Esempio n. 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            //var MountName = from p in Artists where p.Hometown == "Mount Vernon" select new {p.ArtistName};
            string[] MountName = Artists.Where(n => n.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").Select(n => new { n.ArtistName, n.Age }.ToString()).ToArray();

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            var YoungArtist = Artists.Min(n => n.Age);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var SameName = Artists.Where(name => name.ArtistName == "William");

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            string[] oldGuys = Artists.Join(Groups,
                                            (n => n.GroupId),
                                            (a => a.Id),
                                            (joinedArtist, joinedGroup) =>
                                            { return($"{joinedArtist.ArtistName}, {joinedGroup.GroupName}"); }).ToArray();

            var guyAtlanta = Artists.Where(h => h.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(h => h.Age);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'


Esempio n. 2
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist MV = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").SingleOrDefault();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"{MV.ArtistName}, {MV.Age}");

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            System.Console.WriteLine($"{Artists.Where( artist => artist.Age == Artists.Min( a => a.Age)).SingleOrDefault().ArtistName} is the youngest");

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            List <Artist> williams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            foreach (Artist will in williams)

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            List <Artist> old = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Take(3).ToList(); // Take returns the first 3 from the query

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            List <Group> NonNewYorkGroups = Artists
                                            .Join(Groups, artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { artist.Group = group; return(artist); })
                                            .Where(artist => (artist.Hometown != "New York City" && artist.Group != null))
                                            .Select(artist => artist.Group)

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            // Own try
            List <Artist> artist_list = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown.Contains("Los Angeles")).ToList();

            foreach (Artist i in artist_list)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i.ArtistName} - {i.Age}");
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            // var mtVernonArtist = from guy in Artists where guy.Hometown == "Mount Vernon" select new {guy.ArtistName , guy.Age };
            // foreach (var buddy in mtVernonArtist){
            //     Console.WriteLine(buddy);
            // }
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            // var youngList = from youngin in Artists orderby youngin.Age ascending select new {youngin.ArtistName, youngin.Age};
            // foreach (var findingYoungest in youngList){
            //     Console.WriteLine(findingYoungest);
            //     break;
            // }
            // Console.WriteLine(youngList.First());

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            // var will = from bill in Artists
            //            where bill.RealName.Contains("William")
            //            select new {bill.ArtistName, bill.RealName, bill.Age};
            // foreach (var buddy in will){
            //     Console.WriteLine(buddy);
            // }

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            // var oldHeads = from geizer in Artists orderby geizer.Age descending
            //                 select new {geizer.ArtistName, geizer.Age, geizer.RealName};

            // foreach (var buddah in oldHeads.Take(3)){
            // Console.WriteLine(buddah);
            // }

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var artist = from match in Artists
                         where match.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                         select new { match.ArtistName, match.Age };

            foreach (var item in artist)
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist YoungestArtist = Artists.OrderBy(youngestArtist => youngestArtist.Age)

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            List <Artist> NamesWithWilliam = Artists.Where(myArtist => myArtist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            foreach (var user in NamesWithWilliam)
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            List <Artist> OldestArtists = Artists.OrderByDescending(myArtist => myArtist.Age)

            foreach (var myArtist in OldestArtists)
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist FromMtVernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").Single();

            Console.WriteLine($"The artist {FromMtVernon.ArtistName} from Mt Vernon is {FromMtVernon.Age} years old");
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist YoungestAr = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).First();

            System.Console.WriteLine($"{YoungestAr.ArtistName} is the youngest artist, and his age is {YoungestAr.Age}");

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            List <Artist> ContainsWill = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            foreach (var x in ContainsWill)
                System.Console.WriteLine(x.ArtistName + "" + x.RealName);
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            List <Artist> OldestFromAtlanta = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta")
                                              .OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age)

            foreach (var x in OldestFromAtlanta)
                System.Console.WriteLine(x.ArtistName + ", " + x.Age);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var mountVernon = Artists.First(a => a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");


            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var youngest = Artists.Min(a => a.Age);
            var artist   = Artists.Where(a => a.Age == youngest);

            System.Console.WriteLine(artist.FirstOrDefault().ArtistName + " is " + youngest + " years old.");

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> williams = Artists.Where(a => a.RealName.Contains("William"));

            foreach (Artist x in williams)

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            IEnumerable <Artist> old = Artists.Where(a => a.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderBy(a => a.Age).Take(3);

            foreach (Artist x in old)

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 7
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            // //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            // var results = from Artist in Artists where Artist.Hometown.Contains("Mount Vernon") select Artist;
            // foreach(var artist in results){
            //     Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName);
            // }

            // //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            // var youngest = Artists.OrderBy(x => x.Age).FirstOrDefault();
            // System.Console.WriteLine(youngest.ArtistName+" Age:"+ youngest.Age);

            // //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            // var people = from Artist in Artists where Artist.RealName.Contains("William") select Artist;
            // foreach(var artist in people){
            //     Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName);
            // }

            //Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length
            // var shortNames = from Artist in Artists where Artist.ArtistName.Length < 8 select Artist;
            // foreach(var artist in shortNames){
            //     Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName);
            // }

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var oldestArtists = Artists.OrderByDescending(x => x.Age).Take(3);

            foreach (var artist in oldestArtists)
                Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " Age:" + artist.Age);
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist Vernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").First();

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist Youngest = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).First();

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var Wills = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William"));

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var OldAtlanta = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age).Take(3);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            var NotYork = Groups.Join(Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown != "New York City"), group => group.Id, artist => artist.GroupId, (group, artist) => { return(group); }).Distinct();

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            var WTC = Artists.Join(Groups.Where(group => group.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"), artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { return(artist); });

Esempio n. 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var mtVernonHome = from artist in Artists where artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon" select artist;


            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            string youngest = Artists.OrderBy(a => a.Age).First().ArtistName;

            // var youngest = from art in Artists orderby art.Age select art;
            // System.Console.WriteLine(youngest);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> realWiliams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William"));

            foreach (Artist a in realWiliams)
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            IEnumerable <Artist> atlantaDudes = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").Take(3);

            foreach (Artist b in atlantaDudes)
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries
            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var fromMountVernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").ToList();

            foreach (var artist in fromMountVernon)
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var youngestArtist = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).FirstOrDefault();

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var containsWilliam = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            foreach (var artist in containsWilliam)
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var oldestInAtlanta = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age).Take(3).ToList();

            foreach (var artist in oldestInAtlanta)
                System.Console.WriteLine($"{artist.ArtistName} {artist.Age}");

            //Display the group name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            var notFromNewYork = Group.
                                 // Display the artist names of all members in the group Wu-Tang Clan
Esempio n. 11
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

            IEnumerable <Artist> theOne = Artists.Where(a => a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            IEnumerable <Artist> theOnly = Artists.OrderBy(b => b.Age);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            IEnumerable <Artist> allW = Artists.Where(c => c.ArtistName == "William");

            //Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length

            IEnumerable <Group> allGroups = Groups.Where(d => d.GroupName.Length < 8).OrderBy(d => d.GroupName.Length);

            //Display the 3 oldest artists from Atlanta

            IEnumerable <Artist> oldestArtists = Artists.Where(e => e.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(e => e.Age).Take(3);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            IEnumerable <Group> notYork = Groups.Join(Artists.Where(f => f.Hometown != "New York City"), group => group.Id, f => f.GroupId, (group, f) => { return(group); }).Distinct();

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            IEnumerable <Artist> notWu = Artists.Join(Groups.Where(group => group.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"), artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { return(artist); });

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries
Esempio n. 12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist selectArtist = Artists.SingleOrDefault(art => art.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");


            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            int           youngestage    = Artists.Min(art => art.Age);
            List <Artist> youngestArtist = Artists.Where(a => a.Age == youngestage).ToList();

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            List <Artist> willArtists = Artists.Where(a => a.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < willArtists.Count; i++)
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            List <Artist> oldestArtists = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).ToList();

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 13
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                //Collections to work with
                List<Artist> Artists = JsonToFile<Artist>.ReadJson();
                List<Group> Groups = JsonToFile<Group>.ReadJson();

                //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

                //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
                Artist fromMT = Artist.Where(Artist => Artist.Hometown == "mount Vernon").Single();
                Console.WriteLine("The artist from {Artist.Hometown} is {fromMT.ArtistName}");

                //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
                Artist young = Artist.OrderBy(Artist => Artist.age).First();

                //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
                List<Artist> will = Artist.Where(Artist => Artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

                //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
                List<Artist> fromAT = Artist.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta")
                                            .OrderByDescending(artist => artist.age)
                //display all groups with 8 characters of less
                List<Group> less8 = Group.Where(Group => Group.GroupName.Length() > 8).ToList();

                //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
                List<Group> notNY = Group.Join(Groups, Artist => Artist.GroupId, Group => Group.Id, (Artist, Group) => {Artist.Group = Group; return Artist;})
                                         .Where(Artist => (Artist.Hometown != "New York City" && Artist.Group !+ null))
                                         .Select(Artist ==> Artist.Group.GroupName)

                //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 15
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var mountVernonArtist = from person in Artists
                                    where person.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                                    select new { person.ArtistName, person.Age };


            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var youngest = from young in Artists
                           orderby young.Age ascending
                           select Artists.First();

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var williams = Artists.Where(n => n.RealName.Contains("William"));

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var oldAtl = from emcees in Artists
                         where emcees.Hometown == "Atlanta"
                         orderby emcees.Age descending
                         select Artists.Take(3);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            IEnumerable <Artist> MountVernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            IEnumerable <Artist> YoungOne = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Age == Artists.Min(age => age.Age));
            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> Williams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William"));
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            IEnumerable <Artist> OldiesAtlanta = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderBy(age => age.Age).Take(3);
            //Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length
            IEnumerable <Group> GroupsWithLessThan8 = Groups.Where(groups => groups.GroupName.Length < 8);
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            var NYsucks = Groups.Join(Artists, groups => groups.Id, artist => artist.GroupId, (groups, artist) =>
                if (artist.Hometown != "New York City")
            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 17
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            const String KEY = "William";
            //Solved all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            IEnumerable <Artist> found = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == KEY);

            foreach (Artist i in found)
                Console.WriteLine("Match found for hometown {0} - {1}", KEY, i.Hometown.ToString());

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist youngest = (from match in Artists orderby match.Age ascending select match).First();

            Console.WriteLine("Youngest at {0} is {1}", youngest.Age, youngest.ArtistName);
            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> matches = Artists.Where(match => match.RealName.Contains(KEY));

            foreach (Artist i in matches)
                Console.WriteLine("Match found for real name {0} - {1}", KEY, i.RealName);
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            IEnumerable <Artist>
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 18
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist artist = Artists.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            Console.WriteLine("Artist from Mount Vernon's name is {0} and age is {1}", artist.RealName, artist.Age);

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            artist = Artists.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Age == Artists.Min(x => x.Age));
            Console.WriteLine("The youngest artist is {0}", artist.RealName);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> allArtists = Artists.FindAll(a => a.RealName.Contains("William"));

            foreach (Artist elem in allArtists)
                Console.WriteLine("The artists name is {0}", elem.RealName);

            // Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length.
            foreach (Group elem in Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName.Length < 8))
                Console.WriteLine("The groups name has less than eigth characters {0} ", elem.GroupName);

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            allArtists = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Where(c => c.Hometown == "Atlanta").Take(3);
            foreach (Artist elem in allArtists)
                Console.WriteLine("The old artists name is {0}", elem.RealName);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            IEnumerable <Group> groups = from g in Groups
                                         join a in Artists on g.Id equals a.GroupId
                                         where !(
                from a2 in Artists
                where a2.Hometown == "New York City"
                select a2.GroupId)
                                         select g;

            foreach (Group elem in groups.Distinct())
                Console.WriteLine("This group does not have members from NYC: {0}", elem.GroupName);

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            IEnumerable <Artist> artists = from a in Artists
                                           join g in Groups on a.GroupId equals g.Id
                                           where g.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"
                                           select a;

            foreach (Artist a in artists.Distinct())
                Console.WriteLine("This artists is in Wu Tang Clan: {0}", a.ArtistName);
Esempio n. 19
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var mvartist = Artists.Where(a => a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            foreach (var item in mvartist)

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var young = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Last();


            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var willy = Artists.Where(a => a.RealName.Contains("William"));

            foreach (var art in willy)
            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var old = Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Where(b => b.Hometown == "Atlanta").Take(3);

            foreach (var i in old)
                System.Console.WriteLine(i.ArtistName + " is old!");
            // (Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            var nyc =
                (from g in Groups
                 join a in Artists
                 on g.Id equals a.GroupId
                 where (a.Hometown != "New York City")
                 select new { g.GroupName }).Distinct();

// var nyc = nyc.Select(x=> x.GroupName).Distinct();

            foreach (var i in nyc)

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            var wtc =
                from g in Groups
                join a in Artists
                on g.Id equals a.GroupId
                select new { gName = g.GroupName, aName = a.ArtistName };

            foreach (var i in wtc)
                if (i.gName == "Wu-Tang Clan")
                    System.Console.WriteLine(i.aName + " is in Wu-Tang Clan");
Esempio n. 20
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            IEnumerable <Artist> mountVernon =
                from town in Artists
                where town.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                orderby town
                select town;

            foreach (Artist info in mountVernon)
                Console.WriteLine("The artist from Mount Vernon is " + info.ArtistName + ", and he is " + info.Age + " years old.");
            // IEnumerable<Artist> youngest =
            //     from age in Artists
            //     orderby age.Age
            //     select age;

            // foreach (Artist info in youngest){
            //     Console.WriteLine(info.ArtistName + ", " + info.Age + " years old.");

            // }
            // Console.WriteLine(youngest.Age);
            Artist youngest = Artists.OrderBy(young => young.Age).First();

            Console.WriteLine("The youngest artist is " + youngest.ArtistName + ", who is " + youngest.Age + " years old.");

            List <Artist> williams = Artists.Where(name => name.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("The artists with William in their real name are:");
            foreach (Artist william in williams)
                Console.WriteLine(william.ArtistName + " : " + william.RealName);

            List <Group> LessThan8 = Groups.Where(name => name.GroupName.Length < 8).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("The groups with names that have less than 8 characters are:");
            foreach (Group group in LessThan8)

            List <Artist> oldestATL = Artists.Where(old => old.Hometown == "Atlanta").ToList().OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("The oldest artists from Atlanta are:");
Esempio n. 21
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

                List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

                // There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

                var artistMV = from artist in Artists
                               where artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                               select artist;
                Console.WriteLine("The only artist from Mount Vernon:");
                foreach (var artist in artistMV)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + artist.RealName + " - Age: " + artist.Age);
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

                // Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

                var    artistYoung    = from artist in Artists select artist;
                Artist youngestArtist = Artists.First();
                foreach (var artist in artistYoung)
                    if (artist.Age < youngestArtist.Age)
                        youngestArtist = artist;
                Console.WriteLine("The youngest artist is: " + youngestArtist.ArtistName);
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

                // Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
                var artistWill = from artist in Artists select artist;
                Console.WriteLine("All artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name:");
                foreach (var artist in artistWill)
                    if (artist.RealName.Contains("William"))
                        Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " - Real Name: " + artist.RealName);

                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

                // Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length

                var artistShortName = from artist in Artists select artist;
                Console.WriteLine("Groups with names less than 8 characters in length:");
                foreach (var artist in artistShortName)
                    if (artist.ArtistName.Length < 8)

                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");

                // Display the 3 oldest artists from Atlanta

                var artistOldest = from artist in Artists
                                   where artist.Hometown == "Atlanta"
                                   orderby artist.Age descending
                                   select artist;
                Console.WriteLine("The three oldest artists from Atlanta:");
                int i = 1;
                foreach (var artist in artistOldest)
                    if (i <= 3)
                        Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " - Age: " + artist.Age);

                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
Esempio n. 22
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            Console.WriteLine("There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?");
            var findArtist = from artist in Artists
                             where artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                             select new { name = artist.ArtistName, age = artist.Age };

            foreach (var artist in findArtist)
                Console.WriteLine($"{}, {artist.age}");

            Console.WriteLine("Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?");
            var youngest = (from artist in Artists
                            orderby artist.Age ascending
                            select artist.ArtistName).First();


            Console.WriteLine("Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name");
            var realName = Artists.Where(name => name.RealName.Contains("William"));

            foreach (var artist in realName)

            Console.WriteLine("Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta");
            var oldest = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age).Take(3);

            foreach (var artist in oldest)

            Console.WriteLine("(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City");
            var nonNew = Artists.Where(a => a.Hometown != "New York City").Join(Groups, a => a.GroupId, g => g.Id, (a, g) => new { g.GroupName }).Distinct();

            foreach (var group in nonNew)

            Console.WriteLine("(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'");
            var clan = Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan").Join(Artists, g => g.Id, a => a.GroupId, (g, a) => new { a.ArtistName });

            foreach (var artist in clan)
Esempio n. 23
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist FromMtVernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").Single();

            Console.WriteLine($"{FromMtVernon.ArtistName}, {FromMtVernon.Age}");
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist youngest = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).First();

            Console.WriteLine($"the youngest Artist:{youngest.ArtistName}, {youngest.Age}");

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            List <Artist> ContWilliams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("All Williams:");
            foreach (var artist in ContWilliams)
                Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + artist.RealName);

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            List <Artist> Oldest = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age).Take(3).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("3 oldest artist:");
            foreach (var artist in Oldest)
                Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + artist.Age);
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            List <string> NotInNewYork = Artists.Join(Groups, artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { artist.Group = group; return(artist); })
                                         .Where(artist => artist.Hometown != "New York City" && artist.Group != null)
                                         .Select(artist => artist.Group.GroupName)

            Console.WriteLine("Groups that are not From New York");
            foreach (var group in NotInNewYork)

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            Group WuTangClan = Groups.Where(group => group.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan")
                               .GroupJoin(Artists, group => group.Id,
                                          artist => artist.GroupId,
                                          (group, artists) => { group.Members = artists.ToList(); return(group); })

            Console.WriteLine("Artist members of the Wu-Tang Clan:");
            foreach (var artist in WuTangClan.Members)
Esempio n. 24
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            IEnumerable <Artist> artVern = Artists.Where(str => str.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            foreach (var art in artVern)
                Console.WriteLine(art.ArtistName + "--art");

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist youngest = new Artist();

            Console.WriteLine(youngest.Age + "--youngest");
            foreach (var young in Artists)
                if (youngest.Age == 0)
                    youngest = young;
                    youngest = (youngest.Age < young.Age ? youngest : young);
            Console.WriteLine(youngest.ArtistName + ": " + youngest.Age);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            IEnumerable <Artist> will = Artists.Where(str => str.RealName.IndexOf("William") > 0);

            foreach (var william in will)
                Console.WriteLine(william.RealName + "--" + william.ArtistName);

            // Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            // select top 3 artists from atlanta orderby artist age desc.
            IEnumerable <Artist> oldest = Artists.Where(old => old.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(old => old.Age).Take(3);

            foreach (var oldArtist in oldest)
                Console.WriteLine(oldArtist.ArtistName + ":" + oldArtist.Hometown + ":" + oldArtist.Age);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            var nonyc = Groups.Join(Artists.Where(notny => notny.Hometown != "New York City"), group => group.Id, artist => artist.GroupId, (group, artist) => {

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            // select wutang from groups then select all members from

            var wutang = Artists.Join(Groups.Where(grp => grp.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"), art => art.GroupId, group => group.Id, (art, grp) => { return(art); });
Esempio n. 25
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var mount = from artist in Artists
                        where artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                        select artist;

            foreach (var i in mount)
                Console.WriteLine(i.ArtistName + " is " + i.Age);
            Artists.Where(h => h.Hometown == "Mount Vernon");

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var youngest  = Artists.Min(x => x.Age);
            var youngest1 = from artist in Artists

                            where artist.Age == Artists.Min(x => x.Age)
                            select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.Age };

            foreach (var i in youngest1)
                Console.WriteLine(i.ArtistName + " is " + i.Age);
            Artists.Where(a => a.Age == Artists.Min(x => x.Age));

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            var name = from artist in Artists
                       where artist.RealName.Contains("William")
                       select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.RealName };

            foreach (var c in name)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + "--" + c.RealName);

            Artists.Where(a => a.RealName.Contains("William"));

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            var oldest = (from artist in Artists orderby artist.Age descending
                          select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.Age }).Take(3);

            foreach (var c in oldest)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + " is " + c.Age);
            Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Take(3);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
Esempio n. 26
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            Artist FromMtVernon = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").Single();

            Console.WriteLine($"The artist {FromMtVernon.ArtistName} from Mt Vernon is {FromMtVernon.Age} years old");
            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            Artist Youngest = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).First();

            Console.WriteLine($"The Youngest artist is {Youngest.ArtistName}");
            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            List <Artist> Williams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("The Following artists have William in their real names:");
            foreach (var artist in Williams)
                Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " - " + artist.RealName);

            //Display the names of all groups less than 8 characters in length
            List <Group> groupByLength = Groups.Where(group => group.GroupName.Length < 8).ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("All groups with names less than 8 in length:");
            foreach (var group in groupByLength)

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            List <Artist> Oldest = Artists.Where(artist => artist.Hometown == "Atlanta")
                                   .OrderByDescending(artist => artist.Age)

            Console.WriteLine("The three oldest artists from Atlanta are:");
            foreach (var artist in Oldest)
                Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " - " + artist.Age);
            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City
            List <string> NonNewYorkGroups = Artists
                                             .Join(Groups, artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { artist.Group = group; return(artist); })
                                             .Where(artist => (artist.Hometown != "New York City" && artist.Group != null))
                                             .Select(artist => artist.Group.GroupName)

            Console.WriteLine("All groups with members not from New York City:");
            foreach (var group in NonNewYorkGroups)

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            Group WuTang = Groups.Where(group => group.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan")
                                      group => group.Id,
                                      artist => artist.GroupId,
                                      (group, artists) => { group.Members = artists.ToList(); return(group); })

            Console.WriteLine("List of Artist in the Wu-Tang Clan:");
            foreach (var artist in WuTang.Members)
Esempio n. 27
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            // var results = from Artist in Artists where Artist.Hometown.Contains("Mount Vernon") select Artist;
            // foreach (var artist in results)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine($"The artist is {artist.Age}. This artist is {artist.ArtistName}.");
            // }

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            // var youngest = Artists.OrderBy(x => x.Age).FirstOrDefault();
            // System.Console.WriteLine($"This artist is {youngest.ArtistName}, and he is {youngest.Age}.");

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            // IEnumerable<Artist> Willy = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William"));
            // foreach (var artist in Willy)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine($"{artist.ArtistName}");
            // }
            // List<Artist> Williams = Artists.Where(artist => artist.RealName.Contains("William")).ToList();
            // Console.WriteLine("=============================");
            // foreach (var artist in Williams)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName + " - " + artist.RealName);
            // }

            // var billy = from Artist in Artists where Artist.RealName.Contains("William") select Artist;
            // foreach (var artist in billy)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(artist.ArtistName);
            // }

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            // IEnumerable<Artist> atlanta = Artists.OrderByDescending(x => x.Age).Take(3);
            // foreach (var artist in atlanta)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine($"{artist.ArtistName} is the oldest artist.");
            // }
            // var atlanta = Artists.OrderByDescending(x => x.Age).Take(3);
            // foreach (var artist in atlanta)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine($"These oldest artists is" +" " +artist.ArtistName);
            // }

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            // List<string> NonNewYorkGroups = Artists
            //                     .Join(Groups, artist => artist.GroupId, group => group.Id, (artist, group) => { artist.Group = group; return artist; })
            //                     .Where(artist => (artist.Hometown != "New York City" && artist.Group != null))
            //                     .Select(artist => artist.Group.GroupName)
            //                     .Distinct()
            //                     .ToList();
            // Console.WriteLine("All groups with members not from New York City:");
            // foreach (var group in NonNewYorkGroups)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(group);
            // }

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            var Wu = Groups.Where(x => x.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan")
                     .GroupJoin(Artists, x => x.Id,
                                artist => artist.GroupId,
                                (x, artists) =>
                                { x.Members = artists.ToList(); return(x); })

            foreach (var artist in Wu.Members)
Esempio n. 28
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?
            var first = from artist in Artists where artist.Hometown == "Mount Vernon" select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.Age };

            foreach (var c in first)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + " " + c.Age);
            Artists.Where(h => h.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").SingleOrDefault();

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?
            var youngest  = Artists.Min(x => x.Age);
            var youngest1 = from artist in Artists  where artist.Age == Artists.Min(x => x.Age) select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.Age };

            foreach (var c in youngest1)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + " " + c.Age);
            Artists.Where(a => a.Age == Artists.Min(x => x.Age)).SingleOrDefault();

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name
            var Will_realname = from artist in Artists where artist.RealName.Contains("William") select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.RealName };

            foreach (var c in Will_realname)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + "--" + c.RealName);

            Artists.Where(a => a.RealName.Contains("William"));

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta
            var oldest = (from artist in Artists orderby artist.Age descending select new { artist.ArtistName, artist.Age }).Take(3);

            foreach (var c in oldest)
                Console.WriteLine(c.ArtistName + " " + c.Age);
            Artists.OrderByDescending(a => a.Age).Take(3);

            // Display all groups with names less than 8 characters in length.

            Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName.Length < 8);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            (Artists.Where(a => a.Hometown != "New York City")).Join(Groups, aId => aId.GroupId, gId => gId.Id, (aId, gId) => {
                return($"{aId.ArtistName} from {gId.GroupName} ");

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'
            (Groups.Where(g => g.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan")).Join(Artists, gId => gId.Id, aId => aId.GroupId, (gId, aId) => { return($"{aId.ArtistName} from {gId.GroupName}"); });
Esempio n. 29
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

            var one_artist = from match in Artists
                             where match.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
                             select new { match.ArtistName, match.Age };


            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            // var youngest =  from match in Artists
            //                 where match.Age < 24
            //                 select new {match};
            // Console.WriteLine(youngest.ToArray()[0].match.ArtistName);

            Artist youngest = Artists.OrderBy(artist => artist.Age).First();


            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            IEnumerable <Artist> williams = Artists.Where(x => x.RealName.Contains("William"));

            Console.WriteLine("The artists with the name William are:");
            for (int i = 0; i < williams.Count(); i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}. {williams.ToArray()[i].RealName}");

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            IEnumerable <Artist> atlantans = Artists.Where(x => x.Hometown == "Atlanta").OrderByDescending(x => x.Age);

            int end = (atlantans.Count() > 3) ? end = 3 : end = atlantans.Count();

            Console.WriteLine("The oldest Atlantans are:");
            for (int i = 0; i < end; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"{i+1}. {atlantans.ToArray()[i].RealName} ({atlantans.ToArray()[i].Age})");

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            //Seems like busy work to me...

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            Group wuTangClan = Groups.Where(
                x => x.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"
                x => x.Id,
                y => y.GroupId,
                (x, z) => {
                x.Members = z.ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("The artists in the Wu-Tang-Clan");
            foreach (Artist artist in wuTangClan.Members)
Esempio n. 30
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Collections to work with
            List <Artist> Artists = JsonToFile <Artist> .ReadJson();

            List <Group> Groups = JsonToFile <Group> .ReadJson();

            //Solve all of the prompts below using various LINQ queries

            //There is only one artist in this collection from Mount Vernon, what is their name and age?

            // Standard:
            // var res=from a in Artists
            //      where a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon"
            //      select new{a.ArtistName,a.Age};

            // Chaining:
            // var res = Artists.Where(a=>a.Hometown == "Mount Vernon").Select(x=>new{x.ArtistName,x.Age});

            //Who is the youngest artist in our collection of artists?

            // var res = Artists.Select(a=>new{a.ArtistName,a.Age})
            // .Min(a=>a.Age);

            //Display all artists with 'William' somewhere in their real name

            // var res = from artist in Artists
            // where artist.RealName.Contains("William")
            // select artist.RealName;

            //Display the 3 oldest artist from Atlanta

            // This took like an hour to figure out

            // var res = Artists.Select(a=>new{a.ArtistName,a.Age,a.Hometown})
            // .Where(x=>x.Hometown=="Atlanta")
            // .OrderByDescending(x=>x.Age)
            // .Take(3);

            //(Optional) Display the Group Name of all groups that have members that are not from New York City

            // var res = Groups.Join(
            //  Artists.Where(x=>x.Hometown != "New York City"),
            //  g=>g.Id,
            //  a=>a.GroupId,
            //  (g,a)=>{
            //      return g.GroupName;
            //  }
            // );

            //(Optional) Display the artist names of all members of the group 'Wu-Tang Clan'

            // Left Join

            // var res = Artists.Join(
            //  Groups.Where(x=>x.GroupName == "Wu-Tang Clan"),
            //  a=>a.GroupId,
            //  g=>g.Id,
            //  (a,g)=>{
            //      return a.ArtistName;
            //  }
            // );