Esempio n. 1
 public static bool NameExists(string newName)
     using (ApplicationDataContext context = new ApplicationDataContext())
         var currentApp = context.Applications
                          .Where(app => app.Name.ToLower() == newName.ToLower())
         return(currentApp != null);
Esempio n. 2
 public static int CountRows(DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, TraceEventType?type, string appName)
     using (ApplicationDataContext dataContext = new ApplicationDataContext())
         var pred = CreatePredicate(dataContext, fromDate, toDate, type, appName);
                .Select(le => le.LogDate)
Esempio n. 3
 public static int CountRows(DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, string provider, string operation)
     using (ApplicationDataContext dataContext = new ApplicationDataContext())
         var pred = CreatePredicate(dataContext, fromDate, toDate, provider, operation);
                .Select(le => le.CallTime)
Esempio n. 4
 public static decimal SumCost(DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, string provider, string operation)
     using (ApplicationDataContext dataContext = new ApplicationDataContext())
         var pred = CreatePredicate(dataContext, fromDate, toDate, provider, operation);
         var ret  = dataContext.DataProviderCalls
                    .Select(le => le.Cost);
         var s = ret.ToArray();
Esempio n. 5
        public static List <DataProviderCall> LoadByPage(DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, string provider, string operation, int startRow, int pageSize)
            using (ApplicationDataContext dataContext = new ApplicationDataContext())
                var pred = CreatePredicate(dataContext, fromDate, toDate, provider, operation);

                // Read records
                var ret = dataContext.DataProviderCalls
                          .OrderByDescending(dpc => dpc.CallTime)

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the LogEntry objects as requested
        /// Makes dummy calls to Application and LogType properties to allow accessing them without the source data context object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startRow">Zero based start row number</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <returns>The found LogEntry objects</returns>
        public static List <LogEntry> LoadByPage(DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, TraceEventType?type, string appName, int startRow, int pageSize)
            using (ApplicationDataContext dataContext = new ApplicationDataContext())
                var loadOptions = new DataLoadOptions();
                loadOptions.LoadWith <LogEntry>(le => le.LogType);
                loadOptions.LoadWith <LogEntry>(le => le.Application);
                dataContext.LoadOptions = loadOptions;

                var pred = CreatePredicate(dataContext, fromDate, toDate, type, appName);

                // Read records
                var ret = dataContext.LogEntries
                          .OrderByDescending(le => le.LogDate)

Esempio n. 7
        public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <DataProviderCall, bool> > CreatePredicate(ApplicationDataContext dataContext, DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, string provider, string operation)
            var pred = CprBroker.Utilities.PredicateBuilder.True <DataProviderCall>();

            if (toDate.HasValue && toDate.Value < fromDate)
                var tmp = fromDate;
                fromDate = toDate.Value;
                toDate   = tmp;

            // By date
            pred = pred.And(dpc => dpc.CallTime >= fromDate);
            if (toDate.HasValue)
                pred = pred.And(dpc => dpc.CallTime < toDate.Value.AddDays(1));

            // Byte type
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(provider))
                pred = pred.And(dpc => dpc.DataProviderType == provider);

            // By operation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operation))
                pred = pred.And(dpc => dpc.Operation == operation);
Esempio n. 8
        public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <LogEntry, bool> > CreatePredicate(ApplicationDataContext dataContext, DateTime fromDate, DateTime?toDate, TraceEventType?type, string appName)
            var pred = CprBroker.Utilities.PredicateBuilder.True <LogEntry>();

            if (toDate.HasValue && toDate.Value < fromDate)
                var tmp = fromDate;
                fromDate = toDate.Value;
                toDate   = tmp;
            // By date
            pred = pred.And(le => le.LogDate >= fromDate);
            if (toDate.HasValue)
                pred = pred.And(le => le.LogDate < toDate.Value.AddDays(1));

            // Byte type
            if (type.HasValue)
                pred = pred.And(le => le.LogTypeId == (int)type.Value);

            // By app
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appName))
                var appId = dataContext.Applications.Where(app => app.Name == appName).Select(app => app.ApplicationId).FirstOrDefault();
                pred = pred.And(le => le.ApplicationId == appId);