Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Draw locations, begin and end points onto the turn inspector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">image of the turn map</param>
 /// <param name="path">current turn</param>
 /// <returns>image with points drawn on the map</returns>
 private void drawOnTurnMap(ref Image image, TrackPath path)
     //if the fiducial strategy class has located the balloons
     //register the image to the UTM locations (UL, LR) _pd is our instance of PathDrawer
     if (_turnMapFid.MapLocated)
         _turnMapFid.setCorrespondence(path.UpperLeft, path.LowerRight);
         _turnMapPainter.drawLocations(ref image, path.GeocodeLocations.ToArray());
         Location begin = path.GeocodeLocations[0];
         Location end   = path.GeocodeLocations[path.GeocodeLocations.Count - 1];
         _turnMapPainter.drawBeginAndEndPoints(ref image, begin, end);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the image of the ride map
        /// </summary>
        public Image getRideMap(bool downloadNew, int height, int width)
            Image mapImage = null;

            _mapSize = width.ToString() + "x" + height.ToString() + "&";
            // download web image
            if (_path != null && _path.Locations.Count > 0 && width != 0 && height != 0)
                if (downloadNew)
                    _mapImage = _web.downloadImage(_baseMapUrl + _mapSize
                                                   + _path.getPathUrlString() + "&sensor=false");
                    if (_mapImage == null)
                        _status = _web.Status;
                        _mapImage = new Bitmap(_mapImage);
                        if (_rideMapFid.MapLocated)
                            _rideMapFid.setCorrespondence(_path.UpperLeft, _path.LowerRight);
                if (_mapImage != null)
                    mapImage = new Bitmap(_mapImage);
                    drawnOnRideMap(ref mapImage, _path);
                mapImage = _web.downloadImage(_baseMapUrl + _mapSize + "&sensor=false");
                if (_mapImage == null)
                    _status = _web.Status;
            _drawnOnMapImage = mapImage;