Esempio n. 1
        public void Initialize()
            oldKeyboardState = null;
            selectedCol = 0;
            isOver = false;
            youGoFirst = false;
            opponentsName = null;

            c4Game.ConnectionEstablished += ConnectionEstablishedHandler;
            c4Game.Disconnected += DisconnectedHandler;
            c4Game.GameStarted += GameStartedHandler;
            c4Game.IllegalMove += IllegalMoveHandler;
            c4Game.MoveMade += MoveMadeHandler;
            c4Game.Tick += TickHandler;

            // load all our content now
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(owner.GraphicsDevice);

            boardTexture = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("board");
            blackChecker = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("black-ch");
            redChecker = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("red-ch");
            whiteChecker = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("white-ch");
            log = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("logo");
            sider = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("side");

            board = new Sprite(boardTexture, new Vector2(
                Connect4.screenHeight - boardTexture.Height - (rowHeight / 2)), boardDepth);

            logo = new Sprite(log, new Vector2(Connect4.screenWidth / 2 - log.Width / 2, 0), logoDepth);

            leftSider = new Sprite(sider, new Vector2(
                Connect4.screenHeight - sider.Height), boardDepth);
            rightSider = new Sprite(sider, new Vector2(
                board.Position.X + boardTexture.Width,
                Connect4.screenHeight - sider.Height), boardDepth, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally);

            //initialized just to ensure we don't get a null pointer exception in update/draw
            selectionChecker = new Sprite(blackChecker, new Vector2(-1000, -1000), checkerDepth);

            font = owner.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("kongtext2");

            float x = board.Position.X + boardTexture.Width + columnWidth;

            youText = new TextSprite("", font, new Vector2(x, board.Position.Y), textDepth);
            vs = new TextSprite("", font, new Vector2(x, board.Position.Y + (rowHeight * 3) / 2), textDepth);
            opponentText = new TextSprite("", font, new Vector2(x, board.Position.Y + rowHeight * 3), textDepth);
            generalMessage = new TextSprite("", font, new Vector2(x, board.Position.Y + (rowHeight * 9) / 2), textDepth);

            c4Game.StartConnection(hostName, port);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Initialize()
            oldKeyboardState = null;

            generalMessage = " ";

            font = owner.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("smallfont");
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(owner.GraphicsDevice);

            Texture2D log = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("logo");
            logo = new Sprite(log, new Vector2(Connect4.screenWidth / 2 - log.Width / 2, 0), everythingDepth);

            Texture2D instr = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("instructions");
            instructions = new Sprite(instr, new Vector2(0, Connect4.screenHeight - instr.Height), everythingDepth);

            string userNameString = "username: "******"hostname: " + hostName.ToString();
            string portString = "port number: " + port.ToString();

            string toWrite = userNameString + "\n" + hostNameString + "\n" + portString + "\n" + generalMessage;

            oneLineSize = font.MeasureString(" ").Y;
            float textHeight = font.MeasureString(toWrite).Y;
            Vector2 curPos = new Vector2(textXPos,
                (instructions.Position.Y - logo.Texture.Height) / 2 - textHeight / 2 + logo.Texture.Height);

            Vector2 originalPos = curPos;

            userNameEntry = new TextSprite(userNameString, font, curPos, everythingDepth);
            curPos.Y += oneLineSize;
            hostNameEntry = new TextSprite(userNameString, font, curPos, everythingDepth);
            curPos.Y += oneLineSize;
            portEntry = new TextSprite(portString, font, curPos, everythingDepth);
            curPos.Y += oneLineSize;
            showMessage = new TextSprite(generalMessage, font, curPos, everythingDepth);

            Texture2D smallChecker = owner.Content.Load<Texture2D>("red-sch");

            // these may look like magic numbers: they basically are. Just some fine-tuning of the position, that's all.
            selectionChecker = new Sprite(smallChecker, new Vector2(originalPos.X - 18, originalPos.Y - 1), everythingDepth);

            switch (selection)
                case SelectedString.userName:
                    userNameEntry.PulseColors(pulse1, pulse2, pulsePeriod);
                case SelectedString.hostName:
                    selectionChecker.Position = new Vector2(selectionChecker.Position.X,
                        selectionChecker.Position.Y + oneLineSize);
                    hostNameEntry.PulseColors(pulse1, pulse2, pulsePeriod);
                case SelectedString.port:
                    selectionChecker.Position = new Vector2(selectionChecker.Position.X,
                        selectionChecker.Position.Y + 2 * oneLineSize);
                    portEntry.PulseColors(pulse1, pulse2, pulsePeriod);

            if (!eventInputInitialized)
                eventInputInitialized = true;
            EventInput.CharEntered += CharacterEntered;