOpening.OpeningId);
                            report.MessageList.Add("Commencing comparisons of height, width, and insertion point.");

                //test the width and height, if applicable
                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Width and Height Match test.........");
                i = 0;
                //surface area using the coordinates of the polyloop.  We already assume that they are planar, as previously tested
                while (true)
                    //see if the openings are regular
                    bool isStandardRegular = IsOpeningRegular(standardOpening);
                    bool isTestRegular = IsOpeningRegular(possibleMatches[i]);
                    //if they are...go ahead and use width and height, otherwise the values are not reliable
                    if (isStandardRegular)
                        //output something
                        if (isTestRegular)
                            //output something
                            //perform tests

                            OpeningDefinitions testOpening = possibleMatches[i];
                            double testWidth = testOpening.Width;
                            double standardWidth = standardOpening.Width;
                            double testHeight = testOpening.Height;
                            double standardHeight = standardOpening.Height;
                            double widthDifference = Math.Abs(testWidth - standardWidth);
                            double heightDiffefence = Math.Abs(testHeight - standardHeight);

                            if (widthDifference <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningWidthTolerance)
                                if (widthDifference == 0)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " reported Width value matches the Width value of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " reported Width value matches the Width value of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable tolerance.");
                                //check the height
                                if (heightDiffefence <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningHeightTolerance)
                                    if (heightDiffefence == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " reported Height value matches the Height value of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " exactly.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId + " reported Height value matches the Height value of the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " within the allowable tolerance.");
                                    //fail, did not match height
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + "The standard file opening cannot find a match for its surface area of Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " after comparison its Height value with test opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                    report.passOrFail = false;
                                //failed, did not match width
                                report.MessageList.Add("The standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " cannot find a match for its width after comparison the width value of test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                            //let them know the the test opening is not a square or rectangle, but the standard file opening is
                            //go ahead and break out of the while loop because we aren't testing for width and height
                            report.MessageList.Add("The standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " is a rectangle or square, but the test file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " is not.  Cannot test for a valid width and height.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Searching for another test Opening.");
                        //tell them that the widths and Heights will Not be checked
                        //because the standard file opening is not a square or rectangle
                        report.MessageList.Add("Will not be testing for the Width and Height values for standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + ".  The Opening is not shaped like a rectangle or square.");
                        report.MessageList.Add("Going on to check insertion point accuracy.");
                        //needed to transfer values over to possibleMatches2, so deep copy
                        possibleMatches2 = new List<OpeningDefinitions>(possibleMatches);
                    if (possibleMatches.Count == i)
                        //means that there is no match for width and height
                        if (possibleMatches2.Count == 0)
                            report.MessageList.Add("There is no match found for the width and height for Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId);
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            report.longMsg = "The opening test has ended at the search for width and height values equal to standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId;
                            return report;

                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Insertion Point Coordinate Match test.........");
                //test the insertion point coordinates
                i = 0;
                while (true)
                    OpeningDefinitions testOpening = possibleMatches2[i];
                    double diffX = Math.Abs(testOpening.InsertionPoint.X - standardOpening.InsertionPoint.X);
                    double diffY = Math.Abs(testOpening.InsertionPoint.Y - standardOpening.InsertionPoint.Y);
                    double diffZ = Math.Abs(testOpening.InsertionPoint.Z - standardOpening.InsertionPoint.Z);

                    if (diffX <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningSurfaceInsPtXTolerance && diffY <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningSurfaceInsPtYTolerance &&
                        diffZ <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.OpeningSurfaceInsPtZTolerance)
                        if (diffX == 0)
                            //perfect X coordinate match
                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point X-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                            if (diffY == 0)
                                //perfect Y coordinate match
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Y-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                if (diffZ == 0)
                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);

                                    // Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with Test opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                    //we continue because we search for other matches if there are any

                                //y-coordinate is within tolerance
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Y-Coordinate when compared with Test opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                if (diffZ == 0)
                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with Test opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);

                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                    //we continue because we search for other matches if there are any


                        // X is within tolerance
                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point X-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                            if (diffY == 0)
                                //perfect Y coordinate match
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Y-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                if (diffZ == 0)
                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);

                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                    //we continue because we search for other matches if there are any

                                //y-coordinate is within tolerance
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Y-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                if (diffZ == 0)
                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a perfect match for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);

                                    //perfect Z coordinate match
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " has found a match within allowable tolerances for its insertion point Z-Coordinate when compared with test Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                    //we continue because we search for other matches if there are any

                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard Opening Ins Pt: (" + standardOpening.InsertionPoint.X.ToString() + "," + standardOpening.InsertionPoint.Y.ToString() + "," + standardOpening.InsertionPoint.Z.ToString() + ")");
                    report.MessageList.Add("Test File Opening Ins Pt: (" + testOpening.InsertionPoint.X.ToString() + "," + testOpening.InsertionPoint.Y.ToString() + "," + testOpening.InsertionPoint.Z.ToString() + ")");
                    if (possibleMatches2.Count == i)
                        if (possibleMatches.Count == 1)
                            List<string> openingMatch = new List<string>();
                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " is matched to test file Opening: " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                            globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds.Add(standardOpening.OpeningId, openingMatch);
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                            if (possibleMatches.Count == 0)
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " found no match for insertion point in the test file of the remaining candidates.");
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard file Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId + " is matched to multiple openings:");
                                foreach (OpeningDefinitions opening in possibleMatches)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening:" + opening.OpeningId + "matched insertion point");
                                //resolve by trying to match to the standard opening and test opening parent surfaces.
                                //for the standard opening
                                if (globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds.ContainsKey(standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId))
                                    List<string> possibleSurfaceMatches = globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds[standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId];
                                    if (possibleSurfaceMatches.Count == 1)
                                        //then a match was found originally during get possible surface matches.  That is good, we only want one
                                        foreach (OpeningDefinitions openingRemaining in possibleMatches)
                                            if (openingRemaining.ParentSurfaceId == possibleSurfaceMatches[0])
                                                //this is the match we want
                                                //else we would have to continue
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test Opening: " + openingRemaining.OpeningId + " has been matched to the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId +
                                                    ".  Their parent surface ids have been matched.  Thus the conflict has been resolved.  (Standard opening parent surface Id, test opening parent surface Id" + standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId + "," + openingRemaining.ParentSurfaceId);
                                                report.passOrFail = true;
                                                List<string> openingMatch = new List<string>();
                                                globalMatchObject.MatchedOpeningIds.Add(standardOpening.OpeningId, openingMatch);
                                                return report;
                                                //do nothing.  Maybe report that the parent Surface Id does not match the standard Opening
                                                report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening:" + openingRemaining.OpeningId + " does not match the standard Opening: " + standardOpening.OpeningId +
                                                    ".  Their parent surface ids do not coincide.  (Standard Opening parent surface id, test Opening parent surface id)" + standardOpening.ParentSurfaceId + "," + openingRemaining.ParentSurfaceId);
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;



            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = e.ToString();
            return report;
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj AtMost2SpaceAdjId(XmlDocument gbXMLDoc, XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //pass or fail attribute should always be set to false
            report.testSummary = "A simple test to ensure that each Surface element has at least 1 but no more than 2 allowed AdjacentSpaceIds.";

                List<string> ml = new List<string>();
                XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLDoc.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface", gbXMLnsm);
                int count = 0;
                report.passOrFail = true;
                foreach (XmlNode surface in nodes)
                    foreach (XmlNode chld in surface.ChildNodes)
                        if (chld.Name == "AdjacentSpaceId")
                            count += 1;
                    //the adjacent space id is required, but must be less than 2
                    if (count > 0 && count <= 2)
                        ml.Add("There are " + count.ToString() + " AdjacentSpaceId nodes in this gbXML file.");
                        report.longMsg = "This gbXML file is within the required allowance of AdjacentSpaceId nodes (2, i.e - to describe each enclosed neighbor).";
                        ml.Add("There are " + count.ToString() + " AdjacentSpaceId nodes in this gbXML file.");
                        report.longMsg = "This gbXML file is NOT within the required allowance of AdjacentSpaceId nodes (2, i.e - to describe each enclosed neighbor).";
                        report.passOrFail = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            return report;
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj RequiredSurfaceFields(XmlDocument gbXMLDoc, XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //pass or fail attribute should always be set to false
            //Feb 6 2014 - gbXML XSD version 5.11
            //this test ensures that each surface element has the required attributes and elements, and that all enumerations are properly declared
            report.testSummary = "This test ensures that all required fields are present in every Surface.";
            report.MessageList = new List<string>();
                report.passOrFail = true;
                XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLDoc.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface", gbXMLnsm);
                foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                    //surfaceID for reporting
                    string surfaceId = "";
                    XmlAttributeCollection xmlatts = node.Attributes;
                    foreach (XmlAttribute att in xmlatts)
                        if (att.Name == "id")
                            surfaceId = att.Value;
                            report.MessageList.Add("Surface: " + surfaceId + " has the required id attribute.");
                        else if (att.Name == "surfaceType")
                            report.MessageList.Add("Surface: " + surfaceId + " has the required surfaceType attribute.");
                            string val = att.Value;
                            if (val == "InteriorWall") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "ExteriorWall") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "Roof") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "InteriorFloor") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "Shade") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "UndergroundWall") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "UndergroundSlab") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "Ceiling") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "Air") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "UndergroundCeiling") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "RaisedFloor") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "SlabOnGrade") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "FreeStandingColumn") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                            else if (val == "EmbeddedColumn") { report.MessageList.Add("Valid surfaceType enum:" + val); continue; }
                                report.MessageList.Add("INVALID surfaceType enumeration:" + val);
                                report.longMsg="An invalid surfaceType enumeration has been declared.  Please review the latest XSD for valid enumerations.";
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                    XmlNodeList childnodes = node.ChildNodes;
                    foreach (XmlNode child in childnodes)
                        Dictionary<string, bool> surfReq = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
                        surfReq.Add("RectangularGeometry", false);
                        surfReq.Add("PlanarGeometry", false);

                        //find RectangularGeometry node (reqiured)
                        if (child.Name == "RectangularGeometry")
                            report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: The required RectangularGeometry Element located.");
                            //is any of this really needed, doesn't the XSD validation already do this?
                            XmlNodeList rgchilds = child.ChildNodes;
                            Dictionary<string, bool> rgReq = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
                            rgReq.Add("Azimuth", false);
                            rgReq.Add("CartesianPoint", false);
                            rgReq.Add("Tilt", false);
                            rgReq.Add("Height", false);
                            rgReq.Add("Width", false);
                            //rgReq.Add("PolyLoop", false);

                            foreach(XmlNode rgchild in rgchilds)
                                string elName = rgchild.Name;
                                if (elName == "Azimuth")
                                    report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Required Azimuth Element located.");
                                    rgReq["Azimuth"] = true;
                                else if (elName == "CartesianPoint")
                                    report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Required Cartesian Element located.");
                                    rgReq["CartesianPoint"] = true;
                                else if (elName == "Tilt")
                                    report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Required Tilt Element located.");
                                    rgReq["Tilt"] = true;
                                else if (elName == "Height")
                                    report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Required Height Element located.");
                                    rgReq["Height"] = true;
                                else if (elName == "Width")
                                    report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Required Width Element located.");
                                    rgReq["Width"] = true;
                                else if (elName == "PolyLoop")
                                    //this is optional, not sure if we want to report anything here


                            if (rgReq.ContainsValue(false))
                                report.longMsg = "FAIL:  Not all required Rectangular Geometry elements are present.";
                                report.passOrFail = false;
                                return report;
                                report.MessageList.Add("PASS:  Rectangular Geometry element has all required elements.");
                                surfReq["RectangularGeometry"] = true;
                        //find PlanarGeometry node (required)
                        else if (child.Name == "PlanarGeometry")
                            report.MessageList.Add("The required PlanarGeometry Element has been successfully located.");

                            //check the quality of the planar Geometry needed?  Don't I already do this elsewhere?
            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            return report;

        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj AtLeast4Surfaces(XmlDocument gbXMLDoc, XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //pass or fail attribute should always be set to false
            report.testSummary = "This test ensures that the minimum number of surfaces have been declared in the gbXML file.";

            report.MessageList = new List<string>();
                XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLDoc.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface", gbXMLnsm);
                int count = nodes.Count;
                if (count >= 4)
                    report.MessageList.Add("There are " + count.ToString() + " surfaces in this gbXML file.");
                    report.longMsg = "This gbXML file has the minimum required number of surfaces (4, i.e - a tetrahedra).";
                    report.passOrFail = true;
                    report.MessageList.Add("There are " + count.ToString() + " surfaces in this gbXML file.");
                    report.longMsg = "This gbXML file DOES NOT have the minimum required number of surfaces (4, i.e - a tetrahedra).";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj SurfaceIDUniquenessTest(XmlDocument gbXMLDoc, XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
     //report pass or fail attribute should always be set to false
     report.MessageList = new List<string>();
     List<string> surfaceIdList = new List<string>();
         XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLDoc.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface", gbXMLnsm);
         foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
             //looks to see if the surfaceId is already included in the list of space IDs being generated
             string surfaceId="";
             XmlAttributeCollection xmlatts = node.Attributes;
             foreach (XmlAttribute att in xmlatts)
                 if (att.Name == "id")
                     surfaceId = att.Value;
             if (surfaceIdList.Contains(surfaceId))
                 //not unique
                 report.MessageList.Add("Surface ID: " + surfaceId + " is not unique.");
                 report.longMsg = "This test for unique surface id attributes has failed.  All Surface Id attributes should be unique.";
                 report.passOrFail = false;
                 return report;
             report.MessageList.Add("Surface ID: " + surfaceId + " is unique.");
         report.longMsg = "All surfaces have unique id attributes.";
         report.passOrFail = true;
     catch (Exception e)
         report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
         report.passOrFail = false;
         return report;
     return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestSurfacePlanarTest(List<SurfaceDefinitions> TestSurfaces, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
     //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
     //added Feb 17 2014
     report.testSummary = "This test ensures that each Surface has coordinate descriptions that form planar objects.";
     report.MessageList = new List<string>();
     report.TestPassedDict = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
         report.MessageList.Add("Starting non-planar test for Surface elements");
         foreach (SurfaceDefinitions ts in TestSurfaces)
             report.MessageList.Add("Testing Surface id: " + ts.SurfaceId);
             Dictionary<string, List<Vector.CartVect>> surfaceXProducts = new Dictionary<string, List<Vector.CartVect>>();
             List<Vector.CartVect> xProducts = new List<Vector.CartVect>();
             for (int i = 0; i < ts.PlCoords.Count - 2; i++)
                 //Get the Cross Product
                 VectorMath.Vector.CartVect v1 = VectorMath.Vector.CreateVector(ts.PlCoords[i], ts.PlCoords[i + 1]);
                 VectorMath.Vector.CartVect v2 = VectorMath.Vector.CreateVector(ts.PlCoords[i + 1], ts.PlCoords[i + 2]);
                 Vector.CartVect xProd = Vector.CrossProduct(v1, v2);
                 xProd = Vector.UnitVector(xProd);
             surfaceXProducts.Add(ts.SurfaceId, xProducts);
             for (int j = 0; j < xProducts.Count - 1; j++)
                 //parallel and anti parallel
                 if (xProducts[j].X == xProducts[j + 1].X && xProducts[j].Y == xProducts[j + 1].Y && xProducts[j].Z == xProducts[j + 1].Z)
                     report.MessageList.Add("PASS: Coordinates for this surface form a perfectly planar surface.");
                     report.TestPassedDict.Add(ts.SurfaceId, true);
                 else if (xProducts[j].X == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].X && xProducts[j].Y == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].Y && xProducts[j].Z == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].Z)
                     report.MessageList.Add("PASS: Coordinates for this surface form a perfectly planar surface.");
                     report.TestPassedDict.Add(ts.SurfaceId, true);
                 else if (Math.Abs(xProducts[j].X) - Math.Abs(xProducts[j + 1].X) < .0001 && Math.Abs(xProducts[j].Y) - Math.Abs(xProducts[j + 1].Y) < .0001 &&
                     Math.Abs(xProducts[j].Z) - Math.Abs(xProducts[j + 1].Z) < 0.0001)
                     report.MessageList.Add("PASS: Coordinates for this surface form a nearly planar surface that is within allowable tolerances.");
                     report.TestPassedDict.Add(ts.SurfaceId, true);
                     report.MessageList.Add("NON PLANAR SURFACE DETECTED:  Coordinates for this surface do not appear to form a planar surface.");
                     report.TestPassedDict.Add(ts.SurfaceId, false);
     catch (Exception e)
         report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
         report.passOrFail = false;
         return report;
     return report;
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj SurfaceTiltAndAzCheck(XmlDocument gbXMLDoc, XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //pass or fail attribute should always be set to false
            //Feb 6 2014 - gbXML XSD version 5.11
            //this test ensures that each surface element has the required attributes and elements, and that all enumerations are properly declared
            report.MessageList = new List<string>();
                List<SurfaceDefinitions> surfList = DOEgbXML.XMLParser.GetFileSurfaceDefs(gbXMLDoc, gbXMLnsm);

                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surface in surfList)
                    //calculate azimuth and tilt, without considering the CADModelAzimuth
                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect normal = surface.PlRHRVector;
                    double calculatedTilt = DOEgbXMLBasics.FindTilt(normal);
                    double calculatedAzimuth = DOEgbXMLBasics.FindAzimuth(normal);

                    if (calculatedTilt == surface.Tilt)
                        report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Tilt: "+calculatedTilt.ToString()+" that is identical to Surface's Tilt Element Text: " + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(surface.SurfaceId, true);
                    else if (Math.Abs(calculatedTilt - surface.Tilt) < report.tolerance)
                        report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Tilt: " + calculatedTilt.ToString() + " that is within tolerance of the Surface's Tilt Element Text: " + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(surface.SurfaceId, true);
                        report.MessageList.Add("FAIL: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Tilt: " + calculatedTilt.ToString() + " that is not within tolerance of Surface's Tilt Element Text: " + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(surface.SurfaceId, false);
                        //we stop here, this is the best I can seem to do here for now.

                    if (calculatedAzimuth == surface.Azimuth)
                        report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Azimuth: " + calculatedAzimuth.ToString() + " that is identical to Surface's Azimuth Element Text: " + surface.Azimuth.ToString());
                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(surface.SurfaceId, true);
                    else if (Math.Abs(calculatedAzimuth - surface.Azimuth) < report.tolerance)
                        report.MessageList.Add("SUCCESS: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Azimuth: " + calculatedAzimuth.ToString() + " that is within tolerance of the Surface's Tilt Element Text: " + surface.Azimuth.ToString());
                        report.MessageList.Add("FAIL: Surface's planar geometry polyloop forms RHR with Azimuth: " + calculatedAzimuth.ToString() + " that is not within tolerance of Surface's Azimuth Element Text: " + surface.Azimuth.ToString());
                        report.TestPassedDict.Add(surface.SurfaceId, false);
                        //we stop here, this is the best I can seem to do here for now.

            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;

            //if we made it this far, we did not run into any exceptions
            if (report.TestPassedDict.ContainsValue(false))
                report.longMsg = "TEST FAIL:  There were some errors found when comparing the Surfaces' Planar Geometry Definition and the Surfaces' Tilt and Azimuth.";
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
                report.longMsg = "TEST PASSED:  All Surfaces' Tilt and Azimuth Values appear to coincide with the Planar Geometry Definition Provided.";
                report.passOrFail = true;
                return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj SurfaceEnclosureTest(Dictionary<string, List<SurfaceDefinitions>> enclosure, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<SurfaceDefinitions>> kp in enclosure)
             report.MessageList.Add("Checking surfaces associated with Space: " + kp.Key);
     catch (Exception e)
         report.longMsg = ("SORRY, we have run into an unexpected issue:" + e.ToString());
         report.passOrFail = false;
         return report;
     return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj UniqueSpaceIdTest(List <XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List <XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report);
Esempio n. 20
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetStoryHeights(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 21
        private DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestOpeningPlanarTest(List<OpeningDefinitions> TestOpenings, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report)
            //ensure that each set of RHR tests result in parallel or anti-parallel resultant vectors, or else fail the test

            foreach (OpeningDefinitions to in TestOpenings)
                Dictionary<string, List<Vector.CartVect>> surfaceXProducts = new Dictionary<string, List<Vector.CartVect>>();
                List<Vector.CartVect> xProducts = new List<Vector.CartVect>();
                for (int i = 0; i < to.PlCoords.Count - 2; i++)
                    //Get the Cross Product
                    VectorMath.Vector.CartVect v1 = VectorMath.Vector.CreateVector(to.PlCoords[i], to.PlCoords[i + 1]);
                    VectorMath.Vector.CartVect v2 = VectorMath.Vector.CreateVector(to.PlCoords[i + 1], to.PlCoords[i + 2]);
                    Vector.CartVect xProd = Vector.CrossProduct(v1, v2);
                    xProd = Vector.UnitVector(xProd);
                surfaceXProducts.Add(to.OpeningId, xProducts);
                for (int j = 0; j < xProducts.Count - 1; j++)
                    if (xProducts[j].X == xProducts[j + 1].X && xProducts[j].Y == xProducts[j + 1].Y && xProducts[j].Z == xProducts[j + 1].Z)
                    else if (xProducts[j].X == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].X && xProducts[j].Y == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].Y && xProducts[j].Z == -1 * xProducts[j + 1].Z)
                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Opening, id: " + to.OpeningId +
                            " has polyLoop coordinates that do not form a planar surface.  This fails the detailed surface tests and will not continue.");
                        report.passOrFail = false;
                        report.longMsg = "Detailed opening test failed during the planar surface checks.  Without planar polygons, this test cannot be safely executed.";
                        return report;
            report.MessageList.Add("All test file's surfaces have polyloop descriptions that describe a plana polygon.  Planar opening test succeeded.");
            report.passOrFail = true;
            return report;

Esempio n. 22
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetSurfaceCount(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 23
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetBuildingStoryCount(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test compares the number of stories (it counts them) in the standard and test files.  It does so by";
            report.testSummary += " counting the number of occurances of a Building Storey element in the gbXML files.";
            report.testSummary += "  The number of stories should match exactly.  If your test failed, the number of stories in your file does";
            report.testSummary += " not match the standard file.  If the number of stories does not match, ";
            report.testSummary += " most likely, the test file has not been constructed as per the instructions provided by the";
            report.testSummary += " gbXML Test Case Manual.";
            report.testSummary += "  In some instances, it is not required that the number of stories match.  If you notice that the number";
            report.testSummary += " of stories do not match, but the test summary showed your file passed, then this is normal.  Refer to the pass/fail";
            report.testSummary += " summary sheet for more information.";

            report.unit = Units;

            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            string[] resultsArray = new string[50];
            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:BuildingStorey", gbXMLns);
                    int nodecount = nodes.Count;
                    //need to test for accuracy of result if accurate then pass, if not, how much inaccuracy and return this result 
                    resultsArray[i] = nodecount.ToString();
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        //setup standard result and test result
                        report.testResult.Add(resultsArray[i - 1]);

                        double difference = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[(i - 1)]));
                        if (difference == 0)
                            report.longMsg = " The test file's " + report.testType + " matches the standard file exactly.";
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                        else if (difference <= report.tolerance)
                            report.longMsg = " The test file's " + report.testType + " matches the standard file " + report.testType + ", the difference was within tolerance = " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units;
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                            report.longMsg = "The test file's " + report.testType + " is not within the allowable tolerance of " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units + " The difference between the standard and test file is " + difference.ToString() + " " + Units;
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                    else { continue; }
                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg += " Failed to locate Building " + report.testType + " in the XML file.";
                    return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            return report;
Esempio n. 24
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestBuildingStoryRHR(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 25
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestBuildingStoryRHR(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test analyzes each of the story PolyLoop coordinates in the standard and test files.  These PolyLoop ";
            report.testSummary += "coordinates define the z-height and orientation of each story plane.  This test analyzes the normal vector ";
            report.testSummary += "created by the PolyLoop coordinates.  The PolyLoop coordinates must be sequenced in a counterclockwise manner ";
            report.testSummary += " such that when the right hand rule is applied to this sequence of coordinates, a resultant normal vector ";
            report.testSummary += " will point in the +z direction.";
            report.testSummary += "  If the PolyLoop coordinates do not form vectors that point in the +Z direction";
            report.testSummary += " (when the right hand rule is applied), then this test will fail.  It is assumed that the vectors that define";
            report.testSummary += " the story plane will be parallel to the X-Y axis.The tolerance is always zero for this test, ";
            report.testSummary += "meaning the resulting unit vector will point in the positive Z direction with no margin for error.";

            report.unit = Units;

            //stores the level's z heights
            List<string> LevelZs = new List<string>();
            //stores the list of z heights for both files
            List<List<string>> fileLevelZz = new List<List<string>>();
            //stores the RHR x product and the corresonding z height for a level
            Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect> levelVct = new Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>();
            //stores a list of the RHR x product and corresponding z height for both files
            List<Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>> fileLevelVct = new List<Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>>();

            VectorMath.Vector.CartVect vector = new VectorMath.Vector.CartVect();

            int errorCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)


                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];
                    //maybe it would be good if the test result spits out the name of the story?  TBD
                    XmlNodeList PlanarGeometry = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:BuildingStorey/gbXMLv5:PlanarGeometry", gbXMLns);
                    XmlNodeList PolyLoops = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:BuildingStorey/gbXMLv5:PlanarGeometry/gbXMLv5:PolyLoop", gbXMLns);
                    int nodecount = PolyLoops.Count;
                    //get the normals for each level in the Standard File
                    //get the z-coordinate for each level (we assume that the levels are going to be parallel to Z
                    LevelZs = GetLevelZs(PlanarGeometry, LevelZs);
                    foreach (string level in LevelZs)
                        //a simple attempt to filter out exceptions, which could be returned in some instances
                        if (level.Length < 10)
                            vector = GetPolyLoopXProduct(PlanarGeometry, level);
                            string levelValue = level;
                            //if (i == 0) { levelValue += "-T"; }
                            //else { levelValue += "-S"; }
                            levelVct.Add(levelValue, vector);

                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect> standDict = fileLevelVct[1];
                        Dictionary<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect> testDict = fileLevelVct[0];
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, VectorMath.Vector.CartVect> pair in standDict)

                            if (testDict.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
                                report.MessageList.Add("While searching for matching building levels, there has been a Successful match.  Building Story Level " + pair.Key + " in the Standard file found a match in the Test File.");
                                report.passOrFail = true;
                                //perform cross product again of the two vectors in question.  The result should be a zero since they should be parallel
                                VectorMath.Vector.CartVect rhrTestVector = VectorMath.Vector.CrossProduct(testDict[pair.Key], standDict[pair.Key]);
                                if (rhrTestVector.X == 0 && rhrTestVector.Y == 0 && rhrTestVector.Z == 0)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("For this level match, there is Normal Vector Test Success.  The right hand rule test identified a parallel normal vector for Level " + pair.Key + " in both the Standard and Test gbXML Files.");
                                    report.passOrFail = true;
                                    VectorMath.Vector.CartVect rhrTestVectorU = VectorMath.Vector.UnitVector(rhrTestVector);
                                    //create a test to determine the angular difference between the two vectors is within tolerance
                                    //|A||B|cos theta = A x B

                                    //if the angle is within the allowable tolerance, then pass the test with a note that the vectors
                                    //were not parallel

                                report.MessageList.Add("The right hand rule test for Level " + pair.Key + " in the Standard File could not be completed.  A match for this level could not be found in the test file.");
                                report.passOrFail = false;

                    else { continue; }

                    //need to comapre and have if then statement depending on the outcome of the accuracy tests
                    if (errorCount == 0)
                        report.longMsg = "Test Success:  Building Stories RHR in the Test File match the RHR in the Standard File for all Levels.";
                        report.longMsg = "Not all levels in the Standard File found equivalent levels and normal vectors in the Test File.";
                    return report;
                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg = " Failed to complete RHR Test for the Building Storey Nodes.  Exception noted.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            return report;
Esempio n. 26
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestSpaceVolumes(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 27
        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestSpaceAreas(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, Conversions.areaUnitEnum standardUnits, Conversions.areaUnitEnum testUnits, double testareaConversion,double standardareaConversion,DOEgbXMLTestDetail testDetails)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Feb 13 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test compares the square footage of spaces in the test and standard files.  It does this by searching";
            report.testSummary += "for a unique Space id in both the test and standard files, and finding a match.  Once a match is found, it then";
            report.testSummary += " finds the square footage reported for the Space area, and compares them to ensure they are the same or";
            report.testSummary += " within tolerance. For example, if the standard file has a Space with id = \"Space-1\" with an area of";
            report.testSummary += "250 square feet, then this test searches through the test file for a Space with the identical id.";
            report.testSummary += "  Once this space has been located, the test then compares the Area to 250 square feet.  ";
            report.testSummary += "If they are identical, the test is done, and passes.  We have built a tolerance in this test, meaning the";
            report.testSummary += " areas do not need to match perfectly in the standard file and test file.  As long as your test file's value";
            report.testSummary += " for Space Area is +/- this tolerance, the test will pass.  Using the previous example, if the allowable";
            report.testSummary += " tolerance is 1% (1% of 250 is 2.5 sf), then the test file may have a space area ranging from 247.5 to 252.5";
            report.testSummary += " square feet, and the test will still delcare \"Pass\".";

            report.unit = standardUnits.ToString();
            report.passOrFail = true;
            string spaceId = "";
            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            Dictionary<string, double> standardFileAreaDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            Dictionary<string, double> testFileAreaDict = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            bool thinWalled = false;
                //check to see if the test file comes from OpenStudio or Bentley (non-thick wall, or non-centerline geometry)
                XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLnstw = gbXMLnsm[0];
                XmlNode productName = gbXMLDocs[0].SelectSingleNode("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:DocumentHistory/gbXMLv5:ProgramInfo/gbXMLv5:ProductName",gbXMLnstw);
                if (productName.InnerText.ToLower().Replace(" ", String.Empty).Trim() == "openstudio")//TODO: consider a different test
                    thinWalled = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList spaceNodes = gbXMLDocs[i].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space/gbXMLv5:Area", gbXMLnsm[i]);
                    //make lists of the areas in each project
                    foreach (XmlNode spaceNode in spaceNodes)
                        string area = spaceNode.InnerText;
                        if (i % 2 != 0)
                            for (int n = 0; n < spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes.Count; n++)
                                if (spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[n].Name == "id")
                                    spaceId = spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[n].Value;
                                        //no conversion necessary
                                        standardFileAreaDict.Add(spaceId, Convert.ToDouble(area)*standardareaConversion);
                                        if(testDetails.ThinWalledSpecs.Count > 0)
                                            var thinwalleddef = testDetails.ThinWalledSpecs.Find(x => x.SpaceName == spaceId); //it is critical that space names match for these tests.
                                            standardFileAreaDict.Add(spaceId, thinwalleddef.FloorArea);
                                            //no conversion necessary
                                            standardFileAreaDict.Add(spaceId, Convert.ToDouble(area) * standardareaConversion);
                            for (int n = 0; n < spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes.Count; n++)
                                if (spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[n].Name == "id")
                                    spaceId = spaceNode.ParentNode.Attributes[n].Value;

                                    double convertedArea = Convert.ToDouble(area) * testareaConversion;
                                    testFileAreaDict.Add(spaceId, convertedArea);
                var standardKeys = standardFileAreaDict.Keys;

                foreach (string key in standardKeys)
                    if (testFileAreaDict.ContainsKey(key))
                        double testFileSpaceArea = testFileAreaDict[key];
                        double standardFileSpaceArea = standardFileAreaDict[key];


                        double difference = Math.Abs(testFileSpaceArea - standardFileSpaceArea);
                        if (difference == 0)
                            report.MessageList.Add("For Space Id: " + key + ".  Success finding matching space area.  The Standard File and the Test File both have a space with an area = " + testFileSpaceArea.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + ". ");
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, true);
                        else if (difference < report.tolerance)
                            report.MessageList.Add("For Space Id: " + key + ".  Success finding matching space area.  The Standard File space area of " + standardFileSpaceArea.ToString("#.000") + " and the Test File space area of " + testFileSpaceArea.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + " is within the allowable tolerance of " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + report.unit);
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, true);
                            report.MessageList.Add("For space Id: " + key + ".  Failure to find an space area match.  THe area equal to  = " + standardFileSpaceArea.ToString("#.000") + " " + report.unit + " in the Standard File could not be found in the Test File. ");
                            report.TestPassedDict.Add(key, false);
                        report.testResult.Add("Could not be matched");
                        //failure to match spaceIds
                        report.MessageList.Add("Test File and Standard File space names could not be matched.  SpaceId: " + key + " could not be found in the test file.");
                        report.passOrFail = false;
                        return report;
                return report;

            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = "Failed to complete the " + report.testType + ".  See exceptions noted.";
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
Esempio n. 28
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj UniqueSpaceIdTest(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report);
Esempio n. 29
        //this function was abandoned until the second phase
        //Created Dec 2012 by CHarriman Senior Product Manager Carmel Software Corp

        public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestShellGeomPLRHR(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units)
            string result = "";
            string floorarea = "";
            report.unit = Units;
            List<Vector.CartVect> VectList = new List<Vector.CartVect>();

            //keeps a dictionary of the shell geometry points for each space of the test file  key = spaceId, value = List of Coordinates
            Dictionary<string, List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>> shellGeomPtsTF = new Dictionary<string, List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>>();
            //keeps a dictionary of the shell geometry points for each space of the standard file  key = spaceId, value = List of Coordinates
            Dictionary<string, List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>> shellGeomPtsSF = new Dictionary<string, List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>>();
            //keeps a dictinary of the RHR vectors of the Test file
            Dictionary<string, List<VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>> shellGeomRHRTF = new Dictionary<string, List<VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>>();
            //keeps a dictionary of the RHR vectors of the Standard file
            Dictionary<string, List<VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>> shellGeomRHRSF = new Dictionary<string, List<VectorMath.Vector.CartVect>>();

            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];
                    //for each space, gather some kind of qualifying information
                    XmlNodeList spaceNodes = gbXMLDocs[i].SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Building/gbXMLv5:Space", gbXMLns);
                    foreach (XmlNode space in spaceNodes)
                        XmlNodeList spaceChildren = space.ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode spaceChild in spaceChildren)
                            if (spaceChild.Name == "ShellGeometry")
                                XmlNode closedShell = spaceChild.FirstChild;
                                switch (i)
                                    case 0:
                                        shellGeomPtsTF = GetShellGeomPts(closedShell);
                                    case 1:
                                        shellGeomPtsSF = GetShellGeomPts(closedShell);
                                //Determine if matches found everywhere

                                //Test the two sets of data points to find matches return the coordinate matches in the same order they
                                //are presented in the gbXML file

                                switch (i)
                                    case 0:
                                        shellGeomRHRTF = GetShellGeomPolyRHR(shellGeomPtsTF);
                                    case 1:
                                        shellGeomRHRSF = GetShellGeomPolyRHR(shellGeomPtsSF);




                catch (Exception e)

                return report;
            return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetStoryHeights(List <XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List <XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 31
        private DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetPossibleSurfaceMatches(SurfaceDefinitions surface, List<SurfaceDefinitions> TestSurfaces, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, Conversions.lengthUnitEnum standardLengthUnits, Conversions.lengthUnitEnum testLengthUnits, double testlengthConversion, double standardlengthConversion, Conversions.areaUnitEnum standardAreaUnits, Conversions.areaUnitEnum testAreaUnits, double testareaConversion, double standardareaConversion)
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added Mar 14 2013
            report.testSummary = "This test tries to match each Surface element in the standard file with an equivalent in your test file";
            report.testSummary += "  To be as flexible about what constitutes a \"Good Match\", this test finds a pool of possible candidate ";
            report.testSummary += "surfaces in your test file and then begins to eliminate them as they fail different tests.";
            report.testSummary += "  At the end, there should be only one surface candidate remaining that constitutes a good match.  ";
            report.testSummary += "You can see the result of this filtering process by reviewing the mini-report that is provided for you below.";
            report.testSummary += "</br>";
            //this summary is text that describes to a lay user what this test does, and how it works functionally.  The user should have some familiarity with the basic knowledge of gbXML 
            //added March 14 2013
            report.testSummary += "  The search routine first tries to find all surfaces that have the same SurfaceType and adjacentSpaceIds.";
            report.testSummary += "  Everytime there is a match found in the test file, meeting these criteria, a message will appear in the ";
            report.testSummary += "mini-report, indicating that a match has been found.";
            report.testSummary += "  There may be more than one match in your test file.";
            report.testSummary += "  If there are no matches found for SurfaceType and AdjacencyId, this message will be printed (and the test will end as failed):";
            report.testSummary += "  In the test file, no matches could be found in the standard file that have the same AdjacentSpaceId(s) and SurfaceType.";
            report.testSummary += "</br>";
            report.testSummary += "  If this set of tests is successful, the routine next tries to remove those surfaces that do not meet";
            report.testSummary += " the tilt and azimuth tolerances.  Let's pretend for example that the tilt and azimuth for the standard surface";
            report.testSummary += " in question are both 90 degrees.  If the tilt and azimuth test tolerance are 1 degree, then the search";
            report.testSummary += " routine will only keep those walls that have 89<=tilt<=91 && <=89azimuth<=91 && match the SurfaceType and";
            report.testSummary += " adjacency relationships.";
            report.testSummary += " The mini-report will let you know which surfaces pass the tilt and azimuth test and which do not.";
            report.testSummary += "</br>";
            report.testSummary += "  Next the search routine takes any of the remaining surface candidates that have passed all the tests so far, ";
            report.testSummary += "and tries to determine if the Surface Areas defined by the polyLoops match to within a pre-defined % tolerance.";
            report.testSummary += "</br>";
            report.testSummary += " the final tests are to physically test the coordinates of the polyloop and insertion point to make sure";
            report.testSummary += " that a match for the standard surface can be found.";
            report.testSummary += " You should see additional messages telling you which surface in your test file matches, or doesn't match";
            report.testSummary += " the standard surface being searched against.  If there is no match, the mini-report tells you.";
            report.testSummary += "  By making the tests this way, it is hoped that you can see exactly why your test file is failing against";
            report.testSummary += " the standard file's surface definitions.";

                report.MessageList.Add("Standard Surface Id: " + surface.SurfaceId);
                //initialize the return list
                //alternate between these two to filter out bad matches
                List<SurfaceDefinitions> possiblesList1 = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>();
                List<SurfaceDefinitions> possiblesList2 = new List<SurfaceDefinitions>();

                bool adjSpaceIdMatch = false;
                bool isLowTiltObject = false;
                bool isHighTiltObject = false;
                bool interiorWallFlipped = false;
                bool issurfaceRegular = false;
                bool istestSurfaceRegular = false;
                //try to find a surface in the test file that has the same:
                //adjacent space Id signature
                //free list is 1
                //list 2 is not used
                for(int ts = 0; ts<TestSurfaces.Count;ts++)
                    SurfaceDefinitions testSurface = TestSurfaces[ts];
                    //has to have the same number of Adjacent Space Ids
                    if (testSurface.AdjSpaceId.Count == surface.AdjSpaceId.Count)
                        //an exception for a shading device
                        if (surface.AdjSpaceId.Count == 0) { adjSpaceIdMatch = true; }

                        //has to have the same order of adjacent space id strings to qualify.  This method assumes the strings are identical
                        if(surface.AdjSpaceId.Count == 1)
                            if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0]) { adjSpaceIdMatch = true; }
                        if(surface.AdjSpaceId.Count == 2)
                            if(surface.SurfaceType == "Ceiling" && testSurface.SurfaceType == "InteriorFloor")
                                if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[1] && surface.AdjSpaceId[1] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0])
                                    adjSpaceIdMatch = true;
                            else if (surface.SurfaceType == "InteriorFloor"  && testSurface.SurfaceType == "Ceiling")
                                if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[1] && surface.AdjSpaceId[1] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0])
                                    adjSpaceIdMatch = true;
                            else if (surface.SurfaceType == "InteriorWall" && testSurface.SurfaceType == "InteriorWall")
                                if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0] && surface.AdjSpaceId[1] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[1])
                                    adjSpaceIdMatch = true;
                                if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[1] && surface.AdjSpaceId[1] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0])
                                    adjSpaceIdMatch = true;
                                    interiorWallFlipped = true;
                                if (surface.AdjSpaceId[0] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[0] && surface.AdjSpaceId[1] == testSurface.AdjSpaceId[1])
                                    adjSpaceIdMatch = true;
                        //if adjacent space Ids match and the surface types match, note this 
                        if (adjSpaceIdMatch)
                            if(!IsHighTiltSurface(surface) && !IsLowTiltSurface(surface))
                                if(surface.SurfaceType == testSurface.SurfaceType)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("AdjancentSpaceId(s) and surfaceType Match.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is a candidate.");
                                if(IsLowTiltSurface(surface)) isLowTiltObject = true;
                                if (IsHighTiltSurface(surface)) isHighTiltObject = true;
                                if(surface.SurfaceType == testSurface.SurfaceType)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("AdjancentSpaceId(s) and surfaceType Match.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is a candidate.");
                if (possiblesList1.Count == 1)
                    report.MessageList.Add("Based on a comparison of the surface Type and Adjacent SpaceIds, there is " + possiblesList1.Count.ToString() + " surface in the test file that is a possible match for " + surface.SurfaceId + " of the Standard File.");
                else if (possiblesList1.Count > 1)
                    report.MessageList.Add("Based on a comparison of the surface Type and Adjacent SpaceIds, there are " + possiblesList1.Count.ToString() + " surface in the test file that are possible matches for " + surface.SurfaceId + " of the Standard File.");
                    report.longMsg = "In the test file, no matches could be found in the standard file that have the same AdjacentSpaceId(s) and SurfaceType.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;
                //begin to filter back this list
                //list 1 is analyzed
                //list 2 is free

                if (possiblesList1.Count > 0)
                    foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList1)
                        double tiltDifference = 0;
                        double azimuthDifference = Math.Abs(testSurface.Azimuth - surface.Azimuth);
                            if(IsLowTiltSurface(testSurface)) //they are the same, both have small tils
                                tiltDifference = Math.Abs(testSurface.Tilt - surface.Tilt);
                            else //they are 180 degrees different, and the test surface is a high tilt while the standard is low tilt
                                if (testSurface.SurfaceType == "InteriorFloor")
                                    tiltDifference = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(testSurface.Tilt - 180) - surface.Tilt);
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");

                            //no azimuth tests
                            if (tiltDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance) //azimuth no longer matters for these surfaces
                                if(surface.Tilt != 0)
                                    if(azimuthDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                        report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");
                            //if the tilt and azimuth is within tolerance
                                //add to the free List
                                if (surface.Tilt == 0)
                                    if (tiltDifference == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " matches the standard surface tilt and azimuth exactly.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is within the azimuth and tilt tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance + ", respectively.  It matches the standard file surface within the allowable tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                                    //check the azimuth
                                    if (tiltDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance || azimuthDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                                        report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");
                                    //if the tilt and azimuth is within tolerance
                                        //add to the free List
                                        if (tiltDifference == 0 && azimuthDifference == 0)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " matches the standard surface tilt and azimuth exactly.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is within the azimuth and tilt tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance + ", respectively.  It matches the standard file surface within the allowable tolerance.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                        else if (isHighTiltObject)
                            if(IsHighTiltSurface(testSurface)) //both high tilt interior surfaces
                                tiltDifference = Math.Abs(testSurface.Tilt - surface.Tilt);
                            else //standard is high tilt, test is low tilt
                                if(testSurface.SurfaceType == "Ceiling")
                                    tiltDifference = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(testSurface.Tilt - 180) - surface.Tilt);
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");

                            //no azimuth tests
                            if (tiltDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance) //azimuth no longer matters for these surfaces
                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                                report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");
                            //if the tilt and azimuth is within tolerance
                                //add to the free List
                                if (tiltDifference == 0)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " matches the standard surface tilt and azimuth exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is within the azimuth and tilt tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance + ", respectively.  It matches the standard file surface within the allowable tolerance.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                            azimuthDifference = Math.Abs(testSurface.Azimuth - surface.Azimuth);
                            if (interiorWallFlipped) //both high tilt interior surfaces
                                azimuthDifference = Math.Abs(Math.Abs(testSurface.Azimuth - surface.Azimuth) - 180); //180 is needed because they should be separated by 180
                            tiltDifference = Math.Abs(testSurface.Tilt - surface.Tilt);
                            //if the tilt and azimuth is outside of tolerance
                            if (tiltDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance || azimuthDifference > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance)
                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " azimuth and tilt match FAILED: ");
                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());
                                report.MessageList.Add(testSurface.SurfaceId + " has been removed as a candidate for matching.");
                            //if the tilt and azimuth is within tolerance
                                //add to the free List
                                if (tiltDifference == 0 && azimuthDifference == 0)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " matches the standard surface tilt and azimuth exactly.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " is within the azimuth and tilt tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAzimuthTolerance + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceTiltTolerance + ", respectively.  It matches the standard file surface within the allowable tolerance.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + testSurface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + testSurface.Tilt.ToString() + ")");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Standard file surface (Azimuth, Tilt): (" + surface.Azimuth.ToString() + "," + surface.Tilt.ToString());

                // report to the user that no matches could be found
                    report.longMsg = "In the test file, surfaces could be found that match the standard file's AdjacentSpaceId and SurfaceType, but of these matches, none could be identified that also have a tilt or azimuth that exactly matches the standard file's, or is within the allowable tolerance.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;

                //clear the first list
                //start to loop through the new refined list
                //generally want to look at the polyLoop coordinates
                //list 2 is analyzed
                //list 1 is free
                report.MessageList.Add("Starting Surface Area Match tests......");
                if (possiblesList2.Count > 0)
                    //simple method from this point forward is just to simply start doing a polyloop check
                    //check the standard surface PolyLoop and the test Surface(s) polyloop(s)
                    //check the absolute coordinates of the testSurface(s) polyloop(s)

                    if (possiblesList2.Count == 1)
                        report.MessageList.Add("Only one Surface Candidate remaining from the original test pool.");
                        //meaning there is only one candidate still available
                        //go on to test the polyLoop coordinates and the insertion point

                    //more than one candidate still exists even after the adjacency test, surfaceType test, and tilt and azimuth tests, so filter through
                        //The user should be able to determine, based on output which surfaces are left for consideration
                        //Option 1:  (easiest) find the one best candidate
                        //do so based on an area match, matching the area of the test surface with the area of the test surface 
                        //(without regard for absolute polyloop coordinates)

                        //We find the area using area formulas for both regular polygons and irregular polygons
                        //first we check for the type of surface that it is (regular polygon or not), and we then take it from there
                        //in the case of a rectangular polygon, we only count rectangles or squares as regular, everything else is 
                        //assumed to be irregular, though this does not fit the classic definition of a classic polygon.  
                        //The language is just semantics

                        //first try to find if the standard file has a regular rectangular or square profile
                        report.MessageList.Add("Checking if the surface is a square or rectangle.");
                        issurfaceRegular = IsSurfaceRegular(surface);
                        foreach (SurfaceDefinitions regSurface in possiblesList2)
                            //ensures likewise that all the test surface candidates are regular, 
                            //TODO:  if they are not, then the entire set is assumed to be irregular (this could be improved)
                            istestSurfaceRegular = IsSurfaceRegular(regSurface);
                            if (istestSurfaceRegular == false) break;
                        if (issurfaceRegular && istestSurfaceRegular)
                            //we take a shortcut and use the width and height as a way to simplify the area checking scheme
                            //we assume that the width and height are properly entered in this simplified case
                            report.MessageList.Add("Rectangle or Square = TRUE");
                            report.MessageList.Add("Comparisons of the Width and Height values will be used as a proxy for surface Area.");
                            foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testsurface in possiblesList2)
                                //it first analyzes the test file to see if slivers are present.  If they are, it will fail the test
                                //if slivers are not allowed for the test.  This is the first time we check for slivers
                                //TODO:  consider removing or giving a feature to allow this to be overridded.
                                if (testsurface.Width <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SliverDimensionTolerance || testsurface.Height <= DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SliverDimensionTolerance)
                                    if (!DOEgbXMLBasics.SliversAllowed)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("This test does not allow slivers less than " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SliverDimensionTolerance + " ft.  A sliver has been detected.  Test surface id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " is a sliver.");
                                        report.passOrFail = false;
                                        return report;
                                //otherwise, if the sliver test passes
                                double widthDiff = Math.Abs((testlengthConversion * testsurface.Width) - surface.Width * standardlengthConversion);
                                if(widthDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceWidthTolerance)
                                    widthDiff = Math.Abs((testlengthConversion * testsurface.Height) - surface.Width * standardlengthConversion);
                                    if(widthDiff < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceWidthTolerance)
                                        //we will swap them
                                        double heightDiff = Math.Abs((testlengthConversion * testsurface.Width) - surface.Height * standardlengthConversion);
                                        if (heightDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceHeightTolerance)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " width and height do not both match the standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + ".  This surface has been removed as a candidate.");
                                            //this surface is a candidate
                                            if (widthDiff == 0 && heightDiff == 0)
                                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface with id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " have has the width and height swapped, but the width and height exactly match the standard file.");
                                                //go ahead and now check the polyLoop coordinates, and then the insertion point
                                                report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface with id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " have been swapped, but are within the width and height tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceWidthTolerance + standardLengthUnits + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceHeightTolerance + standardLengthUnits + ", respectively.");
                                                //go ahead and now check the polyloop coordinates, and then the insertion point
                                    //we won't swap them
                                    double heightDiff = Math.Abs((testlengthConversion * testsurface.Height) - surface.Height * standardlengthConversion);
                                    if (widthDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceWidthTolerance ||
                                        heightDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceHeightTolerance)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " width and height do not both match the standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + ".  This surface has been removed as a candidate.");
                                        //this surface is a candidate
                                        if (widthDiff == 0 && heightDiff == 0)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface with id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " matches the width and height exactly of the standard file.");
                                            //go ahead and now check the polyLoop coordinates, and then the insertion point
                                            report.MessageList.Add("Test file surface with id: " + testsurface.SurfaceId + " is within the width and height tolerances of " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceWidthTolerance + standardLengthUnits + " and " + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceHeightTolerance + standardLengthUnits + ", respectively.");
                                            //go ahead and now check the polyloop coordinates, and then the insertion point
                        //It is not "regular".  Find the one surface with the area that most closely matches, and then check its polyloops
                        //1. get the polyloop area of the standard file's surface polyloops
                        //2. get the area of the test file surface candidates using the polyloop coordinates
                            report.MessageList.Add("The surface is not a square or rectangle.");
                            report.MessageList.Add("PolyLoop coordinates will be used to calculate the area.");
                            //there are two basic cases, one where we get the area using greens theorem when the surface is parallel
                            //to one of the axes of the project global reference frame
                            //and the second where the surface is not parallel to one of the axes of the global reference frame
                            //Surface normal Parallel to global reference frame X Axis
                            if (Math.Abs(surface.PlRHRVector.X) == 1 && surface.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 && surface.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                                List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in surface.PlCoords)
                                    //only take the Y and Z coordinates and throw out the X because we can assume that they are all the same
                                    //create new
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0, coord.Y, coord.Z);

                                double area = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList);
                                if (area == -999)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                                double testSurfacesArea = 0;

                                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList2)
                                    if (Math.Abs(testSurface.PlRHRVector.X) == 1 && testSurface.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 &&
                                        testSurface.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testSurface.PlCoords)
                                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0, coord.Y, coord.Z);
                                        testSurfacesArea = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList);
                                        if (testSurfacesArea == -999)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                        //convert from the test units to the standard units

                                        double difference = Math.Abs((area*standardareaConversion) - (testSurfacesArea * testareaConversion));
                                        if (difference < area * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAreaPercentageTolerance)
                                            if (difference == 0)
                                                //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                                //then check the insertion point
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " exactly.");
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The test surface cannot find a match for its surface area as defined in the polyLoop coordinates");
                                            //don't return here, it will be returned below
                                        //do nothing, it will be handled by the more general case and then translated to a 2-D surface

                            //Surface normal Parallel to global reference frame y Axis
                            else if (surface.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && Math.Abs(surface.PlRHRVector.Y) == 1 && surface.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                                List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in surface.PlCoords)
                                    //only take the X and Z coordinates and throw out the Y because we can assume that they are all the same
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, 0, coord.Z);

                                double area = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList);
                                if (area == -999)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                                double testSurfacesArea = 0;

                                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList2)
                                    if (Math.Abs(testSurface.PlRHRVector.X) == 0 && Math.Abs(testSurface.PlRHRVector.Y) == 1 && testSurface.PlRHRVector.Z == 0)
                                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testSurface.PlCoords)
                                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, 0, coord.Z);
                                        testSurfacesArea = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList);
                                        if (testSurfacesArea == -999)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                        //convert the testSurfaceArea
                                        double difference = Math.Abs((area*standardareaConversion) - (testSurfacesArea * testareaConversion));
                                        if (difference < area * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAreaPercentageTolerance)
                                            if (difference == 0)
                                                //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                                //then check the insertion point
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " exactly.");
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The test surface cannot find a match for its surface area as defined in the polyLoop coordinates");
                                            //don't return here, it will be returned below
                                        //do nothing, it will be handled by the more general code below and translated to 2D
                            else if (surface.PlRHRVector.X == 0 && surface.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 && Math.Abs(surface.PlRHRVector.Z) == 1)
                                List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> coordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in surface.PlCoords)
                                    //only take the X and Y coordinates and throw out the Z because we can assume that they are all the same
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, coord.Y, 0);

                                double area = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(coordList);
                                if (area == -999)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                                double testSurfacesArea = 0;

                                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList2)
                                    if (Math.Abs(testSurface.PlRHRVector.X) == 0 && testSurface.PlRHRVector.Y == 0 && Math.Abs(testSurface.PlRHRVector.Z) == 1)
                                        List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testCoordList = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                        foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord coord in testSurface.PlCoords)
                                            Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord c2 = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(coord.X, coord.Y, 0);
                                        testSurfacesArea = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(testCoordList);
                                        if (testSurfacesArea == -999)
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                        //provide area conversion
                                        double difference = Math.Abs((area*standardareaConversion) - (testSurfacesArea * testareaConversion));
                                        if (difference < area * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAreaPercentageTolerance)
                                            if (difference == 0)
                                                //then it perfectly matches, go on to check the poly loop coordinates
                                                //then check the insertion point
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " exactly.");
                                                report.MessageList.Add("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: " + surface.SurfaceId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                            report.MessageList.Add("The test surface cannot find a match for its surface area as defined in the polyLoop coordinates");
                                            //don't return here, it will be returned below
                                        //do nothing.  The code below will handle the more general case where it is not aligned with reference frame axes
                            //the surface is not aligned with one of the reference frame axes, which requires a bit more work to determine the right answer.
                                report.MessageList.Add("The standard surface is not aligned along an axis, and will be rotated into a new coordinate frame");
                                //New Z Axis for this plane is the normal vector, does not need to be created
                                //Get New Y Axis which is the surface Normal Vector cross the original global reference X unit vector (all unit vectors please
                                Vector.CartVect globalReferenceX = new Vector.CartVect();
                                globalReferenceX.X = 1;
                                globalReferenceX.Y = 0;
                                globalReferenceX.Z = 0;
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect localY = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProductMSRetMSNV(surface.PlRHRVector, globalReferenceX));

                                //new X axis is the localY cross the surface normal vector
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect localX = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProduct(localY, surface.PlRHRVector));

                                //convert the polyloop coordinates to a local 2-D reference frame
                                //using a trick employed by video game programmers found here
                                List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> translatedCoordinates = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord newOrigin = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0,0,0);
                                for (int j = 1; j < surface.PlCoords.Count; j++)
                                    //randomly assigns the first polyLoop coordinate as the origin
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord origin = surface.PlCoords[0];
                                    //captures the components of a vector drawn from the new origin to the 
                                    Vector.CartVect distance = new Vector.CartVect();
                                    distance.X = surface.PlCoords[j].X - origin.X;
                                    distance.Y = surface.PlCoords[j].Y - origin.Y;
                                    distance.Z = surface.PlCoords[j].Z - origin.Z;
                                    //x coordinate is distance vector dot the new local X axis
                                    double tX = distance.X * localX.X + distance.Y * localX.Y + distance.Z * localX.Z;
                                    //y coordinate is distance vector dot the new local Y axis
                                    double tY = distance.X * localY.X + distance.Y * localY.Y + distance.Z * localY.Z;
                                    double tZ = 0;
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord translatedPt = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(tX,tY,tZ);

                                double area = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(translatedCoordinates);
                                if (area == -999)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the standard file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test may be inaccurate and requires support");

                                //get the area of the test candidates using the polyloop coordinates
                                foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList2)
                                    Vector.CartVect testglobalReferenceX = new Vector.CartVect();
                                    globalReferenceX.X = 1;
                                    globalReferenceX.Y = 0;
                                    globalReferenceX.Z = 0;
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect testlocalY = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProductMSRetMSNV(surface.PlRHRVector, testglobalReferenceX));

                                    //new X axis is the localY cross the surface normal vector
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartVect testlocalX = Vector.UnitVector(Vector.CrossProduct(testlocalY, surface.PlRHRVector));

                                    //convert the polyloop coordinates to a local 2-D reference frame
                                    //using a trick employed by video game programmers found here
                                    List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> testtranslatedCoordinates = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
                                    Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord newOriginTest = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(0,0,0);
                                    for (int j = 1; j < surface.PlCoords.Count; j++)
                                        //randomly assigns the first polyLoop coordinate as the origin
                                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord origin = testSurface.PlCoords[0];
                                        //captures the components of a vector drawn from the new origin to the 
                                        Vector.CartVect distance = new Vector.CartVect();
                                        distance.X = testSurface.PlCoords[j].X - origin.X;
                                        distance.Y = testSurface.PlCoords[j].Y - origin.Y;
                                        distance.Z = testSurface.PlCoords[j].Z - origin.Z;
                                        //x coordinate is distance vector dot the new local X axis
                                        double tX = distance.X * localX.X + distance.Y * localX.Y + distance.Z * localX.Z;
                                        //y coordinate is distance vector dot the new local Y axis
                                        double tY = distance.X * localY.X + distance.Y * localY.Y + distance.Z * localY.Z;
                                        double tZ = 0;
                                        Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord translatedPt = new Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord(tX,tY,tZ);

                                    double testarea = GetAreaFrom2DPolyLoop(translatedCoordinates);
                                    if (testarea == -999)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates of the test file polyloop has been incorrectly defined.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("The coordinates should be 2D and could not be translated to 2D");
                                    //convert to the standard units
                                    double difference = Math.Abs((area*standardareaConversion) - (testarea * testareaConversion));
                                    if (difference < area * DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceAreaPercentageTolerance)
                                        //within reason
                                        if (difference == 0)
                                                ("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId +
                                                " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: "
                                                + surface.SurfaceId + " exactly.");
                                                ("The test surface: " + testSurface.SurfaceId +
                                                " polyloop surface area matches the polyLoop surface area of the standard surface: "
                                                + surface.SurfaceId + " within the allowable area percentage tolerance.");
                                        //not within reason, so the test will fail
                                        //don't return yet, it will be returned below when possiblesList1 is found empty

                    //polyLoop absolute coordinates
                    //list 1 is analyzed
                    //list 2 is free
                    report.MessageList.Add("Starting PolyLoop coordinate comparisons.......");
                    if (possiblesList1.Count > 0)

                        foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList1)
                            //check the polyLoop coordinates
                            foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord standardPolyLoopCoord in surface.PlCoords)
                                report = GetPolyLoopCoordMatch(standardPolyLoopCoord, testSurface, report, surface.SurfaceId, testlengthConversion, standardlengthConversion);
                                if (report.passOrFail)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Could not find a coordinate match in the test surface polyloop.");
                            if (report.passOrFail)
                        report.longMsg = "In the test file, no surfaces could be found that match standard file;s Surface Id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " AdjacentSpaceId(s), SurfaceType, Tilt, Azimuth, and Surface Area.  Failed when attempting to match the surface area.";
                        report.passOrFail = false;
                        return report;
                    if(!isHighTiltObject && !isLowTiltObject && issurfaceRegular) //no point in doing this if thing is not square and regular
                        report.MessageList.Add("Starting Insertion Point Coordinate comparisons.......");
                        if (possiblesList2.Count > 0)
                            //check the insertion point coordinate
                            foreach (SurfaceDefinitions testSurface in possiblesList2)
                                //now match the differences
                                double insPtXDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.InsertionPoint.X * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.X*standardlengthConversion));
                                double insPtYDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.InsertionPoint.Y * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.Y*standardlengthConversion));
                                double insPtZDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.InsertionPoint.Z * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.Z*standardlengthConversion));
                                    report.MessageList.Add("The azimuths are flipped.  Looking to see if the test surface has properly defined the insertion point it has.");
                                    //find the complimenting insertion point
                                    for(int pt = 0; pt<testSurface.PlCoords.Count; pt++)
                                        if(Math.Abs((surface.InsertionPoint.Z*standardlengthConversion) - (testSurface.PlCoords[pt].Z * testlengthConversion)) < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtZTolerance)
                                            //this is a potential candidate
                                            if(Math.Abs((surface.InsertionPoint.X*standardlengthConversion) - testSurface.PlCoords[pt].X * testlengthConversion) < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtXTolerance)
                                                if(Math.Abs((surface.InsertionPoint.Y*standardlengthConversion) - testSurface.PlCoords[pt].Y * testlengthConversion) < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtYTolerance)
                                                    //a match
                                                    insPtXDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.PlCoords[pt].X * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.X*standardlengthConversion));
                                                    insPtYDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.PlCoords[pt].Y * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.Y*standardlengthConversion));
                                                    insPtZDiff = Math.Abs((testSurface.PlCoords[pt].Z * testlengthConversion) - (surface.InsertionPoint.Z*standardlengthConversion));
                                                    //didn't find a candidate
                                                if (Math.Abs((surface.InsertionPoint.Y*standardlengthConversion) - testSurface.PlCoords[pt].Y * testlengthConversion) < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtYTolerance)
                                                    //didn't find a candidate
                                                    //didn't find a candidate
                                if (insPtXDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtXTolerance || insPtYDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtYTolerance || insPtZDiff > DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtZTolerance)
                                    report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " insertion point coordinates do not both match the standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + ".  It has been removed as a candidate.");
                                    //possible match
                                    if (insPtXDiff == 0 && insPtYDiff == 0 && insPtZDiff == 0)
                                        //perfect match
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test file's Surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " matches the insertion point in the standard file exactly.");
                                        //perfect match
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" Test file's Surface with id: " + testSurface.SurfaceId + " has an insertion point that is within the allowable tolerances of X:" + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtXTolerance + " ft, Y:" + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtYTolerance + "ft, Z:" + DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfaceInsPtZTolerance + "ft.");

                            report.longMsg = "In the test file, no surfaces could be found that match standard file;s Surface Id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " AdjacentSpaceId(s), SurfaceType, Tilt, Azimuth, Surface Area, and PolyLoop Coordinates.  Failed when matching PolyLoop coordinates.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                        if (possiblesList1.Count == 1)
                            report.longMsg = "Advanced Surface Test found a match for Standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " in the test file.  Only one match was found to be within all the tolerances allowed.  Surface id: " + possiblesList2[0].SurfaceId + ".";
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            List<string> testFileSurfIds = new List<string>();
                            foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surf in possiblesList1) { testFileSurfIds.Add(surf.SurfaceId); }

                            globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds.Add(surface.SurfaceId, testFileSurfIds);
                            return report;
                        else if (possiblesList1.Count == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "In the test file, no surfaces could be found that match standard file;s Surface Id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " AdjacentSpaceId(s), SurfaceType, Tilt, Azimuth, Surface Area, PolyLoop Coordinates, and Insertion Point.  Failed when attempting to match the insertion point coordinates.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                        else if (possiblesList1.Count > 1)
                            report.longMsg = "Advanced Surface Test found more than one match for Standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " in the test file.  It was not possible to determine only one unique surface.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            //List<string> testFileSurfIds = new List<string>();
                            //foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surf in possiblesList1) { testFileSurfIds.Add(surf.SurfaceId); }
                            //report.MatchedSurfaceIds.Add(surface.SurfaceId, testFileSurfIds);
                            return report;
                        return report;
                        //we do not conduct insertion point tests for horizontal surfaces
                        if (possiblesList2.Count == 1)
                            report.longMsg = "Advanced Surface Test found a match for Standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " in the test file.  Only one match was found to be within all the tolerances allowed.  Surface id: " + possiblesList2[0].SurfaceId + ".";
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            List<string> testFileSurfIds = new List<string>();
                            foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surf in possiblesList2) { testFileSurfIds.Add(surf.SurfaceId); }

                            globalMatchObject.MatchedSurfaceIds.Add(surface.SurfaceId, testFileSurfIds);
                            return report;
                        else if (possiblesList2.Count == 0)
                            report.longMsg = "In the test file, no surfaces could be found that match standard file;s Surface Id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " AdjacentSpaceId(s), SurfaceType, Tilt, Azimuth, Surface Area, PolyLoop Coordinates, and Insertion Point.  Failed when attempting to match the insertion point coordinates.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                        else if (possiblesList2.Count > 1)
                            report.longMsg = "Advanced Surface Test found more than one match for Standard file surface id: " + surface.SurfaceId + " in the test file.  It was not possible to determine only one unique surface.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            //List<string> testFileSurfIds = new List<string>();
                            //foreach (SurfaceDefinitions surf in possiblesList1) { testFileSurfIds.Add(surf.SurfaceId); }
                            //report.MatchedSurfaceIds.Add(surface.SurfaceId, testFileSurfIds);
                            return report;
                        return report;
                return report;

            catch (Exception e)
                report.longMsg = (e.ToString());
                return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetSurfaceCount(List <XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List <XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 33
        private static DOEgbXMLReportingObj GetOpeningPolyLoopCoordMatch(Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord standardPolyLoopCoord, OpeningDefinitions testOpening, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string standardOpeningId)
            List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> possibleMatch = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
            List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord> exactMatch = new List<Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord>();
            report.MessageList.Add("Testing Polyloop coordinates for Standard opening " + standardOpeningId);
            report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + standardPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + standardPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + standardPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
            foreach (Vector.MemorySafe_CartCoord testPolyLoopCoord in testOpening.PlCoords)

                //find an appropriate match
                double diffX = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.X - standardPolyLoopCoord.X);
                if (diffX < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                    //found a perfect X Match
                    if (diffX == 0)
                        //test Y
                        double diffY = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Y - standardPolyLoopCoord.Y);
                        if (diffY < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                            //perfect Y Match
                            if (diffY == 0)
                                double diffZ = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Z - standardPolyLoopCoord.Z);
                                if (diffZ < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                                    //perfect Z match
                                    if (diffZ == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " exactly");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                        //not a perfect Z match but within bounds
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " X and Y coordinates exactly.  Z coordinate within allowable tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                    //z coordinate not within tolerance
                            //Y Match is within the allowable tolerance
                                double diffZ = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Z - standardPolyLoopCoord.Z);
                                if (diffZ < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                                    //perfect Z match
                                    if (diffZ == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " in the X and Z coordinates, exactly.  Y coordinate is within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " X exactly.  Y and Z coordinates are within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                    //z coordinate is not within tolerance
                            //a y match could not be found within tolerance

                        //not a perfect X match, but within tolerance
                        //test Y
                        double diffY = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Y - standardPolyLoopCoord.Y);
                        if (diffY < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                            //perfect Y Match
                            if (diffY == 0)
                                double diffZ = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Z - standardPolyLoopCoord.Z);
                                if (diffZ < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                                    //perfect Z match
                                    if (diffZ == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " Y and Z coordinate exactly.  X is within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " Y coordinate exactly.  X and Z is within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                    //z is not matched so continue
                            // the Y match is not perfect but within tolerance
                                double diffZ = Math.Abs(testPolyLoopCoord.Z - standardPolyLoopCoord.Z);
                                if (diffZ < DOEgbXMLBasics.Tolerances.SurfacePLCoordTolerance)
                                    //perfect Z match
                                    if (diffZ == 0)
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + " Z coordinate exactly.  The X and Y coordinates are within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test opening " + testOpening.OpeningId + ": Found polyLoop coordinate that matches Standard Opening " + standardOpeningId + ".  The X, Y, and Z coordinates are within tolerance.");
                                        report.MessageList.Add("Test Opening " + testOpening.OpeningId);
                                        report.MessageList.Add(" X: " + testPolyLoopCoord.X.ToString() + ", Y: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Y.ToString() + ", Z: " + testPolyLoopCoord.Z.ToString());
                                // no match found for the Z
                        //no match could be found for the Y
                    //not a match found for the X and continue
            if (exactMatch.Count > 1)
                report.MessageList.Add("Error, overlapping polyLoop coordinates found in the Test Opening PolyLoop.");
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            else if (exactMatch.Count == 1)
                report.MessageList.Add("One coordinate candidate found.  Exact match");
                report.passOrFail = true;
                return report;
            if (possibleMatch.Count > 1)
                report.MessageList.Add("No exact solution for a match of the polyLoop coordinate.  More than one coordinate candidate found.");
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;
            else if (possibleMatch.Count == 1)
                report.MessageList.Add("One coordinate candidate found.");
                report.passOrFail = true;
                return report;
                report.MessageList.Add("No coordinate candidate found.");
                report.passOrFail = false;
                return report;

 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestBuildingStoryRHR(List <XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List <XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);
Esempio n. 35
        private static DOEgbXMLReportingObj CountAirOpenings(List<XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List<XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units)
            report.testSummary = "This test compares the total number of Opening elements with the openingType=\"Air\" in the test";
            report.testSummary += " and standard files.  It does this by";
            report.testSummary += " simply counting up the total number of times that a \"<Opening>\" tag appears with this Surface Type in both files.";
            report.testSummary += "  If the quantities are the same, this test passes, if different, it will fail.  ";
            report.testSummary += "The tolerance is zero for this test.  In other words, the Opening of type Air counts are the same, or the test fails.";
            report.unit = Units;
            //assuming that this will be plenty large for now
            string[] resultsArray = new string[50];
            int nodecount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gbXMLDocs.Count; i++)
                nodecount = 0;
                    XmlDocument gbXMLTestFile = gbXMLDocs[i];
                    XmlNamespaceManager gbXMLns = gbXMLnsm[i];

                    XmlNodeList nodes = gbXMLTestFile.SelectNodes("/gbXMLv5:gbXML/gbXMLv5:Campus/gbXMLv5:Surface/gbXMLv5:Opening", gbXMLns);
                    foreach (XmlNode surfaceNode in nodes)
                        XmlAttributeCollection spaceAtts = surfaceNode.Attributes;
                        foreach (XmlAttribute at in spaceAtts)
                            if (at.Name == "openingType")
                                string type = at.Value;
                                if (type == "Air")

                    //need to test for accuracy of result if accurate then pass, if not, how much inaccuracy and return this result 
                    resultsArray[i] = nodecount.ToString();
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        //setup standard result and test result
                        report.testResult.Add(resultsArray[i - 1]);

                        double difference = Math.Abs(Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[i]) - Convert.ToInt32(resultsArray[(i - 1)]));
                        if (difference <= report.tolerance)
                            report.longMsg = "The " + report.testType + " matches standard file, the difference was within tolerance = " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units;
                            report.passOrFail = true;
                            return report;
                            report.longMsg = "The " + report.testType + " does not match standard file, the difference was not within tolerance = " + report.tolerance.ToString() + " " + Units + ".  Difference of: " + difference
                                + ".  " + resultsArray[i] + " air openings in the standard file and " + resultsArray[i - 1] + " air openings in the test file.";
                            report.passOrFail = false;
                            return report;
                    else { continue; }

                catch (Exception e)
                    report.longMsg = " Failed to locate " + report.testType + " in the XML file.";
                    report.passOrFail = false;
                    return report;
            report.longMsg = "Fatal " + report.testType + " Test Failure";
            report.passOrFail = false;
            return report;
 public static DOEgbXMLReportingObj TestSpaceVolumes(List <XmlDocument> gbXMLDocs, List <XmlNamespaceManager> gbXMLnsm, DOEgbXMLReportingObj report, string Units);