Esempio n. 1
        public void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, RectangleF clipping, RectangleF space, float totalItemWidth)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (VerticalLineSpacing.HasValue)
                float actualSpacing = _verticalLineSpacing.Value * totalItemWidth;
                if (ConsiderScale)
                    int xScaling = Math.Abs((int)(1 / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0]));
                    if (xScaling > 1)
                        actualSpacing = actualSpacing * xScaling;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible position.
                float starting = (int)(space.Left / actualSpacing);
                starting = starting * actualSpacing;

                for (float x = starting; x <= space.Right; x += actualSpacing)
                {// Vertical lines.
                    if (x >= clipping.X && x <= clipping.X + clipping.Width + actualSpacing)
                        g.DrawLine(_pen, x, Math.Max(space.Top, clipping.Top), x, Math.Min(space.Bottom, clipping.Bottom));

            if (HorizontalLineSpacing.HasValue)
                float actualSpacing = _horizontalLineSpacing.Value;

                if (ConsiderScale &&
                    double.IsInfinity(g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]) == false &&
                    g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3] != 0)
                    int yScaling = Math.Abs((int)(1 / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]));
                    if (yScaling > 1)
                        actualSpacing = actualSpacing * yScaling;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible position.
                float starting = (int)(space.Top / actualSpacing);
                starting = starting * actualSpacing;

                for (float y = starting; y <= space.Bottom; y += actualSpacing)
                {// Horizontal lines.
                    if (y >= clipping.Y && y <= clipping.Y + clipping.Height)
                        g.DrawLine(_pen, Math.Max(space.Left, clipping.Left), y, Math.Min(space.Right, clipping.Right), y);
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)
            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

            if (this.Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                Image image;
                foreach (float value in _values)
                {// Images mode does not apply unit unification
                    if (double.IsNaN(value) == false && drawingPoint.X >= clippingRectangle.X && drawingPoint.X <= clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width &&
                        image = _images[(int)value];
                        g.DrawImage(image, drawingPoint.X + _imagesDisplacement.X - image.Width / 2, drawingPoint.Y + _imagesDisplacement.Y + (float)value);

                    drawingPoint.X += itemMargin + itemWidth;
Esempio n. 3
        public void SynchronizeWithMasterPane()
            if (_masterPane == null || _masterPaneSynchronizationMode == MasterPaneSynchronizationModeEnum.None)

            SystemMonitor.CheckThrow(_masterPaneSynchronizationMode == MasterPaneSynchronizationModeEnum.XAxis, "Mode not supported.");

            this.YAxisLabelsPosition = _masterPane.YAxisLabelsPosition;

            //this.AutoScrollToEnd = _masterPane.AutoScrollToEnd;
            this.LimitedView = _masterPane.LimitedView;

            Crosshair.Visible = _masterPane.Crosshair.Visible;

            RectangleF screen = GraphicsWrapper.ActualSpaceToDrawingSpace(ActualDrawingSpaceArea);



            WinFormsHelper.BeginFilteredManagedInvoke(this, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), Refresh);
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)
            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

            if (this.Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                Image image;
                foreach (float value in _values)
                {// Images mode does not apply unit unification
                    if (double.IsNaN(value) == false && drawingPoint.X >= clippingRectangle.X && drawingPoint.X <= clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width
                        && _images.ContainsKey((int)value))
                        image = _images[(int)value];
                        g.DrawImage(image, drawingPoint.X + _imagesDisplacement.X - image.Width / 2, drawingPoint.Y + _imagesDisplacement.Y + (float)value);

                    drawingPoint.X += itemMargin + itemWidth;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a chance for the Series to draw custom messages on the given location (typically top left corner).
        /// The result must be the next valid drawing point down (how much space was used for drawing by current series).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual PointF DrawCustomMessages(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, PointF drawingLocation)
            if (Visible == false)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Color> pair in CustomMessages)
                Brush brush = managingPane.TitleFontBrush;
                if (pair.Value.IsEmpty == false)
                    brush = new SolidBrush(pair.Value);

                Font font = managingPane.TitleFont;
                if (CustomMessagesFont != null)
                    font = CustomMessagesFont;

                drawingLocation = DrawCustomMessage(g, font, brush, pair.Key, drawingLocation);

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw additional image.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(GraphicsWrapper g, TimeBasedChartSeries timeBasedSeries)
            base.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(g, timeBasedSeries);

            if (_showMasterSynchronizationImage && _masterSynchronizationImage != null)
                g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(_masterSynchronizationImage, new Rectangle(4, (int)LabelsTopMargin, _masterSynchronizationImage.Width, _masterSynchronizationImage.Height));
Esempio n. 7
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF?mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (_controlPoints.Count < 1)

            PointF point1 = _controlPoints[0];
            PointF point2;

            if (_controlPoints.Count < 2)
                point2 = mousePosition.Value;
                point2 = _controlPoints[1];

            // Clipping opitmization.
            RectangleF rectangle = new RectangleF(
                Math.Min(point1.X, point2.X), Math.Min(point1.Y, point2.Y),
                Math.Abs(point2.X - point1.X), Math.Abs(point2.Y - point1.Y));

            if (rectangle.IntersectsWith(clippingRectangle) == false)

            // Draw base line.
            g.DrawLine(_dashedLinePen, point1, point2);

            float baseLevel = point1.Y;
            float height    = point2.Y - point1.Y;

            // Draw fibbonacci levels.
            float[] levels = new float[] { 0, 23.6f, 38.2f, 50, 61.8f, 100 };
            for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++)
                float actualLevel = baseLevel + height * levels[i] / 100f;
                g.DrawLine(_solidLinePen, point1.X, actualLevel, point2.X, actualLevel);
                g.DrawString(levels[i].ToString(), DefaultDynamicObjectFont, Brushes.White, point1.X, actualLevel);

            if (Selected)
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper.
 /// </summary>
 protected PointF DrawCustomMessage(GraphicsWrapper g, Font font, Brush brush, string message, PointF drawingLocation)
     if (font != null && brush != null)
         SizeF size = g.MeasureString(message, font);
         g.DrawString(message, font, brush, drawingLocation);
         drawingLocation.Y += size.Height;
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected void DrawItemSet(LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum type, GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
                                   RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

            int startIndex, endIndex;

            GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

            // Need to go up to (ItemsCount + unitsUnification) since the size of the step is (unitsUnification).
            for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < ItemsCount + unitsUnification; i += unitsUnification)
                int actualIndex         = i;
                int actualPreviousIndex = Math.Max(0, i - unitsUnification);

                if (actualIndex < 0 || actualIndex >= ItemsCount)
                {// Cycle conditions are loose and this is possible.

                switch (type)
                case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.ColoredArea:
                    DrawColorAreaItem(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                                      actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, tag);

                case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Histogram:
                    DrawHistogramBar(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                                     actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, unitsUnification, tag);

                case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Line:
                    float previousValue = GetDrawingValueAt(actualPreviousIndex, tag);
                    float value         = GetDrawingValueAt(actualIndex, tag);

                    if (float.IsNaN(previousValue) == false && float.IsNaN(value) == false &&
                        float.IsInfinity(previousValue) == false && float.IsInfinity(value) == false)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousValue, drawingPoint.X + itemMargin + itemWidth, drawingPoint.Y + value);



                drawingPoint.X = (i + 1) * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF? mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (_controlPoints.Count < 1)

            PointF point1 = _controlPoints[0];
            PointF point2;
            if (_controlPoints.Count < 2)
                point2 = mousePosition.Value;
                point2 = _controlPoints[1];

            // Clipping opitmization.
            RectangleF rectangle = new RectangleF(
                Math.Min(point1.X, point2.X), Math.Min(point1.Y, point2.Y),
                Math.Abs(point2.X - point1.X), Math.Abs(point2.Y - point1.Y));

            if (rectangle.IntersectsWith(clippingRectangle) == false)

            // Draw base line.
            g.DrawLine(_dashedLinePen, point1, point2);

            float baseLevel = point1.Y;
            float height = point2.Y - point1.Y;

            // Draw fibbonacci levels.
            float[] levels = new float[] { 0, 23.6f, 38.2f, 50, 61.8f, 100 };
            for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++)
                float actualLevel = baseLevel + height * levels[i] / 100f;
                g.DrawLine(_solidLinePen, point1.X, actualLevel, point2.X, actualLevel);
                g.DrawString(levels[i].ToString(), DefaultDynamicObjectFont, Brushes.White, point1.X, actualLevel);

            if (Selected)
Esempio n. 11
        public void SynchronizeDrawingSpaceXAxis(GraphicsWrapper masterWrapper)
            lock (this)
                // The current transformation matrix.
                float[] elements = _drawingSpaceTransform.Elements;

                // Modify the matrix only in X direction.
                elements[0] = masterWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0];
                elements[4] = masterWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[4];

                _drawingSpaceTransform = new Matrix(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2], elements[3], elements[4], elements[5]);
Esempio n. 12
        void DrawHistogramBar(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF drawingPoint, Pen pen, Brush fill,
                              int index, int previousItemIndex, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, int unitsUnification, object tag)
            float y = drawingPoint.Y;

            float height = 0;

            if (unitsUnification > 1)
                double heightSum      = 0;
                int    actualSumCount = 0;

                for (int i = previousItemIndex; i <= index; i++)
                    float value = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);
                    if (float.IsNaN(value) ||

                    heightSum += value;

                if (actualSumCount == 0)

                height = (float)(heightSum / actualSumCount);
                height = GetDrawingValueAt(index, tag);

            if (height < 0)
                y     += height;
                height = -height;

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillRectangle(fill, drawingPoint.X, y, (itemWidth) * unitsUnification, height);
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF? mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false)

            foreach (double level in _levels)
                if (level >= drawingSpace.Y && level <= drawingSpace.Y + drawingSpace.Height)
                    g.DrawLine(_pen, drawingSpace.X, (float)level, drawingSpace.X + drawingSpace.Width, (float)level);
Esempio n. 14
        public void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, RectangleF drawingSpaceClipping, CustomObject.DrawingOrderEnum drawingOrder)
            foreach (CustomObject customObject in _dynamicCustomObjects)
                if (customObject.DrawingOrder == drawingOrder)
                    customObject.Draw(g, _pane.CurrentDrawingSpaceMousePosition, drawingSpaceClipping, _pane.DrawingSpace);

            if (_currentObjectBuilt != null)
                _currentObjectBuilt.Draw(g, _pane.CurrentDrawingSpaceMousePosition, drawingSpaceClipping, _pane.DrawingSpace);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main drawing routine.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification,
                                  RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)

            if (Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                base.Draw(g, _data.AsReadOnly(), unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _maxVolume, null);
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF?mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false)

            foreach (double level in _levels)
                if (level >= drawingSpace.Y && level <= drawingSpace.Y + drawingSpace.Height)
                    g.DrawLine(_pen, drawingSpace.X, (float)level, drawingSpace.X + drawingSpace.Width, (float)level);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main drawing routine.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification,
            RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)

            if (Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                base.Draw(g, _data.AsReadOnly(), unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _maxVolume, null);
Esempio n. 18
        protected void DrawIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, Rectangle rectangle)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillRectangle(fill, rectangle);

            if (pen != null)
                g.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Control points selection rectangle is rendered in absolute size, ignoring scaling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="pen">Pass null to use default control point pen.</param>
        protected void DrawControlPoints(GraphicsWrapper g)
            float xMargin = 0.5f * Math.Abs(_defaultAbsoluteControlPointSelectionRectanglesSize / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0]);
            float yMargin = 0.5f * Math.Abs(_defaultAbsoluteControlPointSelectionRectanglesSize / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]);

            for (int i = 0; i < _controlPoints.Count; i++)
                PointF point = _controlPoints[i];
                if (_selectedControlPoints.Contains(i))
                    g.DrawRectangle(_defaultSelectedControlPointPen, point.X - xMargin, point.Y - yMargin, xMargin * 2, yMargin * 2);
                    g.DrawRectangle(_defaultControlPointPen, point.X - xMargin, point.Y - yMargin, xMargin * 2, yMargin * 2);
        void DrawOrders(GraphicsWrapper g, int index, PointF drawingPoint, float itemWidth, float itemMargin,
                        List <Order> openingOrders, List <Order> closingOrders, DataBar orderBarData, float lastBarX)
            // Width is same as items in real coordinates.
            float actualImageHeight = _imageDown.Height / Math.Abs(g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]);

            float  yToXScaling = Math.Abs(g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0] / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]);
            PointF updatedImageDrawingPoint = drawingPoint;

            foreach (Order order in openingOrders)
                DrawOrder(g, ref updatedImageDrawingPoint, order, itemWidth, itemMargin, yToXScaling, orderBarData, lastBarX, true);

            foreach (Order order in closingOrders)
                DrawOrder(g, ref updatedImageDrawingPoint, order, itemWidth, itemMargin, yToXScaling, orderBarData, lastBarX, false);
Esempio n. 21
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Helper method, draws histogram bars.
        ///// </summary>
        //protected void DrawHistogramBars(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
        //    RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
        //    PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

        //    int startIndex, endIndex;
        //    GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

        //    for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < MaximumIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i += unitsUnification)
        //    {
        //        int actualIndex = i;
        //        int actualPreviousIndex = i - unitsUnification;

        //        if (actualIndex >= MaximumIndex)
        //        {
        //            actualIndex = MaximumIndex - 1;
        //        }

        //        DrawHistogramBar(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex, actualPreviousIndex,
        //            itemWidth, itemMargin, unitsUnification, tag);

        //        drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        //    }

        //protected void DrawColoredArea(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
        //    RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
        //    PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

        //    int startIndex, endIndex;
        //    GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

        //    for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < MaximumIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i += unitsUnification)
        //    {
        //        int actualIndex = i;
        //        int actualPreviousIndex = i - unitsUnification;

        //        if (actualIndex >= MaximumIndex)
        //        {
        //            actualIndex = MaximumIndex - 1;
        //        }

        //        DrawColorAreaItem(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
        //            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, tag);

        //        drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        //    }

        protected void DrawColorAreaItem(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF drawingPoint, Pen pen, Brush fill,
                                         int index, int previousItemIndex, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
            float indexValue             = GetDrawingValueAt(index, tag);
            float previousItemIndexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(previousItemIndex, tag);

            int unificationCount = index - previousItemIndex;

            for (int i = previousItemIndex; i <= index; i++)
                if (float.IsNaN(previousItemIndexValue))
                    previousItemIndexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);
                else if (float.IsNaN(indexValue))
                    indexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);

            if (float.IsNaN(indexValue) || float.IsNaN(previousItemIndexValue))
            {// Failed to find reasonable values to draw.

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillPolygon(fill, new PointF[] {
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y),
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y + indexValue),
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousItemIndexValue)

            if (pen != null)
                g.DrawLine(pen, drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousItemIndexValue,
                           drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y + indexValue);
Esempio n. 22
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification,
                                  RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)
            if (this.Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                for (int i = 0; i < _valueSets.Count; i++)
                    Pen pen = _defaultPen;
                    if (_valueSetsPens[i] == null)
                        pen = _valueSetsPens[i];

                    base.DrawItemSet(_chartType, g, pen, _defaultFill, unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _valueSets[i]);
            } // Lock
Esempio n. 23
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF?mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false || _controlPoints.Count < 1)

            if (clippingRectangle.Contains(_controlPoints[0]) == false)
            {// Clipping opitmization.

            SizeF size = g.MeasureString(_text, DefaultDynamicObjectFont);

            if (size.Height < 0)
                _rectangle = new RectangleF(_controlPoints[0].X, _controlPoints[0].Y + size.Height, size.Width, -size.Height);
                _rectangle = new RectangleF(_controlPoints[0].X, _controlPoints[0].Y, size.Width, size.Height);

            g.DrawString(_text, DefaultDynamicObjectFont, _brush, _controlPoints[0]);

            if (Selected || IsBuilding)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, _rectangle.Location, new PointF(_rectangle.X + _rectangle.Width, _rectangle.Y));

            // Rounding rectangle.
            //g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, _rectangle);

            if (Selected)
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Enter locked.
        /// </summary>
        void DrawBar(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF startingPoint, DataBar barData, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, int itemUnitification)
            float xMiddle    = startingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2;
            float xHalfWidth = itemWidth / 2;

            Pen pen = _risingBarPen;

            if (barData.IsRising == false)
                pen = _fallingBarPen;

            if (pen == null)

            float yDisplacement = startingPoint.Y;

            g.DrawLine(pen, xMiddle, yDisplacement + (float)barData.Low, xMiddle, yDisplacement + (float)barData.High);
            g.DrawLine(pen, xMiddle, yDisplacement + (float)barData.Open, xMiddle - xHalfWidth, yDisplacement + (float)barData.Open);
            g.DrawLine(pen, xMiddle, yDisplacement + (float)barData.Close, xMiddle + xHalfWidth, yDisplacement + (float)barData.Close);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected void DrawItemSet(LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum type, GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
            RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();

            int startIndex, endIndex;
            GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

            // Need to go up to (ItemsCount + unitsUnification) since the size of the step is (unitsUnification).
            for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < ItemsCount + unitsUnification; i += unitsUnification)
                int actualIndex = i;
                int actualPreviousIndex = Math.Max(0, i - unitsUnification);

                if (actualIndex < 0 || actualIndex >= ItemsCount)
                {// Cycle conditions are loose and this is possible.

                switch (type)
                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.ColoredArea:
                        DrawColorAreaItem(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, tag);

                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Histogram:
                        DrawHistogramBar(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
                            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, unitsUnification, tag);

                    case LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum.Line:
                            float previousValue = GetDrawingValueAt(actualPreviousIndex, tag);
                            float value = GetDrawingValueAt(actualIndex, tag);

                            if (float.IsNaN(previousValue) == false && float.IsNaN(value) == false
                                && float.IsInfinity(previousValue) == false && float.IsInfinity(value) == false)
                                g.DrawLine(pen, drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousValue, drawingPoint.X + itemMargin + itemWidth, drawingPoint.Y + value);


                drawingPoint.X = (i + 1) * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
Esempio n. 26
        void DrawSelection(GraphicsWrapper g)
            if (CurrentSelectionRectangle.HasValue == false)

            RectangleF selectionRectangle = CurrentSelectionRectangle.Value;

            if (selectionRectangle.Width > 0 && selectionRectangle.Height > 0 &&
                _lastDrawingSpaceMouseRightButtonPosition.HasValue && _currentDrawingSpaceMousePosition.HasValue)
                if (_selectionPen != null)
                    g.DrawRectangle(_selectionPen, selectionRectangle.X, selectionRectangle.Y, selectionRectangle.Width, selectionRectangle.Height);

                if (_selectionFill != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(_selectionFill, selectionRectangle);
Esempio n. 27
        void DrawDrawingSpace(GraphicsWrapper g)
            RectangleF drawingSpaceClipping = _actualDrawingSpaceArea;
            drawingSpaceClipping.X -= _seriesItemMargin + _seriesItemWidth;
            drawingSpaceClipping.Y -= _seriesItemMargin + _seriesItemWidth;

            drawingSpaceClipping.Width += 2 * (_seriesItemMargin + _seriesItemWidth);
            drawingSpaceClipping.Height += 2 * (_seriesItemMargin + _seriesItemWidth);

            drawingSpaceClipping = GraphicsWrapper.ActualSpaceToDrawingSpace(drawingSpaceClipping);
            //drawingSpaceClipping.Y = DrawingSpace.Y - 10;
            //drawingSpaceClipping.Height = DrawingSpace.Height + 10;

            // Grid.
            _drawingSpaceGrid.Draw(g, drawingSpaceClipping, _drawingSpace, _seriesItemMargin + _seriesItemWidth);

            // Show clipping rectangle.
            if (ShowClippingRectangle)
                Pen clippingRectanglePen = (Pen)Pens.DarkGray.Clone();
                clippingRectanglePen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

                g.DrawRectangle(clippingRectanglePen, drawingSpaceClipping.X, drawingSpaceClipping.Y, drawingSpaceClipping.Width, drawingSpaceClipping.Height);

            // Draw custom objects - pre series.
            _customObjectsManager.Draw(g, drawingSpaceClipping, CustomObject.DrawingOrderEnum.PreSeries);

            // Series.
            foreach (ChartSeries series in _series)
                series.Draw(this, g, CurrentUnitUnification, drawingSpaceClipping, _seriesItemWidth, _seriesItemMargin);

            // Draw custom objects - post series.
            _customObjectsManager.Draw(g, drawingSpaceClipping, CustomObject.DrawingOrderEnum.PostSeries);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override this routine, to add the price labels at the space outside of the current drawing pane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="managingPane"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public override void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g)
            base.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(managingPane, g);

            if (_dataProvider == null || _dataProvider.OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)

            decimal? ask = _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
            decimal? bid = _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;

            if (ask.HasValue == false
                || bid.HasValue == false)

            // Measure based on a default format of 6 symbols.
            SizeF size = g.MeasureString("00.0000", managingPane.LabelsFont);

            Brush fillBrush = managingPane.LabelsFill;
            if (fillBrush == null)
                fillBrush = managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaFill;

            if (_showCurrentAskLine)
                PointF position = managingPane.GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask), true);
                position.X = managingPane.Width - managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight;
                position.Y -= size.Height;

                if (fillBrush != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width, size.Height));

                if (managingPane.LabelsFont != null && managingPane.LabelsFontBrush != null)
                    g.DrawString(ask.Value.ToString(_dataProvider.SessionInfo.ValueFormat), managingPane.LabelsFont, managingPane.LabelsFontBrush, position);
                    g.DrawRectangle(managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width/* - 2*/, size.Height));


            if (_showCurrentBidLine)
                PointF position = managingPane.GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid), true);
                position.X = managingPane.Width - managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight;

                if (fillBrush != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width, size.Height));

                if (managingPane.LabelsFont != null && managingPane.LabelsFontBrush != null)
                    g.DrawString(bid.Value.ToString(_dataProvider.SessionInfo.ValueFormat), managingPane.LabelsFont, managingPane.LabelsFontBrush, position);
                    g.DrawRectangle(managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width/* - 2*/, size.Height));
        void DrawOrder(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF updatedImageDrawingPoint, Order order, float itemWidth, float itemMargin,
            float yToXScaling, DataBar orderBarData, float lastBarX, bool drawOpening)
            Image image = _imageUp;
            Brush brush = Brushes.Green;
            Pen dashedPen = _buyDashedPen;
            Pen pen = Pens.GreenYellow;
            if (order.IsBuy == false)
                image = _imageDown;
                brush = Brushes.Red;
                pen = Pens.Red;
                dashedPen = _sellDashedPen;

            if (drawOpening == false)
                image = _imageCross;

            if (order.OpenPrice.HasValue == false)
                SystemMonitor.OperationError("Order with no open price assigned for drawing.", TracerItem.PriorityEnum.Low);

            float price = (float)order.OpenPrice.Value;
            if (drawOpening == false)
                if (order.ClosePrice.HasValue == false)

                price = (float)order.ClosePrice.Value;

            if (drawOpening && _showPendingOrdersTracing &&
                (order is ActiveOrder && order.State == OrderStateEnum.Executed)
                && _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid.HasValue
                && _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask.HasValue)
            {// Open orders tracking line.
                PointF point1 = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
                PointF point2 = new PointF(lastBarX - itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + sellPrice);
                g.DrawLine(dashedPen, point1, point2);

            //if (drawOpening && _showClosedOrdersTracing && order.IsOpen == false)
            //{// Closed order tracking.
            // Close order tracing is implemented in main draw function.

            if (_showOrderSpot)
                PointF basePoint = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float height = (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    height = -height;

                if (drawOpening)
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                        new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });
                    g.DrawPolygon(Pens.White, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                        new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });

                    float drawToLeft = (float)(1.5 * itemWidth);
                    float drawToRight = (float)(2.5 * itemWidth);

                    // Take profit level.
                    if (order.TakeProfit.HasValue
                        && order.TakeProfit.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit - height);

                    // Stop loss level.
                    if (order.StopLoss.HasValue
                        && order.StopLoss.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                            updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss + height);
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, basePoint.X, basePoint.Y,
                        itemWidth, yToXScaling * itemWidth);


            float imageHeight = 2 * (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
            if (_showOrderArrow)
                float x = updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - (itemWidth / 2f);
                float y = updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)orderBarData.Low - (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                float width = 2 * itemWidth;
                float height = -imageHeight;
                GraphicsWrapper.NormalizedRectangle(ref x, ref y, ref width, ref height);
                RectangleF rectange = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);

                // Draw up image.
                g.DrawImage(image, rectange.X, rectange.Y, rectange.Width, rectange.Height);

                if (order == _selectedOrder)
                {// This is selected order.
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, rectange);

                _ordersArrows[order] = rectange;

                updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y -= 1.2f * imageHeight;
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="unitsUnification">Draw a few units as one. Used when zooming is too big to show each unit - so unify them. 1 means no unification, 10 means unify 10 units together</param>
 /// <param name="clippingRectangle"></param>
 /// <param name="itemWidth"></param>
 /// <param name="itemMargin"></param>
 public abstract void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin);
        public override void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle)
            foreach (string name in _outputResultSetsPens.Keys)
                base.DrawIcon(g, _outputResultSetsPens[name], Brushes.White, rectangle);

            // If none are available, draw a simple black and white icon.
            base.DrawIcon(g, Pens.White, Brushes.Black, rectangle);
        /// <summary>
        /// Override this routine, to add the price labels at the space outside of the current drawing pane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="managingPane"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        public override void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g)
            base.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(managingPane, g);

            if (_dataProvider == null || _dataProvider.OperationalState != OperationalStateEnum.Operational)

            decimal?ask = _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
            decimal?bid = _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;

            if (ask.HasValue == false ||
                bid.HasValue == false)

            // Measure based on a default format of 6 symbols.
            SizeF size = g.MeasureString("00.0000", managingPane.LabelsFont);

            Brush fillBrush = managingPane.LabelsFill;

            if (fillBrush == null)
                fillBrush = managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaFill;

            if (_showCurrentAskLine)
                PointF position = managingPane.GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask), true);
                position.X  = managingPane.Width - managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight;
                position.Y -= size.Height;

                if (fillBrush != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width, size.Height));

                if (managingPane.LabelsFont != null && managingPane.LabelsFontBrush != null)
                    g.DrawString(ask.Value.ToString(_dataProvider.SessionInfo.ValueFormat), managingPane.LabelsFont, managingPane.LabelsFontBrush, position);
                    g.DrawRectangle(managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width /* - 2*/, size.Height));

            if (_showCurrentBidLine)
                PointF position = managingPane.GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid), true);
                position.X = managingPane.Width - managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight;

                if (fillBrush != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(fillBrush, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width, size.Height));

                if (managingPane.LabelsFont != null && managingPane.LabelsFontBrush != null)
                    g.DrawString(bid.Value.ToString(_dataProvider.SessionInfo.ValueFormat), managingPane.LabelsFont, managingPane.LabelsFontBrush, position);
                    g.DrawRectangle(managingPane.ActualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, new RectangleF(position.X, position.Y, size.Width /* - 2*/, size.Height));
 public override void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle)
     base.DrawIcon(g, _defaultPen, _defaultFill, rectangle);
Esempio n. 34
 public abstract void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF?mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initial part of drawing, called by Draw().
        /// Method takes care of setting up the basic drawing parameters of the chart, required for the drawing
        /// to be done; also draws the system overlays.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(GraphicsWrapper g, TimeBasedChartSeries timeBasedSeries)
            // Since this is dependant on current graphics scaling, also recalculate it here now.


            if (XAxisLabels)
            {// X Axis Labels

                float totalItemWidth = _seriesItemWidth + _seriesItemMargin;
                float actualXSpacing = _xAxisLabelSpacing * totalItemWidth;

                // Consider X axis label scaling.
                int xScaling = Math.Abs((int)(1 / _graphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0]));
                if (xScaling > 1)
                    actualXSpacing = actualXSpacing * xScaling;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible positionactualXSpacing
                // TODO : this can be optimized further by narrowing the range of xStart to end
                float xStart = (int)(_drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.X / actualXSpacing);
                xStart = xStart * actualXSpacing;

                SizeF xAxisLabelTypicalSize = g.MeasureString("00/00/000 00:00", _axisLabelsFont);

                for (float i = xStart; i < _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.X + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Width; i += actualXSpacing)
                    PointF point = GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(i, 0), true);

                    if (point.X > (_actualDrawingSpaceArea.X - 2)
                        && point.X < (_actualDrawingSpaceArea.X + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Width + 2 - xAxisLabelTypicalSize.Width))
                        int index = (int)(i / totalItemWidth);
                        string message = string.Empty;
                        if (timeBasedSeries != null)
                        {// If there is a leading dateAssignedSeries show labels based on its timing.
                            if (index < timeBasedSeries.ItemsCount)
                                message = GeneralHelper.GetShortDateTime(timeBasedSeries.GetTimeAtIndex(index));
                            message = index.ToString(_xAxisLabelsFormat);

                        if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _xAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                            g.DrawString(message, _axisLabelsFont, _xAxisLabelsFontBrush, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height);

                        // Draw the small line indicating where the string applies for.
                        g.DrawLine(_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height, point.X, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height + 5);
            } // X Axis Labels.

            _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft = _additionalDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft + 5;
            _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight = _additionalDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight + 5;

            if (YAxisLabels)
            {// Y Axis Labels.

                int yAxisLabelsWidth = 0;

                // Set starting to the closes compatible positionactualYSpacing
                int maxDecimalPlaces = _autoYAxisLabelSpacing.ToString().Length - 1;

                float yStart = (int)(_drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y / _autoYAxisLabelSpacing);
                yStart = yStart * _autoYAxisLabelSpacing;

                // Round off to a fixed number of post decimal point digits, will only work for values under 1
                yStart = (float)Math.Round(yStart, maxDecimalPlaces);

                // This must auto adjust to format the number properly and always fit in 6 spaces.
                // Specify positive, negative and zero formats.
                //_yAxisLabelsFormat = " #0.###;-#0.###; Zero";

                int separatorPosition = _yAxisLabelsFormat.IndexOf(";", 0) - 1;

                // The default is 6 positions total for the y axis labels.
                yAxisLabelsWidth = ((int)g.MeasureString(_yAxisLabelsFormat.Substring(0, separatorPosition), _axisLabelsFont).Width);

                // Calculate the current margin and confirm with any controling subscriber.
                int labelSpacingMargin = yAxisLabelsWidth;

                if (_yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Left ||
                    _yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Both)
                    _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft += labelSpacingMargin;

                if (_yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Right ||
                    _yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Both)
                    _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginRight += labelSpacingMargin;

                if (_yAxisLabelsPosition != YAxisLabelPosition.None)
                    // A maximum of 10000 steps allowed for this drawing, otherwise some bug is probably present.
                    if ((_drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Height - yStart) / _autoYAxisLabelSpacing < 10000)
                        // Pass 2 - actually draw the labels and label lines at the established and confirmed location.
                        for (float i = yStart; i < _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Y + _drawingSpaceDisplayLimit.Height; i += _autoYAxisLabelSpacing)
                            float iRound = (float)Math.Round(i, maxDecimalPlaces);
                            PointF point = GraphicsWrapper.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(new PointF(0, iRound), true);

                            if (point.Y <= _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y - 5 ||
                                point.Y >= _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height)

                            // Draw labels on the left.
                            if (_yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Left || _yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Both)
                                if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _yAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                                    g.DrawString((iRound).ToString(_yAxisLabelsFormat), _axisLabelsFont, _yAxisLabelsFontBrush, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft - yAxisLabelsWidth - 3, point.Y);

                                // Draw the small line indicating where the string applies for.
                                g.DrawLine(_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft - 5, point.Y, _actualDrawingSpaceAreaMarginLeft, point.Y);

                            // Draw labels on the right.
                            if (_yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Right || _yAxisLabelsPosition == YAxisLabelPosition.Both)
                                if (_axisLabelsFont != null && _yAxisLabelsFontBrush != null)
                                    g.DrawString((iRound).ToString(_yAxisLabelsFormat), _axisLabelsFont, _yAxisLabelsFontBrush,
                                        this.Width - yAxisLabelsWidth - 3, point.Y);

                                if (point.Y >= _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y)
                                    // Draw the small line indicating where the string applies for.
                                        this.Width - yAxisLabelsWidth - 6, point.Y,
                                        this.Width - yAxisLabelsWidth - 3, point.Y);
                        SystemMonitor.OperationError("Too many steps in drawing planned.");

            foreach (ChartSeries series in _series)
                series.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(this, g);


            // Actual space, drawing area, grid.
            _actualSpaceGrid.Draw(g, _actualDrawingSpaceArea, _actualDrawingSpaceArea, 1);

            if (ShowSeriesLabels)
                DrawGraphicSeriesLabels(g, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Left);

            // Show
            if (_customObjectsManager.IsBuildingObject)
                g.DrawImageUnscaledAndClipped(_customObjectDrawingImage, new Rectangle(4, (int)LabelsTopMargin, _customObjectDrawingImage.Width, _customObjectDrawingImage.Height));
Esempio n. 36
 public override void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle)
     base.DrawIcon(g, _defaultPen, _defaultFill, rectangle);
Esempio n. 37
        protected virtual void DrawGraphicSeriesLabels(GraphicsWrapper g, int initialMarginLeft)
            _currentLabelsRectangles = new Rectangle[_series.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < _series.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    _currentLabelsRectangles[0].X = initialMarginLeft;
                    _currentLabelsRectangles[i].X = _currentLabelsRectangles[i - 1].Right + (int)_labelsMargin;

                _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Y = (int)_labelsTopMargin;

                SizeF seriesSize = g.MeasureString(_series[i].Name, _labelsFont);
                _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Size = new Size((int)seriesSize.Width, (int)seriesSize.Height);

                int iconWidth = 18;

                // Add space for series icon
                _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Width += iconWidth;

                if (_labelsFill != null)
                    g.FillRectangle(_labelsFill, _currentLabelsRectangles[i]);

                if (_labelsFont != null)
                    g.DrawString(_series[i].Name, _labelsFont, _labelsFontBrush, _currentLabelsRectangles[i].X + iconWidth, _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Y);

                _series[i].DrawSeriesIcon(g, new Rectangle(_currentLabelsRectangles[i].X + 2, _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Y + 2, 14, _currentLabelsRectangles[i].Height - 4));
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the chart series to render information on the external overlaying part of the chart pane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="clippingRectangle">Rectangle describing the entire drawing area.</param>
 public virtual void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g)
        void DrawHistogramBar(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF drawingPoint, Pen pen, Brush fill, 
            int index, int previousItemIndex, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, int unitsUnification, object tag)
            float y = drawingPoint.Y;

            float height = 0;
            if (unitsUnification > 1)
                double heightSum = 0;
                int actualSumCount = 0;

                for (int i = previousItemIndex; i <= index; i++)
                    float value = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);
                    if (float.IsNaN(value)
                        || float.IsInfinity(value))

                    heightSum += value;

                if (actualSumCount == 0)

                height = (float)(heightSum / actualSumCount);
                height = GetDrawingValueAt(index, tag);

            if (height < 0)
                y += height;
                height = -height;

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillRectangle(fill, drawingPoint.X, y, (itemWidth) * unitsUnification, height);
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)
            if (this.Visible == false || Indicator == null)

            lock (Indicator.Results)
                foreach (string name in Indicator.Results.SetsNamesUnsafe)
                    LinesChartSeries.ChartTypeEnum? chartType = Indicator.Results.GetResultSetChartType(name);
                    if (chartType.HasValue == false)
                    {// No specific value assigned means go for default.
                        chartType = DefaultChartType;

                    base.DrawItemSet(chartType.Value, g, _outputResultSetsPens[name], _defaultBrush,
                        unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, name);

            foreach(string name in Indicator.Parameters.DynamicNames)
            {// Render fixed lines.
                if (name.Contains(FixedLinePrefix))
                    object value = Indicator.Parameters.GetDynamic(name);
                    if (value == null)

                    float floatValue = Convert.ToSingle(value);
                    int dashMove = 0;// ((int)x % DashSize);
                    g.DrawLine(_defaultDashedPen, clippingRectangle.X + dashMove, floatValue, clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width, floatValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main drawing routine.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification,
                                  RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)

            if (Visible == false)

            if (_dataProvider == null)

            IDataBarHistoryProvider dataBarProvider = CurrentDataBarProvider;

            if (dataBarProvider == null)

            lock (dataBarProvider)
                base.Draw(g, dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe, unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _maxVolume, null);

            // Draw ask/bid line.
            if (_dataProvider.OperationalState == CommonSupport.OperationalStateEnum.Operational && _dataProvider.Quotes != null &&
                _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid.HasValue && _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask.HasValue)
                if (_showCurrentAskLine)
                    float price = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
                    g.DrawLine(_priceLevelPen, clippingRectangle.X, price, clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width, price);

                if (_showCurrentBidLine)
                    float price = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;
                    g.DrawLine(_priceLevelPen, clippingRectangle.X, price, clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width, price);

            List <Order> ordersOpening;

            // Draw orders locations on chart.
            lock (this)
                if (_orderExecutionProvider == null)
            // Render orders.
            ordersOpening = new List <Order>();

            ITradeEntityManagement history = _orderExecutionProvider.TradeEntities;

            if (history != null && _dataProvider != null)
                lock (history)

            // Use for orders closes.
            List <Order> ordersClosing = new List <Order>();

            foreach (Order order in ordersOpening)
                if (order.State == OrderStateEnum.Closed)
                {// Only add orders already closed.

            // This is used later on, since ordersClosing is modified.
            List <Order> ordersClosed = new List <Order>(ordersClosing);

            // TradeEntities opening at current bar.
            List <Order> pendingOpeningOrders = new List <Order>();
            // Order closing at current bar.
            List <Order> pendingClosingOrders = new List <Order>();

            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();
            int    startIndex, endIndex;

            GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

            lock (dataBarProvider)
                float lastBarX = (itemMargin + itemWidth) * dataBarProvider.BarCount;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex && i < dataBarProvider.BarCount &&
                     (ordersOpening.Count > 0 || ordersClosing.Count > 0); i++)
                {         // Foreach bar, draw orders (and closeVolume).
                    while (ordersOpening.Count > 0)
                    {     // All orders before now.
                        if (ordersOpening[0].OpenTime < (dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime - Period))
                        { // Order before time period.
                            if ((ordersOpening[0].State == OrderStateEnum.Executed /*||
                                                                                    * ordersOpening[0].State == OrderInformation.OrderStateEnum.Submitted*/) &&
                            {// Since it is an open pending order, we shall also need to draw it as well.

                        if (ordersOpening[0].OpenTime > dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime)
                        {// Order after time period - look no further.

                        // Order open is within the current period.
                        // Only if order is part of the current period - add to pending.

                    for (int j = ordersClosing.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (ordersClosing[j].CloseTime >= (dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime - dataBarProvider.Period) &&
                            ordersClosing[j].CloseTime <= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime)
                        {// Order close is within the current period.

                    drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
                    DrawOrders(g, i, drawingPoint, itemWidth, itemMargin, pendingOpeningOrders, pendingClosingOrders, dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i], lastBarX);

                if (_showClosedOrdersTracing && dataBarProvider.BarCount > 0 && startIndex < dataBarProvider.BarCount)
                {// Since a closed order may be before or after (or during) the curren set of periods - make a special search and render for them.
                    endIndex = Math.Max(0, endIndex);
                    endIndex = Math.Min(dataBarProvider.BarCount - 1, endIndex);

                    foreach (Order order in ordersClosed)
                        if (order.OpenTime.HasValue &&
                            order.CloseTime.HasValue &&
                            order.OpenTime.Value <= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[endIndex].DateTime &&
                            order.CloseTime.Value >= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[startIndex].DateTime - dataBarProvider.Period)
                            int openIndex  = dataBarProvider.GetIndexAtTime(order.OpenTime.Value);
                            int closeIndex = dataBarProvider.GetIndexAtTime(order.CloseTime.Value);

                            Pen pen = _buyDashedPen;
                            if (order.IsBuy == false)
                                pen = _sellDashedPen;

                            Decimal?doubleOpenValue  = order.OpenPrice;
                            Decimal?doubleCloseValue = order.ClosePrice;

                            if (doubleOpenValue.HasValue == false)
                                SystemMonitor.Error("Invalid open price value for closed order to draw.");

                            if (doubleCloseValue.HasValue == false)
                                SystemMonitor.Error("Invalid close price value for closed order to draw.");

                            g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(openIndex * (itemWidth + itemMargin), (float)doubleOpenValue),
                                       new PointF(closeIndex * (itemWidth + itemMargin), (float)doubleCloseValue));
            } // Lock
Esempio n. 42
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle);
        void DrawOrder(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF updatedImageDrawingPoint, Order order, float itemWidth, float itemMargin,
                       float yToXScaling, DataBar orderBarData, float lastBarX, bool drawOpening)
            Image image     = _imageUp;
            Brush brush     = Brushes.Green;
            Pen   dashedPen = _buyDashedPen;
            Pen   pen       = Pens.GreenYellow;

            if (order.IsBuy == false)
                image     = _imageDown;
                brush     = Brushes.Red;
                pen       = Pens.Red;
                dashedPen = _sellDashedPen;

            if (drawOpening == false)
                image = _imageCross;

            if (order.OpenPrice.HasValue == false)
                SystemMonitor.OperationError("Order with no open price assigned for drawing.", TracerItem.PriorityEnum.Low);

            float price = (float)order.OpenPrice.Value;

            if (drawOpening == false)
                if (order.ClosePrice.HasValue == false)

                price = (float)order.ClosePrice.Value;

            if (drawOpening && _showPendingOrdersTracing &&
                (order is ActiveOrder && order.State == OrderStateEnum.Executed) &&
                _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid.HasValue &&
            {// Open orders tracking line.
                PointF point1    = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float  sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    sellPrice = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
                PointF point2 = new PointF(lastBarX - itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + sellPrice);
                g.DrawLine(dashedPen, point1, point2);

            //if (drawOpening && _showClosedOrdersTracing && order.IsOpen == false)
            //{// Closed order tracking.
            // Close order tracing is implemented in main draw function.

            if (_showOrderSpot)
                PointF basePoint = new PointF(updatedImageDrawingPoint.X, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + price);
                float  height    = (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                if (order.IsBuy == false)
                    height = -height;

                if (drawOpening)
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                                                        new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });
                    g.DrawPolygon(Pens.White, new PointF[] { basePoint, new PointF(basePoint.X + itemWidth, basePoint.Y),
                                                             new PointF(basePoint.X + (itemWidth / 2f), basePoint.Y + height) });

                    float drawToLeft  = (float)(1.5 * itemWidth);
                    float drawToRight = (float)(2.5 * itemWidth);

                    // Take profit level.
                    if (order.TakeProfit.HasValue &&
                        order.TakeProfit.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                                   updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit,
                                   updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.TakeProfit - height);

                    // Stop loss level.
                    if (order.StopLoss.HasValue &&
                        order.StopLoss.Value != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - drawToLeft, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                                   updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + drawToRight, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss);

                        g.DrawLine(pen, updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss,
                                   updatedImageDrawingPoint.X + itemWidth / 2f, updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)order.StopLoss + height);
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, basePoint.X, basePoint.Y,
                                    itemWidth, yToXScaling * itemWidth);

            float imageHeight = 2 * (yToXScaling * itemWidth);

            if (_showOrderArrow)
                float x      = updatedImageDrawingPoint.X - (itemWidth / 2f);
                float y      = updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y + (float)orderBarData.Low - (yToXScaling * itemWidth);
                float width  = 2 * itemWidth;
                float height = -imageHeight;
                GraphicsWrapper.NormalizedRectangle(ref x, ref y, ref width, ref height);
                RectangleF rectange = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);

                // Draw up image.
                g.DrawImage(image, rectange.X, rectange.Y, rectange.Width, rectange.Height);

                if (order == _selectedOrder)
                {// This is selected order.
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.White, rectange);

                _ordersArrows[order] = rectange;

                updatedImageDrawingPoint.Y -= 1.2f * imageHeight;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="unitsUnification">Draw a few units as one. Used when zooming is too big to show each unit - so unify them. 1 means no unification, 10 means unify 10 units together</param>
 /// <param name="clippingRectangle"></param>
 /// <param name="itemWidth"></param>
 /// <param name="itemMargin"></param>
 public abstract void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin);
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, 
            RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)
            if (this.Visible == false)

            lock (this)
                for (int i = 0; i < _valueSets.Count; i++)
                    Pen pen = _defaultPen;
                    if (_valueSetsPens[i] == null)
                        pen = _valueSetsPens[i];

                    base.DrawItemSet(_chartType, g, pen, _defaultFill, unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _valueSets[i]);
            } // Lock
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a chance for the Series to draw custom messages on the given location (typically top left corner).
        /// The result must be the next valid drawing point down (how much space was used for drawing by current series).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual PointF DrawCustomMessages(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, PointF drawingLocation)
            if (Visible == false)
                return drawingLocation;

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Color> pair in CustomMessages)
                Brush brush = managingPane.TitleFontBrush;
                if (pair.Value.IsEmpty == false)
                    brush = new SolidBrush(pair.Value);

                Font font = managingPane.TitleFont;
                if (CustomMessagesFont != null)
                    font = CustomMessagesFont;

                drawingLocation = DrawCustomMessage(g, font, brush, pair.Key, drawingLocation);

            return drawingLocation;
Esempio n. 47
        public override void Draw(GraphicsWrapper g, PointF?mousePosition, RectangleF clippingRectangle, RectangleF drawingSpace)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (_controlPoints.Count < 1)

            PointF point1 = _controlPoints[0];
            PointF point2;

            if (mousePosition.HasValue)
                point2 = mousePosition.Value;
                point2 = point1;

            if (_controlPoints.Count == 2)
                point2 = _controlPoints[1];

            // Clipping opitmization.
            RectangleF rectangle = new RectangleF(
                Math.Min(point1.X, point2.X), Math.Min(point1.Y, point2.Y),
                Math.Abs(point2.X - point1.X), Math.Abs(point2.Y - point1.Y));

            if (rectangle.IntersectsWith(clippingRectangle) == false)

            SimpleLine line = new SimpleLine(point1, point2);
            PointF     vec  = new PointF(line.XDelta, line.YDelta);

            vec = g.DrawingSpaceToActualSpace(vec, false);
            vec = new PointF(vec.Y, vec.X);

            // Rotate
            PointF vec1 = SimpleLine.RotatePoint(vec, -(float)Math.PI / 2 + 0.3f);
            PointF vec2 = SimpleLine.RotatePoint(vec, -(float)Math.PI / 2 - 0.3f);

            // Scale
            vec1 = new PointF(vec1.X * 0.35f, vec1.Y * 0.35f);
            vec2 = new PointF(vec2.X * 0.35f, vec2.Y * 0.35f);

            vec1 = g.ActualSpaceToDrawingSpace(vec1, false);
            vec2 = g.ActualSpaceToDrawingSpace(vec2, false);

            g.DrawLine(_pen, point1, point2);
            g.FillPolygon(_brush, new PointF[] { point2, new PointF(point2.X + vec1.X, point2.Y + vec1.Y),
                                                 new PointF(point2.X + vec2.X, point2.Y + vec2.Y) });

            if (Selected)
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows the chart series to render information on the external overlaying part of the chart pane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="g"></param>
 /// <param name="clippingRectangle">Rectangle describing the entire drawing area.</param>
 public virtual void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g)
 public override void DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g)
     base.DrawInitialActualSpaceOverlays(managingPane, g);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main drawing routine.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, int unitsUnification, 
            RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin)

            if (Visible == false)

            if (_dataProvider == null)

            IDataBarHistoryProvider dataBarProvider = CurrentDataBarProvider;
            if (dataBarProvider == null)

            lock (dataBarProvider)
                base.Draw(g, dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe, unitsUnification, clippingRectangle, itemWidth, itemMargin, _maxVolume, null);

            // Draw ask/bid line.
            if (_dataProvider.OperationalState == CommonSupport.OperationalStateEnum.Operational && _dataProvider.Quotes != null
                && _dataProvider.Quotes.Bid.HasValue && _dataProvider.Quotes.Ask.HasValue)
                if (_showCurrentAskLine)
                    float price = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Ask;
                    g.DrawLine(_priceLevelPen, clippingRectangle.X, price, clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width, price);

                if (_showCurrentBidLine)
                    float price = (float)_dataProvider.Quotes.Bid;
                    g.DrawLine(_priceLevelPen, clippingRectangle.X, price, clippingRectangle.X + clippingRectangle.Width, price);

            List<Order> ordersOpening;

            // Draw orders locations on chart.
                if (_orderExecutionProvider == null)
            // Render orders.
            ordersOpening = new List<Order>();

            ITradeEntityManagement history = _orderExecutionProvider.TradeEntities;
            if (history != null && _dataProvider != null)
                lock (history)

            // Use for orders closes.
            List<Order> ordersClosing = new List<Order>();
            foreach (Order order in ordersOpening)
                if (order.State == OrderStateEnum.Closed)
                {// Only add orders already closed.

            // This is used later on, since ordersClosing is modified.
            List<Order> ordersClosed = new List<Order>(ordersClosing);

            // TradeEntities opening at current bar.
            List<Order> pendingOpeningOrders = new List<Order>();
            // Order closing at current bar.
            List<Order> pendingClosingOrders = new List<Order>();

            PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();
            int startIndex, endIndex;
            GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);

            lock (dataBarProvider)
                float lastBarX = (itemMargin + itemWidth) * dataBarProvider.BarCount;
                for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex && i < dataBarProvider.BarCount
                    && (ordersOpening.Count > 0 || ordersClosing.Count > 0); i++)
                {// Foreach bar, draw orders (and closeVolume).

                    while (ordersOpening.Count > 0)
                    {// All orders before now.
                        if (ordersOpening[0].OpenTime < (dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime - Period))
                        {// Order before time period.
                            if ((ordersOpening[0].State == OrderStateEnum.Executed /*||
                                ordersOpening[0].State == OrderInformation.OrderStateEnum.Submitted*/)
                                && _showPendingOrdersTracing)
                            {// Since it is an open pending order, we shall also need to draw it as well.

                        if (ordersOpening[0].OpenTime > dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime)
                        {// Order after time period - look no further.

                        // Order open is within the current period.
                        // Only if order is part of the current period - add to pending.

                    for (int j = ordersClosing.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (ordersClosing[j].CloseTime >= (dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime - dataBarProvider.Period) &&
                            ordersClosing[j].CloseTime <= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i].DateTime)
                        {// Order close is within the current period.

                    drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
                    DrawOrders(g, i, drawingPoint, itemWidth, itemMargin, pendingOpeningOrders, pendingClosingOrders, dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[i], lastBarX);

                if (_showClosedOrdersTracing && dataBarProvider.BarCount > 0 && startIndex < dataBarProvider.BarCount)
                {// Since a closed order may be before or after (or during) the curren set of periods - make a special search and render for them.
                    endIndex = Math.Max(0, endIndex);
                    endIndex = Math.Min(dataBarProvider.BarCount - 1, endIndex);

                    foreach (Order order in ordersClosed)
                        if (order.OpenTime.HasValue
                            && order.CloseTime.HasValue
                            && order.OpenTime.Value <= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[endIndex].DateTime
                            && order.CloseTime.Value >= dataBarProvider.BarsUnsafe[startIndex].DateTime - dataBarProvider.Period)
                            int openIndex = dataBarProvider.GetIndexAtTime(order.OpenTime.Value);
                            int closeIndex = dataBarProvider.GetIndexAtTime(order.CloseTime.Value);

                            Pen pen = _buyDashedPen;
                            if (order.IsBuy == false)
                                pen = _sellDashedPen;

                            Decimal? doubleOpenValue = order.OpenPrice;
                            Decimal? doubleCloseValue = order.ClosePrice;

                            if (doubleOpenValue.HasValue == false)
                                SystemMonitor.Error("Invalid open price value for closed order to draw.");

                            if (doubleCloseValue.HasValue == false)
                                SystemMonitor.Error("Invalid close price value for closed order to draw.");

                            g.DrawLine(pen, new PointF(openIndex * (itemWidth + itemMargin), (float)doubleOpenValue),
                                new PointF(closeIndex * (itemWidth + itemMargin), (float)doubleCloseValue));

            } // Lock
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Helper method, draws histogram bars.
        ///// </summary>
        //protected void DrawHistogramBars(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
        //    RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
        //    PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();
        //    int startIndex, endIndex;
        //    GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);
        //    for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < MaximumIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i += unitsUnification)
        //    {
        //        int actualIndex = i;
        //        int actualPreviousIndex = i - unitsUnification;
        //        if (actualIndex >= MaximumIndex)
        //        {
        //            actualIndex = MaximumIndex - 1;
        //        }
        //        DrawHistogramBar(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex, actualPreviousIndex,
        //            itemWidth, itemMargin, unitsUnification, tag);
        //        drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        //    }
        //protected void DrawColoredArea(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, int unitsUnification,
        //    RectangleF clippingRectangle, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
        //    PointF drawingPoint = new PointF();
        //    int startIndex, endIndex;
        //    GetDrawingRangeIndecesFromClippingRectange(clippingRectangle, drawingPoint, unitsUnification, out startIndex, out endIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin);
        //    for (int i = startIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i < endIndex && i < MaximumIndex + unitsUnification - 1; i += unitsUnification)
        //    {
        //        int actualIndex = i;
        //        int actualPreviousIndex = i - unitsUnification;
        //        if (actualIndex >= MaximumIndex)
        //        {
        //            actualIndex = MaximumIndex - 1;
        //        }
        //        DrawColorAreaItem(g, ref drawingPoint, pen, fill, actualIndex,
        //            actualPreviousIndex, itemWidth, itemMargin, tag);
        //        drawingPoint.X = i * (itemMargin + itemWidth);
        //    }
        protected void DrawColorAreaItem(GraphicsWrapper g, ref PointF drawingPoint, Pen pen, Brush fill, 
            int index, int previousItemIndex, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, object tag)
            float indexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(index, tag);
            float previousItemIndexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(previousItemIndex, tag);

            int unificationCount = index - previousItemIndex;

            for (int i = previousItemIndex; i <= index; i++)
                if (float.IsNaN(previousItemIndexValue))
                    previousItemIndexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);
                } else if (float.IsNaN(indexValue))
                    indexValue = GetDrawingValueAt(i, tag);

            if (float.IsNaN(indexValue) || float.IsNaN(previousItemIndexValue))
            {// Failed to find reasonable values to draw.

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillPolygon(fill, new PointF[] {
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y),
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y + indexValue),
                    new PointF(drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousItemIndexValue) });

            if (pen != null)
                g.DrawLine(pen, drawingPoint.X, drawingPoint.Y + previousItemIndexValue,
                    drawingPoint.X + (itemMargin + itemWidth) * unificationCount, drawingPoint.Y + indexValue);
 public override void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle)
     base.DrawIcon(g, RisingBarPen, RisingBarFill, rectangle);
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper.
 /// </summary>
 protected PointF DrawCustomMessage(GraphicsWrapper g, Font font, Brush brush, string message, PointF drawingLocation)
     if (font != null && brush != null)
         SizeF size = g.MeasureString(message, font);
         g.DrawString(message, font, brush, drawingLocation);
         drawingLocation.Y += size.Height;
     return drawingLocation;
        void DrawOrders(GraphicsWrapper g, int index, PointF drawingPoint, float itemWidth, float itemMargin, 
            List<Order> openingOrders, List<Order> closingOrders, DataBar orderBarData, float lastBarX)
            // Width is same as items in real coordinates.
            float actualImageHeight = _imageDown.Height / Math.Abs(g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]);

            float yToXScaling = Math.Abs(g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0] / g.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[3]);
            PointF updatedImageDrawingPoint = drawingPoint;
            foreach (Order order in openingOrders)
                DrawOrder(g, ref updatedImageDrawingPoint, order, itemWidth, itemMargin, yToXScaling, orderBarData, lastBarX, true);

            foreach (Order order in closingOrders)
                DrawOrder(g, ref updatedImageDrawingPoint, order, itemWidth, itemMargin, yToXScaling, orderBarData, lastBarX, false);
        protected void DrawIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Pen pen, Brush fill, Rectangle rectangle)
            if (Visible == false)

            if (fill != null)
                g.FillRectangle(fill, rectangle);

            if (pen != null)
                g.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
 public override void DrawSeriesIcon(GraphicsWrapper g, Rectangle rectangle)
     base.DrawIcon(g, RisingBarPen, RisingBarFill, rectangle);
Esempio n. 58
        protected virtual void DrawPostActualSpaceOverlays(GraphicsWrapper g)
            if (_titleFont != null && _titleFontBrush != null)
                // Title
                SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(_chartName, _titleFont);
                Rectangle titleRectangle = new Rectangle(_actualDrawingSpaceArea.Left, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Top, (int)titleSize.Width, (int)titleSize.Height);
                g.DrawString(_chartName, _titleFont, _titleFontBrush, titleRectangle.Location);

                PointF drawingLocation = new PointF(_actualDrawingSpaceArea.Left, titleRectangle.Height + _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Top);
                // After the title, render any messages the chart series might have.
                foreach (ChartSeries series in _series)
                    drawingLocation = series.DrawCustomMessages(this, g, drawingLocation);

            if (_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen != null)
                // Border
                g.DrawRectangle(_actualDrawingSpaceAreaBorderPen, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.X - 1, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Y - 1, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Width + 1, _actualDrawingSpaceArea.Height + 1);
        public override PointF DrawCustomMessages(ChartPane managingPane, GraphicsWrapper g, PointF drawingLocation)
            if (Visible == false)
                return drawingLocation;

            // Draw any standard messages first (if any).
            drawingLocation = base.DrawCustomMessages(managingPane, g, drawingLocation);

            Font font = managingPane.TitleFont;
            if (CustomMessagesFont != null)
                font = CustomMessagesFont;

            foreach (FFNewsCustom.NewsEvent eventItem in Indicator.VisibleNewsEvents)
                TimeSpan span = (eventItem.DateTime - DateTime.UtcNow);
                int hours = (int)Math.Abs(Math.Floor(span.TotalHours));

                string message;
                if (span.TotalSeconds < 0)
                    message = hours.ToString() + " hrs " + Math.Abs(span.Minutes).ToString() + " mins since " + eventItem.Country + ": " + eventItem.Title;
                    message = hours.ToString() + " hrs " + span.Minutes.ToString() + " mins until " + eventItem.Country + ": " + eventItem.Title;
                drawingLocation = DrawCustomMessage(g, font, Indicator.TitleBrush, message, drawingLocation);

                float drawingLocationOriginalX = drawingLocation.X;
                SizeF size = new SizeF();
                if (font != null && Indicator.ImpactBrush != null)
                    // Draw impact part.
                    string impactString = "Impact: " + eventItem.Impact.ToString();
                    size = g.MeasureString(impactString, font);
                    g.DrawString(impactString, font, Indicator.ImpactBrush, drawingLocation);
                    drawingLocation.X += size.Width;

                // Draw previous part.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventItem.Previous) == false)
                    if (font != null && Indicator.PreviousBrush != null)
                        string previousString = "Previous: " + eventItem.Previous;
                        size = g.MeasureString(previousString, font);
                        g.DrawString(previousString, font, Indicator.PreviousBrush, drawingLocation);
                        drawingLocation.X += size.Width;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventItem.Forecast) == false)
                    if (font != null && Indicator.ForecastBrush != null)
                        string forecastString = "Forecast: " + eventItem.Forecast;
                        size = g.MeasureString(forecastString, font);
                        g.DrawString(forecastString, font, Indicator.ForecastBrush, drawingLocation);
                        drawingLocation.X += size.Width;

                drawingLocation.X = drawingLocationOriginalX;
                drawingLocation.Y += size.Height;

            return drawingLocation;
        public void SynchronizeDrawingSpaceXAxis(GraphicsWrapper masterWrapper)
            lock (this)
                // The current transformation matrix.
                float[] elements = _drawingSpaceTransform.Elements;

                // Modify the matrix only in X direction.
                elements[0] = masterWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[0];
                elements[4] = masterWrapper.DrawingSpaceTransformClone.Elements[4];

                _drawingSpaceTransform = new Matrix(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2], elements[3], elements[4], elements[5]);