Esempio n. 1
        public Tuple <int, bool> objectiveFun(Board cState, int level, int boardWidth)
            //add first item to dict
            Dictionary <int, List <Node> > Tree = new Dictionary <int, List <Node> >();
            //List<List<Node>> Tree = new List<List<Node>>();

            List <Node>            States      = new List <Node>();
            List <Node>            TreeList    = new List <Node>();
            bool                   AI          = false;
            int                    weight      = 0;
            int                    CurrentItem = 0;
            Tuple <int, int, bool> CFull;

            States.Add(new Node {
                BoardState = cState, Origin = true, pW = 1, aiW = 1
            Tree.Add(0, new List <Node>(States));

            //Tree.Add(new List<Node>(States));

            //  Console.Write(Tree[0]);
            level *= 2;

            //Create temporary board for adding tokens
            Board temp = new Board(boardWidth, boardWidth);

            //create tree to transverse
            for (int limit = 1; limit <= level; limit++)
                //pass past grid states into list
                int next = 0;
                States = Tree[limit - 1];

                //alternate between Player and AI

                if (AI == false)
                    AI = true;
                    AI = false;

                while (States[next] != null)
                    //if state is terminal skip it
                    if (States[next].Terminal != true)
                        //add tokens and pass to tree list [use switch for swap between AI and Player]
                        // States = Tree[next];
                        for (int x = 0; x < boardWidth; x++)
                            temp.CopyBoard(temp, States[next].BoardState);

                            if (AI == true)
                                CFull = Board.AddToken(temp, x, AI);
                                if (CFull.Item3 == false)
                                    TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                        Skip = true
                                    weight = temp.SearchPoints(CFull, 'A');
                                    if (weight == 4)
                                        TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                            position = x, aiW = weight, Terminal = true, Parent = States[next]
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState.CopyBoard(TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState, temp);
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].pW    = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.pW;
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].Favor = 100;

                                        TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                            position = x, aiW = weight, Terminal = false, Parent = States[next]
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState.CopyBoard(TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState, temp);
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].pW    = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.pW;
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].Favor = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.aiW - TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.pW;
                                CFull = Board.AddToken(temp, x, AI);
                                if (CFull.Item3 == false)
                                    TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                        Skip = true
                                    weight = temp.SearchPoints(CFull, 'P');
                                    if (weight == 4)
                                        TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                            position = x, pW = weight, Terminal = true, Parent = States[next]
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState.CopyBoard(TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState, temp);
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].aiW   = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.aiW;
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].Favor = -100;

                                        TreeList.Add(new Node {
                                            position = x, pW = weight, Terminal = false, Parent = States[next]
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState.CopyBoard(TreeList[CurrentItem].BoardState, temp);
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].aiW   = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.aiW;
                                        TreeList[CurrentItem].Favor = TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.aiW - TreeList[CurrentItem].Parent.pW;
                            weight = 0;
                            bool exist = States[next].Terminal;
                        catch (Exception exp)
                            //  Console.WriteLine(exp);
                Tree.Add(limit, new List <Node>(TreeList));

                //view just added tree list
                foreach (Node node in TreeList)
                    //  node.BoardState.DisplayGird();

                // Console.WriteLine(Tree[1][0].pW);

                CurrentItem = 0;
                // States.Clear [Warning: can delete a state outta the Tree]

            //tranverse tree from bottom to top in order to find min value
            //test tree content
            int Xnext = 0; //when equal to boardwidth pass maxes to parent nodes
            int Ynext = 0; //Increment after parent node gets maxes

             * int AMin = 9; //max AI weight found
             * int PMin = 9; //max Player weight found
            int Fmin = 9;
            int T    = level; // max depth

            //  TreeList = Tree[level - parent];
            //  States = Tree[level - current];

            //test weight on pw 1

             * for(int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(Tree[1][x].Favor);
             * }

            while (T > 1)
                for (int x = 0; x < Tree[T].Count(); x++)
                    if (Tree[T][x].Skip == true)
                        //Compare Fmax to favor to find favor minimue
                        if (Tree[T][x].Favor < Fmin && (Tree[T][x].Favor != -100 && T > 2))
                            Fmin = Tree[T][x].Favor;
                        else if (Tree[T][x].Favor < Fmin && T == 2)
                            Fmin = Tree[T][x].Favor;

                         * if (Tree[T][x].pW < PMin && Tree[T][x].pW != 9)
                         *  PMin = Tree[T][x].pW;

                    if (Xnext == boardWidth && T == 2 && Tree[T - 1][Ynext].Favor == 100)
                    else if (Xnext == boardWidth)
                         * Tree[T - 1][Ynext].pW = PMin;
                         * Tree[T - 1][Ynext].aiW = AMin;
                        Tree[T - 1][Ynext].Favor = Fmin;

                            Tree[T - 1][Ynext].Favor = Fmin;
                        catch (Exception exp)
                        Xnext = 0;

             * for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(Tree[1][x].Favor);
             * }

            //look at list 1 to determine the value to return
            bool foundTerminal = false;
            int  Fposition     = 0;
            int  FMax          = -9;

            for (int x = 0; x < Tree[1].Count(); x++)
                //first check if node is terminal
                if (Tree[1][x].Favor == -100 || Tree[1][x].Favor == 100)
                    foundTerminal = true;
                    //if it is in AI favor return value
                    if (Tree[1][x].Favor == 100)
                        return(Tuple.Create(Tree[1][x].position, true));
                    //if not pass position and check other nodes for favorable terminal node
                    if (Tree[1][x].Favor == -100)
                        Fposition = Tree[1][x].position;
                //find node with miniume pW and return position
                if (Tree[1][x].Favor > FMax == false)
                    FMax      = Tree[1][x].Favor;
                    Fposition = Tree[1][x].position;
            return(Tuple.Create(Fposition, false));