Esempio n. 1
        public List <Result> Query(Query query)
            var results = new List <Result>();

            if (query != null)
                // Search opened workspaces
                _workspacesApi.Workspaces.ForEach(a =>
                    var title = $"{a.FolderName}";

                    var typeWorkspace = a.WorkspaceTypeToString();
                    if (a.TypeWorkspace == TypeWorkspace.Codespaces)
                        title += $" - {typeWorkspace}";
                    else if (a.TypeWorkspace != TypeWorkspace.Local)
                        title += $" - {(a.ExtraInfo != null ? $"{a.ExtraInfo} ({typeWorkspace})" : typeWorkspace)}";

                    results.Add(new Result
                        Title    = title,
                        SubTitle = $"{Resources.Workspace}{(a.TypeWorkspace != TypeWorkspace.Local ? $" {Resources.In} {typeWorkspace}" : "")}: {SystemPath.RealPath(a.RelativePath)}",
                        Icon     = a.VSCodeInstance.WorkspaceIcon,
                        Action   = c =>
                            bool hide;
                                var process = new ProcessStartInfo
                                    FileName        = a.VSCodeInstance.ExecutablePath,
                                    UseShellExecute = true,
                                    Arguments       = $"--folder-uri {a.Path}",
                                    WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

                                hide = true;
                            catch (Win32Exception)
                                var name = $"Plugin: {_context.CurrentPluginMetadata.Name}";
                                var msg  = "Can't Open this file";
                                _context.API.ShowMsg(name, msg, string.Empty);
                                hide = false;
                        ContextData = a,

                // Search opened remote machines
                _machinesApi.Machines.ForEach(a =>
                    var title = $"{a.Host}";

                    if (a.User != null && a.User != String.Empty && a.HostName != null && a.HostName != String.Empty)
                        title += $" [{a.User}@{a.HostName}]";

                    results.Add(new Result
                        Title    = title,
                        SubTitle = Resources.SSHRemoteMachine,
                        Icon     = a.VSCodeInstance.RemoteIcon,
                        Action   = c =>
                            bool hide;
                                var process = new ProcessStartInfo()
                                    FileName        = a.VSCodeInstance.ExecutablePath,
                                    UseShellExecute = true,
                                    Arguments       = $"--new-window --enable-proposed-api ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh --remote ssh-remote+{((char)34) + a.Host + ((char)34)}",
                                    WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,

                                hide = true;
                            catch (Win32Exception)
                                var name = $"Plugin: {_context.CurrentPluginMetadata.Name}";
                                var msg  = "Can't Open this file";
                                _context.API.ShowMsg(name, msg, string.Empty);
                                hide = false;
                        ContextData = a,

            results.ForEach(x =>
                if (x.Score == 0)
                    x.Score = 100;

                //if is a remote machine give it 12 extra points
                if (x.ContextData is VSCodeRemoteMachine)
                    x.Score = x.Score + (query.Search.Count() * 5);

                //intersect the title with the query
                var intersection = x.Title.ToLower().Intersect(query.Search.ToLower()).Count();
                x.Score          = x.Score - (Convert.ToInt32(((x.Title.Count() - intersection) * 2.5)));

            results = results.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();

            if (query.ActionKeyword == String.Empty || (query.ActionKeyword != String.Empty && query.Search != String.Empty))
                results = results.Where(a => a.Title.ToLower().Contains(query.Search.ToLower())).ToList();

Esempio n. 2
        public List <Result> Query(Query query)
            var results = new List <Result>();

            if (query != null)
                // Search opened workspaces
                _workspacesApi.Workspaces.ForEach(a =>
                    var title = a.WorkspaceType == WorkspaceType.ProjectFolder ? a.FolderName : a.FolderName.Replace(".code-workspace", $" ({Resources.Workspace})");

                    var typeWorkspace = a.WorkspaceEnvironmentToString();
                    if (a.WorkspaceEnvironment != WorkspaceEnvironment.Local)
                        title = $"{title}{(a.ExtraInfo != null ? $" - {a.ExtraInfo}" : string.Empty)} ({typeWorkspace})";

                    var tooltip = new ToolTipData(title, $"{(a.WorkspaceType == WorkspaceType.WorkspaceFile ? Resources.Workspace : Resources.ProjectFolder)}{(a.WorkspaceEnvironment != WorkspaceEnvironment.Local ? $" {Resources.In} {typeWorkspace}" : string.Empty)}: {SystemPath.RealPath(a.RelativePath)}");

                    results.Add(new Result
                        Title       = title,
                        SubTitle    = $"{(a.WorkspaceType == WorkspaceType.WorkspaceFile ? Resources.Workspace : Resources.ProjectFolder)}{(a.WorkspaceEnvironment != WorkspaceEnvironment.Local ? $" {Resources.In} {typeWorkspace}" : string.Empty)}: {SystemPath.RealPath(a.RelativePath)}",
                        Icon        = a.VSCodeInstance.WorkspaceIcon,
                        ToolTipData = tooltip,
                        Action      = c =>
                            bool hide;
                                var process = new ProcessStartInfo
                                    FileName        = a.VSCodeInstance.ExecutablePath,
                                    UseShellExecute = true,
                                    Arguments       = a.WorkspaceType == WorkspaceType.ProjectFolder ? $"--folder-uri {a.Path}" : $"--file-uri {a.Path}",
                                    WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,

                                hide = true;
                            catch (Win32Exception)
                                var name = $"Plugin: {_context.CurrentPluginMetadata.Name}";
                                var msg  = "Can't Open this file";
                                _context.API.ShowMsg(name, msg, string.Empty);
                                hide = false;

                        ContextData = a,

                // Search opened remote machines
                _machinesApi.Machines.ForEach(a =>
                    var title = $"{a.Host}";

                    if (a.User != null && a.User != string.Empty && a.HostName != null && a.HostName != string.Empty)
                        title += $" [{a.User}@{a.HostName}]";

                    var tooltip = new ToolTipData(title, Resources.SSHRemoteMachine);

                    results.Add(new Result
                        Title       = title,
                        SubTitle    = Resources.SSHRemoteMachine,
                        Icon        = a.VSCodeInstance.RemoteIcon,
                        ToolTipData = tooltip,
                        Action      = c =>
                            bool hide;
                                var process = new ProcessStartInfo()
                                    FileName        = a.VSCodeInstance.ExecutablePath,
                                    UseShellExecute = true,
                                    Arguments       = $"--new-window --enable-proposed-api ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh --remote ssh-remote+{((char)34) + a.Host + ((char)34)}",
                                    WindowStyle     = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,

                                hide = true;
                            catch (Win32Exception)
                                var name = $"Plugin: {_context.CurrentPluginMetadata.Name}";
                                var msg  = "Can't Open this file";
                                _context.API.ShowMsg(name, msg, string.Empty);
                                hide = false;

                        ContextData = a,

            results = results.Where(a => a.Title.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(query.Search.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList();

            results.ForEach(x =>
                if (x.Score == 0)
                    x.Score = 100;

                // intersect the title with the query
                var intersection        = Convert.ToInt32(x.Title.ToLowerInvariant().Intersect(query.Search.ToLowerInvariant()).Count() * query.Search.Length);
                var differenceWithQuery = Convert.ToInt32((x.Title.Length - intersection) * query.Search.Length * 0.7);
                x.Score = x.Score - differenceWithQuery + intersection;

                // if is a remote machine give it 12 extra points
                if (x.ContextData is VSCodeRemoteMachine)
                    x.Score = Convert.ToInt32(x.Score + (intersection * 2));

            results = results.OrderByDescending(x => x.Score).ToList();
            if (query.Search == string.Empty || query.Search.Replace(" ", string.Empty) == string.Empty)
                results = results.OrderBy(x => x.Title).ToList();
