/// <summary>
        /// Uses an empty hand on an entity
        /// Finds components with the AttackHand interface and calls their function
        /// </summary>
        public void Interaction(IEntity user, IEntity attacked)
            var message = new AttackHandMessage(user, attacked);

            if (message.Handled)

            var attackHands         = attacked.GetAllComponents <IAttackHand>().ToList();
            var attackHandEventArgs = new AttackHandEventArgs {
                User = user

            foreach (var attackHand in attackHands)
                if (attackHand.AttackHand(attackHandEventArgs))
                    // If an AttackHand returns a status completion we finish our attack

            // Else we run Activate.
            InteractionActivate(user, attacked);
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses an empty hand on an entity
        /// Finds components with the InteractHand interface and calls their function
        /// </summary>
        public void Interaction(IEntity user, IEntity attacked)
            var message = new AttackHandMessage(user, attacked);

            if (message.Handled)

            var attackHands         = attacked.GetAllComponents <IInteractHand>().ToList();
            var attackHandEventArgs = new InteractHandEventArgs {
                User = user, Target = attacked

            // all attackHands should only fire when in range / unbostructed
            if (InteractionChecks.InRangeUnobstructed(attackHandEventArgs))
                foreach (var attackHand in attackHands)
                    if (attackHand.InteractHand(attackHandEventArgs))
                        // If an InteractHand returns a status completion we finish our attack

            // Else we run Activate.
            InteractionActivate(user, attacked);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses an empty hand on an entity
        /// Finds interactable components with the Attackhand interface and calls their function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="attacked"></param>
        public void Interaction(IEntity user, IEntity attacked)
            var message = new AttackHandMessage(user, attacked);

            if (message.Handled)

            List <IAttackHand> interactables = attacked.GetAllComponents <IAttackHand>().ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < interactables.Count; i++)
                if (interactables[i].AttackHand(new AttackHandEventArgs {
                    User = user
                }))                                                                      //If an attackby returns a status completion we finish our attack

            //Else check damage component to see if we damage if not attackby, and if so can we attack object
Esempio n. 4
 private void HandleAttackHand(EntityUid uid, BuckleComponent component, AttackHandMessage args)
     args.Handled = component.TryUnbuckle(args.User);