/// <summary>Inserts the _id, _rev and _attachments properties into the JSON data and stores it in rev.
        ///     </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Inserts the _id, _rev and _attachments properties into the JSON data and stores it in rev.
        /// Rev must already have its revID and sequence properties set.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void ExpandStoredJSONIntoRevisionWithAttachments(IEnumerable<Byte> json, RevisionInternal rev, DocumentContentOptions contentOptions)
            var extra = ExtraPropertiesForRevision(rev, contentOptions);

            if (json != null && json.Any())
                rev.SetJson(AppendDictToJSON(json, extra));
                if (json == null)
Esempio n. 2
		public void ExpandStoredJSONIntoRevisionWithAttachments(byte[] json, RevisionInternal
			 rev, EnumSet<Database.TDContentOptions> contentOptions)
			IDictionary<string, object> extra = ExtraPropertiesForRevision(rev, contentOptions
			if (json != null)
				rev.SetJson(AppendDictToJSON(json, extra));
            private void ImportDoc(string docID, long docNumericID)
                // CREATE TABLE revs (
                //  sequence INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                //  doc_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES docs(doc_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
                //  revid TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE REVID,
                //  parent INTEGER REFERENCES revs(sequence) ON DELETE SET NULL,
                //  current BOOLEAN,
                //  deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,
                //  json BLOB,
                //  no_attachments BOOLEAN,
                //  UNIQUE (doc_id, revid) );
                sqlite3_stmt revQuery = null;
                PrepareSQL(ref revQuery, "SELECT sequence, revid, parent, current, deleted, json" +
                                " FROM revs WHERE doc_id=? ORDER BY sequence");

                raw.sqlite3_bind_int64(revQuery, 1, docNumericID);

                var tree = new Dictionary<long, IList<object>>();

                int err;
                while (raw.SQLITE_ROW == (err = raw.sqlite3_step(revQuery))) {
                    long sequence = raw.sqlite3_column_int64(revQuery, 0);
                    string revID = raw.sqlite3_column_text(revQuery, 1);
                    long parentSeq = raw.sqlite3_column_int64(revQuery, 2);
                    bool current = raw.sqlite3_column_int(revQuery, 3) != 0;

                    if (current) {
                        // Add a leaf revision:
                        bool deleted = raw.sqlite3_column_int(revQuery, 4) != 0;
                        IEnumerable<byte> json = raw.sqlite3_column_blob(revQuery, 5);
                        if (json == null) {
                            json = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{}");

                        var nuJson = new List<byte>(json);
                        try {
                            AddAttachmentsToSequence(sequence, nuJson);
                        } catch(CouchbaseLiteException) {
                            Log.W(TAG, "Failed to add attachments to sequence {0}", sequence);
                        } catch(Exception e) {
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(String.Format(
                                "Error adding attachments to sequence {0}", sequence), e) { Code = StatusCode.DbError };

                        json = nuJson;
                        RevisionInternal rev = new RevisionInternal(docID, revID, deleted);

                        var history = new List<string>();
                        while (parentSeq > 0) {
                            var ancestor = tree.Get(parentSeq);
                            Debug.Assert(ancestor != null, String.Format("Couldn't find parent sequence of {0} (doc {1})", parentSeq, docID));
                            parentSeq = (long)ancestor[1];

                        Log.D(TAG, "Upgrading doc {0} history {1}", rev, Manager.GetObjectMapper().WriteValueAsString(history));
                        try {
                            _db.ForceInsert(rev, history, null);
                        } catch (CouchbaseLiteException) {
                            Log.W(TAG, "Failed to insert revision {0} into target database", rev);
                        } catch(Exception e) {
                            throw new CouchbaseLiteException(String.Format(
                                "Error inserting revision {0} into target database", rev), e) { Code = StatusCode.Exception };

                    } else {
                        tree[sequence] = new List<object> { revID, parentSeq };

                if (err != raw.SQLITE_OK) {
                    var s = SqliteErrToStatus(err);
                    if (s.IsError) {
                        throw new CouchbaseLiteException(s.Code);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>Inserts the _id, _rev and _attachments properties into the JSON data and stores it in rev.
        ///     </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Inserts the _id, _rev and _attachments properties into the JSON data and stores it in rev.
        /// Rev must already have its revID and sequence properties set.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void ExpandStoredJSONIntoRevisionWithAttachments(IEnumerable<Byte> json, RevisionInternal rev, EnumSet<TDContentOptions> contentOptions)
            var extra = ExtraPropertiesForRevision(rev, contentOptions);

            if (json != null)
                rev.SetJson(AppendDictToJSON(json, extra));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <exception cref="Couchbase.Lite.CouchbaseLiteException"></exception>       
        internal SavedRevision PutProperties(IDictionary<String, Object> properties, String prevID, Boolean allowConflict)
            string newId = null;
            if (properties != null && properties.ContainsKey("_id"))
                newId = (string)properties.Get("_id");
			if (newId != null && !newId.Equals(Id, StringCompare.IgnoreCase))
                Log.W(Database.Tag, String.Format("Trying to put wrong _id to this: {0} properties: {1}", this, properties)); // TODO: Make sure all string formats use .NET codes, and not Java.

            // Process _attachments dict, converting CBLAttachments to dicts:
            IDictionary<string, object> attachments = null;
            if (properties != null && properties.ContainsKey("_attachments"))
                attachments = (IDictionary<string, object>)properties.Get("_attachments");
            if (attachments != null && attachments.Count > 0)
                var updatedAttachments = Attachment.InstallAttachmentBodies(attachments, Database);
                properties["_attachments"] = updatedAttachments;

            var hasTrueDeletedProperty = false;
            if (properties != null)
                hasTrueDeletedProperty = properties.Get("_deleted") != null && ((bool)properties.Get("_deleted"));

            var deleted = (properties == null) || hasTrueDeletedProperty;
            var rev = new RevisionInternal(Id, null, deleted, Database);
            if (deleted)
            if (properties != null)

            var newRev = Database.PutRevision(rev, prevID, allowConflict);
            if (newRev == null)
                return null;
            return new SavedRevision(this, newRev);