private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineForceFetchFakeVentureCard(VAVAddr fakeVentureCard)
            PowerPcAsm.Pair16Bit v = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)fakeVentureCard);

            // precondition: r3 is ChanceCardUI *
            // ChanceCardUI->field_0x34 is ChanceBoard *
            // ChanceBoard->field_0x158 is current venture card id

            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lis(6, v.upper16Bit));      // \
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.addi(6, 6, v.lower16Bit));  // / r6 <- forceVentureCardVariable
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(4, 0x0, 6));            // | r4 <- forceVentureCard
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(4, 0x0));             // | if(forceVentureCard != 0)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.beq(7));                    // | {
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(5, 0x34, 3));           // |   r5 <- ChanceCardUI.ChanceBoard
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(4, 0x158, 5));          // |   ChanceBoard.currentVentureCardId <- r4
            asm.Add(, 0));                  // |\  forceVentureCard <- 0
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(5, 0x0, 6));            // |/
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                // |   r8 <- 0 (the venture card is initialized)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.blr());                     // |   return r4 and r8
                                                           // | }
            asm.Add(, -0x1));               // | r4 <- -1
            asm.Add(, 0x3));                // | r8 <- 3 (the venture card is continued to be executed)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.blr());                     // | return r4 and r8

        private List <UInt32> writeProcStopEventSquareRoutine(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr forceVentureCardVariable, VAVAddr routineStartAddress)
            PowerPcAsm.Pair16Bit v            = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)forceVentureCardVariable);
            var gameProgressChangeModeRoutine = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x800c093c);
            var endOfSwitchCase = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x800fac38);

            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(3, 0x188, 28));                                                 // \
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(3, 0x74, 3));                                                   // / r3_place = gameChara.currentPlace
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lbz(6, 0x18, 3));                                                   // | r6_ventureCardId = r3_place.districtId

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lis(3, v.upper16Bit));                                              // \
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.addi(3, 3, v.lower16Bit));                                          // | forceVentureCardVariable <- r6_ventureCardId
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(6, 0x0, 3));                                                    // /

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(3, 0x18, 20));                                                  // \ lwz r3,0x18(r20)
            asm.Add(, 0x1f));                                                       // | li r4,0x1f  (the GameProgress mode id 0x1f is for executing a venture card)
            asm.Add(, -0x1));                                                       // | li r5,-0x1
            asm.Add(, -0x1));                                                       // | li r6,-0x1
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                                                        // | li r7,0x0
            asm.Add(, asm.Count, gameProgressChangeModeRoutine)); // | bl Game::GameProgress::changeMode
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(routineStartAddress, asm.Count, endOfSwitchCase));                // / goto end of switch case
        private List <UInt32> writeSubroutineGetMapsInZone(AddressMapper addressMapper, List <MapDescriptor> mapDescriptors, VAVAddr mapSetZoneOrderTable, VAVAddr entryAddr, VAVAddr returnAddr)
            PowerPcAsm.Pair16Bit v = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)mapSetZoneOrderTable);
            // precondition:  r5  MapSet
            //               r29  _ZONE_TYPE
            //               r30  int* array containing map ids
            //                r3,r4,r6,r7,r31  unused
            // postcondition: r3  num maps (must be same as in SubroutineGetNumMapsInZone)
            var asm    = new List <UInt32>();
            var asm_l2 = new List <UInt32>();
            var asm_l3 = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(, 0));
            var mapSets = (from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet != -1 orderby m.MapSet select m.MapSet).Distinct();

            foreach (var mapSet in mapSets)
                asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(5, mapSet));
                var zones = (from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone != -1 orderby m.Zone select m.Zone).Distinct();
                foreach (var zone in zones)
                    asm_l2.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(29, zone));
                    IOrderedEnumerable <MapDescriptor> maps;
                    if (zone == 0)
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == 1 orderby m.Order select m;
                    else if (zone == 1)
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == 0 orderby m.Order select m;
                        maps = from m in mapDescriptors where m.MapSet == mapSet && m.Zone == zone orderby m.Order select m;
                    short i = 0;
                    asm_l3.Add(, (short)maps.Count()));
                    foreach (var map in maps)
                        short mapId         = (short)mapDescriptors.IndexOf(map);
                        var   mapDescriptor = mapDescriptors[i];
                        asm_l3.Add(, mapId));
                        asm_l3.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(4, i, 30));
                        i += 4;
                    asm_l2.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(asm_l3.Count + 1));
                asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.bne(asm_l2.Count + 1));
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(entryAddr, asm.Count, returnAddr));
        private List <UInt32> writeRuleSetFromMapRoutine(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr routineStartAddress)
            var Game_GetRuleFlag = addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x801cca98);

            // precondition: r24 is mapId
            // precondition: r25 is global rule set which we are gonna use to store the linkreturn
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();

            asm.Add(, 24));                                             // r3 <- r24
            asm.Add(, asm.Count, Game_GetRuleFlag));  // r3 <- bl Game_GetRuleFlag(r3)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(3, 0x53f4, 29));                                    // gameRule <- r3
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.blr());                                                 // return
        private List <UInt32> writeUploadSimulatedButtonPress(AddressMapper addressMapper, VAVAddr routineStartAddress, VAVAddr returnAddr)
            var asm = new List <UInt32>();
            // 0x804363b4 (4 bytes): force simulated button press
            var forceSimulatedButtonPress = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x804363b4));
            var pressedButtonsBitArray    = PowerPcAsm.make16bitValuePair((UInt32)addressMapper.toVersionAgnosticAddress((BSVAddr)0x8078C880));

            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lis(6, forceSimulatedButtonPress.upper16Bit));                // \
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.addi(6, 6, forceSimulatedButtonPress.lower16Bit));            // / r6 <- &forceSimulatedButtonPress
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lis(7, pressedButtonsBitArray.upper16Bit));                   // \
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.addi(7, 7, pressedButtonsBitArray.lower16Bit));               // / r7 <- &pressedButtonsBitArray
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(0, 0x0, 6));                                              // r0 <- forceSimulatedButtonPress
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.cmpwi(0, 0x0));                                               // if (forceSimulatedButtonPress != 0)
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.beq(4));                                                      // {
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(0, 0x0, 7));                                              //   pressedButtonsBitArray <- forceSimulatedButtonPress
            asm.Add(, 0x0));                                                  //   \ 
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.stw(0, 0x0, 6));                                              //   / forceSimulatedButtonPress <- 0
                                                                                             // }
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.lwz(0, 0x4, 3));                                              // *replaced opcode*
            asm.Add(PowerPcAsm.b(routineStartAddress, asm.Count, returnAddr));               // return
