Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary> Assert from the right side is always going to be from an Alpha node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            // Get the memory for the node
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));

            rightmem.addPartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            bool zm = rightmem.zeroMatch(inx);
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    if (!zm)
                            propogateRetract(linx, engine, mem);
                        catch (RetractException e)
                            throw new AssertException("NotJion - " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> Retract from the right works in the following order.
        /// 1. Remove the fact from the right memory
        /// 2. check which left memory matched
        /// 3. propogate the retract
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void retractRight(IFact rfact, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getRightBindValues(binds, rfact));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            // first we Remove the fact from the right
            rightmem.removePartialMatch(inx, rfact);
            bool zm = rightmem.zeroMatch(inx);
            // now we see the left memory matched and Remove it also
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);
            IEnumerator itr = leftmem.Values.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                Index linx = (Index)itr.Current;
                if (evaluate(linx.Facts, rfact))
                    if (zm)
                            propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);
                        catch (AssertException e)
                            throw new RetractException("NotJion - " + e.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary> assertLeft takes an array of facts. Since the Current join may be
        /// joining against one or more objects, we need to pass all
        /// previously matched facts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="">factInstance
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="">engine
        /// </param>
        public override void assertLeft(Index linx, Rete engine, IWorkingMemory mem)
            IGenericMap <Object, Object> leftmem = (IGenericMap <Object, Object>)mem.getBetaLeftMemory(this);

            leftmem.Put(linx, linx);
            // need to think the getLeftValues through better to
            // account for cases when a join has no bindings
            NotEqHashIndex       inx      = new NotEqHashIndex(NodeUtils.getLeftBindValues(binds, linx.Facts));
            HashedNeqAlphaMemory rightmem = (HashedNeqAlphaMemory)mem.getBetaRightMemory(this);

            if (rightmem.zeroMatch(inx))
                propogateAssert(linx, engine, mem);