Esempio n. 1
        public static void SimulateMoneyExchange(BigInteger p, BigInteger q)
            Console.WriteLine($"Bank's private p is {p}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Bank's private q is {q}");
            BigInteger N = p * q, phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1);

            Console.WriteLine($"Bank's public N is {N}, phi(N) = {phi}");

            BigInteger c, d;

            CryptoTools.GenerateInverseNumbers(phi, out c, out d);
            Console.WriteLine($"Bank's private c is {c} and public d is {d}");

            Console.WriteLine("START OF EXCHANGE");

            BigInteger n = CryptoTools.GenerateRandomBigInteger(2, N);
            BigInteger r, rInv;

            CryptoTools.GenerateInverseNumbers(N, out r, out rInv);
            BigInteger n_ = n * CryptoTools.ModuloPower(r, d, N) % N;

            Console.WriteLine("Client wants to purchase an item.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Client generated private n = {n}, random r = {r}: (r, N) = 1, then calculated n_ = (n * r^d) mod N = {n_} and sent it to bank");

            BigInteger s_ = CryptoTools.ModuloPower(n_, c, N);

            Console.WriteLine($"Bank calculated s_ = {s_}, withdrew money from client's account and sent s_ to client");

            BigInteger s = (s_ * rInv) % N;

            Console.WriteLine($"Client calculated s = {s} - this is bank's signature. Client's banknote is <n = {n}, s = {s}>");

            Console.WriteLine("Client sends banknote to shop");
            SimulateBanknoteChecking(n, s, d, N);

            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to try to use the same banknote again? y - yes, else - no");
            ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey();

            if (cki.KeyChar == 'y')
                SimulateBanknoteChecking(n, s, d, N);