public ActionResult GetList(int page, int rows, string sidx, string sord, int? CategoryId)
            IQueryable<Models.Content> contents ;

            if (!CategoryId.HasValue) contents = new ContentService().All();

                contents = new ContentService().List(CategoryId.Value);

            bool searchOn = bool.Parse(Request.Form["_search"]);
            string searchExp = "";
            if (searchOn)
                searchExp = string.Format("{0}.ToString().Contains(@0)", getFormValue("searchField"));
                contents = contents.Where(searchExp, new string[] { getFormValue("searchString") });
            var model = from entity in contents.OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord)
                        select new
                            Id = entity.ContentId,
                            Title = entity.Title,
                            Thumbnail = entity.ThumbnailUrl,
                            Category= entity.ContentCategory.CategoryName,
                            Featured = entity.IsFeatured,
                            IsForcusing = entity.IsFocusing,
                            PostedDate = entity.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString(),
                            Status = entity.Status,
                            Url = this.Url.Action("View",Models.Statics.Controllers.Article.ToString(), new {Area="", id=entity.ContentId})
            return Json(model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, "", new[] { "Title" }), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 public ActionResult GetOrphanArticles(int page, int rows, string sidx, string sord)
     var contents = new ContentService().AllOrhanArticles();
     bool searchOn = bool.Parse(Request.Form["_search"]);
     string searchExp = "";
     if (searchOn)
         searchExp = string.Format("{0}.ToString().Contains(@0)", getFormValue("searchField"));
         contents = contents.Where(searchExp, new string[] { getFormValue("searchString") });
     var model = from entity in contents.OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord)
                 select new
                     Id = entity.ContentId,
                     Title = entity.Title,
                     Thumbnail = entity.ThumbnailUrl,
                     Status = entity.Status,
                     PostedDate = entity.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString(),
                     Url= this.Url.Action("View",Models.Statics.Controllers.Article.ToString(), new {Area="", id=entity.ContentId})
     return Json(model.ToJqGridData(page, rows, null, "", new[] { "Title" }), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)

            var item = new ContentService().GetItem(id);
            if (item == null) return RedirectToAction("Index");
            ViewData["Categories"] = CustomSelectList.CreateListCategories(false).SetSelectedValue(item.CategoryId.ToString());

            return View(item);
        public ActionResult EditContent(int id)

            var item = new ContentService().GetItem(id);
            if (item == null) return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(item);
 public ActionResult DeleteByContent(int id)
     Content content = new ContentService().GetContentById(id);
     return JsonDelete(content.CategoryId);
Esempio n. 6
        public void BuildingIndex_Thread()
            lock (indexing_locker)
                string tempdir = DBNLConfigurationManager.LuceneElement.IndexingFolder + ".tempx";
                if (Directory.Exists(tempdir)) Directory.Delete(tempdir, true);
                bool hasError = false;

                Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter writer = new Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter(tempdir, analyzer, true);

                //int totalRecords = new ContentService().All().Count();
                int offset = 0;
                ContentService service = new ContentService();

                var items = service.All().Skip(offset).Take(100).AsEnumerable();
                int itemcount = items.Count();
                while (itemcount > 0)

                    foreach (var item in items)
                                item.ContentId, item.Content1));

                    items = service.All().Skip(offset).Take(100).AsEnumerable();
                    itemcount = items.Count();
                    offset += 100;
                //catch (Exception e)
                //      hasError = true;
                //      throw e;

                if (!hasError)
                    lock (locker)
                        string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(tempdir);
                        foreach (string s in files)
                            string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(s);
                            string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(DBNLConfigurationManager.LuceneElement.IndexingFolder, fileName);
                            System.IO.File.Copy(s, destFile, true);
Esempio n. 7
        public void threadproc_update(object obj)
            lock (locker) // If a thread is updating the index, no other thread should be doing anything with it.

                    if (searcher != null)
                        catch (Exception e)
                        searcher = null;

                    Lucene.Net.Index.IndexModifier modifier = new Lucene.Net.Index.IndexModifier(DBNLConfigurationManager.LuceneElement.IndexingFolder, analyzer, false);

                    // same as build, but uses "modifier" instead of write.
                    // uses additional "where" clause for bugid

                    int id = (int)obj;

                    modifier.DeleteDocuments(new Lucene.Net.Index.Term("id", Convert.ToString(id)));
                    var item = new ContentService().GetContentById(id);
                        item.ContentId, item.Content1));


                catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 8
        public IEnumerable<Content> Search(string keyword, int page, int pageSize, out int totals)
            lock (locker)
                List<Content> result = new List<Content>();
                IndexReader reader = IndexReader.Open(DBNLConfigurationManager.LuceneElement.IndexingFolder);

                IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);

                TopDocCollector collector = new TopDocCollector((page + 1) * pageSize);

                PhraseQuery pquery = new PhraseQuery();
                BooleanQuery myquery = new BooleanQuery();
                PhraseQuery q2 = new PhraseQuery();
                //grab the search terms from the query string
                string[] str = keyword.Split(' ');
                //build the query
                foreach (string word in str)
                    //brand is the field I'm searching in
                    q2.Add(new Term("content", word.ToLower()));

                //finally, add it to the BooleanQuery object
                myquery.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

                //foreach (string srt in keyword.Split(new char[] {' '}))
                //    pquery.Add(new Term("content", srt.ToLower()));
                //pquery.Add(q2, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

                TermQuery query = new TermQuery(new Term("content", keyword));
                //            TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(query, collector);
                //searcher.Search(query, collector);

                QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("content", new StandardAnalyzer());

                //Contains a phrase such as "this is a phrase"
                Query q = qp.Parse(keyword);
                //Hits hits = searcher.Search(q);
                //Hits hits = searcher.Search(query);
                Hits hits = searcher.Search(myquery);

                //ScoreDoc[] hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;
                totals = hits.Length();
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.Formatter formatter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleHTMLFormatter(
            "<span class=\"Highlight\">",

                Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleFragmenter fragmenter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.SimpleFragmenter(400);
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer scorer = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.QueryScorer(myquery);
                Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter highlighter = new Lucene.Net.Highlight.Highlighter(formatter, scorer);

                for (int i = (page - 1) * pageSize; i < Math.Min(page * pageSize, hits.Length()); i++)

                    Document doc = hits.Doc(i);
                    string raw_text = doc.Get("content");

                    Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream stream = analyzer.TokenStream("", new System.IO.StringReader(raw_text));
                    string highlighted_text = highlighter.GetBestFragments(stream, raw_text, 1, "...").Replace("'", "''");

                    if (highlighted_text == "") // someties the highlighter fails to emit text...
                        highlighted_text = raw_text.Replace("'", "''");
                    if (highlighted_text.Length > 500)
                        highlighted_text = highlighted_text.Substring(0, 500);

                    Content content = new ContentService().GetItem(int.Parse(doc.Get("id")));
                    content.HighlightText = highlighted_text;

                return result.AsEnumerable();
 public ActionResult View(int id)
     DBNL.App.Models.Content content = new ContentService().GetContentById(id);
     if (content == null) return RedirectToAction("Index", "Http404");
     content.Content1 = StringTemplateHelper.ReplaceVideoTag(content.Content1);
     ViewData.Model = new ViewContentDataView() { Content = content,
     FeaturedContents = new ContentService().GetFeaturedArtileByCategoryId(content.CategoryId),
     OtherNewses = new ContentService().GetOlderNews(content)
     return View();