Esempio n. 1
        public static void sendMessage(User user, MessageTypeEnum type)
            if (user.first_name == "control")

            AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient snsClient = new AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient(AWSConstants.SNS_ACCESS_KEY, AWSConstants.SNS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);

            PublishRequest pubRequest = new PublishRequest();

            // get the message that corresponds to the type of notification
            pubRequest.Message = MessageTypeExtension.GetDescription(type);

            // sending sms message
            if (user._Notification_Type == NotificationTypeEnum.SMS || user._Notification_Type == NotificationTypeEnum.ALL)
                // we need to have +1 on the beginning of the number in order to send
                if (user.phone_number.Substring(0, 2) != "+1")
                    pubRequest.PhoneNumber = "+1" + user.phone_number;
                    pubRequest.PhoneNumber = user.phone_number;

                PublishResponse pubResponse = snsClient.Publish(pubRequest);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts movement of the RT by updating the appointment status and
        /// then calling the RT controller to move the RT to the orientation
        /// it needs to go to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="NextAppointment"> The appointment that is currently running. </param>
        private void PerformRadioTelescopeMovement(Appointment NextAppointment)
            NextAppointment._Status = AppointmentStatusEnum.IN_PROGRESS;

            // send message to appointment's user
            SNSMessage.sendMessage(NextAppointment.User, MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_STARTED);

            logger.Info(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Appointment _Type: " + NextAppointment._Type);

            // Loop through each second or minute of the appointment (depending on appt type)
            TimeSpan length   = NextAppointment.end_time - NextAppointment.start_time;
            double   duration = NextAppointment._Type == AppointmentTypeEnum.FREE_CONTROL ? length.TotalSeconds : length.TotalMinutes;

            for (int i = 0; i <= (int)duration; i++)
                // before we move, check to see if it is safe
                if (checkCurrentSensorAndOverrideStatus())
                    // Get orientation for current datetime
                    DateTime datetime = NextAppointment._Type == AppointmentTypeEnum.FREE_CONTROL ? NextAppointment.start_time.AddSeconds(i) : NextAppointment.start_time.AddMinutes(i);
                    NextObjectiveOrientation = RTController.CoordinateController.CalculateOrientation(NextAppointment, datetime);

                    // Wait for datetime
                    while (DateTime.UtcNow < datetime)
                        if (InterruptAppointmentFlag)
                            logger.Info(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Interrupted appointment [" + NextAppointment.Id.ToString() + "] at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());

                        //logger.Debug(datetime.ToString() + " vs. " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString());

                    if (InterruptAppointmentFlag)

                    // Move to orientation
                    if (NextObjectiveOrientation != null)
                        // Kate - removed the check for azumith < 0 in the below if statement due to Todd's request
                        // Reason being, we should not have an azimuth below 0 be given to us. That check is in the
                        // method calling this!
                        if (NextObjectiveOrientation.Elevation < 0)
                            logger.Warn(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Invalid Appt: Az = " + NextObjectiveOrientation.Azimuth + ", El = " + NextObjectiveOrientation.Elevation);
                            InterruptAppointmentFlag = true;

                        logger.Info(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Moving to Next Objective: Az = " + NextObjectiveOrientation.Azimuth + ", El = " + NextObjectiveOrientation.Elevation);

                        MovementResult apptMovementResult = RTController.MoveRadioTelescopeToOrientation(NextObjectiveOrientation, MovementPriority.Appointment);

                        // If the movement result was anything other than success, it means the movement failed and something is wrong with
                        // the hardware.
                        // TODO: Talk to Todd about thresholds for this. (issue #388) Right now, it is cancelling the appointment if the movement
                        // returns back any single error. See the MovementResult enum for a list of the different errors.
                        if (apptMovementResult != MovementResult.Success)
                            logger.Info($"{Utilities.GetTimeStamp()}: Appointment movement FAILED with the following error message: {apptMovementResult.ToString()}");
                            InterruptAppointmentFlag = true;

                        if (InterruptAppointmentFlag)


                        NextObjectiveOrientation = null;
                    logger.Info(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Telescope stopped movement.");

            // Set email sender
            string emailSender = "*****@*****.**";

            if (InterruptAppointmentFlag)
                logger.Info(Utilities.GetTimeStamp() + ": Interrupted appointment [" + NextAppointment.Id.ToString() + "] at " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
                NextAppointment._Status = AppointmentStatusEnum.CANCELED;
                NextObjectiveOrientation = null;
                InterruptAppointmentFlag = false;

                // send message to appointment's user
                SNSMessage.sendMessage(NextAppointment.User, MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_CANCELLED);

                string subject = MessageTypeExtension.GetDescription(MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_CANCELLED);
                string text    = MessageTypeExtension.GetDescription(MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_CANCELLED);

                EmailNotifications.sendToUser(NextAppointment.User, subject, text, emailSender);
                NextAppointment._Status = AppointmentStatusEnum.COMPLETED;

                // send message to appointment's user
                SNSMessage.sendMessage(NextAppointment.User, MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_COMPLETION);

                // Gather up email data
                string subject        = MessageTypeExtension.GetDescription(MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_COMPLETION);
                string text           = MessageTypeExtension.GetDescription(MessageTypeEnum.APPOINTMENT_COMPLETION);
                string attachmentPath = "";

                string fname       = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
                string currentPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

                List <RFData> data = (List <RFData>)NextAppointment.RFDatas;
                    attachmentPath = Path.Combine(currentPath, $"{fname}.csv");
                    DataToCSV.ExportToCSV(data, fname);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine($"Could not write data! Error: {e}");

                EmailNotifications.sendToUser(NextAppointment.User, subject, text, emailSender, attachmentPath, true);

                // Clean up after yourself, otherwise you'll just fill up our storage space