Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether u is in the circumcircle of a, b, and c.
        /// </summary>
        public static Containment CircumcircleTest(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c, VecRat2 d)
            Turn t = TurnTestDiscrete(a, b, c);

            if (t == Turn.Right)
                VecRat2 temp = b;
                b = c;
                c = temp;
            else if (t == Turn.Linear)
                throw new Exception("Can't do circumcircle test with a,b,c colinear.");

            Rational ld = d.LengthSquared();

            Rational r = Det3(
                a.X - d.X, a.Y - d.Y, a.LengthSquared() - ld,
                b.X - d.X, b.Y - d.Y, b.LengthSquared() - ld,
                c.X - d.X, c.Y - d.Y, c.LengthSquared() - ld);

            if (r > 0)
            else if (r == 0)
Esempio n. 2
        private static void FindNewEvent(Segment s1, Segment s2, EventPoint eventPoint, RBTreeMap <EventPoint, LinkedList <Segment> > eventQueue)
            //If two segments intersect below the sweep line, or on it and
            //to the right of the current event point, and the intersection
            //is not yet present as an event in Q:
            //then insert a new event point in Q for this intersection
            VecRat2 pointIntersection   = new VecRat2();
            SegRat2 segmentIntersection = new SegRat2();
            //bool intersectionExists = Segment.ComputeIntersection(s1, s2, out pointIntersection);
            //if (intersectionExists)
            SegmentIntersectionType result = GeomAid.SegmentIntersection(s1.ToSegRat2(), s2.ToSegRat2(), ref pointIntersection, ref segmentIntersection);

            if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Point)
                EventPoint newEventPoint = new EventPoint(null);
                newEventPoint.Position = pointIntersection;
                if (eventPoint.CompareTo(newEventPoint) < 0 && !eventQueue.ContainsKey(newEventPoint))
                    LinkedList <Segment> upperList = new LinkedList <Segment>();
                    eventQueue.Add(new RBTreeMapNode <EventPoint, LinkedList <Segment> >(newEventPoint, upperList));
            else if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Segment)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Didn't think this would ever happen?!");
Esempio n. 3
 public SegRat2(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, bool aClosed, bool bClosed)
     this.A       = a;
     this.B       = b;
     this.AClosed = aClosed;
     this.BClosed = bClosed;
Esempio n. 4
 private Comparison <OA_Segment> AngleComparisonUpperList(VecRat2 origin)
     return(delegate(OA_Segment a, OA_Segment b)
         return GeomAid.TurnTest(origin, b.Lower.Position, a.Lower.Position);
 public LineProjectionTransform(SegRat2 s)
     this.anchor         = s.A;
     this.dir            = s.AB();
     this.dot_anchor     = dir * anchor;
     this.inv_dir_len_sq = 1 / dir.LengthSquared();
Esempio n. 6
 public static Rational Det2(
     VecRat2 row1,
     VecRat2 row2)
                row1.X, row1.Y,
                row2.X, row2.Y));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Assumes the two lines u1-v1 and u2-v2 are not parallel.
        /// </summary>
        public static VecRat2 LineIntersection(VecRat2 a1, VecRat2 b1, VecRat2 a2, VecRat2 b2)
            Rational s1det = MathAid.Det2(a1, b1);
            Rational s2det = MathAid.Det2(a2, b2);
            VecRat2  diff1 = a1 - b1;
            VecRat2  diff2 = a2 - b2;

            return((s1det * diff2 - s2det * diff1) / MathAid.Det2(diff1, diff2));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// -1 => right turn
        /// 0 => no turn
        /// 1 => left turn
        /// </summary>
        public static int TurnTest(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c)
            //return Rational.Sign(a.X * b.Y + a.Y * c.X + b.X * c.Y - a.X * c.Y - a.Y * b.X - b.Y * c.X);
            VecRat2 u = b - a;

            u = new VecRat2(u.Y, -u.X); //turn to right 90 degrees
            Rational udota = u.X * a.X + u.Y * a.Y;
            Rational udotc = u.X * c.X + u.Y * c.Y;

Esempio n. 9
        public Rational CycleArea()
            Rational twiceSignedArea = 0;
            VecRat2  origin          = Origin.Position;

            foreach (DCEL_HalfEdge halfEdge in CycleNext)
                twiceSignedArea += GeomAid.TriangleTwiceSignedArea(origin, halfEdge.Origin.Position, halfEdge.Destination.Position);
            return(Rational.Abs(twiceSignedArea) / 2);
Esempio n. 10
        public static VecRat2 LineIntersection(VecRat2 u1, VecRat2 v1, VecRat2 u2, VecRat2 v2)
            Rational u1v1det = u1.X * v1.Y - u1.Y * v1.X;
            Rational u2v2det = u2.X * v2.Y - u2.Y * v2.X;
            VecRat2  diff1   = u1 - v1;
            VecRat2  diff2   = u2 - v2;

            Rational denom = diff1.X * diff2.Y - diff1.Y * diff2.X;

            Rational numx = u1v1det * diff2.X - u2v2det * diff1.X;
            Rational numy = u1v1det * diff2.Y - u2v2det * diff1.Y;

            return(new VecRat2(numx / denom, numy / denom));
Esempio n. 11
        public static Turn TurnTestDiscrete(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c)
            int sign = TurnTest(a, b, c);

            if (sign < 0)
            else if (sign > 0)
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether x is in triangle(abc)
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TriangleTest(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c, VecRat2 x)
            int s1 = Rational.Sign(TurnTest(a, b, c));
            int s2 = Rational.Sign(TurnTest(a, b, x));

            if (s1 != s2)
            int s3 = Rational.Sign(TurnTest(b, c, x));

            if (s2 != s3)
            int s4 = Rational.Sign(TurnTest(c, a, x));

            return(s3 == s4);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// halfEdge should be Upper->Lower so that the persistent half edges become:
        ///  o halfEdge         (Upper->Lower) ==> (vertex->Lower)
        ///  o halfEdge.Twin    (Lower->Upper) ==> (Lower->vertex)
        /// And the two newly created half edges are (vertex->Upper) and (Upper->vertex).
        /// </summary>
        private static void SplitEdge(DCEL_Subdivision subdivision, DCEL_HalfEdge halfEdge, DCEL_Vertex vertex)
            Debug.Assert(VecRat2.CompareReadingOrder(halfEdge.Origin.Position, halfEdge.Destination.Position) < 0);

            DCEL_HalfEdge e1 = halfEdge;
            DCEL_HalfEdge e2 = e1.Twin;

            DCEL_HalfEdge e1_prev = e1.Prev;
            DCEL_HalfEdge e2_next = e2.Next;

            DCEL_Vertex e1_origin = e1.Origin;

            DCEL_HalfEdge e1_top = new DCEL_HalfEdge();
            DCEL_HalfEdge e2_top = new DCEL_HalfEdge();

            DCEL_Helper.JoinTwin(e1_top, e2_top);
            e1_top.IncidentFace = e1.IncidentFace;
            e2_top.IncidentFace = e2.IncidentFace;

            DCEL_Helper.JoinIncidentEdge(vertex, e2_top);
            DCEL_Helper.JoinIncidentEdge(vertex, e1);
            DCEL_Helper.JoinIncidentEdge(e1_origin, e1_top);

            if (e2_next == e1)
                DCEL_Helper.JoinNext(e2, e2_top);
                DCEL_Helper.JoinNext(e2_top, e1_top);
                DCEL_Helper.JoinNext(e1_top, e1);
                DCEL_Helper.JoinPrevNext(e2, e2_top, e2_next);
                DCEL_Helper.JoinPrevNext(e1_prev, e1_top, e1);

            if (subdivision != null)
                subdivision.HalfEdges.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_HalfEdge>(e1_top));
                subdivision.HalfEdges.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_HalfEdge>(e2_top));
Esempio n. 14
        private void FindNewEventPoint(OA_Segment segment1, OA_Segment segment2, OA_EventPoint eventPoint)
            VecRat2 pointIntersection   = new VecRat2();
            SegRat2 segmentIntersection = new SegRat2();

            SegmentIntersectionType result = GeomAid.SegmentIntersection(segment1.ToSegRat2(), segment2.ToSegRat2(), ref pointIntersection, ref segmentIntersection);

            if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Point)
                OA_EventPoint newEventPoint = new OA_EventPoint(pointIntersection);
                if (eventPoint.CompareTo(newEventPoint) < 0)
                    //Add the new event point if it isn't already in the event queue
                    eventQueue.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <OA_EventPoint>(newEventPoint));
            else if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Segment)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Didn't think this would ever happen?!");
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a subdivision from a single segment (u, v).
        /// </summary>
        public DCEL_Subdivision(VecRat2 u, VecRat2 v)
            : this()
            if (u == v)
                throw new Exception("Tried to create a DCELSubdivision with a segment of length 0.");

            DCEL_Vertex   vertex_u    = new DCEL_Vertex(u);
            DCEL_Vertex   vertex_v    = new DCEL_Vertex(v);
            DCEL_HalfEdge halfedge_uv = new DCEL_HalfEdge();
            DCEL_HalfEdge halfedge_vu = new DCEL_HalfEdge();
            DCEL_Face     face        = new DCEL_Face();

            vertex_u.IncidentEdge = halfedge_uv;
            vertex_v.IncidentEdge = halfedge_vu;

            halfedge_uv.Origin       = vertex_u;
            halfedge_uv.Twin         = halfedge_vu;
            halfedge_uv.IncidentFace = face;
            halfedge_uv.Prev         = halfedge_vu;
            halfedge_uv.Next         = halfedge_vu;

            halfedge_vu.Origin       = vertex_v;
            halfedge_vu.Twin         = halfedge_uv;
            halfedge_vu.IncidentFace = face;
            halfedge_vu.Prev         = halfedge_uv;
            halfedge_vu.Next         = halfedge_uv;


            Vertices.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_Vertex>(vertex_u));
            Vertices.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_Vertex>(vertex_u));
            HalfEdges.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_HalfEdge>(halfedge_uv));
            HalfEdges.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_HalfEdge>(halfedge_vu));
            Faces.Add(new RBTreeSetNode <DCEL_Face>(face));

            UnboundedFace = face;
Esempio n. 16
 private LineSegmentIntersection(VecRat2 position, IEnumerable <DCEL_HalfEdge> incidentLineSegments)
     Position             = position;
     IncidentLineSegments = new LinkedList <DCEL_HalfEdge>(incidentLineSegments);
Esempio n. 17
 public static int TurnTest(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c)
     return(Rational.Sign(TriangleTwiceSignedArea(a, b, c)));
Esempio n. 18
        //If the two segments are disjoint, then None is returned.
        //Else, if the two segments are colinear, then either Segment is returned.
        //Else, if the two segments are not colinear, Point is returned.
        public static SegmentIntersectionType SegmentIntersection(SegRat2 s, SegRat2 t, ref VecRat2 pointIntersection, ref SegRat2 segmentIntersection)
            //This check is important for handling degenerate cases like s = [(x,y), (x,y)).
            if (s.IsEmpty() || t.IsEmpty())

            //This check is important because the LineProjectionTransform can only be formed with a non-point segment.
            if (s.IsPoint())
                if (PointInSegment(s.A, t))
                    segmentIntersection = s;

            int turn_s_ta = TurnTest(s, t.A);
            int turn_s_tb = TurnTest(s, t.B);

            if (turn_s_ta == 0 && turn_s_tb == 0)
                return(ColinearSegmentIntersection(s, t, ref pointIntersection, ref segmentIntersection));

            if (s.AClosed)
                if (t.AClosed && s.A == t.A)
                    pointIntersection = s.A;
                else if (t.BClosed && s.B == t.B)
                    pointIntersection = s.B;

            if (s.BClosed)
                if (t.AClosed && s.B == t.A)
                    pointIntersection = s.B;
                else if (t.BClosed && s.B == t.B)
                    pointIntersection = s.B;

            int turn_t_sa = TurnTest(t, s.A);
            int turn_t_sb = TurnTest(t, s.B);

            int val_s = turn_s_ta * turn_s_tb;
            int val_t = turn_t_sa * turn_t_sb;

            if (val_s < 0 && val_t < 0)
                pointIntersection = LineIntersection(s, t);
Esempio n. 19
 public int CompareTo(DCEL_Vertex other)
     return(VecRat2.CompareReadingOrder(this.Position, other.Position));
Esempio n. 20
 public DCEL_Vertex(VecRat2 position)
     : base()
     Position     = position;
     IncidentEdge = null;
Esempio n. 21
 public static int TurnTest(SegRat2 s, VecRat2 p)
     return(TurnTest(s.A, s.B, p));
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Compared HalfEdges should have Origin = origin and Destination > origin.
 /// </summary>
 private Func <DCEL_HalfEdge, DCEL_HalfEdge, int> AngleComparisonUpperList_HalfEdge(VecRat2 origin)
     return(delegate(DCEL_HalfEdge a, DCEL_HalfEdge b)
         return GeomAid.TurnTest(origin, b.Destination.Position, a.Destination.Position);
Esempio n. 23
 public static Rational TriangleTwiceArea(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c)
     return(Rational.Abs(TriangleTwiceSignedArea(a, b, c)));
Esempio n. 24
 public OA_EventPoint(VecRat2 position)
     : this()
     Position = position;
Esempio n. 25
        public static SegmentIntersectionType ColinearSegmentIntersection(SegRat2 s, SegRat2 t, ref VecRat2 pointIntersection, ref SegRat2 segmentIntersection)
            //This check is important for handling degenerate cases like s = [(x,y), (x,y)).
            if (s.IsEmpty() || t.IsEmpty())

            //This check is important because the LineProjectionTransform can only be formed with a non-point segment.
            if (s.IsPoint())
                if (ColinearPointInSegment(s.A, t))
                    pointIntersection = s.A;

            LineProjectionTransform transform = new LineProjectionTransform(s);
            SegRat1 proj_s = transform.Project(s);
            SegRat1 proj_t = transform.Project(t);

            Rational proj_pointIntersection   = new Rational();
            SegRat1  proj_segmentIntersection = new SegRat1();

            SegmentIntersectionType result = SegmentIntersection(
                proj_s, proj_t, ref proj_pointIntersection, ref proj_segmentIntersection);

            if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Point)
                pointIntersection = transform.Unproject(proj_pointIntersection);
            else if (result == SegmentIntersectionType.Segment)
                segmentIntersection = transform.Unproject(proj_segmentIntersection);

Esempio n. 26
 public SegRat2(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b)
     : this(a, b, true)
Esempio n. 27
        public static bool ColinearPointInSegment(VecRat2 p, SegRat2 s)
            LineProjectionTransform transform = new LineProjectionTransform(s);

            return(PointInSegment(transform.Project(p), transform.Project(s)));
Esempio n. 28
 public SegRat2(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, bool closed)
     : this(a, b, closed, closed)
Esempio n. 29
 public static bool PointInSegment(VecRat2 p, SegRat2 s)
     return(TurnTest(s, p) == 0 && ColinearPointInSegment(p, s));
Esempio n. 30
 public static Rational TriangleTwiceSignedArea(VecRat2 a, VecRat2 b, VecRat2 c)
     return(MathAid.Det2(b - a, c - a));