/// <summary> /// 查询考试综合统计结果 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Dictionary<string,string>GetScoreInfo(string classId) { string sql = ""; if (classId == null || classId.Length == 0)//统计全校 { sql = "select stuCount=count(*),avgCsharp=avg(Csharp),avgDB=avg(SQLServerDB) from ScoreList;"; sql += "select absentCount=count(*) from Students where StudentId not in(select StudentId from ScoreList)"; } else//按照班级统计 { sql = "select stuCount=count(*),avgCsharp=avg(Csharp),avgDB=avg(SQLServerDB) from ScoreList"; sql+= " inner join Students on Students.StudentId=ScoreList.StudentId where ClassId={0};"; sql += "select absentCount=count(*) from Students where StudentId not in(select StudentId from ScoreList) and ClassId={1}"; sql = string.Format(sql, classId, classId); } SqlDataReader objReader = SQLHelper.GetReader(sql); Dictionary<string, string> scoreInfo = null; if(objReader.Read()) { scoreInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>(); scoreInfo.Add("stuCount", objReader["stuCount"].ToString()); scoreInfo.Add("avgCsharp", objReader["avgCsharp"].ToString()); scoreInfo.Add("avgDB", objReader["avgDB"].ToString()); } if(objReader.NextResult()) { if (objReader.Read()) { scoreInfo.Add("absentCount", objReader["absentCount"].ToString()); } } objReader.Close(); return scoreInfo; }
protected void lbtn_ToExecl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int company = logic.customer.companyId; string startDt = hid_startDt.Value; string endDt = hid_endDt.Value; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("sellerId={0} ", company); sb.AppendFormat(" and datediff(day,[updateStatusdt],'{0}')<=0", startDt); sb.AppendFormat(" and datediff(day,[updateStatusdt],'{0}')>=0", endDt); DataSet ds = logic.orderItem.listwithPayables(sb.ToString());// logic.orderItem.listwithReceivables(sb.ToString()); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; dt.Columns["proName"].ColumnName = "商品"; dt.Columns["quantity"].ColumnName = "数量"; dt.Columns["sellerprice"].ColumnName = "单价"; dt.Columns["unit"].ColumnName = "单位"; dt.Columns["sellerAmount"].ColumnName = "小计"; dt.Columns["orderNo"].ColumnName = "订单号"; dt.Columns["statusName"].ColumnName = "订单状态"; dt.Columns["updateStatusdt"].ColumnName = "成功日期"; dt.Columns["rbNo"].ColumnName = "供货单号"; String xlsName = Convert.ToDateTime(startDt).ToShortDateString() + "至" + Convert.ToDateTime(endDt).ToShortDateString() + "的应收款"; ExportFacade exportHelper = new ExportFacade(); Dictionary<int, FormatStyle> formatOptions = new Dictionary<int, FormatStyle>(); formatOptions.Add(1, FormatStyle.ToFix2); formatOptions.Add(2, FormatStyle.ToFix2); formatOptions.Add(4, FormatStyle.ToFix2); exportHelper.ExportByWeb(dt, xlsName, xlsName + ".xls", formatOptions, xlsName); }
/// <summary> /// Creates generic local connection /// </summary> public ConnectionString() { _Name = "SQLConnection"; _Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); _Parameters.Add("Data Source", "LocalHost"); _Parameters.Add("Initial Catalog", "Master"); }
public static Dictionary<string, string> fillUserInfo(string _userName) { Dictionary<string, string> userInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>(); SQLString = "select * from " + userInfoSafeView + " where " + userName + " = '" + _userName + "'"; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.ExecQueryTable(SQLString); userInfo.Add(userName, dt.Rows[0][userName].ToString()); userInfo.Add(level, dt.Rows[0][level].ToString()); userInfo.Add(supermarketID, dt.Rows[0][supermarketID].ToString()); return userInfo; }
/// <summary> /// 获取表的所有字段名及字段类型 /// </summary> public List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetAllColumns(string tableName) { SQLiteHelper sqliteHelper = new SQLiteHelper(); DataTable dt = sqliteHelper.Query("PRAGMA table_info('" + tableName + "')"); List<Dictionary<string, string>> result = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dic.Add("name", dr["name"].ToString()); dic.Add("notnull", dr["notnull"].ToString()); result.Add(dic); } return result; }
//根据实例Id获取表单实例 public FormViewModel GetFormInstanceById(int InstanceId) { FormViewModel formInstance = new FormViewModel(); Dictionary<string, object> dsDic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dsDic.Add("i_InstanceId", InstanceId); using (BaseDB db = new RedasDBHelper()) { try { IList<FormViewModel> InstanceList = db.ExecuteListProc<FormViewModel>("pkg_Test.sp_get_instanceform", dsDic); if (InstanceList != null && InstanceList.Count > 0) { formInstance = InstanceList[0]; formInstance.LABLELIST = JsonTools.JsonToObject2<DFormViewModel>(formInstance.CONTENTS).FormLabels .Where(l => l.IsSelected == true) .OrderBy(d => d.DEFAULT_ORDER).ThenBy(d => d.SORT).ToList(); } } catch { formInstance = new FormViewModel(); } } return formInstance; }
public List<Show> Load() { var showDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Show>(); Dictionary<string, Show> pageShows; int pageNumber = 0; do { pageShows = LoadPage(GetPageUrlByNumber(pageNumber)); foreach (var show in pageShows) { if (showDictionary.ContainsKey(show.Key)) { // Remove duplicates from series list var episodes = show.Value.Episodes.Except(showDictionary[show.Key].Episodes); foreach (var episode in episodes) { showDictionary[show.Key].Episodes.Add(episode); } } else { showDictionary.Add(show.Key, show.Value); } } pageNumber++; } while (pageShows.Count != 0); var result = showDictionary.Values.ToList(); UpdateLastLoadedEpisodeId(result); return result; }
public BindingList<CourseList>ListAssignedCoursesByUser(int staff_id) { List<staff_assigned_course> list = new List<staff_assigned_course>(); BindingList<CourseList> blist = new BindingList<CourseList>(); list = ListOfAssignedCoursesByUser(staff_id); int i = 1; Dictionary<int, CourseList> map = new Dictionary<int, CourseList>(); foreach (staff_assigned_course sac in list) { CourseList cl = new CourseList(); int _trainer_id = 0; staff s = new staff(); _trainer_id = int.Parse(sac.assigned_course.course.trainer_id.ToString()); s = GetStaffById(_trainer_id); cl.TrainingModule = sac.assigned_course.course.name; cl.InternalTrainerName = string.Concat(s.first_name.ToString(), " ", s.last_name.ToString()); cl.CourseType = sac.assigned_course.course.course_type.name; cl.CompletionStatus = sac.completion_status.name; cl.CompletionDate = DateTime.Parse(sac.assigned_course.end_date.ToString()); map.Add(i, cl); i += 1; } foreach (KeyValuePair<int, CourseList> m in map) { blist.Add(m.Value); } return blist; }
public static bool AddProfile(String UserName, String FirstName, String LastName) { //adds a new user profile to the database if (GetUserNames().Contains(UserName)) return false; SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); Dictionary<String, String> data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); data.Add("UserName", UserName); data.Add("FirstName", FirstName); data.Add("LastName", LastName); data.Add("TrainingProgress", "A"); db.Insert("User", data); return true; }
protected void lbn_Import_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = orderItemByWhere(); DataTable dt=ds.Tables[0]; dt.Columns["proName"].ColumnName = "商品"; dt.Columns["quantity"].ColumnName = "数量"; dt.Columns["price"].ColumnName = "单价"; dt.Columns["unit"].ColumnName = "单位"; dt.Columns["amount"].ColumnName = "小计"; dt.Columns["orderNo"].ColumnName = "订单号"; dt.Columns["statusName"].ColumnName = "订单状态"; dt.Columns["updateStatusdt"].ColumnName = "成功日期"; dt.Columns["receiveDt"].ColumnName = "收获日期"; ExportFacade facade = new ExportFacade(); Dictionary<int,FormatStyle> formatOptions=new Dictionary<int,FormatStyle>(); formatOptions.Add(1, FormatStyle.ToFix2); formatOptions.Add(2, FormatStyle.ToFix2); formatOptions.Add(4, FormatStyle.ToFix2); facade.ExportByWeb(dt, "订单数据", "订单数据.xls", formatOptions, "订单数据"); }
//根据登录帐号获取用户信息 public UserDTO GetUserByLoginId(string loginId) { using (BaseDB db = new OmpdDBHelper()) { UserDTO user=new UserDTO(); Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dic.Add("i_LOGIN_ID", loginId); var userDtos = db.ExecuteListProc<UserDTO>("pkg_user.sp_user_get", dic); if (userDtos != null && userDtos.Count > 0) user = userDtos[0]; return user; } }
public List<SurveryDataModel> ExportSurveryData() { using (var db = new RedasDBHelper()) { var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dic.Add("cur_result", null); var field = new RedasDbFieldDTO(); IList<SurveryDataModel> fieldList = db.ExecuteListProc<SurveryDataModel>("pkg_Test.sp_SurveryData_get", dic); return fieldList.ToList(); } }
public IList<RedasDbFieldDTO> GetDbField(int tableId) { using (EGJDBHelper db = new EGJDBHelper()) { var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>(); dic["i_table_id"] = tableId; dic.Add("cur_result", null); IList<RedasDbFieldDTO> fields = db.ExecuteListProc<RedasDbFieldDTO>("pkg_city_config.sp_get_db_field", dic); if (fields != null && fields.Count > 0) { return fields; } return null; } }
public static Dictionary<int, string> getCountries() { con.Open(); Dictionary<int, string> countries = new Dictionary<int, string>(); SqlCommand countryCommand = new SqlCommand("Select * from Ölkeler", con); SqlDataReader countryReader = null; countryReader = countryCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (countryReader.Read()) { countries.Add(Convert.ToInt32(countryReader["id"]), countryReader["name"].ToString()); } con.Close(); return countries; }
public static string getJSONData(DataTable dt) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); List<Dictionary<string, object>> rows = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); Dictionary<string, object> row; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { row = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { row.Add(col.ColumnName, dr[col]); } rows.Add(row); } return serializer.Serialize(rows); }
public Dictionary<int, string> GetSysCodeValues(int CodeType) { Dictionary<int, string> items = new Dictionary<int, string>(); using (dbhCodeManager = new DBHelper(ConnectionStrings.DefaultDBConnection)) { dbhCodeManager.AddParameter("@CODE_TYPE_ID_REF", CodeType); dbhCodeManager.AddParameter("@CurrentUserID", mCurrentUserID); IDataReader reader = dbhCodeManager.ExecuteReader("GET_SYS_CODE_VALUES"); while (reader.Read()) { items.Add(Int32.Parse(reader[0].ToString()), reader[1].ToString()); } dbhCodeManager.Dispose(); } return items; }
public static void AddSign(SignInfo sign) { //adds a users calibrated sign data to the database SQLiteDatabase db = new SQLiteDatabase(); Dictionary<String,String> data = new Dictionary<string,string>(); data.Add("Letter", sign.Letter.ToString()); data.Add("UserName", sign.UserName); data.Add("Area", sign.Area.ToString()); data.Add("AreaPercentage", sign.Percentage.ToString()); data.Add("ClosestPoint", sign.ClosestPoint.ToString()); data.Add("NumFingers", sign.NumFingers.ToString()); db.Insert("Sign",data); }
public List<Show> Load() { bool stop; Dictionary<string, Show> showDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Show>(); int pageNumber = 0; do { Dictionary<string, Show> shows; stop = LoadPage(GetPageUrlByNumber(pageNumber), out shows); foreach (var show in shows) { if (showDictionary.ContainsKey(show.Key)) { //Remove duplicates from series list var seriesList = show.Value.Episodes.Except(showDictionary[show.Key].Episodes); showDictionary[show.Key].Episodes.AddRange(seriesList); } else { showDictionary.Add(show.Key, show.Value); } } pageNumber++; } while (!stop); List<Show> result = showDictionary.Select(s => s.Value).ToList(); if (result.Count != 0) { LastId = result.Aggregate( new List<Episode>(), (list, show) => { list.AddRange(show.Episodes); return list; } ).OrderByDescending(s => s.SiteId).First().SiteId; } return result; }
/// <summary> /// WX_CommodityInfo表分页查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="size"></param> /// <param name="moduleID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IEnumerable<dynamic> CommodityInfoQueryByPage(int page, int size, string moduleID) { //Order By Dictionary<string, string> dicOrder = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dicOrder.Add("iOrder", "DESC"); //param object par = null; //Where List<string> listWhere = new List<string>(); listWhere.Add(" Flag=@Flag "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleID)) { listWhere.Add(" MID=@MID "); par = new { Flag = 1, MID = int.Parse(moduleID) }; } else { par = new { Flag = 1 }; } string strWhere = string.Join("AND", listWhere); //Result return shopCommodityDal.QueryByPage(page, size, strWhere, par, dicOrder); }
public static Dictionary<string, CityCountryId> getCities() { con.Open(); Dictionary<string, CityCountryId> cities = new Dictionary<string, CityCountryId>(); SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand("Select * from Seherler", con); SqlDataReader cityReader = null; cityReader = sc.ExecuteReader(); while (cityReader.Read()) { CityCountryId cityCountry = new CityCountryId(); cityCountry.CityId = Convert.ToInt32(cityReader["id"]); cityCountry.CountryId = Convert.ToInt32(cityReader["olkeId"]); cities.Add(cityReader["name"].ToString(), cityCountry); } con.Close(); return cities; }
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OnlineExamDataContext obj1 = new OnlineExamDataContext()) { var number = OnlineExamHelper.Context.OnlineRegistrations.Where(a => a.Name == Convert.ToString(txtname.Text) && a.Mobile == Convert.ToInt64(txtmobile.Text)).Select(a => a.UserId); if (number.Count() >= 1) { lbregister.Text = "Already exists"; } else { RegistrationBL obj = new RegistrationBL(txtname.Text, Convert.ToInt64(txtmobile.Text), txtemail.Text, DateTime.Now); if (obj.Insert()) { Session["cadidatename"] = obj.Name; Session["cadidate"] = obj.UserId; Session["admin"] = null; var dd = OnlineExamHelper.Context.OnlineAssignDetails.Select(a => a); foreach (var item in dd) { Session["TimeLeft"] = item.TimeLeft; Session["timeDuration"] = item.TimeDuration; var ss = OnlineExamHelper.Context.OnlineCateCounts.Where(a => a.FK_AsDeID.Value == item.Id); Dictionary<long, int> dic = new Dictionary<long, int>(); foreach (var item1 in ss) { dic.Add(item1.FK_CateId.Value, item1.Count.Value); } Session["cat"] = dic; } Response.Redirect("Instruction.aspx"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 查询可展示商品列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public object Main_QueryCommodity(string moduleID) { string type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleID) ? "All" : "List"; //Result Data object list = null; switch (type) { case "All": list = shopCommodityDal.Query(string.Format("Flag=@Flag Order by iOrder"), new { Flag = 1 }); break; case "List": Dictionary<string, string> dicOrder = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dicOrder.Add("iOrder", "DESC"); list = shopCommodityDal.QueryByPage(1, 10, "Flag=@Flag AND MID=@MID", new { Flag = 1, MID = int.Parse(moduleID) }, dicOrder); break; } return list; }
protected override Dictionary<string, Show> LoadPage(string url) { var doc = DownloadDocument(url).Result; string[] showTitles; string[] episodesTitles; string[] episodesIds; Tuple<int, int>[] episodesNumbers; bool success = GetEpiodesData(doc, out showTitles, out episodesTitles, out episodesIds, out episodesNumbers); if (!success) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid web page", nameof(doc)); } var dateList = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='mid']//div[@class='content_body']").First()?.InnerHtml; var dates = dateList != null ? DateRegex.Matches(dateList).Cast<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups[1].Value).ToArray() : null; var showDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Show>(); for (int i = 0; i < showTitles.Length; i++) { var episode = CreateEpisode(episodesIds[i], episodesTitles[i], dates?[i], episodesNumbers[i]); if (episode == null) { break; } if (!showDictionary.ContainsKey(showTitles[i])) { showDictionary.Add(showTitles[i], new Show { Title = showTitles[i], SiteTypeId = ShowsSiteType.Id }); } showDictionary[showTitles[i]].Episodes.Add(episode); } return showDictionary; }
public List<Dictionary<string, object>> GetControllersWithPermInfo(int id) { var controllerDal = new ControllerDAL(); var controllers = controllerDal.Query(o => !o.ForAll, new List<SortCol> {new SortCol {ColName = "Id", IsDescending = false}}, new List<string> {"Actions"}); var role = RoleDal.GetById(id, new List<string> {"Previleges"}); var perms = role.Previleges.Where(o => !o.IsDeleted).ToList(); var result = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>(); int i = 1; foreach (var cdto in controllers) { var cdtoDic = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"internalId", cdto.Id}, {"id", i ++}, {"name", cdto.ChineseName}, {"internalName", cdto.Name}, {"description", cdto.Description}, {"isOpenForAll", cdto.ForAll ? "是" : "否"}, {"type", "Controller"}, {"ck", perms.Any(o => o.ControllerId == cdto.Id && o.PrevilegeLevel == (int)PrevilegeLevel.ControllerLevel)} }; if (cdto.Actions != null && cdto.Actions.Count > 0) { cdtoDic.Add("state", "closed"); var children = cdto.Actions.Where(o => !o.ForAll).Select(act => new Dictionary<string, object> { {"internalId", act.Id}, {"id", i ++}, {"name", act.ChineseName}, {"internalName", act.Name}, {"description", act.Description}, {"isOpenForAll", act.ForAll ? "是" : "否"}, {"type", "Action"}, {"ck", perms.Any(o => o.ControllerId == cdto.Id && o.ActionId == act.Id && o.PrevilegeLevel == (int)PrevilegeLevel.ActionLevel)} }).ToList(); cdtoDic.Add("children", children); } result.Add(cdtoDic); } return result; }
public Dictionary<int, int> GetConsortiaByAlly(int consortiaID) { Dictionary<int, int> consortiaIDs = new Dictionary<int, int>(); SqlDataReader reader = null; try { SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[1]; para[0] = new SqlParameter("@ConsortiaID", consortiaID); db.GetReader(ref reader, "SP_Consortia_Ally_Neutral", para); while (reader.Read()) { if ((int)reader["Consortia1ID"] != consortiaID) { consortiaIDs.Add((int)reader["Consortia1ID"], (int)reader["State"]); } else { consortiaIDs.Add((int)reader["Consortia2ID"], (int)reader["State"]); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("GetConsortiaByAlly", e); } finally { if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed) reader.Close(); } return consortiaIDs; }
private void frmClientes_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.AutoValidate = System.Windows.Forms.AutoValidate.EnableAllowFocusChange; this.Location = new Point(50, 50); System.Drawing.Icon ico = Properties.Resources.icono_app; this.Icon = ico; this.ControlBox = true; this.MaximizeBox = false; FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; try { dsClientes = BL.ClientesBLL.GetClientes(1); } catch (ServidorMysqlInaccesibleException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Trend Gestión", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } tblClientes = dsClientes.Tables[0]; BL.Utilitarios.AddEventosABM(grpCampos, ref btnGrabar, ref tblClientes); DataView viewClientes = new DataView(tblClientes); bindingSource1.DataSource = tblClientes; bindingNavigator1.BindingSource = bindingSource1; BL.Utilitarios.DataBindingsAdd(bindingSource1, grpCampos); grpBotones.CausesValidation = false; btnCancelar.CausesValidation = false; btnSalir.CausesValidation = false; Dictionary<Int32, String> condiciones = new Dictionary<int, string>(); condiciones.Add(1, "Consumidor Final"); condiciones.Add(2, "Responsable Inscripto"); condiciones.Add(3, "Responsable Monotributo"); cmbCondicion.DataSource = new BindingSource(condiciones, null); cmbCondicion.DisplayMember = "Value"; cmbCondicion.ValueMember = "Value"; cmbCondicion.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", bindingSource1, "CondicionIvaCLI", false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); gvwDatos.DataSource = bindingSource1; gvwDatos.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; gvwDatos.Columns["IdClienteCLI"].DisplayIndex = 0; gvwDatos.Columns["ApellidoCLI"].DisplayIndex = 1; gvwDatos.Columns["NombreCLI"].DisplayIndex = 2; gvwDatos.Columns["CorreoCLI"].DisplayIndex = 3; gvwDatos.Columns["IdClienteCLI"].HeaderText = "Nº cliente"; gvwDatos.Columns["NombreCLI"].HeaderText = "Nombre"; gvwDatos.Columns["ApellidoCLI"].HeaderText = "Apellido"; gvwDatos.Columns["CorreoCLI"].HeaderText = "Correo"; gvwDatos.Columns["RazonSocialCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["CUIT"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["DireccionCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["LocalidadCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["ProvinciaCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["TransporteCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["ContactoCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["TelefonoCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["MovilCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["FechaNacCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["CondicionIvaCLI"].Visible = false; gvwDatos.Columns["NombreCompletoCLI"].Visible = false; bindingSource1.Sort = "ApellidoCLI ASC, NombreCLI ASC"; int itemFound = bindingSource1.Find("RazonSocialCLI", "PUBLICO"); bindingSource1.Position = itemFound; SetStateForm(FormState.inicial); }
public Dictionary<string, string> Evaluate(string value,string min, string max) { Dictionary<string, string> badValue = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int dataPoint = Convert.ToInt16(value); int minValue = Convert.ToInt16(min); int maxValue = Convert.ToInt16(max); if (dataPoint<minValue) { badValue.Add("faulty", dataPoint.ToString()); } else if (dataPoint>maxValue) { badValue.Add("faulty", dataPoint.ToString()); }else { badValue.Add("faulty", string.Empty); } return badValue; }
// 导出详细信息 protected void link_Export_Detail_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = ViewState["CacheDetail"] as DataTable; if (dt.Rows.Count>0) { // 筛选表中部分列 DataTable newTab=dt.DefaultView.ToTable(false, new string[] {"proName","sellerName","sellerPrice","price","inputDt","inputName"}); newTab.Columns[0].ColumnName = "商品名称"; newTab.Columns[1].ColumnName = "供应商名称"; newTab.Columns[2].ColumnName = "供应价"; newTab.Columns[3].ColumnName = "采购价"; newTab.Columns[4].ColumnName = "创建日期"; newTab.Columns[5].ColumnName = "创建人"; string title = lbl_buyerName.Text; // 导出Excel ExportFacade exportInstance = new Facade.Excel.ExportFacade(); Dictionary<int, FormatStyle> formatOptions = new Dictionary<int, FormatStyle>(); formatOptions.Add(2, FormatStyle.ToFix2); formatOptions.Add(3, FormatStyle.ToFix2); exportInstance.ExportByWeb(newTab, title, title + ".xls", formatOptions, title); } }
void FrmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide2); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide3); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide4); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide5); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide6); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide7); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide8); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide9); //ImgSlide.Images.Add(GUI.Properties.Resources.slide10); NhanVien = phanquyen.GetUsername(this.Tag.ToString()); if (NhanVien == null) return; barTxtNhanVien.Caption = NhanVien.name; barTxtDangNhap.Caption = "Đăng xuất"; List<staff_permission> permissions = phanquyen.GetPermissions(NhanVien); Dictionary<string, bool> quyen = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); foreach (staff_permission sp in permissions) { quyen.Add(sp.permission.id, sp.allow); } // dat quyen tuong ung voi rib ribHoaDon.Enabled = quyen["QLHD"]; ribCauHinh.Enabled = quyen["QLHT"]; ribHangHoa.Enabled = quyen["QLHH"]; ribKhachHang.Enabled = quyen["QLKH"]; ribNhaCungCap.Enabled = quyen["QLNCC"]; ribNhanVien.Enabled = quyen["QLNV"]; ribNhapHang.Enabled = quyen["QLNH"]; ribPhanQuyen.Enabled = quyen["QLPQ"]; }
private bool Parse(HtmlDocument document, out Dictionary<string, Show> result) { if (document == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document)); } var showTitles = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='mid']//div[@class='content_body']//a//img") ?.Select(s => s?.Attributes["title"]?.Value?.Trim()) .ToArray(); var seriesTitles = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='mid']//div[@class='content_body']//span[@class='torrent_title']//b") ?.Select(s => s?.InnerText?.Trim()) .ToArray(); var episodesIds = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='mid']//div[@class='content_body']//a[@class='a_details']") ?.Select( s => s?.Attributes["href"] != null ? IdRegex.Match(s.Attributes["href"].Value).Groups[1].Value : null) .ToArray(); if (showTitles == null || seriesTitles == null || episodesIds == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid web page", nameof(document)); } var dateList = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"//div[@class='mid']//div[@class='content_body']") ?.First()?.InnerHtml; var dates = dateList != null ? DateRegex.Matches(dateList) : null; Dictionary<string, Show> showDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Show>(); bool stop = false; for (int i = 0; i < showTitles.Length; i++) { int episodeId; try { episodeId = int.Parse(episodesIds[i]); } catch (Exception e) { Program.Logger.Error(e, $"An error occurred while converting EpisodeId: {episodesIds[i]}"); continue; } if (episodeId <= LastId) { stop = true; break; } DateTimeOffset? date = null; if (dates != null) { DateTime tempDateTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(dates[i].Groups[1].Value, out tempDateTime)) { date = new DateTimeOffset(tempDateTime, SiteTimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset); } } if (!showDictionary.ContainsKey(showTitles[i])) { showDictionary.Add(showTitles[i], new Show { Title = showTitles[i] }); } showDictionary[showTitles[i]].Episodes.Add( new Episode { SiteId = episodeId, Title = seriesTitles[i], Date = date } ); } result = showDictionary; return stop; }