Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the payload received from the other participant during round 3.
        /// See JPakeParticipant for more details on round 3.
        /// After execution, the State state will be STATE_ROUND_3_VALIDATED.
        /// Throws CryptoException if validation fails. Throws InvalidOperationException if called prior to
        /// CalculateKeyingMaterial or multiple times
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="round3PayloadReceived">The round 3 payload received from the other participant.</param>
        /// <param name="keyingMaterial">The keying material as returned from CalculateKeyingMaterial().</param>
        public virtual void ValidateRound3PayloadReceived(JPakeRound3Payload round3PayloadReceived, BigInteger keyingMaterial)
            if (this.state >= STATE_ROUND_3_VALIDATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Validation already attempted for round 3 payload for " + this.participantId);
            if (this.state < STATE_KEY_CALCULATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Keying material must be calculated prior to validating round 3 payload for " + this.participantId);

            JPakeUtilities.ValidateParticipantIdsDiffer(participantId, round3PayloadReceived.ParticipantId);
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateParticipantIdsEqual(this.partnerParticipantId, round3PayloadReceived.ParticipantId);


            // Clear the rest of the fields.
            this.gx1 = null;
            this.gx2 = null;
            this.gx3 = null;
            this.gx4 = null;

            this.state = STATE_ROUND_3_VALIDATED;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the payload received from the other participant during round 1.
        /// Must be called prior to CreateRound2PayloadToSend().
        /// After execution, the State state will be  STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED.
        /// Throws CryptoException if validation fails. Throws InvalidOperationException
        /// if called multiple times.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ValidateRound1PayloadReceived(JPakeRound1Payload round1PayloadReceived)
            if (this.state >= STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Validation already attempted for round 1 payload for " + this.participantId);

            this.partnerParticipantId = round1PayloadReceived.ParticipantId;
            this.gx3 = round1PayloadReceived.Gx1;
            this.gx4 = round1PayloadReceived.Gx2;

            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX3 = round1PayloadReceived.KnowledgeProofForX1;
            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX4 = round1PayloadReceived.KnowledgeProofForX2;

            JPakeUtilities.ValidateParticipantIdsDiffer(participantId, round1PayloadReceived.ParticipantId);
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx3, knowledgeProofForX3, round1PayloadReceived.ParticipantId, digest);
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, g, gx4, knowledgeProofForX4, round1PayloadReceived.ParticipantId, digest);
            this.state = STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the payload received from the other participant during round 2.
        /// Note that this DOES NOT detect a non-common password.
        /// The only indication of a non-common password is through derivation
        /// of different keys (which can be detected explicitly by executing round 3 and round 4)
        /// Must be called prior to CalculateKeyingMaterial().
        /// After execution, the State state will be STATE_ROUND_2_VALIDATED.
        /// Throws CryptoException if validation fails. Throws
        /// InvalidOperationException if called prior to ValidateRound1PayloadReceived(JPakeRound1Payload), or multiple times
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ValidateRound2PayloadReceived(JPakeRound2Payload round2PayloadReceived)
            if (this.state >= STATE_ROUND_2_VALIDATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Validation already attempted for round 2 payload for " + this.participantId);
            if (this.state < STATE_ROUND_1_VALIDATED)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Round 1 payload must be validated prior to validation round 2 payload for " + this.participantId);

            BigInteger gB = JPakeUtilities.CalculateGA(p, gx3, gx1, gx2);

            this.b = round2PayloadReceived.A;
            BigInteger[] knowledgeProofForX4s = round2PayloadReceived.KnowledgeProofForX2s;

            JPakeUtilities.ValidateParticipantIdsDiffer(participantId, round2PayloadReceived.ParticipantId);
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateParticipantIdsEqual(this.partnerParticipantId, round2PayloadReceived.ParticipantId);
            JPakeUtilities.ValidateZeroKnowledgeProof(p, q, gB, b, knowledgeProofForX4s, round2PayloadReceived.ParticipantId, digest);

            this.state = STATE_ROUND_2_VALIDATED;