Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a data point to the curve builder. This doesn't always result in the generated curve changing immediately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The data point to add.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="AddPointResult"/> for info about this.</returns>
        public AddPointResult AddPoint(VECTOR p)
            using var _ = AddPointMarker.Auto();
            VECTOR        prev  = _prev;
            List <VECTOR> pts   = _pts;
            int           count = pts.Count;

            if (count != 0)
                FLOAT td = VectorHelper.Distance(prev, p);
                FLOAT md = _linDist;
                if (td > md)
                    int   first = int.MaxValue;
                    bool  add   = false;
                    FLOAT rd    = td - md;
                    // OPTIMIZE if we're adding many points at once, we could do them in a batch
                    VECTOR dir = VectorHelper.Normalize(p - prev);
                    using var marker = AddPointDoWhileLoopMarker.Auto();
                        VECTOR         np  = prev + dir * md;
                        AddPointResult res = AddInternal(np);
                        first = Math.Min(first, res.FirstChangedIndex);
                        add  |= res.WasAdded;
                        prev  = np;
                        rd   -= md;
                    } while(rd > md);
                    _prev = prev;
                    return(new AddPointResult(first, add));
                _prev = p;
                return(AddPointResult.NO_CHANGE); // no curves were actually added yet
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the tangent for the start of the cure.
        /// </summary>
        public VECTOR GetLeftTangent(int last)
            using var _ = GetLeftTangentMarker.Auto();
                using (_pts.ViewAsNativeArray(out var pts))
                    using (_arclen.ViewAsNativeArray(out var arclen))
                        OptimizedHelpers.GetLeftTangent(last, (VECTOR *)pts.GetUnsafePtr(), pts.Length, (FLOAT *)arclen.GetUnsafePtr(), arclen.Length, out var tanL);
            using var _ = GetLeftTangentMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts         = _pts;
            List <FLOAT>  arclen      = _arclen;
            FLOAT         totalLen    = arclen[arclen.Count - 1];
            VECTOR        p0          = pts[0];
            VECTOR        tanL        = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[1] - p0);
            VECTOR        total       = tanL;
            FLOAT         weightTotal = 1;
            last = Math.Min(END_TANGENT_N_PTS, last - 1);
            for (int i = 2; i <= last; i++)
                FLOAT  ti     = 1 - (arclen[i] / totalLen);
                FLOAT  weight = ti * ti * ti;
                VECTOR v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[i] - p0);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            // if the vectors add up to zero (ie going opposite directions), there's no way to normalize them
            if (VectorHelper.Length(total) > EPSILON)
                tanL = VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the tangent for the the end of the curve.
        /// </summary>
        public VECTOR GetRightTangent(int first)
            using var _ = GetRightTangentMarker.Auto();
                using (_pts.ViewAsNativeArray(out var pts))
                    using (_arclen.ViewAsNativeArray(out var arclen))
                        OptimizedHelpers.GetRightTangent(first, (VECTOR *)pts.GetUnsafePtr(), pts.Length, (FLOAT *)arclen.GetUnsafePtr(), arclen.Length, out var tanR);
            using var _ = GetRightTangentMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts         = _pts;
            List <FLOAT>  arclen      = _arclen;
            FLOAT         totalLen    = arclen[arclen.Count - 1];
            VECTOR        p3          = pts[pts.Count - 1];
            VECTOR        tanR        = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[pts.Count - 2] - p3);
            VECTOR        total       = tanR;
            FLOAT         weightTotal = 1;
            first = Math.Max(pts.Count - (END_TANGENT_N_PTS + 1), first + 1);
            for (int i = pts.Count - 3; i >= first; i--)
                FLOAT  t      = arclen[i] / totalLen;
                FLOAT  weight = t * t * t;
                VECTOR v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[i] - p3);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            if (VectorHelper.Length(total) > EPSILON)
                tanR = VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal);
        public static unsafe void GetRightTangent(int first, Vector2 *pts, int ptsCount, float *arclen, int arclenCount, out Vector2 retval)
            var totalLen    = arclen[arclenCount - 1];
            var p3          = pts[ptsCount - 1];
            var tanR        = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[ptsCount - 2] - p3);
            var total       = tanR;
            var weightTotal = 1.0f;

            first = Math.Max(ptsCount - (CurveFitBase.END_TANGENT_N_PTS + 1), first + 1);
            for (int i = ptsCount - 3; i >= first; i--)
                var t      = arclen[i] / totalLen;
                var weight = t * t * t;
                var v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[i] - p3);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            if (VectorHelper.Length(total) > CurveFitBase.EPSILON)
                tanR = VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal);
            retval = tanR;
        public static unsafe void GetLeftTangent(int last, Vector2 *pts, int ptsCount, float *arclen, int arclenCount, out Vector2 retval)
            float   totalLen    = arclen[arclenCount - 1];
            Vector2 p0          = pts[0];
            Vector2 tanL        = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[1] - p0);
            Vector2 total       = tanL;
            float   weightTotal = 1;

            last = Math.Min(CurveFitBase.END_TANGENT_N_PTS, last - 1);
            for (int i = 2; i <= last; i++)
                float   ti     = 1 - (arclen[i] / totalLen);
                float   weight = ti * ti * ti;
                Vector2 v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[i] - p0);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            // if the vectors add up to zero (ie going opposite directions), there's no way to normalize them
            if (VectorHelper.Length(total) > CurveFitBase.EPSILON)
                tanL = VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal);
            retval = tanL;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the tangent at a given point in the curve.
        /// </summary>
        protected VECTOR GetCenterTangent(int first, int last, int split)
            using var _ = GetCenterTangentMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts    = _pts;
            List <FLOAT>  arclen = _arclen;

            // because we want to maintain C1 continuity on the spline, the tangents on either side must be inverses of one another
            Debug.Assert(first < split && split < last);
            FLOAT  splitLen = arclen[split];
            VECTOR pSplit   = pts[split];

            // left side
            FLOAT  firstLen    = arclen[first];
            FLOAT  partLen     = splitLen - firstLen;
            VECTOR total       = default(VECTOR);
            FLOAT  weightTotal = 0;

            for (int i = Math.Max(first, split - MID_TANGENT_N_PTS); i < split; i++)
                FLOAT  t      = (arclen[i] - firstLen) / partLen;
                FLOAT  weight = t * t * t;
                VECTOR v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[i] - pSplit);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            VECTOR tanL = VectorHelper.Length(total) > EPSILON && weightTotal > EPSILON?
                          VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal) :
                              VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[split - 1] - pSplit);

            // right side
            partLen = arclen[last] - splitLen;
            int rMax = Math.Min(last, split + MID_TANGENT_N_PTS);

            total       = default(VECTOR);
            weightTotal = 0;
            for (int i = split + 1; i <= rMax; i++)
                FLOAT  ti     = 1 - ((arclen[i] - splitLen) / partLen);
                FLOAT  weight = ti * ti * ti;
                VECTOR v      = VectorHelper.Normalize(pSplit - pts[i]);
                total       += v * weight;
                weightTotal += weight;
            VECTOR tanR = VectorHelper.Length(total) > EPSILON && weightTotal > EPSILON?
                          VectorHelper.Normalize(total / weightTotal) :
                              VectorHelper.Normalize(pSplit - pts[split + 1]);

            // The reason we separate this into two halves is because we want the right and left tangents to be weighted
            // equally no matter the weights of the individual parts of them, so that one of the curves doesn't get screwed
            // for the pleasure of the other half
            total = tanL + tanR;

            // Since the points are never coincident, the vector between any two of them will be normalizable, however this can happen in some really
            // odd cases when the points are going directly opposite directions (therefore the tangent is undefined)
            if (VectorHelper.LengthSquared(total) < EPSILON)
                // try one last time using only the three points at the center, otherwise just use one of the sides
                tanL  = VectorHelper.Normalize(pts[split - 1] - pSplit);
                tanR  = VectorHelper.Normalize(pSplit - pts[split + 1]);
                total = tanL + tanR;
                return(VectorHelper.LengthSquared(total) < EPSILON ? tanL : VectorHelper.Normalize(total / 2));
                return(VectorHelper.Normalize(total / 2));
Esempio n. 7
 public VECTOR Tangent(FLOAT t)
Esempio n. 8
        private AddPointResult AddInternal(VECTOR np)
            using var _ = AddInternalMarker.Auto();
            List <VECTOR> pts  = _pts;
            int           last = pts.Count;

            Debug.Assert(last != 0); // should always have one point at least
            _arclen.Add(_totalLength = _totalLength + _linDist);
            if (last == 1)
                // This is the second point
                Debug.Assert(_result.Count == 0);
                VECTOR p0   = pts[0];
                VECTOR tanL = VectorHelper.Normalize(np - p0);
                VECTOR tanR = -tanL;
                _tanL = tanL;
                FLOAT  alpha = _linDist / 3;
                VECTOR p1    = (tanL * alpha) + p0;
                VECTOR p2    = (tanR * alpha) + np;
                _result.Add(new CubicBezier(p0, p1, p2, np));
                return(new AddPointResult(0, true));
                int lastCurve = _result.Count - 1;
                int first     = _first;

                // If we're on the first curve, we're free to improve the left tangent
                VECTOR tanL = lastCurve == 0 ? GetLeftTangent(last) : _tanL;

                // We can always do the end tangent
                VECTOR tanR = GetRightTangent(first);

                // Try fitting with the new point
                int         split;
                CubicBezier curve;
                if (FitCurve(first, last, tanL, tanR, out curve, out split))
                    _result[lastCurve] = curve;
                    return(new AddPointResult(lastCurve, false));
                    // Need to split
                    // first, get mid tangent
                    VECTOR tanM1 = GetCenterTangent(first, last, split);
                    VECTOR tanM2 = -tanM1;

                    // PERHAPS do a full fitRecursive here since its our last chance?

                    // our left tangent might be based on points outside the new curve (this is possible for mid tangents too
                    // but since we need to maintain C1 continuity, it's too late to do anything about it)
                    if (first == 0 && split < END_TANGENT_N_PTS)
                        tanL = GetLeftTangent(split);

                    // do a final pass on the first half of the curve
                    int unused;
                    FitCurve(first, split, tanL, tanM1, out curve, out unused);
                    _result[lastCurve] = curve;

                    // perpare to fit the second half
                    FitCurve(split, last, tanM2, tanR, out curve, out unused);
                    _first = split;
                    _tanL  = tanM2;

                    return(new AddPointResult(lastCurve, true));