Esempio n. 1
        // When you start to use JSON in your programs there are a few things that you need to be aware of from a security and class design point of view:
        // If you want to save and load private properties in a class you need to mark these items with the [JsonProperty] attribute.
        // If you want to serialize a class using JSON you don’t have to add the  [Serializable] attribute to the class
        // When loading a class back using JSON you need to provide the type into which the result is to be stored.No type information is stored in the file that is stored.
        public void CreatingJson()
            MusicTrack track = new MusicTrack("Kanye West", "Selah", 300);
            string     json  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(track);

            Console.WriteLine("JSON: {0}", json);

            MusicTrack trackRead = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MusicTrack>(json);

            Console.WriteLine("Read back: {0}", trackRead);

            List <MusicTrack> album = new List <MusicTrack>();

            string[] trackNames = new[] { "Lift your skinny fists", "Mladic", "Dead flag blues", "Sleep" };
            foreach (string trackName in trackNames)
                MusicTrack newTrack = new MusicTrack("GY!BE", trackName, 200);
            string jsonArray = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(album);

            Console.WriteLine("JSON array: {0}", jsonArray);
            List <MusicTrack> albumRead = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MusicTrack> >(jsonArray);

            Console.WriteLine("Read back: ");
            foreach (MusicTrack musicTrack in albumRead)
Esempio n. 2
        // You can perform simple text-based checks on a JSON file to get some level of confidence about the validity of its contents.For example, a program can check
        // that the text starts and ends with a matching pair of brace characters(curly brackets), contains the same number of open square brackets as close square
        // brackets, and an even number of double quote characters.The exceptions thrown by the JSON parser, however, can also give good information about the content.
        public void ValidatingJson()
            // Missing \" before 250
            string invalidJson = "{\"Artist\":\"Scorpions\",\"Title\":\"Holiday\",\"Length\":250\"}";

                MusicTrack track = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MusicTrack>(invalidJson);
                Console.WriteLine("Read back: {0}", track);
            catch (JsonReaderException e)
Esempio n. 3
        // XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is another way of expressing the content of an object in a portable and human readable form.This is a slightly more
        // heavyweight standard, in that an XML document contains more metadata (data about data) than a JSON document.
        public void CreatingXml()
            MusicTrack    track         = new MusicTrack("Death Grips", "Guilliotine", 100);
            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MusicTrack));
            TextWriter    textWriter    = new StringWriter();

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, track);

            string trackXML = textWriter.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("XML: {0}", trackXML);

            TextReader textReader = new StringReader(trackXML);
            MusicTrack trackRead  = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(textReader) as MusicTrack;

            Console.WriteLine("Read back: {0}", trackRead);

            // XML serialization can only save and load the public data elements in a type. If you want to save the private elements in a class you should use the Data Contract serializer
            // XML documents can have a schema attached to them. A schema formally sets out the items that a document must contain to be valid.
            // Elements in an XML document can also be given attributes to provide more information about them.
            // An XML document is no less vulnerable to tampering than a JSON document