public void writeTooltips() { alreadyHasKeys.Clear(); if (Directory.Exists(addonEnglishPath)) { KeyValue[] currAddonEnglish = KVParser.ParseAllKVRootNodes(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(addonEnglishPath)); IEnumerable <KeyValue> children = currAddonEnglish[0].Children; for (int i = 0; i < children.Count(); i++) { KeyValue child = children.ElementAt(i); if (child.HasChildren) { IEnumerable <KeyValue> children2 = child.Children; for (int j = 0; j < children2.Count(); j++) { KeyValue child2 = children2.ElementAt(j); alreadyHasKeys.Add(child2.Key); } } } } // WriteAllText will clear the contents of this file first string header = "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n" + "// This file contains generated tooltips created from the files in the scripts/npc directory of this mod.\n" + "// It does not contain tooltips already defined in addon_english.txt, nor modifiers with the property \"IsHidden\" \"1\".\n" + "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(generatedTooltips, header, Encoding.Unicode); string head1 = "\n// ******************** HEROES ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head1, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < heroesEntries.Count(); i++) { HeroEntry hero = heroesEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(hero.Hero.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, hero.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode); } } string head2 = "\n// ******************** UNITS ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head2, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < unitEntries.Count(); i++) { UnitEntry unit = unitEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(unit.Name.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, unit.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode); } } string head3 = "\n// ******************** ABILITY MODIFIERS ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head3, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < modifierAbilityEntries.Count(); i++) { ModifierEntry mod = modifierAbilityEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, mod.ToString() + "\n", Encoding.Unicode); } } string head6 = "\n// ******************** ITEM MODIFIERS ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head6, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < modifierItemEntries.Count(); i++) { ModifierEntry mod = modifierItemEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, mod.ToString() + "\n", Encoding.Unicode); } } string head4 = "\n// ******************** ABILITIES ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head4, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry abil = abilityEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(abil.Name.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, abil.ToString() + "\n", Encoding.Unicode); } } string head5 = "\n// ******************** ITEMS ********************\n"; System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head5, Encoding.Unicode); for (int i = 0; i < itemEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry item = itemEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(item.Name.Key)) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, item.ToString() + "\n", Encoding.Unicode); } } /*string head7 = "\n// ******************** HIDDEN MODIFIERS ********************\n"; * System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, head7, Encoding.Unicode); * for (int i = 0; i < hiddenModifierEntries.Count(); i++) * { * ModifierEntry mod = hiddenModifierEntries.ElementAt(i); * if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key)) * { * System.IO.File.AppendAllText(GeneratedTooltips, mod.ToString() + "\n", Encoding.Unicode); * } * }*/ // open the tooltips.txt in a text editor Process.Start(Path.Combine(gamePath, "resource", "tooltips.txt")); //MessageBox.Show("Tooltips successfully generated in: " + Path.Combine(gamePath,"resource", "tooltips.txt"), "Success", // MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
public void writeTooltips() { List <string> langFiles = getAddonLangPaths(); for (int l = 0; l < langFiles.Count(); l++) { string file = langFiles.ElementAt(l); string thisLang = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); string thisLangCopy = thisLang; thisLang = thisLang.Substring(thisLang.LastIndexOf('_') + 1); string outputPath = Path.Combine(GamePath, "resource", "tooltips_" + thisLang); alreadyHasKeys.Clear(); KeyValue[] addon_lang = KVParser.KV1.ParseAll(File.ReadAllText(file)); if (addon_lang.Count() > 0) { IEnumerable <KeyValue> rootChildren = addon_lang[0].Children; for (int k = 0; k < rootChildren.Count(); k++) { KeyValue child = rootChildren.ElementAt(k); if (child.HasChildren) { IEnumerable <KeyValue> children2 = child.Children; for (int j = 0; j < children2.Count(); j++) { KeyValue child2 = children2.ElementAt(j); alreadyHasKeys.Add(child2.Key.ToLower()); } } } } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); // WriteAllText will clear the contents of this file first string header = "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n" + "// This file contains generated tooltips created from the files in the scripts/npc directory of this mod.\n" + "// It does not contain tooltips already defined in " + thisLangCopy + ", nor modifiers with the property \"IsHidden\" \"1\".\n" + "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n"; content.Append(header); string head1 = "\n\t\t// ******************** HEROES ********************\n"; content.Append(head1); for (int i = 0; i < heroesEntries.Count(); i++) { HeroEntry hero = heroesEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(hero.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(hero.ToString()); } } string head2 = "\n\t\t// ******************** UNITS ********************\n"; content.Append(head2); for (int i = 0; i < unitEntries.Count(); i++) { UnitEntry unit = unitEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(unit.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(unit.ToString()); } } string head3 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ABILITY MODIFIERS ********************\n"; content.Append(head3); for (int i = 0; i < modifierAbilityKeys.Count(); i++) { ModifierEntry mod = new ModifierEntry(modifierAbilityKeys.ElementAt(i)); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(mod + "\n"); } } string head6 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ITEM MODIFIERS ********************\n"; content.Append(head6); for (int i = 0; i < modifierItemKeys.Count(); i++) { //ModifierEntry mod = modifierItemEntries.ElementAt(i); ModifierEntry mod = new ModifierEntry(modifierItemKeys.ElementAt(i)); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(mod + "\n"); } } string head4 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ABILITIES ********************\n"; content.Append(head4); for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry abil = abilityEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(abil.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(abil + "\n"); } else { // the addon_language already has this ability. but let's check // if there are any new AbilitySpecials. bool missingAbilSpecials = false; foreach (Pair p in abil.AbilitySpecials) { if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(p.Key.ToLower())) { // the addon_language doesn't contain this abil special. content.Append(p.ToString()); missingAbilSpecials = true; } } if (missingAbilSpecials) { content.Append("\n"); } } } string head5 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ITEMS ********************\n"; content.Append(head5); for (int i = 0; i < itemEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry item = itemEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(item.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(item + "\n"); } else { // the addon_language already has this ability. but let's check // if there are any new AbilitySpecials. bool missingAbilSpecials = false; foreach (Pair p in item.AbilitySpecials) { if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(p.Key.ToLower())) { // the addon_language doesn't contain this abil special. content.Append(p.ToString()); missingAbilSpecials = true; } } if (missingAbilSpecials) { content.Append("\n"); } } } // open the tooltips.txt in a text editor File.WriteAllText(outputPath, content.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode); Process.Start(outputPath); } }
public void writeTooltips() { List<string> langFiles = getAddonLangPaths(); for (int l = 0; l < langFiles.Count(); l++) { string file = langFiles.ElementAt(l); string thisLang = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); string thisLangCopy = thisLang; thisLang = thisLang.Substring(thisLang.LastIndexOf('_') + 1); string outputPath = Path.Combine(GamePath, "resource", "tooltips_" + thisLang); alreadyHasKeys.Clear(); KeyValue[] addon_lang = KVParser.KV1.ParseAll(File.ReadAllText(file)); if (addon_lang.Count() > 0) { IEnumerable<KeyValue> rootChildren = addon_lang[0].Children; for (int k = 0; k < rootChildren.Count(); k++) { KeyValue child = rootChildren.ElementAt(k); if (child.HasChildren) { IEnumerable<KeyValue> children2 = child.Children; for (int j = 0; j < children2.Count(); j++) { KeyValue child2 = children2.ElementAt(j); alreadyHasKeys.Add(child2.Key.ToLower()); } } } } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); // WriteAllText will clear the contents of this file first string header = "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n" + "// This file contains generated tooltips created from the files in the scripts/npc directory of this mod.\n" + "// It does not contain tooltips already defined in " + thisLangCopy + ", nor modifiers with the property \"IsHidden\" \"1\".\n" + "// **********************************************************************************************************************\n"; content.Append(header); string head1 = "\n\t\t// ******************** HEROES ********************\n"; content.Append(head1); for (int i = 0; i < heroesEntries.Count(); i++) { HeroEntry hero = heroesEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(hero.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(hero.ToString()); } } string head2 = "\n\t\t// ******************** UNITS ********************\n"; content.Append(head2); for (int i = 0; i < unitEntries.Count(); i++) { UnitEntry unit = unitEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(unit.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(unit.ToString()); } } string head3 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ABILITY MODIFIERS ********************\n"; content.Append(head3); for (int i = 0; i < modifierAbilityKeys.Count(); i++) { ModifierEntry mod = new ModifierEntry(modifierAbilityKeys.ElementAt(i)); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(mod + "\n"); } } string head6 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ITEM MODIFIERS ********************\n"; content.Append(head6); for (int i = 0; i < modifierItemKeys.Count(); i++) { //ModifierEntry mod = modifierItemEntries.ElementAt(i); ModifierEntry mod = new ModifierEntry(modifierItemKeys.ElementAt(i)); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(mod.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(mod + "\n"); } } string head4 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ABILITIES ********************\n"; content.Append(head4); for (int i = 0; i < abilityEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry abil = abilityEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(abil.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(abil + "\n"); } else { // the addon_language already has this ability. but let's check // if there are any new AbilitySpecials. bool missingAbilSpecials = false; foreach (Pair p in abil.AbilitySpecials) { if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(p.Key.ToLower())) { // the addon_language doesn't contain this abil special. content.Append(p.ToString()); missingAbilSpecials = true; } } if (missingAbilSpecials) { content.Append("\n"); } } } string head5 = "\n\t\t// ******************** ITEMS ********************\n"; content.Append(head5); for (int i = 0; i < itemEntries.Count(); i++) { AbilityEntry item = itemEntries.ElementAt(i); if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(item.Name.Key.ToLower())) { content.Append(item + "\n"); } else { // the addon_language already has this ability. but let's check // if there are any new AbilitySpecials. bool missingAbilSpecials = false; foreach (Pair p in item.AbilitySpecials) { if (!alreadyHasKeys.Contains(p.Key.ToLower())) { // the addon_language doesn't contain this abil special. content.Append(p.ToString()); missingAbilSpecials = true; } } if (missingAbilSpecials) { content.Append("\n"); } } } // open the tooltips.txt in a text editor File.WriteAllText(outputPath, content.ToString(), Encoding.Unicode); Process.Start(outputPath); } }