Esempio n. 1
        public TableCellContent Copy()
            TableCellContent ToReturn = new TableCellContent();

            ToReturn.Text            = Text;
            ToReturn.ForegroundColor = ForegroundColor;
            ToReturn.Alignment       = Alignment;

Esempio n. 2
        public void AddRow(params string[] content)
            List <TableCellContent> TCCs = new List <TableCellContent>();

            foreach (string s in content)
                TableCellContent tcc = new TableCellContent();
                tcc.Text            = s;
                tcc.ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
                tcc.Alignment       = CellContentAlignment.Center;

Esempio n. 3
        public void WriteTable(bool include_text_buffer = false)
            if (ColumnTitles.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Unable to create a table with 0 columns.");

            //Create a new list to print from
            List <TableCellContent[]> ToPrint = new List <TableCellContent[]>();

            foreach (TableCellContent[] tccs in Rows)
                List <TableCellContent> ThisRow = new List <TableCellContent>();
                foreach (TableCellContent tcc in tccs)

            //Add the header to the rows to print
            List <TableCellContent> HeaderRow = new List <TableCellContent>();

            foreach (string s in ColumnTitles)
                HeaderRow.Add(new TableCellContent {
                    Text = s, ForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor, Alignment = CellContentAlignment.Center
            ToPrint.Insert(0, HeaderRow.ToArray());

            //If it is set to include text buffer, add it now
            foreach (TableCellContent[] tccs in ToPrint)
                foreach (TableCellContent tcc in tccs)
                    tcc.Text = " " + tcc.Text + " ";

            //Get length for each
            List <int> ColumnMaxWidths = new List <int>();
            int        t = 0;

            for (t = 0; t < ColumnTitles.Length; t++)
                int MaxWidth = 0;
                foreach (TableCellContent[] row_content in ToPrint)
                    if (row_content[t].Text.Length > MaxWidth)
                        MaxWidth = row_content[t].Text.Length;

            //Write the top table line
            int NumberOfVerticalDividers = ColumnTitles.Length + 1;

            Console.WriteLine("┌" + new string('─', ColumnMaxWidths.Sum() + NumberOfVerticalDividers - 2) + "┐");

            //Write the rows
            t = 0;
            for (t = 0; t < ToPrint.Count; t++)
                int c = 0;
                for (c = 0; c < ToPrint[t].Length; c++)
                    TableCellContent tcc = ToPrint[t][c];

                    //Write the divider

                    //Record the current color
                    ConsoleColor CurrentColor = Console.ForegroundColor;

                    //Change the color to what is desired
                    Console.ForegroundColor = tcc.ForegroundColor;

                    if (tcc.Alignment == CellContentAlignment.Left)
                        if (ColumnMaxWidths[c] > tcc.Text.Length)
                            Console.Write(new string(' ', ColumnMaxWidths[c] - tcc.Text.Length));
                    else if (tcc.Alignment == CellContentAlignment.Center)
                        int    CharGap            = ColumnMaxWidths[c] - tcc.Text.Length;
                        float  EachSide           = (float)CharGap / (float)2;
                        int    FirstGap           = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(EachSide));
                        int    SecondGap          = CharGap - FirstGap;
                        string ToWriteForThisCell = new string(' ', FirstGap) + tcc.Text + new string(' ', SecondGap);

                    //Change the color to what it was previously
                    Console.ForegroundColor = CurrentColor;

                //Write the last vertical divider for the last cell

                //Write the next row divider
                if (t != ToPrint.Count - 1) //Print a straight line if it is not the last row
                    //Console.WriteLine(new string('─', ColumnMaxWidths.Sum() + NumberOfVerticalDividers));
                    Console.WriteLine("├" + new string('─', ColumnMaxWidths.Sum() + NumberOfVerticalDividers - 2) + "┤");
                else //Print a straight line with edges if it is the last row
                    Console.WriteLine("└" + new string('─', ColumnMaxWidths.Sum() + NumberOfVerticalDividers - 2) + "┘");