Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Vasv2taxOrderInformationLineItems" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ProductSKU">Product identifier code. Also known as the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) code for the product.  For an authorization or capture transaction (&#x60;processingOptions.capture&#x60; is set to &#x60;true&#x60; or &#x60;false&#x60;), this field is required when &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productCode&#x60; is not set to **default** or one of the other values that are related to shipping and/or handling.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for U.S. and Canadian taxes. Not applicable to international and value added taxes. For an authorization or capture transaction (&#x60;processingOptions.capture&#x60; is set to &#x60;true&#x60; or &#x60;false&#x60;), this field is required when &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productCode&#x60; is not &#x60;default&#x60; or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling. .</param>
 /// <param name="ProductCode">Type of product. The value for this field is used to identify the product category (electronic, handling, physical, service, or shipping). The default value is &#x60;default&#x60;.  If you are performing an authorization transaction (&#x60;processingOptions.capture&#x60; is set to &#x60;false&#x60;), and you set this field to a value other than &#x60;default&#x60; or one of the values related to shipping and/or handling, then &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].quantity&#x60;, &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productName&#x60;, and &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productSku&#x60; fields are required.  Optional field.  For details, see the &#x60;product_code&#x60; field description in the [Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API Guide](  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes.  To use the tax calculation service, use values listed in the Tax Product Code Guide. For information about this document, contact customer support. See \&quot;Product Codes,\&quot; page 14, for more information. .</param>
 /// <param name="Quantity">Number of units for this order. Must be a non-negative integer.  The default is &#x60;1&#x60;. For an authorization or capture transaction (&#x60;processingOptions.capture&#x60; is set to &#x60;true&#x60; or &#x60;false&#x60;), this field is required when &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productCode&#x60; is not &#x60;default&#x60; or one of the other values related to shipping and/or handling.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="ProductName">For an authorization or capture transaction (&#x60;processingOptions.capture&#x60; is &#x60;true&#x60; or &#x60;false&#x60;), this field is required when &#x60;orderInformation.lineItems[].productCode&#x60; is not &#x60;default&#x60; or one of the other values that are related to shipping and/or handling.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="UnitPrice">Per-item price of the product. This value for this field cannot be negative.  You must include either this field or the request-level field &#x60;orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount&#x60; in your request.  You can include a decimal point (.), but you cannot include any other special characters. The value is truncated to the correct number of decimal places.  #### DCC with a Third-Party Provider Set this field to the converted amount that was returned by the DCC provider. You must include either the 1st line item in the order and this field, or the request-level field &#x60;orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount&#x60; in your request.  #### FDMS South If you accept IDR or CLP currencies, see the entry for FDMS South in the [Merchant Descriptors Using the SCMP API Guide.] (  #### Tax Calculation Required field for U.S., Canadian, international and value added taxes.  #### Zero Amount Authorizations If your processor supports zero amount authorizations, you can set this field to 0 for the authorization to check if the card is lost or stolen.  #### Maximum Field Lengths For GPN and JCN Gateway: Decimal (10) All other processors: Decimal (15) .</param>
 /// <param name="TaxAmount">Total tax to apply to the product. This value cannot be negative. The tax amount and the offer amount must be in the same currency. The tax amount field is additive.  The following example uses a two-exponent currency such as USD:   1. You include each line item in your request.  ..- 1st line item has amount&#x3D;10.00, quantity&#x3D;1, and taxAmount&#x3D;0.80  ..- 2nd line item has amount&#x3D;20.00, quantity&#x3D;1, and taxAmount&#x3D;1.60  2. The total amount authorized will be 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included.  Optional field.  #### Airlines processing Tax portion of the order amount. This value cannot exceed 99999999999999 (fourteen 9s). Format: English characters only. Optional request field for a line item.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes.  Note if you send this field in your tax request, the value in the field will override the tax engine .</param>
 /// <param name="OrderAcceptance">OrderAcceptance.</param>
 /// <param name="OrderOrigin">OrderOrigin.</param>
 /// <param name="ShipFromCountry">Country from which the order is shipped. This field is used only when &#x60;orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromLocality&#x60; and &#x60;orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromAdministrativeArea&#x60; are present. Use the [ISO Standard Country Codes](  **NOTE** If this field appears in a &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object, then the value of this field in the &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object overrides the value of the corresponding field at the request-level or order-level object.  #### Tax Calculation This field is used to determine tax rules and/ or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing.  Optional for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="ShipFromAdministrativeArea">State from which the order is shipped. This field is used only when &#x60;orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromLocality&#x60; and &#x60;orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromCountry&#x60; are present. Use the [State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada](  **NOTE** If this field appears in a &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object, then the value of this field in the &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object overrides the value of the corresponding field at the request-level or order-level object.  #### Tax Calculation This field is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing.  Optional for U.S. and Canadian taxes. Not applicable to international and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="ShipFromLocality">City where the product is shipped from. This field is used only when the &#x60;orderInformation.shipTo.administrativeArea&#x60; and &#x60;; fields are present.  **NOTE** If this field appears in a &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object, then the value of this field in the &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object overrides the value of the corresponding field at the request-level or order-level object.  #### Tax Calculation This field is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing.  Optional for U.S. and Canadian taxes. Not applicable to international and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="ShipFromPostalCode">Postal code where the product is shipped from.  #### Tax Calculation This field is used to determine tax rules and/or rates applied to the transaction based on sourcing.  Optional for U.S. and Canadian taxes. Not applicable to international and value added taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="BuyerVatRegistrationNumber">Buyer’s VAT registration number.  **NOTE** If this field appears in a &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object, then the value of this field in the &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object overrides the value of the corresponding field at the request-level or order-level object.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for international and value added taxes only. Not applicable to U.S. and Canadian taxes. .</param>
 /// <param name="SellerVatRegistrationNumber">VAT seller registration number.  For details, see \&quot;International Taxes and Value-Added Tax (VAT)\&quot; in [Tax Calculation Service Using the SCMP API](  **NOTE** If this field appears in a &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object, then the value of this field in the &#x60;lineItems&#x60; object overrides the value of the corresponding field at the request-level or order-level object.  #### Tax Calculation Optional field for international and value added taxes only. Not applicable to U.S. and Canadian taxes. .</param>
 public Vasv2taxOrderInformationLineItems(string ProductSKU = default(string), string ProductCode = default(string), int?Quantity = default(int?), string ProductName = default(string), string UnitPrice = default(string), string TaxAmount = default(string), Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderAcceptance OrderAcceptance = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderAcceptance), Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderOrigin OrderOrigin = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderOrigin), string ShipFromCountry = default(string), string ShipFromAdministrativeArea = default(string), string ShipFromLocality = default(string), string ShipFromPostalCode = default(string), string BuyerVatRegistrationNumber = default(string), string SellerVatRegistrationNumber = default(string))
     this.ProductSKU                  = ProductSKU;
     this.ProductCode                 = ProductCode;
     this.Quantity                    = Quantity;
     this.ProductName                 = ProductName;
     this.UnitPrice                   = UnitPrice;
     this.TaxAmount                   = TaxAmount;
     this.OrderAcceptance             = OrderAcceptance;
     this.OrderOrigin                 = OrderOrigin;
     this.ShipFromCountry             = ShipFromCountry;
     this.ShipFromAdministrativeArea  = ShipFromAdministrativeArea;
     this.ShipFromLocality            = ShipFromLocality;
     this.ShipFromPostalCode          = ShipFromPostalCode;
     this.BuyerVatRegistrationNumber  = BuyerVatRegistrationNumber;
     this.SellerVatRegistrationNumber = SellerVatRegistrationNumber;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Vasv2taxOrderInformation" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AmountDetails">AmountDetails.</param>
 /// <param name="BillTo">BillTo.</param>
 /// <param name="ShippingDetails">ShippingDetails.</param>
 /// <param name="ShipTo">ShipTo.</param>
 /// <param name="LineItems">LineItems.</param>
 /// <param name="InvoiceDetails">InvoiceDetails.</param>
 /// <param name="OrderAcceptance">OrderAcceptance.</param>
 /// <param name="OrderOrigin">OrderOrigin.</param>
 public Vasv2taxOrderInformation(RiskV1DecisionsPost201ResponseOrderInformationAmountDetails AmountDetails = default(RiskV1DecisionsPost201ResponseOrderInformationAmountDetails), Vasv2taxOrderInformationBillTo BillTo = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationBillTo), Vasv2taxOrderInformationShippingDetails ShippingDetails = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationShippingDetails), Vasv2taxOrderInformationShipTo ShipTo = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationShipTo), List <Vasv2taxOrderInformationLineItems> LineItems = default(List <Vasv2taxOrderInformationLineItems>), Vasv2taxOrderInformationInvoiceDetails InvoiceDetails = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationInvoiceDetails), Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderAcceptance OrderAcceptance = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderAcceptance), Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderOrigin OrderOrigin = default(Vasv2taxOrderInformationOrderOrigin))
     this.AmountDetails   = AmountDetails;
     this.BillTo          = BillTo;
     this.ShippingDetails = ShippingDetails;
     this.ShipTo          = ShipTo;
     this.LineItems       = LineItems;
     this.InvoiceDetails  = InvoiceDetails;
     this.OrderAcceptance = OrderAcceptance;
     this.OrderOrigin     = OrderOrigin;