Esempio n. 1
        public SkyBox(SourceMap map, string texturename, Entity light_environment)
            Color4 skyColor = new Color4(2f, 255f, 255f, 255f);

            if (light_environment != null)
                // This makes the skybox blend in better with the rest of the world
                string lightval = light_environment.Values["_light"];
                string[] vals = lightval.Split(' ');
                if (vals.Length == 4)
                    // Try to get sun light color
                    float r, g, b;
                    r = int.Parse(vals[0]);
                    g = int.Parse(vals[1]);
                    b = int.Parse(vals[2]);
                    float brightness = int.Parse(vals[3]);
                    skyColor = new Color4(brightness, r, g, b);

            // Create a tiny lightmap, and take white+ maxExponent from the map as a color
            // Grab brightness of environment light and convert to exponent offset
            tex2 = TextureManager.CreateTexture(1,1,Format.A16B16G16R16F, skyColor);
            SharedTexture2 = true;
Esempio n. 2
        public SkyBox3D(SourceMap map, Entity sky_camera)
            this.sky_camera = sky_camera;
   = map;

            // Get origin of 3d skybox
            string origin = sky_camera.Values["origin"];
            origin = origin.Replace('.', ','); // Needed for proper C# float parsing
            string[] origin_values = origin.Split(' ', '\t');
            if (origin_values.Length == 3)
                Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero;
                position.X = float.Parse(origin_values[0], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                position.Y = float.Parse(origin_values[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                position.Z = float.Parse(origin_values[2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                startPosition = SourceParser.SwapZY(position);

            // Get scale of 3d skybox
            if (sky_camera.Values.ContainsKey("scale"))
                float result;
                if (float.TryParse(sky_camera.Values["scale"], out result))
                    Scale = result;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void LoadWorldMap(string filename)
            FileStream stream;
            // Check filecache
            if (FileCache.Instance.Contains(filename))
                stream = File.OpenRead(FileCache.Instance.GetFile(filename).FullName);
            // Check absolute path
            else if (File.Exists(filename))
                stream = File.OpenRead(filename);
                Common.Instance.Error(string.Format("LoadWorldMap: {0} not found", filename));
            world = new World();

            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);

            // Read header..
            int magic = (('P' << 24) + ('S' << 16) + ('B' << 8) + 'V');
            int id = br.ReadInt32();
            if (id != magic)
                Common.Instance.Error(string.Format("LoadWorldMap:{0}: Wrong magic number", filename));

            Header sHeader = new Header();
            sHeader.ident = id;
            sHeader.version = br.ReadInt32();

            // GoldSrc map
            if (sHeader.version == 30)
                GoldSrcParser.LoadWorldMap(sHeader, br);

            sHeader.lumps = new Lump_t[Header.HEADER_LUMPS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.HEADER_LUMPS; i++)
                Lump_t lump;
                lump.fileofs = br.ReadInt32();
                lump.filelen = br.ReadInt32();
                lump.version = br.ReadInt32();
                lump.fourCC = br.ReadChars(4);

                sHeader.lumps[i] = lump;

            sHeader.mapRevision = br.ReadInt32();
            LoadWorldLights(br, sHeader);
            LoadLightGrids(br, sHeader);
            LoadLightmaps(br, sHeader);
            LoadPak(br, sHeader);
            LoadTextures(br, sHeader);
            LoadPlanes(br, sHeader);
            LoadDisplacement(br, sHeader);
            LoadFaces(br, sHeader); // Req: planes & texinfos & light & displacemtn
            LoadLeafBrushes(br, sHeader);
            LoadBrushes(br, sHeader);
            LoadLeafFaces(br, sHeader);
            LoadNodesAndLeafs(br, sHeader); // Req: planes
            LoadGameAndProps(br, sHeader); // Req: leafs
            LoadModels(br, sHeader);
            LoadEntities(br, sHeader);
            LoadVisibility(br, sHeader);

            SourceMap map = new SourceMap(world);
            Renderer.Instance.SourceMap = map;
            long now = HighResolutionTimer.Ticks;
            for (int i = 0; i < world.sourceProps.Count; i++)
            float propLightingTime = (float)(HighResolutionTimer.Ticks - now)  / HighResolutionTimer.Frequency;

            Common.Instance.WriteLine("Finished prop lighting: {0:0.000}s", propLightingTime);