Esempio n. 1
        public static RC CallConnect(Parse parse, Table table)
            Debug.Assert(table != null);
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            if ((table.TabFlags & TF.Virtual) == 0 || GetVTable(ctx, table) != null)

            // Locate the required virtual table module
            string      moduleName = table.ModuleArgs[0];
            TableModule module     = (TableModule)ctx.Modules.Find(moduleName, moduleName.Length, (TableModule)null);

            if (module == null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("no such module: %s", moduleName);

            string error = null;
            RC     rc    = VTableCallConstructor(ctx, table, module, module.IModule.Connect, ref error);

            if (rc != RC.OK)
                parse.ErrorMsg("%s", error);
            C._tagfree(ctx, ref error);
Esempio n. 2
        public bool FixSrcList(SrcList list)
            if (NEVER(list == null))
            string db = DB;
            int    i;

            SrcList.SrcListItem item;
            for (i = 0; i < list.Srcs; i++)
                item = list.Ids[i];
                if (item.Database != null && !string.Equals(item.Database, db, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Parse.ErrorMsg("%s %T cannot reference objects in database %s", Type, Name, item.Database);
                item.Database = null;
                item.Schema   = Schema;
                if (FixSelect(item.Select) || FixExpr(item.On))
Esempio n. 3
        public static bool ResolveOrderGroupBy(Parse parse, Select select, ExprList orderBy, string type)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            if (orderBy == null || parse.Ctx.MallocFailed)
            if (orderBy.Exprs > ctx.Limits[(int)LIMIT.COLUMN])
                parse.ErrorMsg("too many terms in %s BY clause", type);
            ExprList list = select.EList;
            Debug.Assert(list != null); // sqlite3SelectNew() guarantees this
            int i;
            ExprList.ExprListItem item;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                item = orderBy.Ids[i];
                if (item.OrderByCol != null)
                    if (item.OrderByCol > list.Exprs)
                        ResolveOutOfRangeError(parse, type, i + 1, list.Exprs);
                    ResolveAlias(parse, list, item.OrderByCol - 1, item.Expr, type);
Esempio n. 4
        public static ARC Check(Parse parse, AUTH code, string arg1, string arg2, string arg3)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            // Don't do any authorization checks if the database is initialising or if the parser is being invoked from within sqlite3_declare_vtab.
            if (ctx.Init.Busy || E.INDECLARE_VTABLE(parse))

            if (ctx.Auth == null)
            ARC rc = ctx.Auth(ctx.AuthArg, code, arg1, arg2, arg3, parse.AuthContext);

            if (rc == ARC.DENY)
                parse.ErrorMsg("not authorized");
                parse.RC = RC.AUTH;
            else if (rc != ARC.OK && rc != ARC.IGNORE)
                rc = ARC.DENY;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void DropTrigger(Parse parse, SrcList name, int noErr)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

            if (ctx.MallocFailed || parse.ReadSchema(parse) != RC.OK)
                goto drop_trigger_cleanup;

            Debug.Assert(name.Srcs == 1);
            string dbName       = name.Ids[0].Database;
            string nameAsString = name.Ids[0].Name;
            int    nameLength   = nameAsString.Length;

            Debug.Assert(dbName != null || Btree.HoldsAllMutexes(ctx));
            Trigger trigger = null;

            for (int i = E.OMIT_TEMPDB; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                int j = (i < 2 ? i ^ 1 : i); // Search TEMP before MAIN
                if (dbName != null && !string.Equals(ctx.DBs[j].Name, dbName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, j, null));
                trigger = ctx.DBs[j].Schema.TriggerHash.Find(nameAsString, nameLength, (Trigger)null);
                if (trigger != null)
            if (trigger == null)
                if (noErr == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("no such trigger: %S", name, 0);
                parse.CheckSchema = true;
                goto drop_trigger_cleanup;
            DropTriggerPtr(parse, trigger);

            SrcListDelete(ctx, ref name);
Esempio n. 6
        public static ARC ReadColumn(Parse parse, string table, string column, int db)
            Context ctx    = parse.Ctx;                                                                       // Database handle
            string  dbName = ctx.DBs[db].Name;                                                                // Name of attached database
            ARC     rc     = ctx.Auth(ctx.AuthArg, (int)AUTH.READ, table, column, dbName, parse.AuthContext); // Auth callback return code

            if (rc == ARC.DENY)
                if (ctx.DBs.length > 2 || db != 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("access to %s.%s.%s is prohibited", dbName, table, column);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("access to %s.%s is prohibited", table, column);
                parse.RC = RC.AUTH;
            else if (rc != ARC.IGNORE && rc != ARC.OK)
Esempio n. 7
        public static CollSeq GetCollSeq(Parse parse, TEXTENCODE encode, CollSeq coll, string name)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;
            CollSeq p   = coll;

            if (p == null)
                p = FindCollSeq(ctx, encode, name, false);
            if (p == null || p.Cmp == null)
                // No collation sequence of this type for this encoding is registered. Call the collation factory to see if it can supply us with one.
                CallCollNeeded(ctx, encode, name);
                p = FindCollSeq(ctx, encode, name, false);
            Debug.Assert(p == null || p.Cmp != null);
            if (p != null)
                parse.ErrorMsg("no such collation sequence: %s", name);
Esempio n. 8
 public static JT JoinType(Parse parse, Token a, Token b, Token c)
     Token[] alls = new Token[3];
     alls[0] = a;
     alls[1] = b;
     alls[2] = c;
     JT jointype = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3 && alls[i] != null; i++)
         Token p = alls[i];
         int j;
         for (j = 0; j < _keywords.Length; j++)
             if (p.length == _keywords[j].Chars &&[j].I, _keywords[j].Chars), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                 jointype |= _keywords[j].Code;
         C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(j == 0 || j == 1 || j == 2 || j == 3 || j == 4 || j == 5 || j == 6);
         if (j >= _keywords.Length)
             jointype |= JT.ERROR;
     if ((jointype & (JT.INNER | JT.OUTER)) == (JT.INNER | JT.OUTER) || (jointype & JT.ERROR) != 0)
         string sp = " ";
         Debug.Assert(b != null);
         if (c == null) sp = "";
         parse.ErrorMsg("unknown or unsupported join type: %T %T%s%T", a, b, sp, c);
         jointype = JT.INNER;
     else if ((jointype & JT.OUTER) != 0 && (jointype & (JT.LEFT | JT.RIGHT)) != JT.LEFT)
         parse.ErrorMsg("RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not currently supported");
         jointype = JT.INNER;
     return jointype;
Esempio n. 9
        static int ResolveCompoundOrderBy(Parse parse, Select select)
            ExprList orderBy = select.OrderBy;
            if (orderBy == null) return 0;
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;
#if true || MAX_COLUMN
            if (orderBy.Exprs > ctx.Limits[(int)LIMIT.COLUMN])
                parse.ErrorMsg("too many terms in ORDER BY clause");
                return 1;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                orderBy.Ids[i].Done = false;
            select.Next = null;
            while (select.Prior != null)
                select.Prior.Next = select;
                select = select.Prior;
            bool moreToDo = true;
            while (select != null && moreToDo)
                moreToDo = false;
                ExprList list = select.EList;
                Debug.Assert(list != null);
                ExprList.ExprListItem item;
                for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                    item = orderBy.Ids[i];

                    Expr pDup;
                    if (item.Done) continue;
                    Expr expr = item.Expr;
                    int colId = -1;
                    if (expr.IsInteger(ref colId))
                        if (colId <= 0 || colId > list.Exprs)
                            ResolveOutOfRangeError(parse, "ORDER", i + 1, list.Exprs);
                            return 1;
                        colId = ResolveAsName(parse, list, expr);
                        if (colId == 0)
                            Expr dupExpr = Expr.Dup(ctx, expr, 0);
                            if (!ctx.MallocFailed)
                                Debug.Assert(dupExpr != null);
                                colId = ResolveOrderByTermToExprList(parse, select, dupExpr);
                            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref dupExpr);
                    if (colId > 0)
                        // Convert the ORDER BY term into an integer column number iCol, taking care to preserve the COLLATE clause if it exists
                        Expr newExpr = Expr.Expr_(ctx, TK.INTEGER, null);
                        if (newExpr == null) return 1;
                        newExpr.Flags |= EP.IntValue;
                        newExpr.u.I = colId;
                        if (item.Expr == expr)
                            item.Expr = newExpr;
                            Debug.Assert(item.Expr.OP == TK.COLLATE);
                            Debug.Assert(item.Expr.Left == expr);
                            item.Expr.Left = newExpr;
                        Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr);
                        item.OrderByCol = (ushort)colId;
                        item.Done = true;

                        moreToDo = true;
                select = select.Next;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                if (!orderBy.Ids[i].Done)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%r ORDER BY term does not match any column in the result set", i + 1);
                    return 1;
            return 0;
Esempio n. 10
        static WRC ResolveSelectStep(Walker walker, Select p)
            Debug.Assert(p != null);
            if ((p.SelFlags & SF.Resolved) != 0)
            NameContext outerNC = walker.u.NC;  // Context that contains this SELECT
            Parse       parse   = walker.Parse; // Parsing context
            Context     ctx     = parse.Ctx;    // Database connection

            // Normally sqlite3SelectExpand() will be called first and will have already expanded this SELECT.  However, if this is a subquery within
            // an expression, sqlite3ResolveExprNames() will be called without a prior call to sqlite3SelectExpand().  When that happens, let
            // sqlite3SelectPrep() do all of the processing for this SELECT. sqlite3SelectPrep() will invoke both sqlite3SelectExpand() and
            // this routine in the correct order.
            if ((p.SelFlags & SF.Expanded) == 0)
                p.Prep(parse, outerNC);
                return(parse.Errs != 0 || ctx.MallocFailed ? WRC.Abort : WRC.Prune);

            bool        isCompound = (p.Prior != null); // True if p is a compound select
            int         compounds  = 0;                 // Number of compound terms processed so far
            Select      leftmost   = p;                 // Left-most of SELECT of a compound
            int         i;
            NameContext nc;                             // Name context of this SELECT

            while (p != null)
                Debug.Assert((p.SelFlags & SF.Expanded) != 0);
                Debug.Assert((p.SelFlags & SF.Resolved) == 0);
                p.SelFlags |= SF.Resolved;

                // Resolve the expressions in the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. These are not allowed to refer to any names, so pass an empty NameContext.
                nc       = new NameContext(); //: _memset(&nc, 0, sizeof(nc));
                nc.Parse = parse;
                if (Walker.ResolveExprNames(nc, ref p.Limit) || Walker.ResolveExprNames(nc, ref p.Offset))

                // Recursively resolve names in all subqueries
                SrcList.SrcListItem item;
                for (i = 0; i < p.Src.Srcs; i++)
                    item = p.Src.Ids[i];
                    if (item.Select != null)
                        NameContext nc2;              // Used to iterate name contexts
                        int         refs         = 0; // Refcount for pOuterNC and outer contexts
                        string      savedContext = parse.AuthContext;

                        // Count the total number of references to pOuterNC and all of its parent contexts. After resolving references to expressions in
                        // pItem->pSelect, check if this value has changed. If so, then SELECT statement pItem->pSelect must be correlated. Set the
                        // pItem->isCorrelated flag if this is the case.
                        for (nc2 = outerNC; nc2 != null; nc2 = nc2.Next)
                            refs += nc2.Refs;

                        if (item.Name != null)
                            parse.AuthContext = item.Name;
                        Walker.ResolveSelectNames(parse, item.Select, outerNC);
                        parse.AuthContext = savedContext;
                        if (parse.Errs != 0 || ctx.MallocFailed)

                        for (nc2 = outerNC; nc2 != null; nc2 = nc2.Next)
                            refs -= nc2.Refs;
                        Debug.Assert(!item.IsCorrelated && refs <= 0);
                        item.IsCorrelated = (refs != 0);

                // Set up the local name-context to pass to sqlite3ResolveExprNames() to resolve the result-set expression list.
                nc.NCFlags = NC.AllowAgg;
                nc.SrcList = p.Src;
                nc.Next    = outerNC;

                // Resolve names in the result set.
                ExprList list = p.EList; // Result set expression list
                Debug.Assert(list != null);
                for (i = 0; i < list.Exprs; i++)
                    Expr expr = list.Ids[i].Expr;
                    if (Walker.ResolveExprNames(nc, ref expr))

                // If there are no aggregate functions in the result-set, and no GROUP BY expression, do not allow aggregates in any of the other expressions.
                Debug.Assert((p.SelFlags & SF.Aggregate) == 0);
                ExprList groupBy = p.GroupBy; // The GROUP BY clause
                if (groupBy != null || (nc.NCFlags & NC.HasAgg) != 0)
                    p.SelFlags |= SF.Aggregate;
                    nc.NCFlags &= ~NC.AllowAgg;

                // If a HAVING clause is present, then there must be a GROUP BY clause.
                if (p.Having != null && groupBy == null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("a GROUP BY clause is required before HAVING");

                // Add the expression list to the name-context before parsing the other expressions in the SELECT statement. This is so that
                // expressions in the WHERE clause (etc.) can refer to expressions by aliases in the result set.
                // Minor point: If this is the case, then the expression will be re-evaluated for each reference to it.
                nc.EList = p.EList;
                if (Walker.ResolveExprNames(nc, ref p.Where) || Walker.ResolveExprNames(nc, ref p.Having))

                // The ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses may not refer to terms in outer queries
                nc.Next     = null;
                nc.NCFlags |= NC.AllowAgg;

                // Process the ORDER BY clause for singleton SELECT statements. The ORDER BY clause for compounds SELECT statements is handled
                // below, after all of the result-sets for all of the elements of the compound have been resolved.
                if (!isCompound && Walker.ResolveOrderGroupBy(nc, p, p.OrderBy, "ORDER"))
                if (ctx.MallocFailed)

                // Resolve the GROUP BY clause.  At the same time, make sure the GROUP BY clause does not contain aggregate functions.
                if (groupBy != null)
                    if (Walker.ResolveOrderGroupBy(nc, p, groupBy, "GROUP") || ctx.MallocFailed)
                    ExprList.ExprListItem item2;
                    for (i = 0; i < groupBy.Exprs; i++)
                        item2 = groupBy.Ids[i];
                        if (E.ExprHasProperty(item2.Expr, EP.Agg))
                            parse.ErrorMsg("aggregate functions are not allowed in the GROUP BY clause");

                // Advance to the next term of the compound
                p = p.Prior;

            // Resolve the ORDER BY on a compound SELECT after all terms of the compound have been resolved.
            return(isCompound && ResolveCompoundOrderBy(parse, leftmost) != 0 ? WRC.Abort : WRC.Prune);
Esempio n. 11
 static void ResolveOutOfRangeError(Parse parse, string typeName, int i, int max)
     parse.ErrorMsg("%r %s BY term out of range - should be between 1 and %d", i, typeName, max);
Esempio n. 12
        static int ResolveCompoundOrderBy(Parse parse, Select select)
            ExprList orderBy = select.OrderBy;

            if (orderBy == null)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;

#if true || MAX_COLUMN
            if (orderBy.Exprs > ctx.Limits[(int)LIMIT.COLUMN])
                parse.ErrorMsg("too many terms in ORDER BY clause");
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                orderBy.Ids[i].Done = false;
            select.Next = null;
            while (select.Prior != null)
                select.Prior.Next = select;
                select            = select.Prior;
            bool moreToDo = true;
            while (select != null && moreToDo)
                moreToDo = false;
                ExprList list = select.EList;
                Debug.Assert(list != null);
                ExprList.ExprListItem item;
                for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                    item = orderBy.Ids[i];

                    Expr pDup;
                    if (item.Done)
                    Expr expr  = item.Expr;
                    int  colId = -1;
                    if (expr.IsInteger(ref colId))
                        if (colId <= 0 || colId > list.Exprs)
                            ResolveOutOfRangeError(parse, "ORDER", i + 1, list.Exprs);
                        colId = ResolveAsName(parse, list, expr);
                        if (colId == 0)
                            Expr dupExpr = Expr.Dup(ctx, expr, 0);
                            if (!ctx.MallocFailed)
                                Debug.Assert(dupExpr != null);
                                colId = ResolveOrderByTermToExprList(parse, select, dupExpr);
                            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref dupExpr);
                    if (colId > 0)
                        // Convert the ORDER BY term into an integer column number iCol, taking care to preserve the COLLATE clause if it exists
                        Expr newExpr = Expr.Expr_(ctx, TK.INTEGER, null);
                        if (newExpr == null)
                        newExpr.Flags |= EP.IntValue;
                        newExpr.u.I    = colId;
                        if (item.Expr == expr)
                            item.Expr = newExpr;
                            Debug.Assert(item.Expr.OP == TK.COLLATE);
                            Debug.Assert(item.Expr.Left == expr);
                            item.Expr.Left = newExpr;
                        Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr);
                        item.OrderByCol = (ushort)colId;
                        item.Done       = true;
                        moreToDo = true;
                select = select.Next;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                if (!orderBy.Ids[i].Done)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%r ORDER BY term does not match any column in the result set", i + 1);
Esempio n. 13
        static WRC LookupName(Parse parse, string dbName, string tableName, string colName, NameContext nc, Expr expr)
            int     cnt       = 0;            // Number of matching column names
            int     cntTab    = 0;            // Number of matching table names
            int     subquerys = 0;            // How many levels of subquery
            Context ctx       = parse.Ctx;    // The database connection

            SrcList.SrcListItem item;         // Use for looping over pSrcList items
            SrcList.SrcListItem match = null; // The matching pSrcList item
            NameContext         topNC = nc;   // First namecontext in the list
            Schema schema = null;             // Schema of the expression
            bool   isTrigger = false;
            int    i, j;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);      // the name context cannot be NULL.
            Debug.Assert(colName != null); // The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL
            Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.TokenOnly | EP.Reduced));

            // Initialize the node to no-match
            expr.TableId = -1;
            expr.Table   = null;

            // Translate the schema name in zDb into a pointer to the corresponding schema.  If not found, pSchema will remain NULL and nothing will match
            // resulting in an appropriate error message toward the end of this routine
            if (dbName != null)
                for (i = 0; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(ctx.DBs[i].Name != null);
                    if (string.Compare(ctx.DBs[i].Name, dbName) == 0)
                        schema = ctx.DBs[i].Schema;

            // Start at the inner-most context and move outward until a match is found
            while (nc != null && cnt == 0)
                ExprList list;
                SrcList  srcList = nc.SrcList;
                if (srcList != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < srcList.Srcs; i++)
                        item = srcList.Ids[i];
                        Table table = item.Table;
                        Debug.Assert(table != null && table.Name != null);
                        Debug.Assert(table.Cols.length > 0);
                        if (item.Select != null && (item.Select.SelFlags & SF.NestedFrom) != 0)
                            bool hit = false;
                            list = item.Select.EList;
                            for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                                if (Walker.MatchSpanName(list.Ids[j].Span, colName, tableName, dbName))
                                    cntTab         = 2;
                                    match          = item;
                                    expr.ColumnIdx = j;
                                    hit            = true;
                            if (hit || table == null)
                        if (dbName != null && table.Schema != schema)
                        if (tableName != null)
                            string tableName2 = (item.Alias != null ? item.Alias : table.Name);
                            Debug.Assert(tableName2 != null);
                            if (!string.Equals(tableName2, tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (cntTab++ == 0)
                            match = item;
                        Column col;
                        for (j = 0; j < table.Cols.length; j++)
                            col = table.Cols[j];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // If there has been exactly one prior match and this match is for the right-hand table of a NATURAL JOIN or is in a
                                // USING clause, then skip this match.
                                if (cnt == 1)
                                    if ((item.Jointype & JT.NATURAL) != 0)
                                    if (NameInUsingClause(item.Using, colName))
                                match = item;
                                // Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
                                expr.ColumnIdx = (j == table.PKey ? -1 : (short)j);
                    if (match != null)
                        expr.TableId = match.Cursor;
                        expr.Table   = match.Table;
                        schema       = expr.Table.Schema;

                // If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
                if (dbName == null && tableName != null && cnt == 0 && parse.TriggerTab != null)
                    TK    op    = parse.TriggerOp;
                    Table table = null;
                    Debug.Assert(op == TK.DELETE || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.INSERT);
                    if (op != TK.DELETE && string.Equals("new", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 1;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    else if (op != TK.INSERT && string.Equals("old", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 0;
                        table        = parse.TriggerTab;
                    if (table != null)
                        int colId;
                        schema = table.Schema;
                        for (colId = 0; colId < table.Cols.length; colId++)
                            Column col = table.Cols[colId];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                if (colId == table.PKey)
                                    colId = -1;
                        if (colId >= table.Cols.length && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                            colId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                        if (colId < table.Cols.length)
                            if (colId < 0)
                                expr.Aff = AFF.INTEGER;
                            else if (expr.TableId == 0)
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Oldmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Newmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                            expr.ColumnIdx = (short)colId;
                            expr.Table     = table;
                            isTrigger      = true;

                // Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
                if (cnt == 0 && cntTab == 1 && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                    cnt            = 1;
                    expr.ColumnIdx = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                    expr.Aff       = AFF.INTEGER;

                // If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
                // we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
                //     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
                // In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
                // Note that the expression in the result set should have already been resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
                if (cnt == 0 && (list = nc.EList) != null && tableName == null)
                    for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                        string asName = list.Ids[j].Name;
                        if (asName != null && string.Equals(asName, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Debug.Assert(expr.Left == null && expr.Right == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.List == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.Select == null);
                            Expr orig = list.Ids[j].Expr;
                            if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0 && E.ExprHasProperty(orig, EP.Agg))
                                parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aliased aggregate %s", asName);
                            ResolveAlias(parse, list, j, expr, "", subquerys);
                            cnt   = 1;
                            match = null;
                            Debug.Assert(tableName == null && dbName == null);
                            goto lookupname_end;

                // Advance to the next name context.  The loop will exit when either we have a match (cnt>0) or when we run out of name contexts.
                if (cnt == 0)
                    nc = nc.Next;

            // If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
            // Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
            // pExpr.
            // Because no reference was made to outer contexts, the pNC->nRef fields are not changed in any context.
            if (cnt == 0 && tableName == null && E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.DblQuoted))
                expr.OP    = TK.STRING;
                expr.Table = null;

            // cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
            if (cnt != 1)
                string err = (cnt == 0 ? "no such column" : "ambiguous column name");
                if (dbName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s.%s", err, dbName, tableName, colName);
                else if (tableName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s", err, tableName, colName);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s", err, colName);
                parse.CheckSchema = 1;

            // If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask.  Column 0 causes
            // bit 0 to be set.  Column 1 sets bit 1.  And so forth.  If the column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
            // then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
            if (expr.ColumnIdx >= 0 && match != null)
                int n = expr.ColumnIdx;
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(n == BMS - 1);
                if (n >= BMS)
                    n = BMS - 1;
                Debug.Assert(match.Cursor == expr.TableId);
                match.ColUsed |= ((Bitmask)1) << n;

            // Clean up and return
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Left);
            expr.Left = null;
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Right);
            expr.Right = null;
            expr.OP    = (isTrigger ? TK.TRIGGER : TK.COLUMN);
            if (cnt == 1)
                Debug.Assert(nc != null);
                Auth.Read(parse, expr, schema, nc.SrcList);
                // Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to the point where the name matched.
                for (; ;)
                    Debug.Assert(topNC != null);
                    if (topNC == nc)
                    topNC = topNC.Next;
Esempio n. 14
        static WRC ResolveExprStep(Walker walker, Expr expr)
            NameContext nc = walker.u.NC;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null);
            Parse parse = nc.Parse;

            Debug.Assert(parse == walker.Parse);

            if (E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.Resolved))
            E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.Resolved);
            if (nc.SrcList != null && nc.SrcList.Allocs > 0)
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                for (int i = 0; i < nc.SrcList.Srcs; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(srcList.Ids[i].Cursor >= 0 && srcList.Ids[i].Cursor < parse.Tabs);
            switch (expr.OP)
            // The special operator TK_ROW means use the rowid for the first column in the FROM clause.  This is used by the LIMIT and ORDER BY
            // clause processing on UPDATE and DELETE statements.
            case TK.ROW:
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                Debug.Assert(srcList != null && srcList.Srcs == 1);
                SrcList.SrcListItem item = srcList.Ids[0];
                expr.OP        = TK.COLUMN;
                expr.Table     = item.Table;
                expr.TableId   = item.Cursor;
                expr.ColumnIdx = -1;
                expr.Aff       = AFF.INTEGER;

            case TK.ID:      // A lone identifier is the name of a column.
                return(LookupName(parse, null, null, expr.u.Token, nc, expr));

            case TK.DOT:     // A table name and column name: ID.ID Or a database, table and column: ID.ID.ID
                string columnName;
                string tableName;
                string dbName;
                // if (srcList == nullptr) break;
                Expr right = expr.Right;
                if (right.OP == TK.ID)
                    dbName     = null;
                    tableName  = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.u.Token;
                    Debug.Assert(right.OP == TK.DOT);
                    dbName     = expr.Left.u.Token;
                    tableName  = right.Left.u.Token;
                    columnName = right.Right.u.Token;
                return(LookupName(parse, dbName, tableName, columnName, nc, expr));

            case TK.CONST_FUNC:
            case TK.FUNCTION:                                              // Resolve function names
                ExprList   list         = expr.x.List;                     // The argument list
                int        n            = (list != null ? list.Exprs : 0); // Number of arguments
                bool       noSuchFunc   = false;                           // True if no such function exists
                bool       wrongNumArgs = false;                           // True if wrong number of arguments
                bool       isAgg        = false;                           // True if is an aggregate function
                TEXTENCODE encode       = E.CTXENCODE(parse.Ctx);          // The database encoding

                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.CONST_FUNC);
                Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect));
                string  id       = expr.u.Token;                                                     // The function name.
                int     idLength = id.Length;                                                        // Number of characters in function name
                FuncDef def      = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, n, encode, false); // Information about the function
                if (def == null)
                    def = Callback.FindFunction(parse.Ctx, id, idLength, -2, encode, false);
                    if (def == null)
                        noSuchFunc = true;
                        wrongNumArgs = true;
                    isAgg = (def.Func == null);
                if (def != null)
                    ARC auth = Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.FUNCTION, null, def.Name, null);         // Authorization to use the function
                    if (auth != ARC.OK)
                        if (auth == ARC.DENY)
                            parse.ErrorMsg("not authorized to use function: %s", def.Name);
                        expr.OP = TK.NULL;
                if (isAgg && (nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aggregate function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                    isAgg = false;
                else if (noSuchFunc && !ctx.Init.Busy)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("no such function: %.*s", idLength, id);
                else if (wrongNumArgs)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("wrong number of arguments to function %.*s()", idLength, id);
                if (isAgg)
                    nc.NCFlags &= ~NC.AllowAgg;
                if (isAgg)
                    NameContext nc2 = nc;
                    expr.OP  = TK.AGG_FUNCTION;
                    expr.OP2 = 0;
                    while (nc2 != null && !expr.FunctionUsesThisSrc(nc2.SrcList))
                        nc2 = nc2.Next;
                    if (nc2 != null)
                        nc2.NCFlags |= NC.HasAgg;
                    nc.NCFlags |= NC.AllowAgg;
                // FIX ME:  Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return type of the function

            case TK.SELECT:
            case TK.EXISTS:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.EXISTS);
                goto case TK.IN;
            case TK.IN:
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(expr.OP == TK.IN);
                if (E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.xIsSelect))
                    int refs = nc.Refs;
                    if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                        parse.ErrorMsg("subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints");
                    Debug.Assert(nc.Refs >= refs);
                    if (refs != nc.Refs)
                        E.ExprSetProperty(expr, EP.VarSelect);

            case TK.VARIABLE:
                if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.IsCheck) != 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints");

            return(parse.Errs != 0 || parse.Ctx.MallocFailed ? WRC.Abort : WRC.Continue);
Esempio n. 15
        static WRC LookupName(Parse parse, string dbName, string tableName, string colName, NameContext nc, Expr expr)
            int cnt = 0; // Number of matching column names
            int cntTab = 0; // Number of matching table names
            int subquerys = 0; // How many levels of subquery
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx; // The database connection
            SrcList.SrcListItem item; // Use for looping over pSrcList items
            SrcList.SrcListItem match = null; // The matching pSrcList item
            NameContext topNC = nc; // First namecontext in the list
            Schema schema = null;  // Schema of the expression
            bool isTrigger = false;
            int i, j;

            Debug.Assert(nc != null); // the name context cannot be NULL.
            Debug.Assert(colName != null);    // The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL
            Debug.Assert(!E.ExprHasAnyProperty(expr, EP.TokenOnly | EP.Reduced));

            // Initialize the node to no-match
            expr.TableId = -1;
            expr.Table = null;

            // Translate the schema name in zDb into a pointer to the corresponding schema.  If not found, pSchema will remain NULL and nothing will match
            // resulting in an appropriate error message toward the end of this routine
            if (dbName != null)
                for (i = 0; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                    Debug.Assert(ctx.DBs[i].Name != null);
                    if (string.Compare(ctx.DBs[i].Name, dbName) == 0)
                        schema = ctx.DBs[i].Schema;

            // Start at the inner-most context and move outward until a match is found
            while (nc != null && cnt == 0)
                ExprList list;
                SrcList srcList = nc.SrcList;
                if (srcList != null)
                    for (i = 0; i < srcList.Srcs; i++)
                        item = srcList.Ids[i];
                        Table table = item.Table;
                        Debug.Assert(table != null && table.Name != null);
                        Debug.Assert(table.Cols.length > 0);
                        if (item.Select != null && (item.Select.SelFlags & SF.NestedFrom) != 0)
                            bool hit = false;
                            list = item.Select.EList;
                            for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                                if (Walker.MatchSpanName(list.Ids[j].Span, colName, tableName, dbName))
                                    cntTab = 2;
                                    match = item;
                                    expr.ColumnIdx = j;
                                    hit = true;
                            if (hit || table == null) continue;
                        if (dbName != null && table.Schema != schema)
                        if (tableName != null)
                            string tableName2 = (item.Alias != null ? item.Alias : table.Name);
                            Debug.Assert(tableName2 != null);
                            if (!string.Equals(tableName2, tableName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        if (cntTab++ == 0)
                            match = item;
                        Column col;
                        for (j = 0; j < table.Cols.length; j++)
                            col = table.Cols[j];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // If there has been exactly one prior match and this match is for the right-hand table of a NATURAL JOIN or is in a 
                                // USING clause, then skip this match.
                                if (cnt == 1)
                                    if ((item.Jointype & JT.NATURAL) != 0) continue;
                                    if (NameInUsingClause(item.Using, colName)) continue;
                                match = item;
                                // Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
                                expr.ColumnIdx = (j == table.PKey ? -1 : (short)j);
                    if (match != null)
                        expr.TableId = match.Cursor;
                        expr.Table = match.Table;
                        schema = expr.Table.Schema;

                // If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
                if (dbName == null && tableName != null && cnt == 0 && parse.TriggerTab != null)
                    TK op = parse.TriggerOp;
                    Table table = null;
                    Debug.Assert(op == TK.DELETE || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.INSERT);
                    if (op != TK.DELETE && string.Equals("new", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 1;
                        table = parse.TriggerTab;
                    else if (op != TK.INSERT && string.Equals("old", tableName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        expr.TableId = 0;
                        table = parse.TriggerTab;
                    if (table != null)
                        int colId;
                        schema = table.Schema;
                        for (colId = 0; colId < table.Cols.length; colId++)
                            Column col = table.Cols[colId];
                            if (string.Equals(col.Name, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                if (colId == table.PKey)
                                    colId = -1;
                        if (colId >= table.Cols.length && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                            colId = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                        if (colId < table.Cols.length)
                            if (colId < 0)
                                expr.Aff = AFF.INTEGER;
                            else if (expr.TableId == 0)
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Oldmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 31);
                                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(colId == 32);
                                parse.Newmask |= (colId >= 32 ? 0xffffffff : (((uint)1) << colId));
                            expr.ColumnIdx = (short)colId;
                            expr.Table = table;
                            isTrigger = true;

                // Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
                if (cnt == 0 && cntTab == 1 && Expr.IsRowid(colName))
                    cnt = 1;
                    expr.ColumnIdx = -1; // IMP: R-44911-55124
                    expr.Aff = AFF.INTEGER;

                // If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
                // we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
                //     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
                // In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
                // Note that the expression in the result set should have already been resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
                if (cnt == 0 && (list = nc.EList) != null && tableName == null)
                    for (j = 0; j < list.Exprs; j++)
                        string asName = list.Ids[j].Name;
                        if (asName != null && string.Equals(asName, colName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            Debug.Assert(expr.Left == null && expr.Right == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.List == null);
                            Debug.Assert(expr.x.Select == null);
                            Expr orig = list.Ids[j].Expr;
                            if ((nc.NCFlags & NC.AllowAgg) == 0 && E.ExprHasProperty(orig, EP.Agg))
                                parse.ErrorMsg("misuse of aliased aggregate %s", asName);
                                return WRC.Abort;
                            ResolveAlias(parse, list, j, expr, "", subquerys);
                            cnt = 1;
                            match = null;
                            Debug.Assert(tableName == null && dbName == null);
                            goto lookupname_end;

                // Advance to the next name context.  The loop will exit when either we have a match (cnt>0) or when we run out of name contexts.
                if (cnt == 0)
                    nc = nc.Next;

            // If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
            // Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
            // pExpr.
            // Because no reference was made to outer contexts, the pNC->nRef fields are not changed in any context.
            if (cnt == 0 && tableName == null && E.ExprHasProperty(expr, EP.DblQuoted))
                expr.OP = TK.STRING;
                expr.Table = null;
                return WRC.Prune;

            // cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
            if (cnt != 1)
                string err = (cnt == 0 ? "no such column" : "ambiguous column name");
                if (dbName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s.%s", err, dbName, tableName, colName);
                else if (tableName != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s.%s", err, tableName, colName);
                    parse.ErrorMsg("%s: %s", err, colName);
                parse.CheckSchema = 1;

            // If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask.  Column 0 causes
            // bit 0 to be set.  Column 1 sets bit 1.  And so forth.  If the column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
            // then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
            if (expr.ColumnIdx >= 0 && match != null)
                int n = expr.ColumnIdx;
                C.ASSERTCOVERAGE(n == BMS - 1);
                if (n >= BMS)
                    n = BMS - 1;
                Debug.Assert(match.Cursor == expr.TableId);
                match.ColUsed |= ((Bitmask)1) << n;

            // Clean up and return
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Left);
            expr.Left = null;
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref expr.Right);
            expr.Right = null;
            expr.OP = (isTrigger ? TK.TRIGGER : TK.COLUMN);
            if (cnt == 1)
                Debug.Assert(nc != null);
                Auth.Read(parse, expr, schema, nc.SrcList);
                // Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to the point where the name matched.
                for (; ; )
                    Debug.Assert(topNC != null);
                    if (topNC == nc) break;
                    topNC = topNC.Next;
                return WRC.Prune;
            return WRC.Abort;
Esempio n. 16
        public static bool ResolveOrderGroupBy(Parse parse, Select select, ExprList orderBy, string type)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;
            if (orderBy == null || parse.Ctx.MallocFailed) return 0;
            if (orderBy.Exprs > ctx.Limits[(int)LIMIT.COLUMN])
                parse.ErrorMsg("too many terms in %s BY clause", type);
                return true;
            ExprList list = select.EList;
            Debug.Assert(list != null); // sqlite3SelectNew() guarantees this
            int i;
            ExprList.ExprListItem item;
            for (i = 0; i < orderBy.Exprs; i++)
                item = orderBy.Ids[i];
                if (item.OrderByCol != null)
                    if (item.OrderByCol > list.Exprs)
                        ResolveOutOfRangeError(parse, type, i + 1, list.Exprs);
                        return true;
                    ResolveAlias(parse, list, item.OrderByCol - 1, item.Expr, type);
            return false;
Esempio n. 17
 static void ResolveOutOfRangeError(Parse parse, string typeName, int i, int max)
     parse.ErrorMsg("%r %s BY term out of range - should be between 1 and %d", i, typeName, max);
Esempio n. 18
        public bool ProcessJoin(Parse parse)
            SrcList src = Src; // All tables in the FROM clause
            SrcList.SrcListItem left; // Left table being joined
            SrcList.SrcListItem right; // Right table being joined
            int j;
            for (int i = 0; i < src.Srcs - 1; i++)
                left = src.Ids[i];
                right = src.Ids[i + 1];
                Table leftTable = left.Table;
                Table rightTable = right.Table;

                if (C._NEVER(leftTable == null || rightTable == null)) continue;
                bool isOuter = ((right.Jointype & JT.OUTER) != 0);

                // When the NATURAL keyword is present, add WHERE clause terms for every column that the two tables have in common.
                if ((right.Jointype & JT.NATURAL) != 0)
                    if (right.On != null || right.Using != null)
                        parse.ErrorMsg("a NATURAL join may not have an ON or USING clause");
                        return true;
                    for (j = 0; j < rightTable.Cols.length; j++)
                        string name = rightTable.Cols[j].Name; // Name of column in the right table
                        int leftId = 0; // Matching left table
                        int leftColId = 0;  // Matching column in the left table
                        if (TableAndColumnIndex(src, i + 1, name, ref leftId, ref leftColId))
                            AddWhereTerm(parse, src, leftId, leftColId, i + 1, j, isOuter, ref Where);

                // Disallow both ON and USING clauses in the same join
                if (right.On != null && right.Using != null)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("cannot have both ON and USING clauses in the same join");
                    return true;

                // Add the ON clause to the end of the WHERE clause, connected by
                if (right.On != null)
                    if (isOuter) SetJoinExpr(right.On, right.Cursor);
                    Where = Expr.And(parse.Ctx, Where, right.On);
                    right.On = null;

                // Create extra terms on the WHERE clause for each column named in the USING clause.  Example: If the two tables to be joined are 
                // A and B and the USING clause names X, Y, and Z, then add this to the WHERE clause:    A.X=B.X AND A.Y=B.Y AND A.Z=B.Z
                // Report an error if any column mentioned in the USING clause is not contained in both tables to be joined.
                if (right.Using != null)
                    IdList list = right.Using;
                    for (j = 0; j < list.Ids.length; j++)
                        string name = list.Ids[j].Name; // Name of the term in the USING clause
                        int leftId = 0; // Table on the left with matching column name
                        int leftColId = 0; // Column number of matching column on the left
                        int rightColId = ColumnIndex(rightTable, name); // Column number of matching column on the right
                        if (rightColId < 0 || TableAndColumnIndex(src, i + 1, name, ref leftId, ref leftColId))
                            parse.ErrorMsg("cannot join using column %s - column not present in both tables", name);
                            return true;
                        AddWhereTerm(parse, src, leftId, leftColId, i + 1, rightColId, isOuter, ref Where);
            return true;
Esempio n. 19
        public static void BeginTrigger(Parse parse, Token name1, Token name2, TK trTm, TK op, IdList columns, SrcList tableName, Expr when, bool isTemp, int noErr)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;     // The database connection

            Debug.Assert(name1 != null); // pName1.z might be NULL, but not pName1 itself
            Debug.Assert(name2 != null);
            Debug.Assert(op == TK.INSERT || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.DELETE);
            Debug.Assert(op > 0 && op < (TK)0xff);
            Trigger trigger = null; // The new trigger

            int   db;               // The database to store the trigger in
            Token name = null;      // The unqualified db name

            if (isTemp)
                // If TEMP was specified, then the trigger name may not be qualified.
                if (name2.length > 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("temporary trigger may not have qualified name");
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
                db   = 1;
                name = name1;
                // Figure out the db that the the trigger will be created in
                db = parse.TwoPartName(name1, name2, ref name);
                if (db < 0)
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (tableName == null || ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // A long-standing parser bug is that this syntax was allowed:
            //    CREATE TRIGGER attached.demo AFTER INSERT ON ....
            //                                                 ^^^^^^^^
            // To maintain backwards compatibility, ignore the database name on pTableName if we are reparsing our of SQLITE_MASTER.
            if (ctx.Init.Busy && db != 1)
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref tableName.Ids[0].Database);
                tableName.Ids[0].Database = null;

            // If the trigger name was unqualified, and the table is a temp table, then set iDb to 1 to create the trigger in the temporary database.
            // If sqlite3SrcListLookup() returns 0, indicating the table does not exist, the error is caught by the block below.
            //? if (tableName == null) goto trigger_cleanup;
            Table table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName); // Table that the trigger fires off of

            if (ctx.Init.Busy == null && name2.length == 0 && table != null && table.Schema == ctx.DBs[1].Schema)
                db = 1;

            // Ensure the table name matches database name and that the table exists
            if (ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(tableName.Srcs == 1);
            DbFixer sFix = new DbFixer(); // State vector for the DB fixer

            if (sFix.FixInit(parse, db, "trigger", name) && sFix.FixSrcList(tableName))
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName);
            if (table == null)
                // The table does not exist.
                if (ctx.Init.DB == 1)
                    // Ticket #3810.
                    // Normally, whenever a table is dropped, all associated triggers are dropped too.  But if a TEMP trigger is created on a non-TEMP table
                    // and the table is dropped by a different database connection, the trigger is not visible to the database connection that does the
                    // drop so the trigger cannot be dropped.  This results in an "orphaned trigger" - a trigger whose associated table is missing.
                    ctx.Init.OrphanTrigger = true;
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (E.IsVirtual(table))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create triggers on virtual tables");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Check that the trigger name is not reserved and that no trigger of the specified name exists
            string nameAsString = Parse.NameFromToken(ctx, name);

            if (nameAsString == null || parse.CheckObjectName(nameAsString) != RC.OK)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, db, null));
            if (ctx.DBs[db].Schema.TriggerHash.Find(nameAsString, nameAsString.Length, (Trigger)null) != null)
                if (noErr == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("trigger %T already exists", name);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Do not create a trigger on a system table
            if (table.Name.StartsWith("sqlite_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create trigger on system table");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD of triggers are only for views and views only support INSTEAD of triggers.
            if (table.Select != null && trTm != TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create %s trigger on view: %S", (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? "BEFORE" : "AFTER"), tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (table.Select == null && trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create INSTEAD OF trigger on table: %S", tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

                int    tabDb      = Prepare.SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Index of the database holding pTab
                AUTH   code       = AUTH.CREATE_TRIGGER;
                string dbName     = ctx.DBs[tabDb].Name;
                string dbTrigName = (isTemp ? ctx.DBs[1].Name : dbName);
                if (tabDb == 1 || isTemp)
                    code = AUTH.CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER;
                if (Auth.Check(parse, code, nameAsString, table.Name, dbTrigName) != 0 || Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.INSERT, E.SCHEMA_TABLE(tabDb), 0, dbName))
                    goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD OF triggers can only appear on views and BEFORE triggers cannot appear on views.  So we might as well translate every
            // INSTEAD OF trigger into a BEFORE trigger.  It simplifies code elsewhere.
            if (trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                trTm = TK.BEFORE;

            // Build the Trigger object
            trigger = new Trigger(); //: (Trigger *)_tagalloc(db, sizeof(Trigger), true);
            if (trigger == null)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            trigger.Name      = name;
            trigger.Table     = tableName.Ids[0].Name; //: _tagstrdup(ctx, tableName->Ids[0].Name);
            trigger.Schema    = ctx.DBs[db].Schema;
            trigger.TabSchema = table.Schema;
            trigger.OP        = op;
            trigger.TRtm      = (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? TRIGGER.BEFORE : TRIGGER.AFTER);
            trigger.When      = Expr.Dup(db, when, E.EXPRDUP_REDUCE);
            trigger.Columns   = Expr.IdListDup(ctx, columns);
            Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == null);
            parse.NewTrigger = trigger;

            C._tagfree(ctx, ref name);
            Expr.SrcListDelete(ctx, ref tableName);
            Expr.IdListDelete(ctx, ref columns);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref when);
            if (parse.NewTrigger == null)
                DeleteTrigger(ctx, ref trigger);
                Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == trigger);
Esempio n. 20
        public static void DropTrigger(Parse parse, SrcList name, int noErr)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx;
            if (ctx.MallocFailed || parse.ReadSchema(parse) != RC.OK)
                goto drop_trigger_cleanup;

            Debug.Assert(name.Srcs == 1);
            string dbName = name.Ids[0].Database;
            string nameAsString = name.Ids[0].Name;
            int nameLength = nameAsString.Length;
            Debug.Assert(dbName != null || Btree.HoldsAllMutexes(ctx));
            Trigger trigger = null;
            for (int i = E.OMIT_TEMPDB; i < ctx.DBs.length; i++)
                int j = (i < 2 ? i ^ 1 : i); // Search TEMP before MAIN
                if (dbName != null && !string.Equals(ctx.DBs[j].Name, dbName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) continue;
                Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, j, null));
                trigger = ctx.DBs[j].Schema.TriggerHash.Find(nameAsString, nameLength, (Trigger)null);
                if (trigger != null) break;
            if (trigger == null)
                if (noErr == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("no such trigger: %S", name, 0);
                parse.CheckSchema = true;
                goto drop_trigger_cleanup;
            DropTriggerPtr(parse, trigger);

            SrcListDelete(ctx, ref name);
Esempio n. 21
        public static void BeginTrigger(Parse parse, Token name1, Token name2, TK trTm, TK op, IdList columns, SrcList tableName, Expr when, bool isTemp, int noErr)
            Context ctx = parse.Ctx; // The database connection
            Debug.Assert(name1 != null);   // pName1.z might be NULL, but not pName1 itself
            Debug.Assert(name2 != null);
            Debug.Assert(op == TK.INSERT || op == TK.UPDATE || op == TK.DELETE);
            Debug.Assert(op > 0 && op < (TK)0xff);
            Trigger trigger = null; // The new trigger

            int db; // The database to store the trigger in
            Token name = null; // The unqualified db name
            if (isTemp)
                // If TEMP was specified, then the trigger name may not be qualified.
                if (name2.length > 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("temporary trigger may not have qualified name");
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
                db = 1;
                name = name1;
                // Figure out the db that the the trigger will be created in
                db = parse.TwoPartName(name1, name2, ref name);
                if (db < 0)
                    goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (tableName == null || ctx.MallocFailed)
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // A long-standing parser bug is that this syntax was allowed:
            //    CREATE TRIGGER attached.demo AFTER INSERT ON ....
            //                                                 ^^^^^^^^
            // To maintain backwards compatibility, ignore the database name on pTableName if we are reparsing our of SQLITE_MASTER.
            if (ctx.Init.Busy && db != 1)
                C._tagfree(ctx, ref tableName.Ids[0].Database);
                tableName.Ids[0].Database = null;

            // If the trigger name was unqualified, and the table is a temp table, then set iDb to 1 to create the trigger in the temporary database.
            // If sqlite3SrcListLookup() returns 0, indicating the table does not exist, the error is caught by the block below.
            //? if (tableName == null) goto trigger_cleanup;
            Table table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName); // Table that the trigger fires off of
            if (ctx.Init.Busy == null && name2.length == 0 && table != null && table.Schema == ctx.DBs[1].Schema)
                db = 1;

            // Ensure the table name matches database name and that the table exists
            if (ctx.MallocFailed) goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(tableName.Srcs == 1);
            DbFixer sFix = new DbFixer(); // State vector for the DB fixer
            if (sFix.FixInit(parse, db, "trigger", name) && sFix.FixSrcList(tableName))
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            table = Delete.SrcListLookup(parse, tableName);
            if (table == null)
                // The table does not exist.
                if (ctx.Init.DB == 1)
                    // Ticket #3810.
                    // Normally, whenever a table is dropped, all associated triggers are dropped too.  But if a TEMP trigger is created on a non-TEMP table
                    // and the table is dropped by a different database connection, the trigger is not visible to the database connection that does the
                    // drop so the trigger cannot be dropped.  This results in an "orphaned trigger" - a trigger whose associated table is missing.
                    ctx.Init.OrphanTrigger = true;
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (E.IsVirtual(table))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create triggers on virtual tables");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Check that the trigger name is not reserved and that no trigger of the specified name exists
            string nameAsString = Parse.NameFromToken(ctx, name);
            if (nameAsString == null || parse.CheckObjectName(nameAsString) != RC.OK)
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            Debug.Assert(Btree.SchemaMutexHeld(ctx, db, null));
            if (ctx.DBs[db].Schema.TriggerHash.Find(nameAsString, nameAsString.Length, (Trigger)null) != null)
                if (noErr == 0)
                    parse.ErrorMsg("trigger %T already exists", name);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // Do not create a trigger on a system table
            if (table.Name.StartsWith("sqlite_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create trigger on system table");
                goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD of triggers are only for views and views only support INSTEAD of triggers.
            if (table.Select != null && trTm != TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create %s trigger on view: %S", (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? "BEFORE" : "AFTER"), tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;
            if (table.Select == null && trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                parse.ErrorMsg("cannot create INSTEAD OF trigger on table: %S", tableName, 0);
                goto trigger_cleanup;

                int tabDb = Prepare.SchemaToIndex(ctx, table.Schema); // Index of the database holding pTab
                AUTH code = AUTH.CREATE_TRIGGER;
                string dbName = ctx.DBs[tabDb].Name;
                string dbTrigName = (isTemp ? ctx.DBs[1].Name : dbName);
                if (tabDb == 1 || isTemp) code = AUTH.CREATE_TEMP_TRIGGER;
                if (Auth.Check(parse, code, nameAsString, table.Name, dbTrigName) != 0 || Auth.Check(parse, AUTH.INSERT, E.SCHEMA_TABLE(tabDb), 0, dbName))
                    goto trigger_cleanup;

            // INSTEAD OF triggers can only appear on views and BEFORE triggers cannot appear on views.  So we might as well translate every
            // INSTEAD OF trigger into a BEFORE trigger.  It simplifies code elsewhere.
            if (trTm == TK.INSTEAD)
                trTm = TK.BEFORE;

            // Build the Trigger object
            trigger = new Trigger(); //: (Trigger *)_tagalloc(db, sizeof(Trigger), true);
            if (trigger == null) goto trigger_cleanup;
            trigger.Name = name;
            trigger.Table = tableName.Ids[0].Name; //: _tagstrdup(ctx, tableName->Ids[0].Name);
            trigger.Schema = ctx.DBs[db].Schema;
            trigger.TabSchema = table.Schema;
            trigger.OP = op;
            trigger.TRtm = (trTm == TK.BEFORE ? TRIGGER.BEFORE : TRIGGER.AFTER);
            trigger.When = Expr.Dup(db, when, E.EXPRDUP_REDUCE);
            trigger.Columns = Expr.IdListDup(ctx, columns);
            Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == null);
            parse.NewTrigger = trigger;

            C._tagfree(ctx, ref name);
            Expr.SrcListDelete(ctx, ref tableName);
            Expr.IdListDelete(ctx, ref columns);
            Expr.Delete(ctx, ref when);
            if (parse.NewTrigger == null)
                DeleteTrigger(ctx, ref trigger);
                Debug.Assert(parse.NewTrigger == trigger);
Esempio n. 22
 static bool CheckForMultiColumnSelectError(Parse parse, SelectDest dest, int exprs)
     SRT dest2 = dest.Dest;
     if (exprs > 1 && (dest2 == SRT.Mem || dest2 == SRT.Set))
         parse.ErrorMsg("only a single result allowed for a SELECT that is part of an expression");
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 23
 public static void BadReturnCode(Parse parse)
     parse.ErrorMsg("authorizer malfunction");
     parse.RC = RC.ERROR;