void UpdateButtonOrientation()
            // Rotate the UI app bar button to match the rotation of the device
            var angle     = CameraRotationHelper.ConvertSimpleOrientationToClockwiseDegrees(_rotationHelper.GetUIOrientation());
            var transform = new RotateTransform {
                Angle = angle

            _takePhotoButton.RenderTransform = transform;
        async Task InitializeCameraAsync()
            if (_mediaCapture == null)
                // Attempt to get the back camera if one is available, but use any camera device if not
                var cameraDevice = await FindCameraDeviceByPanelAsync(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Back);

                if (cameraDevice == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("No camera device found.");

                _mediaCapture = new MediaCapture();
                var settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings {
                    VideoDeviceId = cameraDevice.Id
                    await _mediaCapture.InitializeAsync(settings);

                    _isInitialized = true;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    Debug.WriteLine("The app was denied access to the camera.");

                // If initialization succeeded, start the preview
                if (_isInitialized)
                    // Figure out where the camera is located
                    if (cameraDevice.EnclosureLocation == null || cameraDevice.EnclosureLocation.Panel == Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Unknown)
                        // No information on the location of the camera, assume it's an external camera, not integrated on the device
                        _externalCamera = true;
                        // Camera is fixed on the device
                        _externalCamera = false;

                        // Only mirror the preview if the camera is on the front panel
                        _mirroringPreview = (cameraDevice.EnclosureLocation.Panel == Windows.Devices.Enumeration.Panel.Front);

                    _rotationHelper = new CameraRotationHelper(cameraDevice.EnclosureLocation);
                    _rotationHelper.OrientationChanged += OnOrientationChanged;
                    await StartPreviewAsync();
        async Task SetPreviewRotationAsync()
            // Only update the orientation if the camera is mounted on the device
            if (_externalCamera)

            // Add rotation metadata to the preview stream to ensure aspect ratio/dimensions match when rendering and getting preview frames
            var orientation = _rotationHelper.GetCameraPreviewOrientation();
            var properties  = _mediaCapture.VideoDeviceController.GetMediaStreamProperties(MediaStreamType.VideoPreview);

            properties.Properties.Add(RotationKey, CameraRotationHelper.ConvertSimpleOrientationToClockwiseDegrees(orientation));
            await _mediaCapture.SetEncodingPropertiesAsync(MediaStreamType.VideoPreview, properties, null);
        async Task TakePhotoAsync()
            var stream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
            await _mediaCapture.CapturePhotoToStreamAsync(ImageEncodingProperties.CreateJpeg(), stream);

                var file = await _captureFolder.CreateFileAsync("Photo.jpg", CreationCollisionOption.GenerateUniqueName);

                var orientation = CameraRotationHelper.ConvertSimpleOrientationToPhotoOrientation(_rotationHelper.GetCameraCaptureOrientation());
                await ReencodeAndSavePhotoAsync(stream, file, orientation);

                Debug.WriteLine("Photo saved to " + file.Path);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("Exception when taking photo: " + ex.ToString());
        async Task CleanupCameraAsync()
            if (_isInitialized)
                if (_isPreviewing)
                    await StopPreviewAsync();
                _isInitialized = false;

            if (_mediaCapture != null)
                _mediaCapture = null;
            if (_rotationHelper != null)
                _rotationHelper.OrientationChanged -= OnOrientationChanged;
                _rotationHelper = null;