Esempio n. 1
 // TTQMM Ref: JsonToGameObject.GetValueFromString
 // This function is for setting a value based on a reference
 public static object DeserializeValueReference(string search, string searchFull, Type outType)
     if (searchFull.StartsWith("Reference"))
         if (TTReferences.GetReferenceFromBlockResource(search, out var result))                 // Get value from a block in the game
     else if (TTReferences.TryFind(search, null, outType, out object result))
         return(result);                // Get value from a value in the user database
             // Last fallback, we try searching our current working tree
             var recursive = GetCurrentSearchTransform().RecursiveFindWithProperties(searchFull, GetRootSearchTransform());
             if (recursive != null)
                 return(recursive);                        // Get value from this block
         { }
Esempio n. 2
        // Takes a string of the form "{type} {index}" like "UnityEngine.Rigidbody 1"
        public static Component GetComponentWithIndex(this GameObject obj, string type)
            // Try to get an index if we provided one
            int split = type.IndexOf(' ');
            int index = 0;

            if (split != -1)
                int.TryParse(type.Substring(split + 1), out index);

            // Then get the component with that index
            Component[] components = obj.GetComponents(TTReferences.GetType(type));
            if (components.Length > index)
            if (components.Length != 0)
Esempio n. 3
        // TTQMM Ref: JsonToGameObject.CreateGameObject_Internal(JObject json, GameObject GameObjectToPopulate, string Spacing, Component instantiated = null, Type instantiatedType = null)
        private static GameObject DeserializeIntoGameObject_Internal(JObject jObject, GameObject target)
            // Ensure we have a target object
            if (target == null)
                target = new GameObject("Deserialized Object");

            // Then read each JSON property and act accordingly
            foreach (JProperty jProperty in jObject.Properties())
                string[] split = jProperty.Name.Split('|');
                if (split.Length == 1)                 // "ModuleVision", "UnityEngine.Transform" etc.
                    Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializer adding component {split[0]}");

                    // Format will be "{ComponentType} {Index}" where the index specifies the child index if there are multiple targets
                    string typeNameAndIndex = split[0];
                    string typeName         = typeNameAndIndex.Split(' ')[0];
                    Type   type             = TTReferences.GetType(typeName);

                    if (type != null)
                        Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializer ready to find or create instance of type {type}");

                        // See if we have an existing component
                        Component component = target.GetComponentWithIndex(typeNameAndIndex);

                        // A null JSON token means we should delete this object
                        if (jProperty.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
                            if (component != null)
                                Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Could not find component of type {typeNameAndIndex} to destroy");
                        else                         // We have some data, let's process it
                            // If we couldn't find the component, make a new one
                            if (component == null)
                                component = target.gameObject.AddComponent(type);

                            // If we still can't find one, get it. This should like never happen, right?
                            if (component == null)
                                Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Failed to find {typeNameAndIndex}, failed to AddComponent, but trying GetComponent");
                                component = target.gameObject.GetComponent(type);

                            // If we still don't have one, exit
                            if (component == null)
                                Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Could not find component {typeNameAndIndex}");

                            // Now deserialize the JSON into the new Component
                            DeserializeJSONObject(component, type, jProperty.Value as JObject);
                        Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Could not find type {typeNameAndIndex}");
                else if (split.Length == 2)                 //
                    GameObject childObject = null;
                    string     name        = split[1];

                    switch (split[0])
                    case "Reference":                             // Copy a child object or component from another prefab
                        Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializing Reference {name}");
                        if (TTReferences.GetReferenceFromBlockResource(name, out object reference))
                            Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Found reference {reference}");
                            if (reference is GameObject || reference is Transform)
                                // If the reference was to a GameObject or a Transform, then we just want to copy that whole object
                                GameObject referenceObject = reference is GameObject ? (GameObject)reference : ((Transform)reference).gameObject;

                                childObject = GameObject.Instantiate(referenceObject);
                                string newName = name.Substring(1 + name.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '.' }));
                                int    count   = 1;
                                while (target.transform.Find(newName))
                                    newName = $"{name}_{++count}";
                       = newName;
                                childObject.transform.localPosition = referenceObject.transform.localPosition;
                                childObject.transform.localRotation = referenceObject.transform.localRotation;
                                childObject.transform.localScale    = referenceObject.transform.localScale;
                            else if (reference is Component)
                                // If we referenced a Component, we want to place a copy of that component on our target
                                // However, if we already have a Component of the same type, we most likely want to override its values.
                                // This functionality is as per TTQMM
                                Type      type = reference.GetType();
                                Component existingComponent = target.GetComponent(type);
                                if (existingComponent == null)
                                    existingComponent = target.AddComponent(type);

                                // Copy the reference and then deserialize our JSON into it
                                ShallowCopy(type, reference, existingComponent, false);
                                DeserializeJSONObject(existingComponent, type, jProperty.Value as JObject);
                                Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Unknown object {reference} found as reference");
                            Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Could not find reference for {name} in deserialization");

                    case "Duplicate":                             // Copy a child object from this prefab
                        Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializing Duplicate {name}");
                        if (name.Contains('/') || name.Contains('.'))
                            object foundObject = GetCurrentSearchTransform().RecursiveFindWithProperties(name);
                            if (foundObject != null)
                                if (foundObject is Component foundComponent)
                                    childObject = foundComponent.gameObject;
                                else if (foundObject is GameObject foundGameObject)
                                    childObject = foundGameObject;

                        if (childObject == null)
                            childObject = target.transform.Find(name)?.gameObject;


                    case "GameObject":                             // Create a new child object
                    case "Instantiate":                            // Instantiate something
                        Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializing {split[0]}|{name}");

                        if (childObject == null)
                            childObject = target.transform.Find(name)?.gameObject;


                    // Fallback, just make an empty object
                    if (childObject == null)
                        if (jProperty.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
                            Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializing failed to find {name} to delete");
                            childObject = new GameObject(name);
                            childObject.transform.parent = target.transform;
                        // If we've got no JSON data, that means we want to delete this target
                        if (jProperty.Value.Type == JTokenType.Null)
                            childObject = null;
                        else if (split[0] == "Duplicate")
                            childObject = GameObject.Instantiate(childObject);
                            name        = name.Substring(1 + name.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '/', '.' }));
                            string newName = $"{name}_copy";
                            int    count   = 1;
                            while (target.transform.Find(newName))
                                newName = $"{name}_copy_{(++count)}";
                                      = newName;
                            childObject.transform.parent        = target.transform;
                            childObject.transform.localPosition =;
                            childObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                            childObject.transform.localScale    =;

                    Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Deserializing jProp {jProperty.Name} --- {jProperty.Value}");
                    DeserializeIntoGameObject_Internal((JObject)jProperty.Value, childObject);

Esempio n. 4
        private void RecursivelyAddSubObject(TankBlock block, ModContents mod, Transform targetTransform, JObject jData, Material defaultMaterial, bool isNewSubObject)
            Debug.Log("[Nuterra] Called RecursivelyAddSubObject");

            // Material - Used in the next step
            Material mat = null;

            bool hasMaterial     = TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string materialName, "MaterialName", "MeshMaterialName");
            bool hasAlbedo       = TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string albedoName, "MeshTextureName", "TextureName");
            bool hasGloss        = TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string glossName, "MetallicTextureName", "GlossTextureName", "MeshGlossTextureName");
            bool hasEmissive     = TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string emissiveName, "EmissionTextureName", "MeshEmissionTextureName");
            bool hasAnyOverrides = hasAlbedo || hasGloss || hasEmissive;

            // Calculate a unique string that defines this material
            string compoundMaterialName = "";

            if (hasMaterial)
                compoundMaterialName = $"{compoundMaterialName}M:{materialName};";
            if (hasAlbedo)
                compoundMaterialName = $"{compoundMaterialName}A:{albedoName};";
            if (hasGloss)
                compoundMaterialName = $"{compoundMaterialName}G:{glossName};";
            if (hasEmissive)
                compoundMaterialName = $"{compoundMaterialName}E:{emissiveName};";

            if (hasAnyOverrides)
                if (sMaterialCache.TryGetValue(compoundMaterialName, out Material existingMat))
                    mat = existingMat;
                    // Default to missing texture, then see if we have a base texture reference
                    mat = defaultMaterial;
                    if (hasMaterial)
                        string matName = materialName.Replace("Venture_", "VEN_").Replace("GeoCorp_", "GC_");
                        mat = TTReferences.FindMaterial(matName);

                    Texture2D albedo   = hasAlbedo ? TTReferences.Find <Texture2D>(albedoName, mod) : null;
                    Texture2D gloss    = hasGloss ? TTReferences.Find <Texture2D>(glossName, mod) : null;
                    Texture2D emissive = hasEmissive ? TTReferences.Find <Texture2D>(emissiveName, mod) : null;
                    mat = Util.CreateMaterial(mat, true, albedo, gloss, emissive);

                    // Cache our newly created material in case it comes up again
                    sMaterialCache.Add(compoundMaterialName, mat);
                // Actually, if we make no references, we can keep official modded block behaviour
                mat = defaultMaterial;

            // Physics Material - Used in the next step
            PhysicMaterial physMat = new PhysicMaterial();

            if (jData.TryGetValue("Friction", out JToken jFriction))
                physMat.dynamicFriction = jFriction.ToObject <float>();
            if (jData.TryGetValue("StaticFriction", out JToken jStaticFriction))
                physMat.staticFriction = jStaticFriction.ToObject <float>();
            if (jData.TryGetValue("Bounciness", out JToken jBounce))
                physMat.bounciness = jBounce.ToObject <float>();
            // MeshName & ColliderMeshName Override
            Mesh mesh         = null;
            Mesh colliderMesh = null;
            bool supressBoxColliderFallback = TryParse(jData, "SupressBoxColliderFallback", TryParse(jData, "NoBoxCollider", false));

            if (TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string meshName, "MeshName", "ModelName"))
                foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in mod.FindAllAssets(meshName))
                    if (obj != null)
                        if (obj is Mesh)
                            mesh = (Mesh)obj;
                        else if (obj is GameObject)
                            mesh = ((GameObject)obj).GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
                Debug.Assert(mesh != null, $"[Nuterra] Failed to find mesh with name {meshName}");
            if (TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string meshColliderName, "ColliderMeshName", "MeshColliderName"))
                foreach (UnityEngine.Object obj in mod.FindAllAssets(meshColliderName))
                    if (obj is Mesh)
                        colliderMesh = (Mesh)obj;
                    else if (obj is GameObject)
                        colliderMesh = ((GameObject)obj).GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
                Debug.Assert(colliderMesh != null, $"[Nuterra] Failed to find collider mesh with name {meshColliderName}");

            // This is the only bit where the root object majorly differs from subobjects
            if (targetTransform == block.transform)
                // Generally speaking, the root of a TT block does not have meshes, so needs to add a child
                // Add mesh / collider mesh sub GameObject if we have either
                if (mesh != null || colliderMesh != null)
                    GameObject meshObj = CreateMeshGameObject(targetTransform, mesh, mat, colliderMesh, physMat, supressBoxColliderFallback);
            else             // However, if we are poking around in a subobject, we may want to swap out existing renderers
                // If we provided a new mesh, do a full swap
                if (mesh != null)
                    targetTransform.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh       = mesh;
                    targetTransform.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = mat;
                else                 // If we don't want to swap out the mesh we may still want to swap out the properties of existing renderers
                    bool forceEmissive = TryParse(jData, "ForceEmission", false);
                    foreach (Renderer renderer in targetTransform.GetComponents <Renderer>())
                        renderer.sharedMaterial = mat;
                        if (renderer is ParticleSystemRenderer psrenderer)
                            psrenderer.trailMaterial = mat;

                        if (forceEmissive)
                            MaterialSwapper.SetMaterialPropertiesOnRenderer(renderer, ManTechMaterialSwap.MaterialColour.Normal, 1f, 0);

                // If we provided a collider mesh, do a full swap
                if (colliderMesh != null)
                    MeshCollider mc = targetTransform.gameObject.EnsureComponent <MeshCollider>();
                    mc.convex         = true;
                    mc.sharedMesh     = colliderMesh;
                    mc.sharedMaterial = physMat;
                // If we want a box collider, try to make one from our mesh
                bool makeBoxCollider = GetBoolMultipleKeys(jData, false, "MakeBoxCollider", "GenerateBoxCollider");
                if (makeBoxCollider)
                    BoxCollider bc = targetTransform.gameObject.EnsureComponent <BoxCollider>();
                    bc.sharedMaterial = physMat;
                    if (mesh != null)
                        bc.size   = mesh.bounds.size - * 0.2f;
                        bc.size   =;
                // Weird option from TTQMM that has a fixed size sphere
                bool makeSphereCollider = TryParse(jData, "MakeSphereCollider", false);
                if (makeSphereCollider)
                    SphereCollider sc = targetTransform.gameObject.EnsureComponent <SphereCollider>();
                    sc.radius         = 0.5f;
                    sc.sharedMaterial = physMat;

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            #region Deserializers
            if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jData, out JToken jDeserialObj, "Deserializer", "JSONBLOCK") && jDeserialObj.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                JObject jDeserializer = (JObject)jDeserialObj;

                // TTQMM Ref: GameObjectJSON.CreateGameObject(jBlock.Deserializer, blockbuilder.Prefab);
                NuterraDeserializer.DeserializeIntoGameObject(jDeserializer, block.gameObject);
            // ------------------------------------------------------

            // ------------------------------------------------------
            #region Sub objects
            if (jData.TryGetValue("SubObjects", out JToken jSubObjectList) && jSubObjectList.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                foreach (JToken token in (JArray)jSubObjectList)
                    if (token.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                        JObject jSubObject = (JObject)token;
                        if (TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out string subObjName, "SubOverrideName", "OverrideName", "ObjectName"))
                            GameObject subObject   = (targetTransform.RecursiveFindWithProperties(subObjName) as Component)?.gameObject;
                            bool       creatingNew = subObject == null;
                            if (subObject != null)
                                if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out JToken jLayer, "Layer", "PhysicsLayer") && jLayer.Type == JTokenType.Integer)
                                    subObject.layer = jLayer.ToObject <int>();
                            else                             // Reference was not matched, so we want to add a new subobject
                                if (subObjName.NullOrEmpty())
                                    subObjName = $"SubObject_{targetTransform.childCount + 1}";

                                subObject = new GameObject(subObjName);
                                subObject.transform.parent        = targetTransform;
                                subObject.transform.localPosition =;
                                subObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                                if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out JToken jLayer, "Layer", "PhysicsLayer") && jLayer.Type == JTokenType.Integer)
                                    subObject.layer = jLayer.ToObject <int>();
                                    subObject.layer = 8;                                     // Globals.inst.layerTank;

                            // Target acquired, lets tweak a few things
                            bool destroyColliders = GetBoolMultipleKeys(jSubObject, false, "DestroyExistingColliders", "DestroyColliders");
                            if (destroyColliders)
                                foreach (Collider col in subObject.GetComponents <Collider>())

                                UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(subObject.GetComponentInParents <ColliderSwapper>());

                            bool destroyRenderers = GetBoolMultipleKeys(jSubObject, false, "DestroyExistingRenderer", "DestroyExistingRenderers", "DestroyRenderers");
                            if (destroyRenderers)
                                foreach (Renderer renderer in subObject.GetComponents <Renderer>())
                                foreach (MeshFilter mf in subObject.GetComponents <MeshFilter>())

                            // If there is already a material set on this sub object ref, use it
                            Material matForSubObject = mat;
                            if (!creatingNew && !destroyRenderers)
                                Renderer ren = subObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                                if (ren)
                                    matForSubObject = ren.sharedMaterial;

                            // Optional resize settings
                            if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out JToken jPos, "SubPosition", "Position") && jPos.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                                subObject.transform.localPosition = GetVector3(jPos);
                            if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out JToken jEuler, "SubRotation", "Rotation") && jEuler.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                                subObject.transform.localEulerAngles = GetVector3(jEuler);
                            if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jSubObject, out JToken jScale, "SubScale", "Scale") && jScale.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                                subObject.transform.localScale = GetVector3(jScale);

                            RecursivelyAddSubObject(block, mod, subObject.transform, jSubObject, matForSubObject, creatingNew);
                            Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Failed to find SubOverrideName tag in sub object JSON");
Esempio n. 5
        // This method should add a module to the TankBlock prefab
        public override bool CreateModuleForBlock(int blockID, ModdedBlockDefinition def, TankBlock block, JToken jToken)
                Debug.Log("[Nuterra] Loading CustomBlock module");

                if (jToken.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                    JObject jData = (JObject)jToken;

                    // Get the mod contents so we can search for additional assets
                    ModContainer container = ManMods.inst.FindMod(def);
                    ModContents  mod       = container != null ? container.Contents : null;
                    if (mod == null)
                        Debug.LogError("[Nuterra] Could not find mod that this unoffical block is part of");

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    // Basics like name, desc etc. The Official Mod Tool lets us set these already, but we might want to override
                    def.m_BlockDisplayName = TryParse(jData, "Name", def.m_BlockDisplayName);
                    def.m_BlockDescription = TryParse(jData, "Description", def.m_BlockDescription);
                    // Ignore block ID. Official loader handles IDs automatically.
                    // Ignore corporation. Custom corps no longer have a fixed ID, so we should use the official tool to set corp IDs.
                    //def.m_Corporation = TryParse(jData, "Corporation", def.m_Corporation);
                    block.m_BlockCategory = def.m_Category = TryParseEnum(jData, "Category", def.m_Category);
                    def.m_Rarity          = TryParseEnum(jData, "Rarity", def.m_Rarity);
                    def.m_Grade           = TryParse(jData, "Grade", def.m_Grade);

                    // Recipe
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("Recipe", out JToken jRecipe))
                        RecipeTable.Recipe recipe = new RecipeTable.Recipe();
                        Dictionary <ChunkTypes, RecipeTable.Recipe.ItemSpec> dictionary = new Dictionary <ChunkTypes, RecipeTable.Recipe.ItemSpec>();

                        int RecipePrice = 0;
                        if (jRecipe is JValue rString)
                            string[] recipeString = rString.ToObject <string>().Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            foreach (string item in recipeString)
                                RecipePrice += AppendToRecipe(dictionary, item, 1);
                        else if (jRecipe is JObject rObject)
                            foreach (var item in rObject)
                                RecipePrice += AppendToRecipe(dictionary, item.Key, item.Value.ToObject <int>());
                        else if (jRecipe is JArray rArray)
                            foreach (var item in rArray)
                                RecipePrice += AppendToRecipe(dictionary, item.ToString(), 1);

                        recipe.m_InputItems = new RecipeTable.Recipe.ItemSpec[dictionary.Count];
                        dictionary.Values.CopyTo(recipe.m_InputItems, 0);
                        recipe.m_OutputItems[0] = new RecipeTable.Recipe.ItemSpec(new ItemTypeInfo(ObjectTypes.Block, blockID), 1);
                        Singleton.Manager <RecipeManager> .inst.RegisterCustomBlockFabricatorRecipe(blockID, def.m_Corporation, recipe);

                        def.m_Price = RecipePrice;
                    // TODO: RecipeTable

                    def.m_Price     = TryParseEnum(jData, "Price", def.m_Price);
                    def.m_MaxHealth = TryParse(jData, "HP", def.m_MaxHealth);

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    #region Reference - Copy a vanilla block
                    Debug.Log("[Nuterra] Starting references");
                    bool keepRenderers          = TryParse(jData, "KeepRenderers", true);
                    bool keepReferenceRenderers = TryParse(jData, "KeepReferenceRenderers", true);
                    bool keepColliders          = TryParse(jData, "KeepColliders", true);

                    if (TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string referenceBlock, "GamePrefabReference", "PrefabReference"))
                        // This code block copies our chosen reference block
                        // TTQMM REF: BlockPrefabBuilder.Initialize

                        GameObject originalGameObject = TTReferences.FindBlockFromString(referenceBlock);
                        if (originalGameObject != null)
                            GameObject newObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(originalGameObject);
                            // Assign this back to block for further processing
                            block = GetOrAddComponent <TankBlock>(newObject.transform);
                            //TankBlock original = originalGameObject.GetComponent<TankBlock>();
                            //TankBlock copy = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(original);
                            TankBlockTemplate fakeTemplate = newObject.AddComponent <TankBlockTemplate>();
                            // Cheeky hack to swap the prefab
                            // The official block loader doesn't expect this to happen, but I will assume
                            // for now that you are making 100% official or 100% unofficial JSONs
                            def.m_PhysicalPrefab = fakeTemplate;

                            Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Found game prefab reference as {newObject}");

                            // TTQMM REF: DirectoryBlockLoader.CreateJSONBlock, the handling of these flags is a bit weird
                            if (keepRenderers && !keepColliders)
                                RemoveChildren <Collider>(block);
                            if (!keepRenderers && !keepReferenceRenderers)
                                RemoveChildren <MeshRenderer>(block);
                                RemoveChildren <TankTrack>(block);
                                RemoveChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(block);
                                RemoveChildren <MeshFilter>(block);

                                if (!keepColliders)
                                    RemoveChildren <Collider>(block);

                            newObject.layer = Globals.inst.layerTank;
                            newObject.tag   = "TankBlock";

                            bool hasRefOffset   = TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jData, out JToken jOffset, "ReferenceOffset", "PrefabOffset", "PrefabPosition");
                            bool hasRefRotation = TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jData, out JToken jEuler, "ReferenceRotationOffset", "PrefabRotation");
                            bool hasRefScale    = TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jData, out JToken jScale, "ReferenceScale", "PrefabScale");

                            if (hasRefOffset || hasRefRotation || hasRefScale)
                                Vector3 offset = hasRefOffset ? GetVector3(jOffset) :;
                                Vector3 scale  = hasRefScale ? GetVector3(jScale) :;
                                Vector3 euler  = hasRefRotation ? GetVector3(jEuler) :;

                                foreach (Transform child in newObject.transform)
                                    if (hasRefOffset)
                                        child.localPosition += offset;
                                    if (hasRefRotation)
                                        child.localEulerAngles += euler;
                                    if (hasRefScale)
                                        child.localScale += scale;
                            Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Failed to find GamePrefabReference {referenceBlock}");
                    // ------------------------------------------------------

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    // Get some references set up for the next phase, now our prefab is setup
                    Damageable   damageable   = GetOrAddComponent <Damageable>(block);
                    ModuleDamage moduleDamage = GetOrAddComponent <ModuleDamage>(block);
                    Visible      visible      = GetOrAddComponent <Visible>(block);
                    Transform    transform    = block.transform;
                    transform.position   =;
                    transform.rotation   = Quaternion.identity;
                    transform.localScale =;

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    #region Additional References
                    if (TryGetStringMultipleKeys(jData, out string referenceExplosion, "DeathExplosionReference", "ExplosionReference"))
                        GameObject refBlock = TTReferences.FindBlockFromString(referenceExplosion);
                        if (refBlock != null)
                            moduleDamage.deathExplosion = refBlock.GetComponent <ModuleDamage>().deathExplosion;
                            Debug.Log($"[Nuterra] Swapped death explosion for {refBlock}");
                    // ------------------------------------------------------

                    // ------------------------------------------------------
                    #region Tweaks
                    // BlockExtents is a way of quickly doing a cuboid Filled Cell setup
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("BlockExtents", out JToken jExtents) && jExtents.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                        List <IntVector3> filledCells = new List <IntVector3>();
                        int x = ((JObject)jExtents).GetValue("x").ToObject <int>();
                        int y = ((JObject)jExtents).GetValue("y").ToObject <int>();
                        int z = ((JObject)jExtents).GetValue("z").ToObject <int>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < z; k++)
                                    filledCells.Add(new IntVector3(i, j, k));
                        block.filledCells = filledCells.ToArray();
                        Debug.Log("[Nuterra] Overwrote BlockExtents");
                    // CellMap / CellsMap
                    if (TryGetTokenMultipleKeys(jData, out JToken jCellMap, "CellMap", "CellsMap"))
                        string[][]        ZYXCells = jCellMap.ToObject <string[][]>();
                        List <IntVector3> cells    = new List <IntVector3>();
                        for (int z = 0; z < ZYXCells.Length; z++)
                            string[] YXslice = ZYXCells[z];
                            if (YXslice == null)

                            for (int y = 0, ry = YXslice.Length - 1; ry >= 0; y++, ry--)
                                string Xline = YXslice[ry];
                                if (Xline == null)

                                for (int x = 0; x < Xline.Length; x++)
                                    char cell = Xline[x];
                                    if (cell != ' ')
                                        cells.Add(new IntVector3(x, y, z));
                        block.filledCells = cells.ToArray();
                    // TODO: APsOnlyAtBottom / MakeAPsAtBottom
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("Cells", out JToken jCells) && jCells.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        List <IntVector3> filledCells = new List <IntVector3>();
                        foreach (JObject jCell in (JArray)jCells)
                        block.filledCells = filledCells.ToArray();
                    // APs
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("APs", out JToken jAPList) && jAPList.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        List <Vector3> aps = new List <Vector3>();
                        foreach (JToken token in (JArray)jAPList)
                        block.attachPoints = aps.ToArray();
                    // Some basic block stats
                    damageable.DamageableType = (ManDamage.DamageableType)TryParse(jData, "DamageableType", (int)damageable.DamageableType);
                    if (TryGetFloatMultipleKeys(jData, out float fragility, moduleDamage.m_DamageDetachFragility, "DetachFragility", "Fragility"))
                        moduleDamage.m_DamageDetachFragility = fragility;

                    block.m_DefaultMass = TryParse(jData, "Mass", block.m_DefaultMass);

                    // Center of Mass
                    JArray jComVector = null;
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("CenterOfMass", out JToken com1) && com1.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        jComVector = (JArray)com1;
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("CentreOfMass ", out JToken com2) && com2.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        jComVector = (JArray)com2;
                    if (jComVector != null)
                        Transform comTrans = block.transform.Find("CentreOfMass");
                        if (comTrans == null)
                            comTrans = new GameObject("CentreOfMass").transform;
                            comTrans.localScale    =;
                            comTrans.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                        comTrans.localPosition = new Vector3(jComVector[0].ToObject <float>(), jComVector[1].ToObject <float>(), jComVector[2].ToObject <float>());

                        // TODO: Weird thing about offseting colliders from Nuterra
                        //for (int i = 0; i < Prefab.transform.childCount; i++)
                        //	transform = Prefab.transform.GetChild(i);
                        //	if ( < 5 &&"col")) // "[a-z]col"
                        //		transform.localPosition = CenterOfMass;

                    // TODO: RotationGroup

                    // IconName override
                    if (jData.TryGetValue("IconName", out JToken jIconName) && jIconName.Type == JTokenType.String)
                        UnityEngine.Object obj = mod.FindAsset(jIconName.ToString());
                        if (obj != null)
                            if (obj is Sprite sprite)
                                def.m_Icon = sprite.texture;
                            else if (obj is Texture2D texture)
                                def.m_Icon = texture;
                                Debug.LogWarning($"Found unknown object type {obj.GetType()} for icon override for {}");

                    // TODO: Emission Mode
                    // Filepath? For reparse?
                    // ------------------------------------------------------

                    // Start recursively adding objects with the root.
                    // Calling it this way and treating the root as a sub-object prevents a lot of code duplication
                    RecursivelyAddSubObject(block, mod, block.transform, jData, TTReferences.kMissingTextureTankBlock, false);

                    // Weird export fix up for meshes
                    // Flip everything in x
                    foreach (MeshRenderer mr in block.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>())
                        mr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-mr.transform.localScale.x, mr.transform.localScale.y, mr.transform.localScale.z);
                    foreach (MeshCollider mc in block.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshCollider>())
                        if (mc.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>() == null)                       // Skip ones with both. Don't want to double flip
                            mc.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-mc.transform.localScale.x, mc.transform.localScale.y, mc.transform.localScale.z);

            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError($"[Nuterra] Caught exception {e}");