Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the save item instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cacheItemName">Name of the cache item.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static CacheItemContainer CreateSaveItemInstance(string cacheItemName)
            // we try to get the item from a
            if (!ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.IsCacheItemContainerInitialized(cacheItemName))
                ICacheItem item = _StaticCacheController.GetCacheItem(cacheItemName);

                // throw exception if the element was not found
                if (item == null)
                    throw new CachingException("Cache object \"" + cacheItemName + "\" not found at the CacheElementCollection.");
                if (item.IsClustered)
                    throw new CachingException("Cache Configuration item with key " + cacheItemName + " is configured as clustered. SlimCacheManager does not support clustered cache items. Use CacheManager instead.");

                // get the global cachesettings
                if (item.Minutes < 0 && item.Seconds < 0 && item.LifeSpan.TotalMilliseconds <= 0)
                    item.Minutes = _StaticCacheController.Minutes;

                if (item.LifeSpan == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    throw new CachingException("Cache Configuration item with key " + cacheItemName + " has no expiry time specified. Either set the Seconds or Minutes value. It is allowed to set both values at a time.");

                CacheMode cacheMode;
                if (item.IsMemcached)
                    if (item.UseProtocolBufferSerialization)
                        cacheMode = CacheMode.MemcachedProtocolBufferSerialization;
                        cacheMode = CacheMode.Memcached;
                    cacheMode = CacheMode.InProcess;

                CacheItemContainer container = new CacheItemContainer(
                    , string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CacheKey) ? item.Name : item.CacheKey
                    , cacheMode
                    , _StaticCacheController.ContinuousAccessStaleKeySuffixForMemcached);


        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches data and inserts it into cache
        /// </summary>
        public void FetchAndInsertData()
            CacheItemContainer cacheItemContainer = ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.GetCacheItemContainer(_CacheItemName);
            string             cacheKey           = cacheItemContainer.CacheKey + _IterationKey;

            ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.SetIsFetchingDataFlag(cacheKey, true);

            lock (ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.CacheItemNameLocks[cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.Name])
                #region debug
                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "SEPARATE THREAD: Starting FetchAndInsertData at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));

                T item = default(T);

                try { item = _LoadObjectDelegate.Invoke(); }
                catch (Exception e) { throw new CachingException("An error occurred during the execution of the loadObject delegate. See the inner exception for further details.", e); }

                if (item != null)
                    cacheItemContainer.LatestFetch = DateTime.UtcNow;

                        , item
                        , null
                        , cacheItemContainer.ActualExpiryDate
                        , System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration
                        , cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.CacheItemPriority
                        , null);

                    #region debug
                    Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "\n***\n*INPROCESS CACHE INSERT:\n*\t\t\tInserted new object into cache at " + cacheItemContainer.LatestFetch.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                    + "\n*\t\t\tActual expiry date: " + cacheItemContainer.ActualExpiryDate.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                    + "\n*\t\t\tInserted new stale key with expiry date: " + cacheItemContainer.SpecifiedExpiryDate.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                    + "\n************************************************************************************************\n");

            ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.SetIsFetchingDataFlag(cacheKey, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches data and inserts it into cache via memcached
        /// </summary>
        public void FetchAndInsertMemcachedData()
            CacheItemContainer cacheItemContainer = ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.GetCacheItemContainer(_CacheItemName);

            T item = default(T);

            try { item = _LoadObjectDelegate.Invoke(); }
            catch (Exception e) { throw new CachingException("An error occurred during the execution of the loadObject delegate. See the inner exception for further details.", e); }

            if (item != null)
                SlimCacheManager.InsertMemcachedObject <T>(cacheItemContainer, _IterationKey, item);

                #region debug
                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "SEPARATE THREAD MEMCACHED: Last Fetch at thread finished at " + cacheItemContainer.LatestFetch.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));
        public static TriggerAsynchronousFetchStatus TriggerAsynchronousFetch <T>(LoadSerializedObjectDelegate <T> loadObject, string cacheItemName
                                                                                  , string iterationKey, CacheItemContainer cacheItemContainer)
            where T : class
            ContinuousCacheAccessThreadHelper <T> threadHelper;
            Thread thread;

            switch (cacheItemContainer.CacheMode)
            case CacheMode.InProcess:

                // we are in the extended lifespan, so we need to check whether we have to reload the object
                if (ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.SetIsFetchingDataFlagToTrue(cacheItemContainer.CacheKey))
                    #region debug
                    Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "TRIGGER ASYNCHRONOUS FETCH: Initialize asynchronous fetch");

                    threadHelper = ContinuousCacheAccessThreadHelper <T> .GetInstance(loadObject, cacheItemName, iterationKey);

                    thread = new Thread(threadHelper.FetchAndInsertData);
                    #region debug
                    Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "TRIGGER ASYNCHRONOUS FETCH: Already in process...");


            case CacheMode.Memcached:
            case CacheMode.MemcachedProtocolBufferSerialization:

                DateTime temporaryExpiry = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.LifeSpan);

                #region debug
                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "TRIGGER ASYNCHRONOUS FETCH MEMCACHED: Try to add stale key with temporary expiry date " + temporaryExpiry.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));

                if (DistributedCache.Add(cacheItemContainer.MemcachedStaleCacheKey, new object(), temporaryExpiry))
                {    // great, we have to reload now
                    #region debug
                    Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "TRIGGER ASYNCHRONOUS FETCH MEMCACHED: Initialize asynchronous fetch");

                    threadHelper = ContinuousCacheAccessThreadHelper <T> .GetInstance(loadObject, cacheItemName, iterationKey);

                    thread = new Thread(threadHelper.FetchAndInsertMemcachedData);

                    #region debug
                    Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "TRIGGER ASYNCHRONOUS FETCH MEMCACHED: Already in process...");


            default: throw new ArgumentException("CacheMode " + cacheItemContainer.CacheMode + " not allowed");
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads from cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="cacheItemName">Name of the cache item.</param>
        /// <param name="iterationKey">The iteration key.</param>
        /// <param name="loadObject">The load object.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T LoadFromCache <T>(string cacheItemName, string iterationKey, LoadSerializedObjectDelegate <T> loadObject) where T : class
            T returnObject = default(T);

            // get the section
            CacheItemContainer cacheItemContainer = CreateSaveItemInstance(cacheItemName);
            string             cacheKey           = cacheItemContainer.CacheKey + iterationKey ?? string.Empty;

            if (_StaticCacheController.Enabled && cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.Enabled)
            {// use cache
                switch (cacheItemContainer.CacheMode)
                case CacheMode.InProcess:

                    #region InProcess
                    returnObject = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] as T;
                    if (returnObject == null)
                        lock (ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.CacheItemNameLocks[cacheItemName])
                            // check again in case the object was inserted into cache after the conditional statement but before the Monitor lock
                            returnObject = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] as T;

                            if (returnObject == null)
                            {    // get new object and cache it
                                #region debug
                                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "Item not found at cache");

                                try { returnObject = loadObject.Invoke(); }
                                catch (Exception e) { throw new CachingException("An error occurred during the execution of the loadObject delegate. See the inner exception for further details.", e); }

                                if (returnObject != null)
                                    cacheItemContainer.LatestFetch = DateTime.UtcNow;

                                        , returnObject
                                        , null
                                        , cacheItemContainer.ActualExpiryDate
                                        , System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration
                                        , cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.CacheItemPriority
                                        , null);

                                    #region debug
                                    Trace.WriteLine("\n" + DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "\n*INPROCESS CACHE INSERT:\n*\t\t\tInserted new object into cache at " + cacheItemContainer.LatestFetch.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                                    + "\n*\t\t\tActual expiry date: " + cacheItemContainer.ActualExpiryDate.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                                    + "\n*\t\t\tInserted new stale key with expiry date: " + cacheItemContainer.SpecifiedExpiryDate.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")
                                                    + "\n*\t\t\tKey: " + cacheItemContainer.CacheKey
                                                    + "\n************************************************************************************************\n");

                                #region debug
                                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "Item inserted at normal cache call");
                        if (cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.UseContinuousAccess &&
                            #region debug
                            Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "IsInExtendedLifeSpan at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));

                            // we are in the extended lifespan, so we need to check whether we have to reload the object
                            ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.TriggerAsynchronousFetch <T>(loadObject, cacheItemName, iterationKey, cacheItemContainer);


                case CacheMode.Memcached:
                case CacheMode.MemcachedProtocolBufferSerialization:

                    #region Memcached

                    returnObject = GetMemcachedObject <T>(cacheKey, cacheItemContainer.CacheMode);
                    if (returnObject == null)
                        lock (ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.CacheItemNameLocks[cacheItemName])
                            // check again in case the object was inserted into cache after the conditional statement but before the Monitor lock
                            returnObject = GetMemcachedObject <T>(cacheKey, cacheItemContainer.CacheMode);

                            if (returnObject == null)
                            {    // get new object and cache it
                                #region debug
                                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "Item not found at cache");

                                try { returnObject = loadObject.Invoke(); }
                                catch (Exception e) { throw new CachingException("An error occurred during the execution of the loadObject delegate. See the inner exception for further details.", e); }

                                if (returnObject != null)
                                    InsertMemcachedObject <T>(cacheItemContainer, returnObject);

                                #region debug
                                Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "Item inserted at normal cache call");
                        #region Note on Memcached locking and synchronization

                        /* Important note on memcached caching:
                         * trying to accomplish thread safety via Memcached.Add is not thread safe and may not work as expected. Memcached.Add should only
                         * add an object if it does not exist yet, however, you never know when memcached actually inserts the data. If you write
                         * code like ->
                         *    int i = 5;
                         *    DistributedCache.Insert("MyKey", 5);
                         *    int cachedValue = DistributedCache.Get<int>("MyKey");
                         * it is not guaranteed that "cachedValue" will be 5. During testing against a dev machine with memcache running as a
                         * Windows XP service, it took up to 600ms until a value was actually retrievable after the insert. Here s a table with
                         * tests which were run against the dev machine:
                         * ,--.       ,---.            Add Test success percentage with 1 milliseconds: 0.3942
                         * /    '.    /     \           Add Test success percentage with 26 milliseconds: 0.416
                         \  ;                  Add Test success percentage with 51 milliseconds: 0.4408
                         \-|                  Add Test success percentage with 76 milliseconds: 0.4804
                         \ (o o)      (/         Add Test success percentage with 101 milliseconds: 0.555
                         \ /'v'     ,-'          Add Test success percentage with 126 milliseconds: 0.5548
                         \ ,------/ >< \---'             Add Test success percentage with 151 milliseconds: 0.5556
                         \ /)     ;  --  :                Add Test success percentage with 176 milliseconds: 0.5562
                         \ ,---| ---- |--.             Add Test success percentage with 201 milliseconds: 0.6018
                         \ ;    | ---- |   :            Add Test success percentage with 226 milliseconds: 0.6232
                         \ (|  ,-| ---- |-. |)           Add Test success percentage with 251 milliseconds: 0.6
                         | /| ---- |\ |             Add Test success percentage with 276 milliseconds: 0.6132
                         |/ | ---- | \|             Add Test success percentage with 301 milliseconds: 0.6906
                         \  : ---- ;  |             Add Test success percentage with 326 milliseconds: 0.738
                         \  \ -- /  /              Add Test success percentage with 351 milliseconds: 0.7476
                         \ ;   \  /  :               Add Test success percentage with 376 milliseconds: 0.76
                         \ /   / \/ \  \              Add Test success percentage with 401 milliseconds: 0.7996
                         \ /)           (\             Add Test success percentage with 426 milliseconds: 0.8068
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 451 milliseconds: 0.848
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 476 milliseconds: 0.8486
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 501 milliseconds: 0.86
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 526 milliseconds: 0.9284
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 551 milliseconds: 0.981
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 576 milliseconds: 0.9554
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 601 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 626 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 651 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 676 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 701 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 726 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 751 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 776 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 801 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 826 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 851 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 876 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 901 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 926 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 951 milliseconds: 1
                         \      Add Test success percentage with 976 milliseconds: 1
                         \ However, this is still better than aquiring a lock from a database table which would be thread safe but cause an enormous
                         \ amount of SQL traffic. Using a windows service on a dedicated machine which handles the locking would be best but it also
                         \ eats a lot of network bandwidth.

                        if (cacheItemContainer.CacheItem.UseContinuousAccess &&
                            DistributedCache.Get <object>(cacheItemContainer.MemcachedStaleCacheKey) == null)
                            #region debug
                            Trace.WriteLine(DebugConstants.DEBUG_PREFIX + "IsInExtendedLifeSpan at " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"));

                            // we are in the extended lifespan, so we need to check whether we have to reload the object
                            ContinuousCacheAccessSynchronizationManager.TriggerAsynchronousFetch <T>(loadObject, cacheItemName, iterationKey, cacheItemContainer);

            {// don't use cache
                try { returnObject = loadObject.Invoke(); }
                catch (Exception e) { throw new CachingException("An error occurred during the execution of the loadObject delegate. See the inner exception for further details.", e); }
