private static void DeleteEntry(DNSServer s, string command) { string[] commandList = command.Split(' '); if (commandList.Length != 2) { return; } string domain = commandList[1]; //add the new entry BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.DeleteDNSEntry(domain), ConsoleColor.Yellow); }
private static void AddNewEntry(DNSServer s, string command) { string[] commandList = command.Split(' '); if (commandList.Length != 3) { return; } string domain = commandList[1]; string ip = commandList[2]; //add the new entry BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.AddDNSEntry(domain, ip), ConsoleColor.Yellow); }
public static void Execute(DNSServer s, string command) { if (command == null) { return; } switch (command.Split(' ')[0].ToLower()) { case COMMAND_HELP: string helpText = @"Retrieving help information There are 4 commands: - Exit - DNSShow Gets a list of records usage: dnsshow -[domain|ip] [searchtext] - DNSNew Creates a new DNS entry usage: dnsnew [domain] [ip] - DNSEdit Edits the DNS entry, the flag decides what to search for. usage: dnsedit -[domain|ip] [current domain] [new ip/domain] - DNSRemove Removes the DNS entry, AND all of it's Sub Domains. usage: dnsremove [domain] Commands that have a - in the usage clause interpret these as flags."; BConsole.WriteLine(helpText, ConsoleColor.Yellow); break; case COMMAND_NEW_ENTRY: AddNewEntry(s, command); break; case COMMAND_EDIT_ENTRY: EditEntry(s, command); break; case COMMAND_DELETE_ENTRY: DeleteEntry(s, command); break; case COMMAND_SHOW_ENTRY: ShowEntry(s, command); break; } }
private static void ShowEntry(DNSServer s, string command) { string[] commandList = command.Split(' '); if (commandList.Length != 3) { return; } string flag = commandList[1]; string value = commandList[2]; switch (flag) { case "-domain": BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.ShowDNSEntry(true, value), ConsoleColor.Yellow); break; case "-ip": BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.ShowDNSEntry(false, value), ConsoleColor.Yellow); break; } }
private static void EditEntry(DNSServer s, string command) { string[] commandList = command.Split(' '); if (commandList.Length != 4) { return; } string flag = commandList[1]; string currentDomain = commandList[2]; string newValue = commandList[3]; switch (flag) { case "-domain": BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.EditDNSEntry(true, currentDomain, newValue), ConsoleColor.Yellow); break; case "-ip": BConsole.WriteLine(s.Processor.EditDNSEntry(false, currentDomain, newValue), ConsoleColor.Yellow); break; } }
private static void VerboseLog(string message) { BConsole.WriteLine(message, ConsoleColor.White); }
private static void ErrorLog(string message) { BConsole.WriteLine(message, ConsoleColor.Red); }