public static StringCollection ContentNamesInPriority(Zone z, Content c)
            // Container for returned group of found Content objects
            StringCollection sc = new StringCollection();

            // Process each Window in the Zone
            foreach(Window w in z.Windows)
                WindowContent wc = w as WindowContent;

                // Is the Zone a Content derived variation?
                if (wc != null)
                    // Does this contain the interesting Content?
                    if (wc.Contents.Contains(c))
                        // All Content of this Window are given priority and
                        // added into the start of the collection
                        foreach(Content content in wc.Contents)
                            sc.Insert(0, content.Title);
                        // Lower priority Window and so contents are always
                        // added to the end of the collection
                        foreach(Content content in wc.Contents)

            return sc;
        public Content Add(Content value)
            // Use base class to process actual collection operation
            base.List.Add(value as object);

            return value;
Esempio n. 3
        protected void InternalConstruct(Control callingControl, 
                                         Source source, 
                                         Content c, 
                                         WindowContent wc, 
                                         FloatingForm ff,
                                         DockingManager dm,
                                         Point offset)
            // Store the starting state
            _callingControl = callingControl;
            _source = source;
            _content = c;
            _windowContent = wc;
            _dockingManager = dm;
            _container = _dockingManager.Container;
            _floatingForm = ff;
            _hotZones = null;
            _currentHotZone = null;
            _insideRect = new Rectangle();
            _outsideRect = new Rectangle();
            _offset = offset;

            // Begin tracking straight away
Esempio n. 4
        public Content Add()
            Content c = new Content(_manager);

            // Use base class to process actual collection operation
            base.List.Add(c as object);

            return c;
        public Content Add(Control control, string title, ImageList imageList, int imageIndex)
            Content c = new Content(_manager, control, title, imageList, imageIndex);

            // Use base class to process actual collection operation
            base.List.Add(c as object);

            return c;
Esempio n. 6
        // Should only ever be used by Serialization
        public Content Add(Content c)
            // Assign correct docking manager to object
            c.DockingManager = _manager;

            // Use base class to process actual collection operation
            base.List.Add(c as object);

            return c;
        public GameClientForm( )
            InitializeComponent( );

            //	Write greeting
            AppLog.Info( "Beginning {0} at {1}", Assembly.GetCallingAssembly( ), DateTime.Now );
            AppLog.GetSource( Severity.Info ).WriteEnvironment( );

            //	Create the docking manager
            m_DockingManager = new DockingManager( this, VisualStyle.IDE );
            m_DockingManager.InnerControl = gameDisplay;
            m_DockingManager.OuterControl = this;

            ProfileViewer profileViewer1 = new ProfileViewer( );
            profileViewer1.RootSection = GameProfiles.Game;
            m_ProfileViewer1Content = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( profileViewer1, "Profile Viewer 1" );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_ProfileViewer1Content, State.Floating );
            m_DockingManager.HideContent( m_ProfileViewer1Content );

            ProfileViewer profileViewer2 = new ProfileViewer( );
            profileViewer2.RootSection = GameProfiles.Game;
            m_ProfileViewer2Content = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( profileViewer2, "Profile Viewer 2" );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_ProfileViewer2Content, State.Floating );
            m_DockingManager.HideContent( m_ProfileViewer2Content );

            PropertyGrid debugInfoProperties = CreateDebugInfoPropertyGrid( );
            m_DebugInfoContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add(debugInfoProperties, "Debug Info");
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_DebugInfoContent, State.Floating );
            m_DockingManager.HideContent( m_DebugInfoContent );

            m_LogDisplayContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( m_LogDisplay, "Log" );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_LogDisplayContent, State.DockBottom );

            if ( File.Exists( m_ClientSetupFile ) )
                m_DockingManager.LoadConfigFromFile( m_ClientSetupFile );
Esempio n. 8
        public MainForm()

            // Open File Data and Program Database
            dat_conn = DatabaseConnection.getInstance();

            // MainTree and Table Tabpage
            _manager = new DockingManager(this, VisualStyle.IDE);
            // Create Content which contains a RichTextBox
            c = _manager.Contents.Add(new TreeForm(), "tree menu");
            _manager.AddContentWithState(c, State.DockLeft);

            // Main WorkSpace - Show main working window - display model graphics

            // ShowModelGraphicWindow();
Esempio n. 9
        public WindowContent AddContentWithState(Content c, State newState)
            // Validate the incoming Content instance is a valid reference
            // and is a current instance within our internal collection
            if ((c == null) || !_contents.Contains(c))
                return null;

            // Do not generate hiding/hidden/shown events

            // Manageing Zones should remove display AutoHide windows

            // Is the window already part of a WindowContent?
            if (c.ParentWindowContent != null)
                // If it used to be in a floating mode, then record state change
                if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone.State == State.Floating)

                // Remove the Content from its current WindowContent

            // Create a new Window instance appropriate for hosting a Content object
            Window w = CreateWindowForContent(c);

            ContainerControl destination = null;

            if (newState != State.Floating)
                destination = _container;

            // Create a new Zone capable of hosting a WindowContent
            Zone z = CreateZoneForContent(newState, destination);

            if (newState == State.Floating)
                // Content is not in the docked state
                c.Docked = false;

                // destination a new floating form
                destination = new FloatingForm(this, z, new ContextHandler(OnShowContextMenu));

                // Define its location
                destination.Location = c.DisplayLocation;

                // ...and its size, add the height of the caption bar to the requested content size
                destination.Size = new Size(c.FloatingSize.Width,
                                            c.FloatingSize.Height + SystemInformation.ToolWindowCaptionHeight);

            // Add the Window to the Zone

            if (newState != State.Floating)
                // Set the Zone to be the least important of our Zones



            // Enable generation hiding/hidden/shown events

            // Generate event to indicate content is now visible

            return w as WindowContent;
Esempio n. 10
        internal AutoHidePanel AutoHidePanelForContent(Content c)
            if (_ahpLeft.ContainsContent(c))
                return _ahpLeft;

            if (_ahpRight.ContainsContent(c))
                return _ahpRight;

            if (_ahpTop.ContainsContent(c))
                return _ahpTop;

            if (_ahpBottom.ContainsContent(c))
                return _ahpBottom;

            return null;
Esempio n. 11
        public Window AddContentToZone(Content c, Zone z, int index)
            // Validate the incoming Content instance is a valid reference
            // and is a current instance within our internal collection
            if ((c == null) || !_contents.Contains(c))
                return null;

            // Validate the incoming Zone instance is a valid reference
            if (z == null)
                return null;

            // Do not generate hiding/hidden/shown events

            // Manageing Zones should remove display AutoHide windows

            // Is the window already part of a WindowContent?
            if (c.ParentWindowContent != null)
                // Is there a change in docking state?
                if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone.State != z.State)
                    // If it used to be in a floating mode, then record state change
                    if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone.State == State.Floating)

                // Remove the Content from its current WindowContent
                // If target zone is floating window then we are no longer docked
                if (z.State == State.Floating)
                    c.Docked = false;

            // Create a new WindowContent instance according to our style
            Window w = CreateWindowForContent(c);

            // Add the Window to the Zone at given position
            z.Windows.Insert(index, w);

            // Enable generation hiding/hidden/shown events

            // Generate event to indicate content is now visible

            return w;
Esempio n. 12
        public WindowContentTabbed(DockingManager manager, VisualStyle vs)
            : base(manager, vs)
            _redocker      = null;
            _activeContent = null;

            // Create the TabControl used for viewing the Content windows
            _tabControl = new Magic.Controls.TabControl();

            // It should always occupy the remaining space after all details
            _tabControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            // Show tabs only if two or more tab pages exist
            _tabControl.HideTabsMode = Magic.Controls.TabControl.HideTabsModes.HideUsingLogic;

            // Hook into the TabControl notifications
            _tabControl.GotFocus         += new EventHandler(OnTabControlGotFocus);
            _tabControl.LostFocus        += new EventHandler(OnTabControlLostFocus);
            _tabControl.PageGotFocus     += new EventHandler(OnTabControlGotFocus);
            _tabControl.PageLostFocus    += new EventHandler(OnTabControlLostFocus);
            _tabControl.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnSelectionChanged);
            _tabControl.PageDragStart    += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragStart);
            _tabControl.PageDragMove     += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragMove);
            _tabControl.PageDragEnd      += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragEnd);
            _tabControl.PageDragQuit     += new MouseEventHandler(OnPageDragQuit);
            _tabControl.DoubleClickTab   += new Magic.Controls.TabControl.DoubleClickTabHandler(OnDoubleClickTab);
            _tabControl.Font              = manager.TabControlFont;
            _tabControl.BackColor         = manager.BackColor;
            _tabControl.ForeColor         = manager.InactiveTextColor;

            // Define the visual style required
            _tabControl.Style = vs;

            // Allow developers a chance to override default settings

            switch (vs)
            case VisualStyle.IDE:

            case VisualStyle.Plain:
                // Only the border at the pages edge and not around the whole control
                _tabControl.InsetBorderPagesOnly = !_manager.PlainTabBorder;

                // We want a border around the TabControl so it is indented and looks consistent
                // with the Plain look and feel, so use the helper Control 'BorderForControl'
                BorderForControl bfc = new BorderForControl(_tabControl, _plainBorder);

                // It should always occupy the remaining space after all details
                bfc.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

                // Define the default border border
                bfc.BackColor = _manager.BackColor;

                // When in 'VisualStyle.Plain' we need to

            // Need to hook into message pump so that the ESCAPE key can be
            // intercepted when in redocking mode
Esempio n. 13
 protected virtual void OnContentChanged(Content obj, Content.Property prop)
Esempio n. 14
        public virtual Window CreateWindowForContent(Content c,
            EventHandler contentClose,
            EventHandler restore,
            EventHandler invertAutoHide,
            ContextHandler showContextMenu)
            // Create new instance with correct style
            WindowContent wc = new WindowContentTabbed(this, _visualStyle);

            WindowDetailCaption wdc;

            // Create a style specific caption detail
            if (_visualStyle == VisualStyle.IDE)
                wdc = new WindowDetailCaptionIDE(this, contentClose, restore,
                                                 invertAutoHide, showContextMenu);
                wdc = new WindowDetailCaptionPlain(this, contentClose, restore,
                                                   invertAutoHide, showContextMenu);

            // Add the caption to the window display

            if (c != null)
                // Add provided Content to this instance

            return wc;
Esempio n. 15
        public virtual void HideContent(Content c, bool record, bool reorder)
            // Remove it from view by removing from current WindowContent container
            if (c.Visible)
                // Do not generate hiding/hidden/shown events

                // Manageing Zones should remove display AutoHide windows

                if (record)
                    // Tell the Content to create a new Restore object to record its current location

                if (c.AutoHidden && (c.AutoHidePanel != null))
                    // Remove it from its current AutoHidePanel
                else if ((c.ParentWindowContent != null) && (c.ParentWindowContent.Contents != null))
                    // Remove the Content from its current WindowContent

                if (reorder && (_contents != null))
                    // Move the Content to the start of the list
                    _contents.SetIndex(0, c);


                // Enable generation hiding/hidden/shown events

                // Generate event
 public bool Contains(Content value)
     // Use base class to process actual collection operation
     return base.List.Contains(value as object);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void OnContentChanged(Content obj, Content.Property prop)
            // Find the matching TabPage entry
            foreach (Magic.Controls.TabPage page in _tabControl.TabPages)
                // Does this page manage our Content?
                if (page.Tag == obj)
                    // Property specific processing
                    switch (prop)
                    case Content.Property.Control:
                        page.Control = obj.Control;

                    case Content.Property.Title:
                        page.Title = obj.Title;

                    case Content.Property.FullTitle:
                        // Title changed for the current page?
                        if (_tabControl.SelectedTab == page)
                            // Update displayed caption text

                    case Content.Property.ImageList:
                        page.ImageList = obj.ImageList;

                    case Content.Property.ImageIndex:
                        page.ImageIndex = obj.ImageIndex;

                    case Content.Property.Icon:
                        page.Icon = obj.Icon;

                    case Content.Property.CaptionBar:
                        // Property changed for the current page?
                        if (_tabControl.SelectedTab == page)
                            Content target = page.Tag as Content;

                            // TODO

                    case Content.Property.CloseButton:
                        // Property changed for the current page?
                        if (_tabControl.SelectedTab == page)
                            Content target = page.Tag as Content;


                    case Content.Property.HideButton:
                        // Property changed for the current page?
                        if (_tabControl.SelectedTab == page)
                            Content target = page.Tag as Content;


        protected virtual void InitializeDockingControls( )
            //	Create the docking manager
            m_DockingManager = new DockingManager( this, VisualStyle.IDE );
            m_DockingManager.InnerControl = display;
            m_DockingManager.OuterControl = statusStrip;

            //	Add log, property editor, and edit mode controls to the docking manager
            m_LogDisplayContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( m_LogDisplay, "Log" );
            m_PropertyEditorContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( new ObjectPropertyEditor( ), "Property Editor" );
            m_SelectionContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( new SelectionControl( ), "Selection" );

            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_LogDisplayContent, State.DockBottom );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_SelectionContent, State.DockRight );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentWithState( m_PropertyEditorContent, State.DockLeft );

            m_EditModesContent = m_DockingManager.Contents.Add( new EditModesControl( ), Resources.EditModes );
            m_DockingManager.AddContentToZone( m_EditModesContent, m_SelectionContent.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone, 0 );
 public void AddRange(Content[] values)
     // Use existing method to add each array entry
     foreach(Content page in values)
 public void Remove(Content value)
     // Use base class to process actual collection operation
     base.List.Remove(value as object);
 public void Insert(int index, Content value)
     // Use base class to process actual collection operation
     base.List.Insert(index, value as object);
 public int IndexOf(Content value)
     // Find the 0 based index of the requested entry
     return base.List.IndexOf(value);
Esempio n. 23
        public void BringAutoHideIntoView(Content c)
            if (_ahpLeft.ContainsContent(c))

            if (_ahpRight.ContainsContent(c))

            if (_ahpTop.ContainsContent(c))

            if (_ahpBottom.ContainsContent(c))
Esempio n. 24
        public virtual bool OnContentHiding(Content c)
            CancelEventArgs cea = new CancelEventArgs();

            if (_surpressVisibleEvents == 0)
                // Allow user to prevent hide operation
                if (ContentHiding != null)
                    ContentHiding(c, cea);

            // Was action cancelled?
            return cea.Cancel;
Esempio n. 25
 public virtual Window CreateWindowForContent(Content c)
     return CreateWindowForContent(c, new EventHandler(OnContentClose),
                                      new EventHandler(OnRestore),
                                      new EventHandler(OnInvertAutoHide),
                                      new ContextHandler(OnShowContextMenu));
Esempio n. 26
 public virtual void OnContentShown(Content c)
     if (_surpressVisibleEvents == 0)
         // Notify operation has completed
         if (ContentShown != null)
             ContentShown(c, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 27
 public virtual void HideContent(Content c)
     HideContent(c, true, true);
Esempio n. 28
        public virtual bool ShowContent(Content c)
            // Validate the incoming Content instance is a valid reference
            // and is a current instance within our internal collection
            if ((c == null) || !_contents.Contains(c))
                return false;

            // Remove it from view by removing from current WindowContent container
            if (!c.Visible)
                // Do not generate hiding/hidden/shown events

                // Manageing Zones should remove display AutoHide windows

                // Use the assigned restore object to position the Content appropriately
                if (c.Docked)
                    if (c.AutoHidden && (c.AutoHideRestore != null))
                    else if (c.DockingRestore != null)
                else if (c.FloatingRestore != null)

                // Enable generation hiding/hidden/shown events

                // Generate event

                return true;
                return false;
Esempio n. 29
        public WindowContent InsertContentIntoWindowContent(int pos, Content c, WindowContent wc)
            // Validate the incoming Content instance is a valid reference
            // and is a current instance within our internal collection
            if ((c == null) || !_contents.Contains(c))
                return null;

            // Validate the incoming WindowContent instance is a valid reference
            if (wc == null)
                return null;

            // Is Content already part of given Window then nothing to do
            if (c.ParentWindowContent == wc)
                return wc;
                bool valid = true;

                // Do not generate hiding/hidden/shown events

                // Manageing Zones should remove display AutoHide windows

                if (c.ParentWindowContent != null)
                    // Is there a change in docking state?
                    if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone.State != wc.ParentZone.State)
                        // If it used to be in a floating mode, then record state change
                        if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone.State == State.Floating)

                    // Remove the Content from its current WindowContent
                    // If a window content is in AutoHide then it will not have a parent zone
                    if (wc.ParentZone != null)
                        // If adding to a floating window then it is not docked
                        if (wc.ParentZone.State == State.Floating)
                            c.Docked = false;
                        // Cannot dynamically add into an autohide parent
                        valid = false;

                if (valid)
                    // Add the existing Content to this instance
                    wc.Contents.Insert(pos, c);

                // Enable generation hiding/hidden/shown events

                if (valid)
                    // Generate event to indicate content is now visible

                return wc;
Esempio n. 30
        public virtual bool ToggleContentAutoHide(Content c)
            // Content must be visible
            if (!c.Visible)
                return false;

            // Content is not allows to be floating
            // (if visible then content must have a valiud ParentWindowContent)
            if (c.ParentWindowContent.State == State.Floating)
                return false;

            // Is the content currently in auto hide mode?
            if (c.ParentWindowContent.ParentZone == null)
                // Find the hosting panel for the window content instance
                AutoHidePanel ahp = AutoHidePanelForState(c.ParentWindowContent.State);

                // Ask the panel to un-autohide
                ahp.InvertAutoHideWindowContent(c.ParentWindowContent as WindowContentTabbed);
                // No, so inform the window content to become auto hidden now

            // Success!
            return true;
Esempio n. 31
        private void AddDocking()
            _dockingManager = new DockingManager(this, VisualStyle.IDE);
            _dockingManager.InnerControl = pnlBody;
            _dockingManager.OuterControl = tBarMain;
            Content ouBar = new Content(_dockingManager);

            ouBar.Title = "Navigation";
            ouBar.FullTitle = "Navigation";
            ouBar.CaptionBar = true;
            ouBar.CloseButton = false;
            ouBar.DisplaySize = new Size(100, 410);
            ouBar.Control = pnlNavBar;
            ouBar.ImageList = imlMain;
            ouBar.ImageIndex = 3;

            _dockingManager.AddContentWithState(ouBar, State.DockLeft);
Esempio n. 32
 public virtual void BringContentToFront(Content c)