public string GetRateByLan(string language) { string mysql = ""; string sqlStr = ""; if (language == "zh-cn" || language == "zh-CN") { mysql = "name_cn"; } if (language == "zh-tw") { mysql = "name_tw"; } if (language == "en-us") { mysql = "name_en"; } if (language == "th-th") { mysql = "name_th"; } if (language == "vi-vn") { mysql = "name_vn"; } sqlStr = "select id," + mysql + " as name,rate,code from rate order by id"; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlStr))); }
/// <summary> /// 根据多语言返回json数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="lan">多语言</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetGradeByLan(string lan) { string subSql = ""; string sqlStr = ""; switch (lan) { case "zh-cn": subSql = "LevelNamecn as Lname,"; break; case "zh-tw": subSql = "LevelNametw as Lname,"; break; case "en-us": subSql = "LevelNameen as Lname,"; break; case "th-th": subSql = "LevelNameth as Lname,"; break; case "vi-vn": subSql = "LevelNamevn as Lname,"; break; } sqlStr = "select ID," + subSql + "LevelRemark from grade order by ID"; string restr = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlStr)); return(restr); }
public string getInfo(int i, string t) { string str = "select id,MinBet,MaxBet,SingleMaxBet from rote" + t + "1x21 where gameid=" + i + " union All select id,MinBet,MaxBet,SingleMaxBet" + " from rote" + t + "1x2hf1 where gameid=" + i; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str))); }
public string getdxInfo(int i, string t) { string str = "select id as d,handicap as e,MinBet as f,MaxBet as g,SingleMaxBet as h,'a' as c from rote" + t + "ou1 where gameid=" + i + " group by d" + " union all select id as d,handicap as e,MinBet as f,MaxBet as g,SingleMaxBet as h,'h' as c from rote" + t + "ouhf1 where gameid=" + i + " group by d"; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str))); }
public string GetAllTolength(string length, string league, string type, string money, string ballteam, string language, string username, string roid) { string str = "select * from orderother where 1=1 "; //if (username != "" && roid != "") //{ // str += " and " + roid + "='" + username + "'"; //} if (type != "-1") { str += " and BetType=" + type; } if (money != "") { str += " and Amount>=" + money; } if (league != "") { str += " and league" + language + " in(" + league + ")"; } if (ballteam != "") { str += " and gameid in(" + ballteam + ")"; } str += " order by time desc limit 0," + length; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str))); }
public string GetBetlogByWhere(string userid, string casino, string gametype) { userid = userid.Replace("'", ""); casino = casino.Replace("'", ""); gametype = gametype.Replace("'", ""); string sql = ""; string subSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { subSql += " and userid='" + userid + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(casino)) { subSql += " and casino='" + casino + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gametype)) { subSql += " and gametype='" + gametype + "' "; } if (subSql == "") { return(""); } sql = "select * from betlog where 1=1 " + subSql + " order by id desc"; string re = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql)); if (re == "]") { re = ""; } return(re); }
public string GetBankhistorybyWhere(string typ, string bank, string cardno, string time1, string time2) { string strSql; string strwhere = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typ)) { strwhere += " and Typ='" + typ + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bank)) { strwhere += " and bank like '%" + bank + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardno)) { strwhere += " and cardno='" + cardno + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(time1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(time2)) { strwhere += " and isdate>='" + time1 + "' and isdate<='" + time2 + " 23:59:59'"; } if (strwhere == "") { return(""); } strSql = "select ID,isdate,Currency,bank,cardno,Typ,amount,balance,operator,operationtime,ip from yafa.bankhistory "; strSql += " where 1=1 " + strwhere; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(strSql))); }
public string getXX(string t, string b, string l, string lg, string g) { string str = "select UserName as a,OrderID as o,time as b,league" + lg + " as c,Home" + lg + " as d,Away" + lg + " as e,betflag as f,BetItem as g,Handicap as h,Odds as i,OddsType as j,Amount as k,IP as l from " + b + " where gameid=" + l + " and Status='1' and betflag='" + g + "'" + (t != "" ? " and BetType='" + t + "'" : " "); return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str))); }
public string GetBankListcBynamecn(string namecn) { string sql = "select * from banklistc where namecn=?namecn"; MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("?namecn", namecn) }; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, param))); }
public string GetAllTolength1(string league, string type, string money, string ballteam, string language, string time1, string time2, string account) { string today = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day; string str = "select * from orderother where 1=1 "; bool flag = true; if (type != "-1") { str += " and BetType=" + type; } if (money != "") { flag = false; str += " and Amount>=" + money; } if (league != "") { flag = false; str += " and league" + language + " like '%" + league + "%'"; } if (ballteam != "") { flag = false; str += " and (Home" + language + " like '%" + ballteam + "%' or Away" + language + " like '%" + ballteam + "%' )"; } if (time1 != "" && time2 != "") { flag = false; str += " and ('" + time1 + "'<=date(time) and date(time)<='" + time2 + "')"; } else { if (time1 != "") { flag = false; str += " and date(time)='" + time1 + "'"; } if (time2 != "") { flag = false; str += " and date(time)='" + time2 + "'"; } } if (account != "") { flag = false; str += " and UserName like '%" + account + "%'"; } if (flag) { str += " and date(time)='" + today + "'"; } str += " order by time desc "; string json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str)); return(json == "[]" ? "none" : json); }
/// <summary> /// 根据需要的数据量查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="length">多少条</param> /// <returns></returns> public string getAllToLength(string length) { string str = SQL_SELECTALL + " order by time desc limit 0,@length"; MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("@length", int.Parse(length)) }; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str, param))); }
public string GetBankListcByCurrency(string currency) { string sql = "select * from banklistc where currency=?currency"; MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("?currency", currency) }; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, param))); }
public string SelectAll() { string json = string.Empty; using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL)) { json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(reader); reader.Close(); } return(json == "[]" ? "" : json); }
/// <summary> /// 返回外调注单列表,根据网站ID(websiteID) /// </summary> /// <param name="websiteID">网站ID</param> /// <param name="lan">多语言</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetOrderByWebsiteID(int websiteID, string agent, string webusername, string stime, string etime, string lan) { stime = stime.Replace("'", ""); etime = etime.Replace("'", ""); string sqlStr = ""; string subStr = ""; string site = ""; switch (lan) { case "zh-cn": subStr = "leaguecn as league,Awaycn as away,Homecn as home"; site = "namecn"; break; case "zh-tw": subStr = "leaguetw as league,Awaytw as away,Hometw as home"; site = "nametw"; break; case "en-us": subStr = "leagueen as league,Awayen as away,Homeen as home"; site = "nameen"; break; case "th-th": subStr = "leagueth as league,Awayth as away,Hometh as home"; site = "nameth"; break; case "vi-vn": subStr = "leaguevn as Awayvn,Awaycn as away,Homevn as home"; site = "nametv"; break; default: subStr = "leaguecn as league,Awaycn as away,Homecn as home"; site = "namecn"; break; } sqlStr += "select WebUserName,UserName,WebOrderID,OrderID,WebSiteiID,time,Status,Scoreathalf,"; sqlStr += "(select " + site + " from casino where as WebSiteName,"; sqlStr += "agent,BetItem,Handicap,BetType,"; sqlStr += subStr + ","; sqlStr += "BeginTime,Odds,OddsType,Amount,ValidAmount,Result,Score,Scorehalf,MoreAmount "; sqlStr += " from orderotherhistory where WebSiteiID=?WebSiteiID and agent=?agent and webusername=?webusername and BeginTime>='" + stime + "' and BeginTime<='" + etime + " 23:59:59' order by time desc"; MySqlParameter[] param = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("?WebSiteiID", websiteID), new MySqlParameter("?agent", agent), new MySqlParameter("?webusername", webusername) }; string val = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlStr, param)); return(val); }
public string GetLogbyWhere(string typ, string operators, string operationtimes, string operationtimee, string lan) { string subSql = ""; string strSql; string strwhere = ""; lan = lan.ToLower(); switch (lan) { case "zh-cn": subSql = " Reasoncn as reason,bankcn as bank"; break; case "zh-tw": subSql = "Reasontw as reason,banktw as bank"; break; case "en-us": subSql = "Reasonen as reason,banken as bank"; break; case "th-th": subSql = "Reasonth as reason,bankth as bank"; break; case "vi-vn": subSql = "Reasonvn as reason,banken as bank"; break; default: subSql = " Reasoncn as reason,bankcn as bank"; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typ)) { strwhere += " and Type='" + typ + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operators)) { strwhere += " and operator like '%" + operators + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operationtimes) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(operationtimee)) { strwhere += " and operationtime>='" + operationtimes + "' and operationtime<='" + operationtimee + " 23:59:59'"; } if (strwhere == "") { return(""); } strSql = "select " + subSql + ",ID,UserName,Names,Type,Amount,SubmitTime,UpdateTime,Status,bankID,bankaccount,bankno,cardno,operator,operationtime,ip,Currency from yafa.BillLog "; strSql += " where 1=1 " + strwhere; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(strSql))); }
public static string GetBanklistc(string type) { string substr = ""; string sql = ""; type = Util.SecurityHelper.InputValue(type); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { substr = " and type='" + type + "' "; } sql = "select * from banklistc where 1=1 " + substr; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))); }
public string SelectByCurr(string currency) { string json = string.Empty; MySqlParameter[] parm = new MySqlParameter[] { new MySqlParameter("?Currency", currency) }; using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTBYCURR, parm)) { json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(reader); reader.Close(); } return(json == "[]" ? "" : json); }
public string GetAllTolength(string length, string league, string level, string type, string money, string ballteam, string language, string username, string roid) { bool pd = false; string str = "select * from v_orderdetail where Status=1"; if (username != "" && roid != "") { str += " and " + roid + "='" + username + "'"; } if (level != "0") { str += " and UserLevel='" + level + "'"; } if (type != "-1") { str += " and BetType=" + type; } if (money != "") { str += " and Amount>=" + money; } if (league != "") { pd = true; str += " and (league" + language + " in(" + league + ")"; } if (ballteam != "") { if (pd) { str += " or gameid in(" + ballteam + "))"; } else { str += " and (gameid in(" + ballteam + "))"; } } else { if (pd) { str += ")"; } } str += " order by time desc limit 0," + length; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str))); }
public string GetOrderAllByWhere(string isHalf, string webSiteiID, string userName, string orderID, string IP, string time1, string time2) { webSiteiID = webSiteiID.Replace("'", ""); userName = userName.Replace("'", ""); orderID = orderID.Replace("'", ""); IP = IP.Replace("'", ""); time1 = time1.Replace("'", ""); time2 = time2.Replace("'", ""); string sql = ""; string subSql = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isHalf)) { subSql += " and isHalf in(" + isHalf + ") "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webSiteiID)) { subSql += " and webSiteiID in(" + webSiteiID + ") "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { subSql += " and userName='******' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderID)) { subSql += " and orderID='" + orderID + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IP)) { subSql += " and IP='" + IP + "' "; } if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(time1) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(time2))) { subSql += " and `time`>='" + time1 + "' and `time`<='" + time2 + "' "; } if (subSql == " 1=1 ") { return(""); } sql = "select * from orderall2 where " + subSql + " order by `time` desc"; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))); }
//查询 public static string GetSestlog(string magnerUser, string time1, string time2) { string sql = "select * from serverlog where 1=1 "; string subStr = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(magnerUser)) { subStr += " and magnerUser='******' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(time1) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(time2)) { subStr += " and date(LoginTime)>='" + time1 + "' and date(LoginTime)<='" + time2 + "' "; } if (subStr == "") { return(""); } sql += subStr; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))); }
public string GetTestlogByWhere(string userid) { userid = userid.Replace("'", ""); string sql = ""; string subSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { subSql += " and userid='" + userid + "' "; } if (subSql == "") { return(""); } sql = "select * from testlog where 1=1 " + subSql + " order by id desc"; string aa = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql)); return(aa == "]" ? "" : aa); }
public string GetAllToJson4(string language, string time) { string leauge = "leaguecn"; string home = "homecn"; string away = "awaycn"; time = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + time; if (language != null) { leauge = "league" + language; home = "home" + language; away = "away" + language; } string str = "select id as a," + leauge + " as b,time as i,begintime as j," + home + " as c," + away + " as d,resulthomescore as e,resultawayscore as f,halfhomescore as g,halfawayscore as h,resulthomescore2,resultawayscore2,halfhomescore2,halfawayscore2 from yafa.matches where date(begintime)='" + time + "' order by begintime," + leauge; string json = string.Empty; using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper2.ExecuteReader(str)) { json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(reader); reader.Close(); } return(json == "]" ? string.Empty : json); }
public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC, string casino, string time1, string time2, string enable) { string json = string.Empty; string str = SQL_SELECTALL + " where 1=1"; if (casino != "0") { str += " and casino=" + casino.Replace("'", "") + ""; } if (time1 != "" || time2 != "") { time1 = time1 == "" ? time2 : time1; time2 = time2 == "" ? time1 : time2; str += " and date(operationTime)>=date('" + DateTime.Parse(time1) + "')"; str += " and date(operationTime)<=date('" + DateTime.Parse(time2) + "')"; } if (enable != "-1") { str += " and isEnable=" + enable + ""; } json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(str + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC)); return(json == "[]" ? "" : json); }
public string GetJsnByWhere(string userName, string sn, string date1, string date2) { userName = userName.Replace("'", ""); sn = sn.Replace("'", ""); string subSql = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { subSql += " and UserName like '%" + userName + "%' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sn)) { subSql += " and sn='" + sn + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(date1) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(date2)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date1)) { date1 = date2; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(date2)) { date2 = date1; } subSql += " and date(isdate)>='" + date1 + "' and date(isdate)<='" + date2 + "'"; } if (subSql == "") { return(""); } string sql = "select * from jsn where 1=1 " + subSql + " order by id desc"; return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql))); }
public string SelectByWhere(string name, string casino, string isEnable) { string json = string.Empty; string SQL_SELECT = "select select ID,Name,AgentName,Password,casino,cookie,Address,Address2,isEnable,isLogin,operator,operationTime,status,ip from agentaccount where 1=1"; if (name != "") { SQL_SELECT += " and Name like %'" + name + "'%"; } if (casino != "") { SQL_SELECT += " and casino='" + casino + "'"; } if (isEnable != "") { SQL_SELECT += " and isEnable='" + isEnable + "'"; } using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECT)) { json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(reader); reader.Close(); } return(json == "[]" ? "" : json); }
public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC) { return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper2.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC))); }
public string getDataAll(int IDex, int IDexC, string casino, string dali, string id, string enable, string webPoss, string Company) { string where = "where"; if (casino != "0") { where += " casino=" + casino; } if (dali != "") { if (where == "where") { where += " agent='" + dali + "'"; } else { where += " and agent='" + dali + "'"; } } if (id != "") { if (where == "where") { where += " userid='" + id.Replace("'", "") + "'"; } else { where += " and userid='" + id.Replace("'", "") + "'"; } } if (enable != "-1") { if (where == "where") { where += " enable=" + enable; } else { where += " and enable=" + enable; } } if (webPoss != "") { if (where == "where") { where += " websitepossess=" + webPoss; } else { where += " and websitepossess=" + webPoss; } } if (Company != "") { if (where == "where") { where += " selfpossess=" + Company; } else { where += " and selfpossess=" + Company; } } if (where == "where") { return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC))); } else { return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL + where + " limit " + IDex + "," + IDexC))); } }
public string getCasinoDataAll() { var json = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper2.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTCASINOALL)); return(json == "[]" ? "none" : json); }
public string getDataAll() { return(ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper2.ExecuteReader(SQL_SELECTALL))); }
/// <summary> /// 外调输赢网站列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="lan">多语言</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetOrderGroupByWebsiteID(string stime, string etime, string lan, string yy, string websiteid, string agent, string webusername) { stime = stime.Replace("'", ""); etime = etime.Replace("'", ""); yy = yy.Replace("'", ""); string sqlStr = ""; string subStr = ""; string subStr1 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(websiteid)) { subStr1 += " and WebSiteiID=" + websiteid; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(agent)) { subStr1 += " and agent='" + agent + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(webusername)) { subStr1 += " and WebUserName='******' "; } switch (lan) { case "zh-cn": subStr = "namecn"; break; case "zh-tw": subStr = "nametw"; break; case "en-us": subStr = "nameen"; break; case "th-th": subStr = "nameth"; break; case "vi-vn": subStr = "nametv"; break; default: subStr = "namecn"; break; } if (yy == "WebSiteiID") { sqlStr = "select (select " + subStr + " from casino where as WebSiteName,WebSiteiID,agent,"; } else { sqlStr = "select " + yy + " as WebSiteName,WebSiteiID,agent,"; } sqlStr += "sum(Amount) as Amount,sum(ValidAmount) as ValidAmount,sum(Result) as Result,sum(MoreAmount) as MoreAmount "; sqlStr += " from orderotherhistory"; sqlStr += " where BeginTime>='" + stime + "' and BeginTime<='" + etime + " 23:59:59' " + subStr1; sqlStr += " group by " + yy + " order by WebSiteiID,agent,WebUserName"; string val = ObjectToJson.ReaderToJson(MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlStr)); return(val); }