private void GetCategories(Blog blog, WordpressNamespaces namespaces, XElement channel) {

            // Loop through the elements and build the category list.
            IEnumerable<XElement> categories =
                from cat in channel.Elements(namespaces.WpNamespace + "category")
                select cat;

            foreach (XElement categoryElement in categories) {
                var createdCategory = InternalSchemaAssemblers.AssembleCategory(namespaces, categoryElement);
                if (blog.Categories.CategoryList.All(o => o.ID != createdCategory.ID))

            // WordPress stores the parent category as the description, but BlogML wants the ID.  Now that we have a
            // complete list, we'll go back through and fix them.
            IEnumerable<Category> children =
                from a in blog.Categories.CategoryList
                where a.ParentCategory != null
                select a;

            foreach (Category child in children) {
                IEnumerable<Category> parent =
                    from a in blog.Categories.CategoryList
                    where a.Title == child.ParentCategory
                    select a;

                if (parent.Any()) {
                    child.ParentCategory = parent.ElementAt(0).ID;
        private Blog CreateTopLevelBlog(WordpressNamespaces namespaces, XElement channel) {
            Blog blog = new Blog(_clock);

            blog.DateCreated = DateTime.Parse(Constants.ParseRssDate(channel.Element("pubDate").Value));
            blog.Title = new Title();
            blog.Title.Value = channel.Element("title").Value;
            blog.SubTitle = new Title();
            blog.SubTitle.Value = channel.Element("description").Value;

            // This is the first element we use the WP namespace; make sure it works.
            // (See issue #4 - thanks to stephenway for reporting it.)
            var rootUrlElement = channel.WordpressElement(namespaces, "base_blog_url");

            if (rootUrlElement == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unable to determine the blog base URL.");

            blog.RootURL = rootUrlElement.Value;

            blog.Authors = new Authors();
            blog.Categories = new Categories();
            blog.Tags = new Tags();
            blog.Posts = new Posts();

            return blog;
        private void GetPosts(Blog blog, BlogMLBlog blogMLBlog) {
            foreach (var blogMLPost in blogMLBlog.Posts) {
                Post post = new Post();
                post.ID = blogMLPost.ID;

                post.HasExcerpt = blogMLPost.HasExcerpt;
                if (post.HasExcerpt)
                    post.Excerpt = new Content { Type = blogMLPost.Excerpt.ContentType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Value = blogMLPost.Excerpt.Text };

                foreach (BlogMLAttachment blogMLAttachment in blogMLPost.Attachments) {
                    Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
                    attachment.Embedded = blogMLAttachment.Embedded;
                    attachment.Value = blogMLAttachment.Data;
                    attachment.MimeType = blogMLAttachment.MimeType;
                    attachment.ExternalURI = blogMLAttachment.Path;
                    attachment.URL = blogMLAttachment.Url;

                foreach (BlogMLAuthorReference blogMLAuthor in blogMLPost.Authors) {
                    AuthorReference authorReference = new AuthorReference();
                    authorReference.ID = blogMLAuthor.Ref;
                foreach (BlogMLCategoryReference blogMLCategory in blogMLPost.Categories) {
                    CategoryReference categoryReference = new CategoryReference();
                    categoryReference.ID = blogMLCategory.Ref;

                foreach (BlogMLComment blogMLComment in blogMLPost.Comments) {
                    Comment comment = new Comment();
                    comment.ID = blogMLComment.ID;
                    comment.Approved = blogMLComment.Approved;
                    comment.Content = new Content { Type = blogMLComment.Content.ContentType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Value = blogMLComment.Content.Text };
                    comment.DateCreated = blogMLComment.DateCreated;
                    comment.DateModified = blogMLComment.DateModified;
                    comment.Title = blogMLComment.Title;
                    comment.UserEmail = blogMLComment.UserEMail;
                    comment.UserName = blogMLComment.UserName;
                    comment.UserURL = blogMLComment.UserUrl;

                // hmm do I care?
                //foreach (BlogMLTrackback blogMLTrackback in blogMLPost.Trackbacks) {
                //    Trackback trackback = new Trackback();
                //    trackback.ID = blogMLTrackback.ID;
                //    trackback.Approved = blogMLTrackback.Approved;
                //    trackback.DateCreated = blogMLTrackback.DateCreated;
                //    trackback.DateModified = blogMLTrackback.DateModified;
                //    trackback.Title = blogMLTrackback.Title;
                //    trackback.Url = blogMLTrackback.Url;

                post.Approved = blogMLPost.Approved;

                post.Content = new Content { Type = blogMLPost.Content.ContentType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Value = blogMLPost.Content.Text };

                post.DateCreated = blogMLPost.DateCreated;
                post.DateModified = blogMLPost.DateModified;
                post.HasExcerpt = blogMLPost.HasExcerpt;

                if (post.HasExcerpt)
                    post.Excerpt = new Content { Type = blogMLPost.Excerpt.ContentType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), Value = blogMLPost.Excerpt.Text };

                post.PostName = new Title {Type = Content.TypeHTML, Value = blogMLPost.PostName};
                post.PostUrl = blogMLPost.PostUrl;
                post.Title = blogMLPost.Title;
                post.Type = blogMLPost.PostType.ToString();
                post.Views = blogMLPost.Views;

        private Blog CreateTopLevelBlog(BlogMLBlog blogMLBlog) {
            Blog blog = new Blog(_clock);

            blog.DateCreated = blogMLBlog.DateCreated;

            blog.Title = new Title();
            blog.Title.Value = blogMLBlog.Title;

            blog.SubTitle = new Title();
            blog.SubTitle.Value = blogMLBlog.SubTitle;

            blog.RootURL = blogMLBlog.RootUrl;

            blog.Authors = new Authors();
            blog.Categories = new Categories();
            blog.Tags = new Tags();
            blog.Posts = new Posts();

            return blog;
        private void GetCategories(Blog blog, BlogMLBlog blogMLBlog) {
            foreach (var blogMLcategory in blogMLBlog.Categories) {
                Category category = new Category();
                category.ID = blogMLcategory.ID;
                category.Approved = blogMLcategory.Approved;
                category.DateCreated = blogMLcategory.DateCreated;
                category.DateModified = blogMLcategory.DateModified;
                category.Description = blogMLcategory.Description;
                category.ParentCategory = blogMLcategory.ParentRef;
                category.Title = blogMLcategory.Title;

 private void GetAuthors(Blog blog, BlogMLBlog blogMLBlog) {
     foreach (var blogMLAuthor in blogMLBlog.Authors) {
         Author author = new Author();
         author.ID = blogMLAuthor.ID;
         author.Approved = blogMLAuthor.Approved;
         author.DateCreated = blogMLAuthor.DateCreated;
         author.DateModified = blogMLAuthor.DateModified;
         author.Email = blogMLAuthor.Email;
         author.Title = blogMLAuthor.Title;
        private void ImportBlog(Blog blog, ImportSettings importSettings) {
            _blogImportStrategy.Import(importSettings, blog, null);


            _orchardServices.Notifier.Information(T("Blog Import has completed successfully. All errors will be listed below, and you may review report generated via the reports link in the menu at anytime."));
        private string GetAuthorReference(Blog blog, string author) {

            string id = Constants.Slug(author);

            IEnumerable<Author> authors =
                from a in blog.Authors.AuthorList
                where a.ID == id
                select a;

            if (!authors.Any()) {
                // Author not found - let's create them!
                Author newAuthor = new Author();
                newAuthor.ID = id;
                newAuthor.Email = id + "@" + (new Uri(blog.RootURL)).Host;
                newAuthor.Title = author;

            return id;
        private void GetPosts(Blog blog, WordpressNamespaces namespaces, XElement channel) {

            IEnumerable<XElement> posts =
                from item in channel.Elements("item")
                where item.WordpressElement(namespaces, "status").Value == "publish"
                select item;

            // NGM Might want update urls within content to stop redirects?

            foreach (XElement item in posts) {

                Post post = InternalSchemaAssemblers.AssemblePost(namespaces, item);

                // We need to get the author reference separately, as we need the AuthorList from the blog.
                AuthorReference author = new AuthorReference();
                author.ID = GetAuthorReference(blog,
                                               ((XText)item.Element(namespaces.DcNamespace + "creator").FirstNode).Value);

        private void GetTags(Blog blog, WordpressNamespaces namespaces, XElement channel) {
            // Loop through the elements and build the category list.
            IEnumerable<XElement> tags =
                from tag in channel.Elements(namespaces.WpNamespace + "tag")
                select tag;

            foreach (XElement tagElement in tags) {
                var createdTag = InternalSchemaAssemblers.AssembleTag(namespaces, tagElement);
                if (blog.Tags.TagList.All(o => o.ID != createdTag.ID))

            // WordPress stores the parent category as the description, but BlogML wants the ID.  Now that we have a
            // complete list, we'll go back through and fix them.
            IEnumerable<Tag> children =
                from a in blog.Tags.TagList
                where a.Slug != null
                select a;

            foreach (Tag child in children) {
                IEnumerable<Tag> parent =
                    from a in blog.Tags.TagList
                    where a.Title == child.Slug
                    select a;

                if (0 < parent.Count()) {
                    child.Slug = parent.ElementAt(0).ID;