Esempio n. 1
        private void LateUpdate()
            // We don't run in "prefab scenes", i.e. when editing a prefab. Bail out if prefab scene is detected.
            if (PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() != null)

            if (OceanRenderer.Instance == null || !ShowEffect())
                _rend.enabled = false;

            // Pass true in last arg for a crap reason - in edit mode LateUpdate can be called very frequently, and the height sampler mistakenly thinks
            // this is erroneous and complains.
            _sampleWaterHeight.Init(transform.position, 0f, true);
            _sampleWaterHeight.Sample(out var waterHeight);

            float heightOffset = transform.position.y - waterHeight;

            // Disable skirt when camera not close to water. In the first few frames collision may not be avail, in that case no choice
            // but to assume enabled. In the future this could detect if camera is far enough under water, render a simple quad to avoid
            // finding the intersection line.
            _rend.enabled = heightOffset < _maxHeightAboveWater;

            if (_rend.enabled)
                // Only execute when playing to stop CopyPropertiesFromMaterial from corrupting and breaking the material.
                if (!isMeniscus && _copyParamsEachFrame)

                // Assign lod0 shape - trivial but bound every frame because lod transform comes from here
                if (_mpb == null)
                    _mpb = new PropertyWrapperMPB();

                // Underwater rendering uses displacements for intersecting the waves with the near plane, and ocean depth/shadows for ScatterColour()
                _mpb.SetInt(LodDataMgr.sp_LD_SliceIndex, 0);


                _mpb.SetFloat(sp_HeightOffset, heightOffset);

Esempio n. 2
        protected override void SetAdditionalSimParams(IPropertyWrapper simMaterial)

            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_Damping, Settings._damping);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_Gravity, OceanRenderer.Instance.Gravity * Settings._gravityMultiplier);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_CourantNumber, Settings._courantNumber);

            // assign sea floor depth - to slot 1 current frame data. minor bug here - this depth will actually be from the previous frame,
            // because the depth is scheduled to render just before the animated waves, and this sim happens before animated waves.
        protected override void SetAdditionalSimParams(IPropertyWrapper simMaterial)

            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_Damping, Settings._damping);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_Gravity, OceanRenderer.Instance.Gravity * Settings._gravityMultiplier);

            float laplacianKernelAngle = _rotateLaplacian ? Mathf.PI * 2f * Random.value : 0f;

            simMaterial.SetVector(sp_LaplacianAxisX, new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(laplacianKernelAngle), Mathf.Sin(laplacianKernelAngle)));

            // assign sea floor depth - to slot 1 current frame data. minor bug here - this depth will actually be from the previous frame,
            // because the depth is scheduled to render just before the animated waves, and this sim happens before animated waves.
        protected override void SetAdditionalSimParams(IPropertyWrapper simMaterial)

            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_FoamFadeRate, Settings._foamFadeRate);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_WaveFoamStrength, Settings._waveFoamStrength);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_WaveFoamCoverage, Settings._waveFoamCoverage);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_ShorelineFoamMaxDepth, Settings._shorelineFoamMaxDepth);
            simMaterial.SetFloat(sp_ShorelineFoamStrength, Settings._shorelineFoamStrength);

            // assign animated waves - to slot 1 current frame data

            // assign sea floor depth - to slot 1 current frame data

            // assign flow - to slot 1 current frame data
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes Gerstner params for a set of waves, for the given lod idx. Writes shader data to the given property.
        /// Returns number of wave components rendered in this batch.
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateBatch(int lodIdx, int firstComponent, int lastComponentNonInc, GerstnerBatch batch)
            batch.HasWaves = false;

            int numComponents = lastComponentNonInc - firstComponent;
            int numInBatch    = 0;
            int dropped       = 0;

            float twopi        = 2f * Mathf.PI;
            float one_over_2pi = 1f / twopi;

            // register any nonzero components
            for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
                float wl = _wavelengths[firstComponent + i];

                // compute amp - contains logic for shifting wave components between last two LODs...
                float amp = _amplitudes[firstComponent + i];

                if (amp >= 0.001f)
                    if (numInBatch < BATCH_SIZE)
                        int vi = numInBatch / 4;
                        int ei = numInBatch - vi * 4;

                        UpdateBatchScratchData._twoPiOverWavelengthsBatch[vi][ei] = 2f * Mathf.PI / wl;
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._ampsBatch[vi][ei] = amp;

                        float chopScale = _spectrum._chopScales[(firstComponent + i) / _componentsPerOctave];
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._chopAmpsBatch[vi][ei] = -chopScale * _spectrum._chop * amp;

                        float angle = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (_windDirectionAngle + _angleDegs[firstComponent + i]);
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirXBatch[vi][ei] = Mathf.Cos(angle);
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirZBatch[vi][ei] = Mathf.Sin(angle);

                        // It used to be this, but I'm pushing all the stuff that doesn't depend on position into the phase.
                        //half4 angle = k * (C * _CrestTime + x) + _Phases[vi];
                        float gravityScale = _spectrum._gravityScales[(firstComponent + i) / _componentsPerOctave];
                        float gravity      = OceanRenderer.Instance.Gravity * _spectrum._gravityScale;
                        float C            = Mathf.Sqrt(wl * gravity * gravityScale * one_over_2pi);
                        float k            = twopi / wl;
                        // Repeat every 2pi to keep angle bounded - helps precision on 16bit platforms
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._phasesBatch[vi][ei] = Mathf.Repeat(_phases[firstComponent + i] + k * C * OceanRenderer.Instance.CurrentTime, Mathf.PI * 2f);


            if (dropped > 0)
                Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Gerstner LOD{0}: Batch limit reached, dropped {1} wavelengths. To support bigger batch sizes, see the comment around the BATCH_SIZE declaration.", lodIdx, dropped), this);
                numComponents = BATCH_SIZE;

            if (numInBatch == 0)
                // no waves to draw - abort

            // if we did not fill the batch, put a terminator signal after the last position
            if (numInBatch < BATCH_SIZE)
                int vi_last = numInBatch / 4;
                int ei_last = numInBatch - vi_last * 4;

                for (int vi = vi_last; vi < BATCH_SIZE / 4; vi++)
                    for (int ei = ei_last; ei < 4; ei++)
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._twoPiOverWavelengthsBatch[vi][ei] = 1f; // wary of NaNs
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._ampsBatch[vi][ei]     = 0f;
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirXBatch[vi][ei] = 0f;
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirZBatch[vi][ei] = 0f;
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._phasesBatch[vi][ei]   = 0f;
                        UpdateBatchScratchData._chopAmpsBatch[vi][ei] = 0f;

                    ei_last = 0;

            // apply the data to the shape property
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                var mat = batch.GetMaterial(i);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_TwoPiOverWavelengths, UpdateBatchScratchData._twoPiOverWavelengthsBatch);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_Amplitudes, UpdateBatchScratchData._ampsBatch);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_WaveDirX, UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirXBatch);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_WaveDirZ, UpdateBatchScratchData._waveDirZBatch);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_Phases, UpdateBatchScratchData._phasesBatch);
                mat.SetVectorArray(sp_ChopAmps, UpdateBatchScratchData._chopAmpsBatch);
                mat.SetFloat(sp_NumInBatch, numInBatch);
                mat.SetFloat(LodDataMgrAnimWaves.sp_AttenuationInShallows, OceanRenderer.Instance._lodDataAnimWaves.Settings.AttenuationInShallows);

                int numVecs = (numInBatch + 3) / 4;
                mat.SetInt(sp_NumWaveVecs, numVecs);
                mat.SetInt(LodDataMgr.sp_LD_SliceIndex, lodIdx - i);


                if (_directTowardsPoint)
                    mat.SetVector(sp_TargetPointData, new Vector4(_pointPositionXZ.x, _pointPositionXZ.y, _pointRadii.x, _pointRadii.y));

            batch.HasWaves = true;
        internal static void UpdatePostProcessMaterial(
            RenderTexture source,
            Camera camera,
            PropertyWrapperMaterial underwaterPostProcessMaterialWrapper,
            UnderwaterSphericalHarmonicsData sphericalHarmonicsData,
            bool isMeniscusEnabled,
            bool copyParamsFromOceanMaterial,
            bool debugViewPostProcessMask,
            float horizonSafetyMarginMultiplier,
            float farPlaneMultiplier,
            int dataSliceOffset
            Material underwaterPostProcessMaterial = underwaterPostProcessMaterialWrapper.material;

            if (copyParamsFromOceanMaterial)
                // Measured this at approx 0.05ms on dell laptop

            // Enable/Disable meniscus.
            if (isMeniscusEnabled)

            // Enabling/disabling keywords each frame don't seem to have large measurable overhead
            if (debugViewPostProcessMask)

            underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetFloat(LodDataMgr.sp_LD_SliceIndex, 0);
            underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetVector(sp_InstanceData, new Vector4(OceanRenderer.Instance.ViewerAltitudeLevelAlpha, 0f, 0f, OceanRenderer.Instance.CurrentLodCount));


            float seaLevel = OceanRenderer.Instance.SeaLevel;

                // We only apply the horizon safety margin multiplier to horizon if and only if
                // concrete height of the camera relative to the water and the height of the camera
                // relative to the sea-level are the same. This ensures that in incredibly turbulent
                // water - if in doubt - use the neutral horizon.
                float seaLevelHeightDifference = camera.transform.position.y - seaLevel;
                if (seaLevelHeightDifference >= 0.0f ^ OceanRenderer.Instance.ViewerHeightAboveWater >= 0.0f)
                    horizonSafetyMarginMultiplier = 0.0f;
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetFloat(sp_OceanHeight, seaLevel);
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetInt(sp_DataSliceOffset, dataSliceOffset);

                float maxOceanVerticalDisplacement = OceanRenderer.Instance.MaxVertDisplacement * 0.5f;
                float cameraYPosition = camera.transform.position.y;
                float nearPlaneFrustumWorldHeight;
                    float current = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, camera.nearClipPlane)).y;
                    float maxY = current, minY = current;

                    current = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, 1f, camera.nearClipPlane)).y;
                    maxY    = Mathf.Max(maxY, current);
                    minY    = Mathf.Min(minY, current);

                    current = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 0f, camera.nearClipPlane)).y;
                    maxY    = Mathf.Max(maxY, current);
                    minY    = Mathf.Min(minY, current);

                    current = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1f, 1f, camera.nearClipPlane)).y;
                    maxY    = Mathf.Max(maxY, current);
                    minY    = Mathf.Min(minY, current);

                    nearPlaneFrustumWorldHeight = maxY - minY;
                // We don't both setting the horizon value if we know we are going to be having to apply the post-processing
                // effect full-screen anyway.
                bool forceFullShader = (cameraYPosition + nearPlaneFrustumWorldHeight + maxOceanVerticalDisplacement) <= seaLevel;
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetFloat(sp_OceanHeight, seaLevel);
                if (forceFullShader)

            // Have to set these explicitly as the built-in transforms aren't in world-space for the blit function
            if (XRHelpers.IsSinglePass)

                Matrix4x4 cameraProjectionMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix;

                camera.projectionMatrix = XRHelpers.LeftEyeProjectionMatrix;

                var inverseViewProjectionMatrix = (XRHelpers.LeftEyeProjectionMatrix * camera.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse;
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetMatrix(sp_InvViewProjection, inverseViewProjectionMatrix);

                    GetHorizonPosNormal(camera, Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye.Left, seaLevel, horizonSafetyMarginMultiplier, farPlaneMultiplier, out Vector2 pos, out Vector2 normal);
                    underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetVector(sp_HorizonPosNormal, new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, normal.x, normal.y));

                camera.projectionMatrix = XRHelpers.RightEyeProjectionMatrix;

                var inverseViewProjectionMatrixRightEye = (XRHelpers.RightEyeProjectionMatrix * camera.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse;
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetMatrix(sp_InvViewProjectionRight, inverseViewProjectionMatrixRightEye);

                    GetHorizonPosNormal(camera, Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye.Right, seaLevel, horizonSafetyMarginMultiplier, farPlaneMultiplier, out Vector2 pos, out Vector2 normal);
                    underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetVector(sp_HorizonPosNormalRight, new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, normal.x, normal.y));

                // Revert to original matrix. Not sure if we need to do this.
                camera.projectionMatrix = cameraProjectionMatrix;
                if (XRHelpers.IsNewSDKRunning)

                var inverseViewProjectionMatrix = (camera.projectionMatrix * camera.worldToCameraMatrix).inverse;
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetMatrix(sp_InvViewProjection, inverseViewProjectionMatrix);

                    GetHorizonPosNormal(camera, Camera.MonoOrStereoscopicEye.Mono, seaLevel, horizonSafetyMarginMultiplier, farPlaneMultiplier, out Vector2 pos, out Vector2 normal);
                    underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetVector(sp_HorizonPosNormal, new Vector4(pos.x, pos.y, normal.x, normal.y));

            // Not sure why we need to do this - blit should set it...?
            underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetTexture(sp_MainTex, source);

            // Compute ambient lighting SH
                // We could pass in a renderer which would prime this lookup. However it doesnt make sense to use an existing render
                // at different position, as this would then thrash it and negate the priming functionality. We could create a dummy invis GO
                // with a dummy Renderer which might be enoguh, but this is hacky enough that we'll wait for it to become a problem
                // rather than add a pre-emptive hack.

                UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Underwater sample spherical harmonics");

                LightProbes.GetInterpolatedProbe(OceanRenderer.Instance.ViewCamera.transform.position, null, out SphericalHarmonicsL2 sphericalHarmonicsL2);
                sphericalHarmonicsL2.Evaluate(sphericalHarmonicsData._shDirections, sphericalHarmonicsData._ambientLighting);
                underwaterPostProcessMaterial.SetVector(sp_AmbientLighting, sphericalHarmonicsData._ambientLighting[0]);
