Esempio n. 1
        private void SearchLocationList(SearchInfo siSearch)
            // Search each location in the list and append the results to our output HTML document
            siSearch.HTMLSearchResults = "";
            siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<table width=\"100%\">\r\n";
            foreach (LocationInfo liLocation in siSearch.Locations)
                // Get the search result list for this location
                siSearch.CurrentLocationName = liLocation.State.ToUpper() + ": " + liLocation.City.ToUpper();
                ArrayList alResults = SearchLocation(liLocation);

                // Stop if the user has requested us to do so
                if (m_bUserStopRequested)

                // Stop if we are having connection issues after multiple attempts (this is set in SearchLocation())
                if (m_bConnectionTimeoutError)

                // If no results were found at this location, skip the output logic.
                if (alResults.Count == 0)

                // Output the city/state/result count header for this location
                siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><h4 class=\"ban\" style=\"text-align:left;\"><a href=\"" + liLocation.URL + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + liLocation.State.ToUpper() + ": " + liLocation.City.ToUpper() + "</a>: " + alResults.Count.ToString() + " item(s)</h4></td></tr>\r\n";

                // Output the result lines
                foreach (SearchResultInfo srResult in alResults)
                    siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<tr>";
                    siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<td width=\"5%\" nowrap>" + srResult.Date + "</td>";
                    siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<td><a href=\"" + srResult.URL + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + srResult.Title + "</a></td>";
                    siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "</tr>\r\n";
                siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>\r\n";

            siSearch.HTMLSearchResults += "</table>\r\n";

            // Signal to the UI thread that we're done
            siSearch.SearchCompleted = true;
Esempio n. 2
        private void menuSearchStart_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Display the config dialog and let the user set up the search parameters
            ConfigDialog dlgConfig = new ConfigDialog(m_alAllLocations, m_alAllCategories, m_alAllSubcategories);
            DialogResult drResult = dlgConfig.ShowDialog();
            if (drResult == DialogResult.Cancel)

            // Set up variables used to communicate with the search threads
            m_bSearchInProgress = true;
            m_bConnectionTimeoutError = false;
            m_bSearchCompleted = false;
            m_bUserStopRequested = false;
            m_sHTMLSearchResults = "";

            // We will start multiple search threads here and assign each one to its own range of the location list
            int iMaxLocationsPerThread = m_alAllLocations.Count / m_iMaxThreads;
            int iLocationIndexAll = 0;
            for (int iThreadIndex = 0; iThreadIndex < m_iMaxThreads; iThreadIndex++)
                m_asiSearchList[iThreadIndex] = new SearchInfo();
                for (int i = 0; i < iMaxLocationsPerThread; i++)
                    if (iLocationIndexAll < m_alAllLocations.Count)

                Thread thread = new Thread(StartSearchThread);