Esempio n. 1
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, fieldhelp");
         // Field help with no field
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting field help with no field.");
         string sql = ""
                      + "delete from ccfieldhelp where id in ("
                      + " select"
                      + " from ccfieldhelp h"
                      + " left join ccfields f on where is null"
                      + ")";
         // Field help duplicates - messy, but I am not sure where they are coming from, and this patchs the edit page performance problem
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting duplicate field help records.");
         sql = ""
               + "delete from ccfieldhelp where id in ("
               + " select"
               + " from ccfieldhelp a"
               + " left join ccfieldhelp b on a.fieldid=b.fieldid where<"
               + ")";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 2
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, grouprules");
         // GroupRules with bad ContentID
         //   Handled record by record removed to prevent CDEF reload
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Group Rules with bad ContentID.");
         string sql = "Select ccGroupRules.ID"
                      + " From ccGroupRules LEFT JOIN ccContent on ccContent.ID=ccGroupRules.ContentID"
                      + " WHERE (ccContent.ID is null)";
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             while (csData.ok())
                 MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Group Rules", csData.getInteger("ID"));
         // GroupRules with bad GroupID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Group Rules with bad GroupID.");
         sql = "delete ccGroupRules"
               + " From ccGroupRules"
               + " LEFT JOIN ccgroups on ccgroups.ID=ccGroupRules.GroupID"
               + " WHERE (ccgroups.ID is null)";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 3
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, visitors");
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting visitors with no visits");
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete ccVisitors from ccVisitors Left Join ccVisits on ccVisits.VisitorID=ccVisitors.ID where ccVisits.ID is null");
         // delete nocookie visits
         // This must happen after the housekeep summarizing, and no sooner then 48 hours ago so all hits have been summarized before deleting
         if (env.archiveDeleteNoCookie)
             // delete visitors from the non-cookie visits
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting visitors from visits with no cookie support older than Midnight, Two Days Ago");
             string sql = "delete from ccvisitors from ccvisitors r,ccvisits v where and(v.CookieSupport=0)and(v.LastVisitTime<DATEADD(day,-2,CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))";
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// addon interface
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object Execute(CPBaseClass cp)
            string result = "";

            try {
                CoreController core = ((CPClass)cp).core;
                LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep");
                var env         = new HouseKeepEnvironmentModel(core);
                int TimeoutSave = core.db.sqlCommandTimeout;
                core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
                // -- hourly tasks
                HourlyTasksClass.housekeep(core, env);
                // -- daily tasks
                if (env.forceHousekeep || env.runDailyTasks)
                    DailyTasksClass.housekeepDaily(core, env);
                core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = TimeoutSave;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
            try {
                LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, viewingsummary");
                // -- there is a bug and I need to move on.

                // Page View Summary
                    DateTime datePtr = default;
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        if (!csData.openSql(core.db.getSQLSelect("ccviewingsummary", "DateNumber", "TimeDuration=24 and DateNumber>=" + env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout.Date.ToOADate(), "DateNumber Desc", "", 1)))
                            datePtr = env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                            datePtr = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(csData.getInteger("DateNumber"));
                    if (datePtr < env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
                        datePtr = env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                    pageViewSummary(core, datePtr, env.yesterday, 24, core.siteProperties.dataBuildVersion, env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         // ContentWatchListRules with bad ContentWatchID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting ContentWatchList Rules with bad ContentWatchID.");
         string sql = "delete ccContentWatchListRules"
                      + " From ccContentWatchListRules"
                      + " LEFT JOIN ccContentWatch on ccContentWatch.ID=ccContentWatchListRules.ContentWatchID"
                      + " WHERE (ccContentWatch.ID is null)";
         // ContentWatchListRules with bad ContentWatchListID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting ContentWatchList Rules with bad ContentWatchListID.");
         sql = "delete ccContentWatchListRules"
               + " From ccContentWatchListRules"
               + " LEFT JOIN ccContentWatchLists on ccContentWatchLists.ID=ccContentWatchListRules.ContentWatchListID"
               + " WHERE (ccContentWatchLists.ID is null)";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 7
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, contentfieldtype rules");
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccAddonContentFieldTypeRules where id in (select from ccAddonContentFieldTypeRules r left join ccaggregatefunctions a on where a.Id Is Null)");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 8
 public static void housekeepDaily(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily");
         // -- Download Updates
         // -- Addon folder
         // -- metadata
         ContentFieldClass.housekeep(core, env);
         // -- content
         PageContentClass.housekeep(core, env);
         AddonContentFieldTypeRuleClass.housekeep(core, env);
         AddonContentTriggerRuleClass.housekeep(core, env);
         ContentWatchClass.housekeep(core, env);
         EmailDropClass.housekeep(core, env);
         EmailLogClass.housekeep(core, env);
         FieldHelpClass.housekeep(core, env);
         GroupRulesClass.housekeep(core, env);
         MemberRuleClass.housekeep(core, env);
         MetadataClass.housekeep(core, env);
         LinkAliasClass.housekeep(core, env);
         // -- Properties
         // -- visits, visitors, viewings
         VisitClass.housekeep(core, env);
         VisitorClass.housekeep(core, env);
         ViewingsClass.housekeep(core, env);
         // -- summary
         VisitSummaryClass.housekeep(core, env);
         ViewingSummaryClass.housekeep(core, env);
         // -- logs
         ActivityLogClass.housekeep(core, env);
         // -- people
         PersonClass.housekeep(core, env);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 9
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep hourly");
         // -- delete temp files
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 10
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, content fields");
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting content fields with no content.");
         string sql = "delete from ccfields from ccfields left join cccontent on where is null";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 11
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, linkalias");
         // -- delete dups
         string sql = "delete from ccLinkAliases where id in ( select from cclinkaliases a,cclinkaliases b where< and )";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, addoncontenttrigger rules");
         // -- addon trigger rules
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccAddonContentTriggerRules where id in (select from ccAddonContentTriggerRules r left join ccaggregatefunctions a on = r.addonid where a.Id Is Null)");
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccAddonContentTriggerRules where id in (select from ccAddonContentTriggerRules r left join cccontent c on = r.contentid where is null)");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 13
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, emaildrops older then " + env.emailDropArchiveAgeDays + " days");
         // email drops for only 365 days
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccemaildrops where (dateadded < dateadd(day,-" + env.emailDropArchiveAgeDays + ",cast(getdate() as date)))");
         // email drops with no email
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccemaildrops from ccemaildrops d left join ccemail e on where is null");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 14
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, page content");
             // Move Archived pages from their current parent to their archive parent
             bool   NeedToClearCache = false;
             string SQL = "select * from ccpagecontent where (( DateArchive is not null )and(DateArchive<" + core.sqlDateTimeMockable + "))and(active<>0)";
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 while (csData.ok())
                     int RecordId        = csData.getInteger("ID");
                     int ArchiveParentId = csData.getInteger("ArchiveParentID");
                     if (ArchiveParentId == 0)
                         SQL = "update ccpagecontent set DateArchive=null where (id=" + RecordId + ")";
                         SQL = "update ccpagecontent set ArchiveParentID=null,DateArchive=null,parentid=" + ArchiveParentId + " where (id=" + RecordId + ")";
                         NeedToClearCache = true;
             // Clear caches
             if (NeedToClearCache)
                 object emptyData = null;
                 core.cache.invalidate("Page Content");
                 core.cache.storeObject("PCC", emptyData);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 15
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, email log");
         // email log for only 365 days
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccemaillog where (dateadded < DATEADD(day,-" + env.emailDropArchiveAgeDays + ",CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))");
         // clear email body field for emails older than 7 days
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Clear email body field for email logs older then " + env.emailLogBodyRetainDays + " days");
         DateTime emailLogBodyRetainDate = core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddDays(-env.emailLogBodyRetainDays).Date;
         core.db.executeNonQuery("update ccemaillog set body=null where dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(emailLogBodyRetainDate));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 16
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, viewings");
         try {
             // delete old viewings
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccviewings where (dateadded < DATEADD(day,-" + env.visitArchiveAgeDays + ",CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))");
         } catch (Exception) {
             LogController.logWarn(core, "exception deleting old viewings");
         if (env.archiveDeleteNoCookie)
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting viewings from visits with no cookie support older than Midnight, Two Days Ago");
             // if this fails, continue with the rest of the work
             try {
                 string sql = "delete from ccviewings from ccviewings h,ccvisits v where and(v.CookieSupport=0)and(v.LastVisitTime<DATEADD(day,-2,CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))";
                 core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
             } catch (Exception) {
                 LogController.logWarn(core, "exception deleting viewings with no cookie");
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting viewings with null or invalid VisitID");
         try {
             string sql = "delete from ccviewings  where (visitid=0 or visitid is null)";
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
         } catch (Exception) {
             LogController.logWarn(core, "exception deleting viewings with invalid visits");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 17
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "HousekeepDaily, contentwatch");
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             string sql = "select from cccontentwatch left join cccontent on  where ( is null)or( is null)";
             while (csData.ok())
                 MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Watch", csData.getInteger("ID"));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 18
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         string SQL = "";
         // Remote Query Expiration
         SQL = "delete from ccRemoteQueries where (DateExpires is not null)and(DateExpires<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable) + ")";
         SQL = "delete from ccmenuEntries where id in (select m.ID from ccMenuEntries m left join ccAggregateFunctions a on where m.addonid<>0 and is null)";
         SQL = "delete from ccmenuEntries where id in (select m.ID from ccMenuEntries m left join ccAggregateFunctions a on where m.helpaddonid<>0 and is null)";
         SQL = "delete from ccmenuEntries where id in (select m.ID from ccMenuEntries m left join ccAddonCollections c on Where m.helpcollectionid <> 0 And c.Id Is Null)";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 19
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, activitylog");
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting activities older than 30 days.");
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccactivitylog where (DateAdded is null)or(DateAdded<DATEADD(day,-30,CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))");
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting activities with no member record.");
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete ccactivitylog from ccactivitylog left join ccmembers on where ( is null)");
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 20
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, memberrules");
         // -- delete rows with invalid columns
         core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccMemberRules where groupid is null or memberid is null");
         // MemberRules with bad MemberID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Member Rules with bad MemberID.");
         string sql = "delete ccmemberrules"
                      + " From ccmemberrules"
                      + " LEFT JOIN ccmembers on ccmembers.ID=ccmemberrules.memberId"
                      + " WHERE (ccmembers.ID is null)";
         // MemberRules with bad GroupID
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting Member Rules with bad GroupID.");
         sql = "delete ccmemberrules"
               + " From ccmemberrules"
               + " LEFT JOIN ccgroups on ccgroups.ID=ccmemberrules.GroupID"
               + " WHERE (ccgroups.ID is null)";
         // -- delete duplicates (very slow query)
         sql = "delete from ccmemberrules where id in ("
               + " select distinct"
               + " from ccmemberrules a, ccmemberrules b"
               + " where ((a.memberid=b.memberid)and(a.groupid=b.groupid)and(<"
               + ")";
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// summarized visits hourly
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="core"></param>
 /// <param name="env"></param>
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, visitsummary");
         bool newHour = (core.dateTimeNowMockable.Hour != env.lastCheckDateTime.Hour);
         if (env.forceHousekeep || newHour)
             // Set NextSummaryStartDate based on the last time we ran hourly summarization
             DateTime LastTimeSummaryWasRun = env.visitArchiveDate;
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 if (csData.openSql(core.db.getSQLSelect("ccVisitSummary", "DateAdded", "(timeduration=1)and(Dateadded>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(env.visitArchiveDate) + ")", "id Desc", "", 1)))
                     LastTimeSummaryWasRun = csData.getDate("DateAdded");
                     LogController.logInfo(core, "Update hourly visit summary, last time summary was run was [" + LastTimeSummaryWasRun + "]");
                     LogController.logInfo(core, "Update hourly visit summary, no hourly summaries were found, set start to [" + LastTimeSummaryWasRun + "]");
             DateTime NextSummaryStartDate = LastTimeSummaryWasRun;
             // Each hourly entry includes visits that started during that hour, but we do not know when they finished (maybe during last hour)
             //   Find the oldest starttime of all the visits with endtimes after the LastTimeSummaryWasRun. Resummarize all periods
             //   from then to now
             //   For the past 24 hours, find the oldest visit with the last viewing during the last hour
             DateTime StartOfHour     = (new DateTime(LastTimeSummaryWasRun.Year, LastTimeSummaryWasRun.Month, LastTimeSummaryWasRun.Day, LastTimeSummaryWasRun.Hour, 1, 1)).AddHours(-1); // (Int(24 * LastTimeSummaryWasRun) / 24) - PeriodStep
             DateTime OldestDateAdded = StartOfHour;
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 if (csData.openSql(core.db.getSQLSelect("ccVisits", "DateAdded", "LastVisitTime>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(StartOfHour), "dateadded", "", 1)))
                     OldestDateAdded = csData.getDate("DateAdded");
                     if (OldestDateAdded < NextSummaryStartDate)
                         NextSummaryStartDate = OldestDateAdded;
                         LogController.logInfo(core, "Update hourly visit summary, found a visit with the last viewing during the past hour. It started [" + OldestDateAdded + "], before the last summary was run.");
             DateTime PeriodStartDate = core.dateTimeNowMockable.Date.AddDays(-90);
             double   PeriodStep      = 1;
             int      HoursPerDay     = 0;
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             for (double PeriodDatePtr = PeriodStartDate.ToOADate(); PeriodDatePtr <= OldestDateAdded.ToOADate(); PeriodDatePtr += PeriodStep)
                 // Verify there are 24 hour records for every day back the past 90 days
                 DateTime DateofMissingSummary = DateTime.MinValue;
                 using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                     if (csData.openSql("select count(id) as HoursPerDay from ccVisitSummary where TimeDuration=1 and DateNumber=" + encodeInteger(PeriodDatePtr) + " group by DateNumber"))
                         HoursPerDay = csData.getInteger("HoursPerDay");
                     if (HoursPerDay < 24)
                         DateofMissingSummary = DateTime.FromOADate(PeriodDatePtr);
                 if ((DateofMissingSummary != DateTime.MinValue) && (DateofMissingSummary < NextSummaryStartDate))
                     LogController.logInfo(core, "Found a missing hourly period in the visit summary table [" + DateofMissingSummary + "], it only has [" + HoursPerDay + "] hourly summaries.");
                     NextSummaryStartDate = DateofMissingSummary;
                 // Now summarize all visits during all hourly periods between OldestDateAdded and the previous Hour
                 LogController.logInfo(core, "Summaryize visits hourly, starting [" + NextSummaryStartDate + "]");
                 PeriodStep = (double)1 / (double)24;
                 VisitSummaryClass.summarizePeriod(core, env, NextSummaryStartDate, core.dateTimeNowMockable, 1, core.siteProperties.dataBuildVersion, env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     core.cpParent.Db.ExecuteNonQuery("update ccmembers set allowbulkemail=1 from ccmembers m left join emailbouncelist b on LIKE CONCAT('%', m.[email], '%') where is not null and is not null");
Esempio n. 23
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, visits");
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting visits with no DateAdded");
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccvisits where (DateAdded is null)or(DateAdded<DATEADD(year,-10,CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))");
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting visits with no visitor");
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccvisits from ccvisits v left join ccvisitors r on where ( is null)");
         if (env.archiveDeleteNoCookie)
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting visits with no cookie support older than Midnight, Two Days Ago");
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
             core.db.executeNonQuery("delete from ccvisits where (CookieSupport=0)and(LastVisitTime<DATEADD(day,-2,CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)))");
         DateTime OldestVisitDate = default(DateTime);
         // Get Oldest Visit
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             if (csData.openSql(core.db.getSQLSelect("ccVisits", "DateAdded", "", "dateadded", "", 1)))
                 OldestVisitDate = csData.getDate("DateAdded").Date;
         // Remove old visit records
         //   if > 30 days in visit table, limit one pass to just 30 days
         //   this is to prevent the entire server from being bogged down for one site change
         if (OldestVisitDate == DateTime.MinValue)
             LogController.logInfo(core, "No visit records were removed because no visit records were found while requesting the oldest visit.");
             DateTime ArchiveDate  = core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddDays(-env.visitArchiveAgeDays).Date;
             int      DaystoRemove = encodeInteger(ArchiveDate.Subtract(OldestVisitDate).TotalDays);
             if (DaystoRemove > 30)
                 ArchiveDate = OldestVisitDate.AddDays(30);
             if (OldestVisitDate >= ArchiveDate)
                 LogController.logInfo(core, "No records were removed because Oldest Visit Date [" + OldestVisitDate + "] >= ArchiveDate [" + ArchiveDate + "].");
                 LogController.logInfo(core, "Removing records from [" + OldestVisitDate + "] to [" + ArchiveDate + "].");
                 DateTime SingleDate = default(DateTime);
                 SingleDate = OldestVisitDate;
                     houseKeep_App_Daily_RemoveVisitRecords(core, SingleDate);
                     SingleDate = SingleDate.AddDays(1);
                 } while (SingleDate < ArchiveDate);
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 24
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
Esempio n. 25
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, people");
         // Any member records that were created outside contensive need to have CreatedByVisit=0 (past v4.1.152)
         core.db.executeNonQuery("update ccmembers set CreatedByVisit=0 where createdbyvisit is null");
         // delete members from the non-cookie visits
         // legacy records without createdbyvisit will have to be corrected by hand (or upgrade)
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting members from visits with no cookie support older than Midnight, Two Days Ago");
         string sql = "delete from ccmembers from ccmembers m,ccvisits v where and(m.visits=1) and(m.createdbyvisit=1) and(m.username is null) and( is null) and(v.cookiesupport=0)and(v.lastvisittime<DATEADD(hour, -2, GETDATE()))";
         try {
             core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
         } catch (Exception ex) {
             LogController.logError(core, ex);
         // -- Remove old guest records
         DateTime ArchiveDate         = core.dateTimeNowMockable.AddDays(-env.guestArchiveAgeDays).Date;
         string   SQLTablePeople      = MetadataController.getContentTablename(core, "People");
         string   DeleteBeforeDateSQL = DbController.encodeSQLDate(ArchiveDate);
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting members with  LastVisit before DeleteBeforeDate [" + ArchiveDate + "], exactly one total visit, a null username and a null email address.");
         string SQLCriteria = "(LastVisit<" + DeleteBeforeDateSQL + ")and(createdbyvisit=1)and(Visits=1)and(Username is null)and(email is null)";
         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
         core.db.deleteTableRecordChunks("ccmembers", SQLCriteria, 1000, 10000);
         // delete 'guests' Members with one visits but no valid visit record
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting 'guest' members with no visits (name is default name, visits=1, username null, email null,dateadded=lastvisit)");
         sql = "delete from ccmembers from ccmembers m,ccvisits v"
               + " where"
               + " and(m.createdbyvisit=1)"
               + " and(m.Visits=1)"
               + " and(m.Username is null)"
               + " and( is null)"
               + " and(m.dateadded=m.lastvisit)"
               + " and( is null)";
         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
         // delete 'guests' Members created before ArchivePeopleAgeDays
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Deleting 'guest' members with no visits (name is default name, visits=1, username null, email null,dateadded=lastvisit)");
         sql = "delete from ccmembers from ccmembers m left join ccvisits v on"
               + " where(m.createdbyvisit=1)"
               + " and(m.Visits=1)"
               + " and(m.Username is null)"
               + " and( is null)"
               + " and(m.dateadded=m.lastvisit)"
               + " and( is null)";
         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
         // -- mark all people allowbulkemail if their email address is in the emailbouncelist
         sql = "update ccmembers set allowbulkemail=0 from ccmembers m left join emailbouncelist b on LIKE CONCAT('%', m.[email], '%') where is not null and is not null";
         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 1800;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 26
 // Summarize the visits
 //   excludes non-cookie visits
 //   excludes administrator and developer visits
 //   excludes authenticated users with ExcludeFromReporting
 // Average time on site
 //   Example data
 //   Pages       TimeToLastHit
 //   1           0           - hit 1 page, start time = last time
 //   10          3510        - hit 10 pages, first hit time - last hit time = 3510
 //   2           30          - hit 2 pages, first hit time - last hit time = 30
 // AveReadTime is the average time spent reading pages
 //   this is calculated from the multi-page visits only
 //   = MultiPageTimeToLastHitSum / ( MultiPageHitCnt - MultiPageVisitCnt )
 //   = ( 3510 + 30 ) / ((10+2) - 2 )
 //   = 354
 // TotalTimeOnSite is the total time people spent reading pages
 //   There are two parts:
 //     1) the TimeToLastHit, which covers all but the last hit of each visit
 //     2) assume the last hit of each visit is the AveReadTime
 //   = MultiPageTimeToLastHitSum + ( AveReadTime * VisitCnt )
 //   = ( 3510 + 30 ) + ( 354 * 3 )
 //   = 4602
 // AveTimeOnSite
 //   = TotalTimeOnSite / TotalHits
 //   = 4602 / 3
 //   = 1534
 private static void summarizePeriod(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env, DateTime StartTimeDate, DateTime EndTimeDate, int HourDuration, string BuildVersion, DateTime OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
     try {
         if (string.CompareOrdinal(BuildVersion, CoreController.codeVersion()) >= 0)
             DateTime PeriodStart = default(DateTime);
             PeriodStart = StartTimeDate;
             if (PeriodStart < OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout)
                 PeriodStart = OldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
             double StartTimeHoursSinceMidnight = PeriodStart.TimeOfDay.TotalHours;
             PeriodStart = PeriodStart.Date.AddHours(StartTimeHoursSinceMidnight);
             DateTime PeriodDatePtr = default(DateTime);
             PeriodDatePtr = PeriodStart;
             while (PeriodDatePtr < EndTimeDate)
                 int      DateNumber = encodeInteger(PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration / 2.0).ToOADate());
                 int      TimeNumber = encodeInteger(PeriodDatePtr.TimeOfDay.TotalHours);
                 DateTime DateStart  = default(DateTime);
                 DateStart = PeriodDatePtr.Date;
                 DateTime DateEnd = default(DateTime);
                 DateEnd = PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration).Date;
                 // No Cookie Visits
                 string SQL = "select count( as NoCookieVisits"
                              + " from ccvisits v"
                              + " where (v.CookieSupport<>1)"
                              + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                              + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                              + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                              + "";
                 int NoCookieVisits = 0;
                 using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                     core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                     if (csData.ok())
                         NoCookieVisits = csData.getInteger("NoCookieVisits");
                 // Total Visits
                 SQL = "select count( as VisitCnt ,Sum(v.PageVisits) as HitCnt ,sum(v.TimetoLastHit) as TimeOnSite"
                       + " from ccvisits v"
                       + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                       + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                       + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                       + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                       + "";
                 int VisitCnt = 0;
                 int HitCnt   = 0;
                 using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                     core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                     if (csData.ok())
                         VisitCnt = csData.getInteger("VisitCnt");
                         HitCnt   = csData.getInteger("HitCnt");
                         double TimeOnSite = csData.getNumber("TimeOnSite");
                 // -- Visits by new visitors
                 int    NewVisitorVisits    = 0;
                 int    SinglePageVisits    = 0;
                 int    AuthenticatedVisits = 0;
                 int    MobileVisits        = 0;
                 int    BotVisits           = 0;
                 double AveTimeOnSite       = 0;
                 if (VisitCnt > 0)
                     SQL = "select count( as NewVisitorVisits"
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(v.VisitorNew<>0)"
                           + "";
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             NewVisitorVisits = csData.getInteger("NewVisitorVisits");
                     // Single Page Visits
                     SQL = "select count( as SinglePageVisits"
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(v.PageVisits=1)"
                           + "";
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             SinglePageVisits = csData.getInteger("SinglePageVisits");
                     // Multipage Visits
                     SQL = "select count( as VisitCnt ,sum(v.PageVisits) as HitCnt ,sum(v.TimetoLastHit) as TimetoLastHitSum "
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(PageVisits>1)"
                           + "";
                     int    MultiPageHitCnt           = 0;
                     int    MultiPageVisitCnt         = 0;
                     double MultiPageTimetoLastHitSum = 0;
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             MultiPageVisitCnt         = csData.getInteger("VisitCnt");
                             MultiPageHitCnt           = csData.getInteger("HitCnt");
                             MultiPageTimetoLastHitSum = csData.getNumber("TimetoLastHitSum");
                     // Authenticated Visits
                     SQL = "select count( as AuthenticatedVisits "
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(VisitAuthenticated<>0)"
                           + "";
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             AuthenticatedVisits = csData.getInteger("AuthenticatedVisits");
                     // Mobile Visits
                     SQL = "select count( as cnt "
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(Mobile<>0)"
                           + "";
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             MobileVisits = csData.getInteger("cnt");
                     // Bot Visits
                     SQL = "select count( as cnt "
                           + " from ccvisits v"
                           + " where (v.CookieSupport<>0)"
                           + " and(v.dateadded>=" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateStart) + ")"
                           + " and (v.dateadded<" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(DateEnd) + ")"
                           + " and((v.ExcludeFromAnalytics is null)or(v.ExcludeFromAnalytics=0))"
                           + " and(Bot<>0)"
                           + "";
                     using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                         core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                         if (csData.ok())
                             BotVisits = csData.getInteger("cnt");
                     if ((MultiPageHitCnt > MultiPageVisitCnt) && (HitCnt > 0))
                         int    AveReadTime     = encodeInteger(MultiPageTimetoLastHitSum / (MultiPageHitCnt - MultiPageVisitCnt));
                         double TotalTimeOnSite = MultiPageTimetoLastHitSum + (AveReadTime * VisitCnt);
                         AveTimeOnSite = TotalTimeOnSite / VisitCnt;
                 // Add or update the Visit Summary Record
                 using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                     core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
           "Visit Summary", "(timeduration=" + HourDuration + ")and(DateNumber=" + DateNumber + ")and(TimeNumber=" + TimeNumber + ")");
                     if (!csData.ok())
                         csData.insert("Visit Summary");
                     if (csData.ok())
                         csData.set("name", HourDuration + " hr summary for " + DateTime.FromOADate(DateNumber).ToShortDateString() + " " + TimeNumber + ":00");
                         csData.set("DateNumber", DateNumber);
                         csData.set("TimeNumber", TimeNumber);
                         csData.set("Visits", VisitCnt);
                         csData.set("PagesViewed", HitCnt);
                         csData.set("TimeDuration", HourDuration);
                         csData.set("NewVisitorVisits", NewVisitorVisits);
                         csData.set("SinglePageVisits", SinglePageVisits);
                         csData.set("AuthenticatedVisits", AuthenticatedVisits);
                         csData.set("NoCookieVisits", NoCookieVisits);
                         csData.set("AveTimeOnSite", AveTimeOnSite);
                             csData.set("MobileVisits", MobileVisits);
                             csData.set("BotVisits", BotVisits);
                 PeriodDatePtr = PeriodDatePtr.AddHours(HourDuration);
                 // Delete any daily visit summary duplicates during this period(keep the first)
                 string SQL = "delete from ccvisitsummary"
                              + " where id in ("
                              + " select from ccvisitsummary d,ccvisitsummary f"
                              + " where f.datenumber=d.datenumber"
                              + " and f.datenumber>" + env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout.ToOADate() + " and f.datenumber<" + env.yesterday.ToOADate() + " and f.TimeDuration=24"
                              + " and d.TimeDuration=24"
                              + " and<"
                              + ")";
                 core.db.sqlCommandTimeout = 180;
                 // Find missing daily summaries, summarize that date
                 SQL = core.db.getSQLSelect("ccVisitSummary", "DateNumber", "TimeDuration=24 and DateNumber>=" + env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout.Date.ToOADate(), "DateNumber,TimeNumber");
                 using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                     DateTime datePtr = env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout;
                     while (datePtr <= env.yesterday)
                         if (!csData.ok())
                             // Out of data, start with this DatePtr
                             VisitSummaryClass.summarizePeriod(core, env, datePtr, datePtr, 24, core.siteProperties.dataBuildVersion, env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout);
                             DateTime workingDate = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(csData.getInteger("DateNumber"));
                             if (datePtr < workingDate)
                                 // There are missing dates, update them
                                 VisitSummaryClass.summarizePeriod(core, env, datePtr, workingDate.AddDays(-1), 24, core.siteProperties.dataBuildVersion, env.oldestVisitSummaryWeCareAbout);
                         if (csData.ok())
                             // if there is more data, go to the next record
                         datePtr = datePtr.AddDays(1).Date;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
Esempio n. 27
 public static void housekeep(CoreController core, HouseKeepEnvironmentModel env)
     try {
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Housekeep, metadata");
         // block duplicate redirect fields (match contentid+fieldtype+caption)
         LogController.logInfo(core, "Inactivate duplicate redirect fields");
         int    FieldContentId = 0;
         string FieldLast      = null;
         string FieldNew       = null;
         int    FieldRecordId  = 0;
         using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
             csData.openSql("Select ID, ContentID, Type, Caption from ccFields where (active<>0)and(Type=" + (int)CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect + ") Order By ContentID, Caption, ID");
             FieldLast = "";
             while (csData.ok())
                 FieldContentId = csData.getInteger("Contentid");
                 string FieldCaption = csData.getText("Caption");
                 FieldNew = FieldContentId + FieldCaption;
                 if (FieldNew == FieldLast)
                     FieldRecordId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                     core.db.executeNonQuery("Update ccFields set active=0 where ID=" + FieldRecordId + ";");
                 FieldLast = FieldNew;
         // convert FieldTypeLongText + htmlContent to FieldTypeHTML
         LogController.logInfo(core, "convert FieldTypeLongText + htmlContent to FieldTypeHTML.");
         string sql = "update ccfields set type=" + (int)CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML + " where type=" + (int)CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText + " and ( htmlcontent<>0 )";
         // Content TextFile types with no controlling record
         if (GenericController.encodeBoolean(core.siteProperties.getText("ArchiveAllowFileClean", "false")))
             int DSType = core.db.getDataSourceType();
             LogController.logInfo(core, "Content TextFile types with no controlling record.");
             using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                 sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ccTables.Name as TableName, ccFields.Name as FieldName"
                       + " FROM (ccFields LEFT JOIN ccContent ON ccFields.ContentId = ccContent.ID) LEFT JOIN ccTables ON ccContent.ContentTableId = ccTables.ID"
                       + " Where (((ccFields.Type) = 10))"
                       + " ORDER BY ccTables.Name";
                 while (csData.ok())
                     // Get all the files in this path, and check that the record exists with this in its field
                     string FieldName = csData.getText("FieldName");
                     string TableName = csData.getText("TableName");
                     string PathName  = TableName + "\\" + FieldName;
                     List <CPFileSystemBaseClass.FileDetail> FileList = core.cdnFiles.getFileList(PathName);
                     if (FileList.Count > 0)
                         core.db.executeNonQuery("CREATE INDEX temp" + FieldName + " ON " + TableName + " (" + FieldName + ")");
                         foreach (CPFileSystemBaseClass.FileDetail file in FileList)
                             string Filename        = file.Name;
                             string VirtualFileName = PathName + "\\" + Filename;
                             string VirtualLink     = GenericController.strReplace(VirtualFileName, "\\", "/");
                             long   FileSize        = file.Size;
                             if (FileSize == 0)
                                 sql = "update " + TableName + " set " + FieldName + "=null where (" + FieldName + "=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(VirtualFileName) + ")or(" + FieldName + "=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(VirtualLink) + ")";
                                 using (var csTest = new CsModel(core)) {
                                     sql = "SELECT ID FROM " + TableName + " WHERE (" + FieldName + "=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(VirtualFileName) + ")or(" + FieldName + "=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(VirtualLink) + ")";
                                     if (!csTest.openSql(sql))
                         if (DSType == 1)
                             // access
                             sql = "Drop INDEX temp" + FieldName + " ON " + TableName;
                         else if (DSType == 2)
                             // sql server
                             sql = "DROP INDEX " + TableName + ".temp" + FieldName;
                             // mysql
                             sql = "ALTER TABLE " + TableName + " DROP INDEX temp" + FieldName;
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);