public static void AddItem(TodoListItem todoListItem, Stack <ImmutableList <TodoListItem> > _stackItems) { var foundList = _stackItems.TryPeek(out var currentListItems); //check if list exists. return the list if (foundList == false) { _stackItems.Push(ImmutableList.Create(todoListItem)); return; } var updatedList = currentListItems.Add(todoListItem); //add item to list _stackItems.Push(updatedList); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var initialReadline = Console.ReadLine(); //var command = ""; var pagination = 0; var historyCommandPointer = 0; var command = _GetFromReadline(initialReadline); while (command.Method != CommandMethod.stop) { switch (command.Method) { case CommandMethod.add: { var todoListItem = TodoListItem.Create(command.Instructions); TodoListItem.AddItem(todoListItem, _stackItems); break; } case CommandMethod.list: { TodoListItem.ListItems(_stackItems); break; } case CommandMethod.status: { // command status items,newStatus var splitString = command.Instructions.Split(","); var itemList = _stackItems.Peek(); // find list TodoListItem.SetStatus(splitString, itemList, _stackItems); break; } case { var splitString = command.Instructions.Split(" "); var itemList = _stackItems.Peek(); TodoListItem.Search(splitString, itemList); break; } case { var itemList = _stackItems.Peek(); TodoListItem.Pagination(itemList, pagination); break; } case CommandMethod.sublist: { var splitStringSublist = command.Instructions.Split(":"); var itemList = _stackItems.Peek(); TodoListItem.AddToSubList(splitStringSublist, itemList, _stackItems); break; } case CommandMethod.mistype: { Console.WriteLine(command.Instructions); break; } case CommandMethod.unknown: { Console.WriteLine(command.Instructions); break; } case CommandMethod.undo: { var topList = _stackItems.Pop(); _stackUndoItems.Push(topList); break; } case CommandMethod.redo: { var topList = _stackUndoItems.Pop(); _stackItems.Push(topList); break; } } var newInstructions = Console.ReadLine(); command = _GetFromReadline(newInstructions); } }