Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the Taglib file to the required MusicFileInfo class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taggedFile">Teh tagged taglib file</param>
        /// <returns>A MusicFileInfo class</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This copy kept as a private routing within this class as
        /// it is not used anywhere else within the application and is
        /// specific to this MusicFileService.
        /// </remarks>
        public static MusicFileInfo MapTaglibFileToMusicFileInfo(TagLib.File taggedFile)
            var musicFile = new MusicFileInfo();

            //  Track
            if (taggedFile.Tag.Title != null)
                musicFile.TrackName = taggedFile.Tag.Title;
            //if (taggedFile.Tag.Track != null)
                musicFile.TrackNumber = Convert.ToInt32(taggedFile.Tag.Track);
            if (taggedFile.Properties.Duration != null)
                musicFile.TrackDuration = taggedFile.Properties.Duration;
            if (taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzTrackId != null)
                musicFile.TrackMbid = taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzTrackId;

            //  Artist
            if (taggedFile.Tag.AlbumArtists.Count() > 0)
                musicFile.ArtistName = taggedFile.Tag.AlbumArtists[0];
                if (taggedFile.Tag.Performers.Count() > 0)
                    musicFile.ArtistName = taggedFile.Tag.Performers[0];
                    //  The Artists is marked as obsolete, use it in the
                    //  event an old file is being processed and the 
                    //  up to date information is not available.
                    //  Shouldn't get here really.
                    if (taggedFile.Tag.Artists.Count() > 0)
                        musicFile.ArtistName = taggedFile.Tag.Artists[0];
                        musicFile.ArtistName = "No Artist Found for Media file";

            if (taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzArtistId != null)
                musicFile.ArtistMbid = taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzArtistId;

            //  Genres
            if (taggedFile.Tag.Genres.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var tag in taggedFile.Tag.Genres)

            //  Album information
            if (taggedFile.Tag.Album != null)
                musicFile.AlbumTitle = taggedFile.Tag.Album;
            //if (taggedFile.Tag.Year != null)
                musicFile.AlbumReleased = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(taggedFile.Tag.Year), 1, 1);
            if (taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzDiscId != null)
                musicFile.AlbumMbid = taggedFile.Tag.MusicBrainzDiscId;

            return musicFile;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the music info from the supplied filename and subfolder name.
        /// The main folder is defaulted to the User's Music Library as a 
        /// Known folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="musicFile">The instance of the music file to be read.</param>
        /// <returns>An instance of the music file, includeing Tag information</returns>
        public static async Task<TagLib.File> GetMusicFileInfoAsync(StorageFile musicFile)
            MusicFileInfo musicFileInformation = new MusicFileInfo();

            //  Use Taglib Sharp to get the tag information.
            //  1.  Create a file abstraction to avoid using banned libraries
            //  Explanation is as follows
            //  You can use TagLibSharp to load tags by creating a StreamFileAbstraction and passing that to File.Create. 
            //  This won't use any banned APIs.
            //  The StreamFileAbstraction class is defined below.
            //  I claim no credit for this, just that it works nicely.  The resource is disposed of
            //  as the class inherits the Taglib.file.IFileAbstraction class.
            IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType f = await musicFile.OpenReadAsync();
            TagLib.File taglibMusicFile = TagLib.File.Create(new StreamFileAbstraction(musicFile.Name, f.AsStream()));

            return taglibMusicFile;
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the MusicFileInfo to an Album model of the Domain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MusicFile">The imported music file information</param>
        /// <returns>The mapped Album class</returns>
        private Album MapMusicFileInfoToAlbum(MusicFileInfo MusicFile, string filePath)
            var newAlbum = _albumFactory.Create();

            //  Do the mapping here.
            newAlbum.Title = MusicFile.AlbumTitle;
            newAlbum.Released = MusicFile.AlbumReleased;
            newAlbum.Mbid = MusicFile.AlbumMbid;

            var newArtist = _artistFactory.Create();
            newArtist.Name = MusicFile.ArtistName;
            newArtist.Mbid = MusicFile.ArtistMbid;
            newAlbum.Artist = newArtist;

            newAlbum.Tracks = new List<Track>();
            var newTrack = _trackFactory.Create();
            newTrack.Number = MusicFile.TrackNumber;
            newTrack.Title = MusicFile.TrackName;
            newTrack.Duration = MusicFile.TrackDuration;
            newTrack.Mbid = MusicFile.TrackMbid;
            newTrack.Artist = newArtist;
            newTrack.mediaFilePath = filePath;


            foreach (var genre in MusicFile.Genres)
                var newGenre = _genreFactory.Create();
                newGenre.Name = genre;

            return newAlbum;