static void Main(string[] args) { //Goi ham delegate ShowLog showLog; showLog = Info; //showLog gan bang phuong thuc Info showLog("Sung Mi No"); //Thi hanh delegate chinh la thi hanh Info showLog = Warning; //showLog gan bang phuong thuc Warning showLog("Lop CNTT2.01-K61"); //Gan 1 phuong thuc Anonymou(nac danh) cho delegate showLog += (x) => { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("===>{0}<===", x)); }; showLog("Le Dinh Duc"); //Goi ham chua tham so delegate TinhTog(13, 34, Info); TinhTog(184, 23, Warning); //-------------------------------------------------------- //Demo 1 int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; Console.WriteLine("Console demo in C#\r"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------\n"); Console.WriteLine("Type a number, and then press Enter"); num1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Type another number, and then press Enter"); num2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //Ask the User to choose an option Console.WriteLine("Choose an option from the following list:"); Console.WriteLine("\ta - Add "); Console.WriteLine("\ts - Subtrack"); Console.WriteLine("\tm - Multiply"); Console.WriteLine("\td - Divide"); Console.WriteLine("Your option? "); //use a switch statement to do the part. Su dung 1 cau lenh de chuyen doi toan switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "a": Console.WriteLine($"Your result: {num1} + {num2} = " + (num1 + num2)); break; case "s": Console.WriteLine($"Your result: {num1} - {num2} = " + (num1 - num2)); break; case "m": Console.WriteLine($"Your result: {num1} * {num2} = " + (num1 * num2)); break; case "d": Console.WriteLine($"Your result: {num1} / {num2} = " + (num1 / num2)); break; } //wait for the user to respond befor closing. cho nguoi dung phan hoi truoc khi dong Console.WriteLine("Next demo 2..........................................."); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Demo 2 //Nhap du lieu string userLogin; Console.Write("Nhap username: "******"Ten nhap vao la: {userLogin}"); Console.WriteLine("Ten nhap vao la: " + userLogin); Console.Write("Nhap mot so thuc: "); //Nhap chuoi va chuyen chuoi do thanh so thuc double dinput = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"So da nhap la: {dinput}"); Console.WriteLine("Next demo 3..................."); //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Demo 3 Console.WriteLine("Demo 3..."); double bq = NamBK(5); //Goi ham Console.WriteLine("Binh phuong cua 5 la: " + bq); //Goi phuong thuc cung namespace va de public Demo.Hello(); var max = Demo.Max(23494774, 844729282); Console.WriteLine(max); long thetich = Demo.TheTich(33); Console.WriteLine(thetich); //Dong chuong trinh Console.Write("Press any key to end demo..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.ReadKey(); Demo.Hello("Mr"); }