//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: private void btn_AltCal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DeccaCalculator calculator = new DeccaCalculator(); calculator.ShowDialog(); }
private void MainEvent_Recognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { try { string Name = "Trendon"; string AI_name = "Decca"; string speech = e.Result.Text; int ranNum; if (speech == "Hey Decca") { wake = true; } if (speech == "stop talking") { Decca.SpeakAsyncCancelAll(); ranNum = rnd.Next(1, 2); if (ranNum == 1) { SayAsync("Yes sir"); } if (ranNum == 2) { SayAsync("I am sorry I will be quiet"); } } if (wake == true) { RoskamWeightEst Roskam = new RoskamWeightEst(); SystemsEngApproachAircraftDesign systemsEng = new SystemsEngApproachAircraftDesign(); GAAircraftDesign gA = new GAAircraftDesign(); switch (speech) { case "what's up": //Decca.SpeakAsync("hello" + Name); System.DateTime timenow = System.DateTime.Now; if (timenow.Hour >= 5 && timenow.Hour < 12) { SayAsync("Goodmorning" + Name); } if (timenow.Hour >= 12 && timenow.Hour < 18) { SayAsync("Good afternoon" + Name); } if (timenow.Hour >= 18 && timenow.Hour < 24) { SayAsync("Good evening" + Name); } if (timenow.Hour < 5) { SayAsync("Hello" + Name + ", you are still awake, you should go to sleep, it's getting late."); } break; case "stop listening": SayAsync("If you need me ask"); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "stop talking": Decca.SpeakAsyncCancelAll(); ranNum = rnd.Next(1, 2); if (ranNum == 1) { SayAsync("Yes sir"); } if (ranNum == 2) { SayAsync("I am sorry I will be quiet"); } break; case "What time is it": System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; string time = now.GetDateTimeFormats('t')[0]; SayAsync(time); break; case "what day is it": string dayis; dayis = "Today is, " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd"); SayAsync(dayis); break; case "what is todays date": string date = "Today is, " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM"); SayAsync(date); date = "" + "in the year, " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); SayAsync(date); break; case "slow down decca": Decca.Rate -= 1; break; case "speed up decca": Decca.Rate += 1; break; case "crossword": SayAsync("Opening Teachers Corner"); Process.Start(@"https://worksheets.theteacherscorner.net/make-your-own/crossword/"); break; case "coin market cap": Process.Start(@"https://coinmarketcap.com/"); break; case "youtube history": SayAsync("Opening your youtube history"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/feed/history"); break; case "bitcoin chart": Process.Start(@"https://www.tradingview.com/chart/Vu7Cuxnk/-"); break; case "Professor Black": SayAsync("Opening Professor Black"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRteR6kiJwk-bTA5eWPqapg/videos"); break; case "Jason Black": SayAsync("Opening Jason Black"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRteR6kiJwk-bTA5eWPqapg/videos"); break; case "Doctor Mumbi": SayAsync("Opening Doctor Mumbi"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypMLiyzMFoBQFAu346lh7w/videos"); break; case "Fox Learn": SayAsync("Opening Fox Learn"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8inCnD25Es0VLokfmhko5g/playlists"); break; case "Money GPS": SayAsync("Opening Money GPS"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMoneyGPS/videos"); break; case "L A R Movement": SayAsync("Opening L A R Movement"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/user/larmovement/videos"); break; case "Quizlet": SayAsync("Opening Quizlet"); Process.Start(@"https://quizlet.com/latest"); break; case "Influence Frame": SayAsync("Opening Influence Frame"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhb_xrcYP-m2OQPybV-Khw/videos"); break; case "Youtube Money Income Profit": SayAsync("Opening Money Income Profit"); Process.Start(@"https://www.youtube.com/user/Glendon007/videos"); break; case "Money Income Profit": SayAsync("Opening Money Income Profit"); Process.Start(@"https://moneyincomeprofit.com/courses/enrolled/473974"); break; case "School tests": case "School comments": SayAsync("Opening Lingoseed Teacher Portal"); Process.Start(@"https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G23irleFIGcCBQf7Y8Oh93xlGEAmI6hK"); break; case "library": LibraryOpen(); break; case "who are you": SayAsync("I am Decca, you're personal assistant in your creative design endeavors"); break; case "what is your name": SayAsync("My name is " + AI_name + ", How can I help you " + Name); break; case "open website reader": Decca.Speak("Opening website reader"); DeccaWebSearch deccaWeb = new DeccaWebSearch(); deccaWeb.Show(); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); // Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "open weather": Decca.Speak("Opening weather app"); DeccaWeather deccaWeather = new DeccaWeather(); deccaWeather.Show(); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "open media player": Decca.Speak("Opening media player"); DeccaMediaPlayer deccaMediaPlayer = new DeccaMediaPlayer(); deccaMediaPlayer.Show(); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "close library": killProg("LibraryManagement"); break; case "Roskam Design": Decca.Speak("Opening Roskam Design"); Roskam.Show(); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "G A Design": Decca.Speak("Opening General Aviation Design"); gA.Show();; Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //wRecog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "Systems Design": Decca.Speak("Opening Systems Design"); systemsEng.Show(); Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "Calculator": Decca.Speak("Opening Altitude Calculator"); DeccaCalculator deccaCalculator = new DeccaCalculator(); deccaCalculator.Show();; Recog_speech.RecognizeAsyncCancel(); //Recog_speech.Dispose(); listen.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); break; case "See you later Decca": case "Bye Bye": case "Later Decca": System.DateTime timenow1 = System.DateTime.Now; if (timenow1.Hour >= 5 && timenow1.Hour < 12) { Decca.Speak("Have a wonderful morning and spectacular day" + Name); } if (timenow1.Hour >= 12 && timenow1.Hour < 18) { Decca.Speak("Have a splendid afternoon" + Name); } if (timenow1.Hour >= 18 && timenow1.Hour < 24) { Decca.Speak("What a wonderful evening, do not forget to grab dinner" + Name); } if (timenow1.Hour < 5) { Decca.Speak(Name + ", you are still awake, you should go to sleep, it's getting late."); } Application.Exit(); break; } } } catch { return; } }